/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/ //*** // // Filename: mprlog.h // // Description: // // History: August 26,1995. NarenG Created original version. // //*** // // Don't change the comments following the manifest constants without // understanding how mapmsg works. // #define ROUTER_LOG_BASE 20000 #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_LOAD_NBGATEWAY (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+1) /* * Cannot load the NetBIOS gateway DLL component because of the following error: %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_GET_REGKEYVALUES (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+2) /* * Cannot access registry key values. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_ENUM_REGKEYVALUES (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+3) /* * Cannot enumerate Registry key values. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+4) /* * Parameter %1 has an invalid type. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_ENUM_PORTS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+5) /* * Cannot enumerate the Remote Access Connection Manager ports. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_NO_DIALIN_PORTS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+6) /* * The Remote Access Service is not configured to receive calls or all ports * configured for receiving calls are in use by other applications. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_RECEIVE_FRAME (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+7) /* * Cannot receive initial frame on port %1 because of the following error: %2 * The user has been disconnected. */ #define ROUTERLOG_AUTODISCONNECT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+8) /* * The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected due to inactivity. */ #define ROUTERLOG_EXCEPT_MEMORY (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+9) /* * The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because there is not * enough memory available in the system. */ #define ROUTERLOG_EXCEPT_SYSTEM (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+10) /* * The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected due to a system error. */ #define ROUTERLOG_EXCEPT_LAN_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+11) /* * The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected due to a critical network * error on the local network. */ #define ROUTERLOG_EXCEPT_ASYNC_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+12) /* * The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected due to a critical network * error on the async network. */ #define ROUTERLOG_DEV_HW_ERROR (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+13) /* * The communication device attached to port %1 is not functioning. */ #define ROUTERLOG_AUTH_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+14) /* * The user %1 has connected and failed to authenticate on port %2. The line * has been disconnected. */ #define ROUTERLOG_AUTH_SUCCESS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+15) /* * The user %1 has connected and has been successfully authenticated on * port %2. */ #define ROUTERLOG_AUTH_CONVERSATION_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+16) /* * The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because there was a * transport-level error during the authentication conversation. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_RESET_LAN (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+18) /* * Cannot reset the network adapter for LANA %1. The error code is the data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_GET_COMPUTERNAME (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+19) /* * Remote Access Server Security Failure. * Cannot locate the computer name. GetComputerName call has failed. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_ADD_RASSECURITYNAME (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+20) /* * Remote Access Server Security Failure. * Cannot add the name for communication with the security agent on LANA %1. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_GET_ADAPTERADDRESS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+21) /* * Remote Access Server Security Failure. * Cannot access the network adapter address on LANA %1. */ #define ROUTERLOG_SESSOPEN_REJECTED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+22) /* * Remote Access Server Security Failure. * The security agent has rejected the Remote Access server's call to * establish a session on LANA %1. */ #define ROUTERLOG_START_SERVICE_REJECTED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+23) /* * Remote Access Server Security Failure. * The security agent has rejected the Remote Access server's request to start * the service on this computer on LANA %1. */ #define ROUTERLOG_SECURITY_NET_ERROR (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+24) /* * Remote Access Server Security Failure. * A network error has occurred when trying to establish a session with the * security agent on LANA %1. * The error code is the data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_EXCEPT_OSRESNOTAV (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+25) /* * The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because there are no * operating system resources available. */ #define ROUTERLOG_EXCEPT_LOCKFAIL (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+26) /* * The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because of a failure to * lock user memory. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_OPEN_RASHUB (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+27) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because NDISWAN could not * be opened. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_INIT_SEC_ATTRIBUTE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+28) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not initialize the * security attributes. Restart the computer. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_GET_ENDPOINTS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+29) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because no endpoints were available. * Restart the computer. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_GET_MEDIA_INFO (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+30) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not load one or * more communication DLLs. Ensure that your communication hardware is installed and then * restart the computer. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_GET_PORT_INFO (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+31) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not locate port * information from media DLLs. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_GET_PROTOCOL_INFO (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+32) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not access * protocol information from the Registry. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_REGISTER_LSA (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+33) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not register * with the local security authority. * Restart the computer. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_CREATE_FILEMAPPING (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+34) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not create shared * file mapping. * Restart the computer. