//======================================================================== // Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation // Author: RameshV // Description: This file has been generated. Pl look at the .c file //======================================================================== #include typedef struct _M_SERVER { DWORD Address; DWORD State; DWORD Policy; ARRAY Subnets; ARRAY MScopes; ARRAY_LOCATION Loc; // if RoundRobin on, then we need this to keep track ARRAY SuperScopes; M_OPTCLASS Options; M_OPTCLASSDEFLIST OptDefs; M_CLASSDEFLIST ClassDefs; LPWSTR Name; LPWSTR Comment; } M_SERVER, *PM_SERVER, *LPM_SERVER; DWORD MemServerInit( OUT PM_SERVER *Server, IN DWORD Address, IN DWORD State, IN DWORD Policy, IN LPWSTR Name, IN LPWSTR Comment ) ; DWORD MemServerCleanup( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server ) ; DWORD MemServerGetUAddressInfo( IN PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD Address, OUT PM_SUBNET *Subnet, // OPTIONAL OUT PM_RANGE *Range, // OPTIONAL OUT PM_EXCL *Excl, // OPTIONAL OUT PM_RESERVATION *Reservation // OPTIONAL ) ; DWORD MemServerGetMAddressInfo( IN PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD Address, OUT PM_SUBNET *Subnet, // OPTIONAL OUT PM_RANGE *Range, // OPTIONAL OUT PM_EXCL *Excl, // OPTIONAL OUT PM_RESERVATION *Reservation // OPTIONAL ) ; DWORD _inline MemServerGetAddressInfo( IN PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD Address, OUT PM_SUBNET *Subnet, // OPTIONAL OUT PM_RANGE *Range, // OPTIONAL OUT PM_EXCL *Excl, // OPTIONAL OUT PM_RESERVATION *Reservation // OPTIONAL ) { if (CLASSD_HOST_ADDR( Address )) { return MemServerGetMAddressInfo( Server, Address, Subnet, Range, Excl, Reservation ); } else { return MemServerGetUAddressInfo( Server, Address, Subnet, Range, Excl, Reservation ); } } DWORD MemServerAddSubnet( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server, IN PM_SUBNET Subnet // completely created subnet, must not be in Server's list tho' ) ; DWORD MemServerDelSubnet( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD SubnetAddress, OUT PM_SUBNET *Subnet ) ; DWORD MemServerFindSubnetByName( IN PM_SERVER Server, IN LPWSTR Name, OUT PM_SUBNET *Subnet ) ; #define INVALID_SSCOPE_ID 0xFFFFFFFF #define INVALID_SSCOPE_NAME NULL DWORD MemServerFindSScope( // find matching with EITHER scopeid ir sscopename IN OUT PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD SScopeId, // 0xFFFFFFFF == invalid scope id, dont use for search IN LPWSTR SScopeName, // NULL == invalid scope name OUT PM_SSCOPE *SScope ) ; DWORD MemServerAddSScope( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server, IN PM_SSCOPE SScope ) ; DWORD MemServerDelSScope( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD SScopeId, OUT PM_SSCOPE *SScope ) ; #define INVALID_MSCOPE_ID 0x0 #define INVALID_MSCOPE_NAME NULL DWORD MemServerFindMScope( // search either based on ScopeId or ScopeName IN PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD MScopeId, // Multicast scope id, or 0 if this is not the key to search on IN LPWSTR Name, // Multicast scope name or NULL if this is not the key to search on OUT PM_MSCOPE *MScope ) ; DWORD MemServerAddMScope( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server, IN OUT PM_MSCOPE MScope ) ; DWORD MemServerDelMScope( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD MScopeId, IN LPWSTR MScopeName, OUT PM_MSCOPE *MScope ) ; DWORD _inline MemServerGetClassDef( // look up a class id def on Key=ClassId or Key=ClassIdBytes IN PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD ClassId, // OPTIONAL, 0 if not used IN LPWSTR Name, // OPTIONAL, NULL if not used IN DWORD nClassIdBytes, // OPTIONAL, 0 if not used IN LPBYTE ClassIdBytes, // OPTIONAL, NULL if not used OUT PM_CLASSDEF *ClassDef ) { AssertRet(Server && ClassDef && (0 != ClassId || 0 != nClassIdBytes || Name ), ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertRet( 0 == nClassIdBytes || NULL != ClassIdBytes, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertRet( 0 != nClassIdBytes || NULL == ClassIdBytes, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return MemClassDefListFindOptDef( &Server->ClassDefs, ClassId, Name, ClassIdBytes, nClassIdBytes, ClassDef ); } DWORD _inline MemServerAddClassDef( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD ClassId, IN BOOL IsVendor, IN LPWSTR Name, IN LPWSTR Comment, IN DWORD nClassIdBytes, IN LPBYTE ClassIdBytes ) { AssertRet(Server, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return MemClassDefListAddClassDef( &Server->ClassDefs, ClassId, IsVendor, 0, Name, Comment, ClassIdBytes, nClassIdBytes ); } DWORD _inline MemServerDelClassDef( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD ClassId, IN LPWSTR Name, IN DWORD nClassIdBytes, IN LPBYTE ClassIdBytes ) { AssertRet(Server, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return MemClassDefListDelClassDef( &Server->ClassDefs, ClassId, Name, ClassIdBytes, nClassIdBytes ); } DWORD MemServerGetOptDef( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD ClassId, // required, strict search, no defaulting class to zero IN DWORD VendorId, // required, strict search, no defaulting vendor to zero IN DWORD OptId, // OPTIONAL - search by this or following param IN LPWSTR OptName, // OPTIONAL - search by name or above param OUT PM_OPTDEF *OptDef // if found return the opt def here ) ; DWORD MemServerAddOptDef( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD ClassId, IN DWORD VendorId, IN DWORD OptId, IN LPWSTR OptName, IN LPWSTR OptComment, IN DWORD Type, IN LPBYTE OptVal, IN DWORD OptValLen ) ; DWORD MemServerDelOptDef( IN OUT PM_SERVER Server, IN DWORD ClassId, IN DWORD VendorId, IN DWORD OptId ) ; //======================================================================== // end of file //========================================================================