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_INIT_BUFFERS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+35) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not create buffers. * Restart the computer. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_INIT_REQTHREAD (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+36) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it could not access resources. * Restart the computer. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_START_WORKERS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+37) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager service failed to start because it could not start worker * threads. * Restart the computer. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_GET_LANNETS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+38) /* * Remote Access Server Configuration Error. * Cannot find the LANA numbers for the network adapters. * Remote clients connecting with the NBF protocol will only be able to access resources on the local machine. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_OPEN_SERIAL_INI (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+39) /* * RASSER.DLL cannot open the SERIAL.INI file. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_GET_ASYNCMAC_HANDLE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+40) /* * An attempt by RASSER.DLL to get an async media access control handle failed. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_LOAD_SERIAL_DLL (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+41) /* * RASMXS.DLL cannot load RASSER.DLL. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_ALLOCATE_ROUTE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+42) /* * The Remote Access server cannot allocate a route for the user connected on port %1 bacause of the following error: %2 * The user has been disconnected. * Check the configuration of your Remote Access Service. */ #define ROUTERLOG_ADMIN_MEMORY_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+43) /* * Cannot allocate memory in the admin support thread for the Remote Access Service. */ #define ROUTERLOG_ADMIN_THREAD_CREATION_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+44) /* * Cannot create an instance thread in the admin support thread for the Remote Access Service. */ #define ROUTERLOG_ADMIN_PIPE_CREATION_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+45) /* * Cannot create a named pipe instance in the admin support thread for the Remote Access Service. */ #define ROUTERLOG_ADMIN_PIPE_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+46) /* * General named pipe failure occurred in the admin support thread for the Remote Access Service. */ #define ROUTERLOG_ADMIN_INVALID_REQUEST (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+47) /* * An invalid request was sent to the admin support thread for the Remote Access Service, * possibly from a down-level admin tool. The request was not processed. */ #define ROUTERLOG_USER_ACTIVE_TIME (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+48) /* * The user %1 connected on port %2 on %3 at %4 and disconnected on * %5 at %6. The user was active for %7 minutes %8 seconds. %9 bytes * were sent and %10 bytes were received. The port speed was %11. The * reason for disconnecting was %12. */ #define ROUTERLOG_AUTH_TIMEOUT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+49) /* * The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because the authentication process * did not complete within the required amount of time. */ #define ROUTERLOG_AUTH_NO_PROJECTIONS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+50) /* * The user %1 connected to port %2 has been disconnected because no network protocols were successfully negotiatated. */ #define ROUTERLOG_AUTH_INTERNAL_ERROR (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+51) /* * The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because an internal authentication error occurred. */ #define ROUTERLOG_NO_LANNETS_AVAILABLE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+52) /* * The NetBIOS gateway has been configured to access the network but there are no network adapters available. * Remote clients connecting with the NBF protocol will only be able to access resources on the local machine. */ #define ROUTERLOG_NETBIOS_SESSION_ESTABLISHED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+53) /* * The user %1 established a NetBIOS session between * the remote workstation %2 and the network server %3. */ #define ROUTERLOG_RASMAN_NOT_AVAILABLE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+54) /* * Remote Access Service failed to start because the Remote Access Connection Manager failed to initialize because of the following error: %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_ADD_NAME (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+55) /* * Cannot add the remote computer name %1 on LANA %2 for the client being connected on port %3. * The error code is the data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_DELETE_NAME (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+56) /* * Cannot delete the remote computer name %1 from LANA %2 for the client being disconnected on port %3. * The error code is the data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_ADD_GROUPNAME (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+57) /* * Cannot add the remote computer group name %1 on LANA %2. * The error code is the data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_DELETE_GROUPNAME (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+58) /* * Cannot delete the remote computer group name %1 from LANA %2. * The error code is the data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_UNSUPPORTED_BPS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+59) /* * The modem on %1 moved to an unsupported BPS rate. */ #define ROUTERLOG_SERIAL_QUEUE_SIZE_SMALL (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+60) /* * The serial driver could not allocate adequate I/O queues. * This may result in an unreliable connection. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_REOPEN_BIPLEX_PORT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+61) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager could not reopen biplex port %1. This port * will not be available for calling in or calling out. * Restart all Remote Access Service components. */ #define ROUTERLOG_DISCONNECT_ERROR (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+62) /* * Internal Error: Disconnect operation on %1 completed with an error. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_INIT_PPP (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+63) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because the Point to Point * Protocol failed to initialize. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CLIENT_CALLED_BACK (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+64) /* * The user %1 on port %2 was called back at the number %3. */ #define ROUTERLOG_PROXY_CANT_CREATE_PROCESS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+65) /* * The Remote Access Gateway Proxy could not create a process. */ #define ROUTERLOG_PROXY_CANT_CREATE_PIPE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+66) /* * The Remote Access Gateway Proxy could not create a named pipe. */ #define ROUTERLOG_PROXY_CANT_CONNECT_PIPE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+67) /* * The Remote Access Gateway Proxy could not establish a named pipe connection * with the Remote Access Supervisor Proxy. */ #define ROUTERLOG_PROXY_READ_PIPE_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+68) /* * A general error occurred reading from the named pipe in the Remote Access Proxy. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_OPEN_PPP_REGKEY (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+69) /* * Cannot open or obtain information about the PPP key or one of its subkeys. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_PPP_CANT_LOAD_DLL (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+70) /* * Point to Point Protocol engine was unable to load the %1 module. %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_PPPCP_DLL_ERROR (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+71) /* * The Point to Point Protocol module %1 returned an error while initializing. * %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_NO_AUTHENTICATION_CPS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+72) /* * The Point to Point Protocol failed to load the required PAP and/or CHAP * authentication modules. */ #define ROUTERLOG_PPP_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+73) /* * The following error occurred in the Point to Point Protocol module on port: %1, UserName: %2. * %3 */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPXCP_NETWORK_NUMBER_CONFLICT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+74) /* * The IPX network number %1 requested by the remote side for the WAN interface * is already in use on the local LAN. * Possible solution: * Disconnect this computer from the LAN and wait 3 minutes before dialing again; */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPXCP_CANNOT_CHANGE_WAN_NETWORK_NUMBER (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+75) /* * The IPX network number %1 requested by the remote workstation for the WAN interface * can not be used on the local IPX router because the router is configured to * give the same network number to all the remote workstations. * If you want to connect a remote workstation with a different network number you * should reconfigure the router to disable the common network number option. */ #define ROUTERLOG_PASSWORD_EXPIRED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+76) /* * The password for user %1\%2 connected on port %3 has expired. The line * has been disconnected. */ #define ROUTERLOG_ACCT_EXPIRED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+77) /* * The account for user %1\%2 connected on port %3 has expired. The line * has been disconnected. */ #define ROUTERLOG_NO_DIALIN_PRIVILEGE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+78) /* * The account for user %1\%2 connected on port %3 does not have Remote Access * privilege. The line has been disconnected. */ #define ROUTERLOG_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+79) /* * The software version of the user %1\%2 connected on port %3 is unsupported. * The line has been disconnected. */ #define ROUTERLOG_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+80) /* * The server machine is configured to require data encryption. The machine * for user %1\%2 connected on port %3 does not support encryption. The line * has been disconnected. */ #define ROUTERLOG_NO_SECURITY_CHECK (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+81) /* * Remote Access Server Security Failure. Could not reset lana %1 (the error * code is the data). Security check not performed. */ #define ROUTERLOG_GATEWAY_NOT_ACTIVE_ON_NET (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+82) /* * The Remote Access Server could not reset lana %1 (the error code is the * data) and will not be active on it. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPXCP_WAN_NET_POOL_NETWORK_NUMBER_CONFLICT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+83) /* * The IPX network number %1 configured for the pool of WAN network numbers * can not be used because it conflicts with another network number on the net. * You should re-configure the pool to have unique network numbers. */ #define ROUTERLOG_SRV_ADDR_CHANGED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+84) /* * The Remote Access Server will stop using IP Address %1 (either because it * was unable to renew the lease from the DHCP Server, the administrator * switched between static address pool and DHCP addresses, or the administrator * changed to a different network for DHCP addresses). All connected users * using IP will be unable to access network resources. Users can re-connect * to the server to restore IP connectivity. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CLIENT_ADDR_LEASE_LOST (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+85) /* * The Remote Access Server was unable to renew the lease for IP Address %1 * from the DHCP Server. The user assigned with this IP address will be unable to * access network resources using IP. Re-connecting to the server will restore IP * connectivity. */ #define ROUTERLOG_ADDRESS_NOT_AVAILABLE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+86) /* * The Remote Access Server was unable to acquire an IP Address from the DHCP Server * to assign to the incoming user. */ #define ROUTERLOG_SRV_ADDR_NOT_AVAILABLE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+87) /* * The Remote Access Server was unable to acquire an IP Address from the DHCP Server * to be used on the Server Adapter. Incoming user will be unable to connect using * IP. */ #define ROUTERLOG_SRV_ADDR_ACQUIRED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+88) /* * The Remote Access Server acquired IP Address %1 to be used on the Server * Adapter. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CALLBACK_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+89) /* * The Remote Access Server's attempt to callback user %1 on port %2 at %3 * failed because of the following error: %4 */ #define ROUTERLOG_PROXY_WRITE_PIPE_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+90) /* * A general error occurred writing to the named pipe in the Remote Access Proxy. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_OPEN_SECMODULE_KEY (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+91) /* * Cannot open the RAS security host Registry key. The following error * occurred: %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_LOAD_SECDLL (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+92) /* * Cannot load the Security host module component. The following error * occurred: %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_SEC_AUTH_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+93) /* * The user %1 has connected and failed to authenticate with a third party * security on port %2. The line has been disconnected. */ #define ROUTERLOG_SEC_AUTH_INTERNAL_ERROR (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+94) /* * The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because the following * internal authentication error occurred in the third party security module: %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_RECEIVE_BYTES (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+95) /* * Cannot receive initial data on port %1 because of the following error: %2 * The user has been disconnected. */ #define ROUTERLOG_AUTH_DIFFUSER_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+96) /* * The user was autheticated as %1 by the third party security host module but * was authenticated as %2 by the RAS security. The user has been disconnected. */ #define ROUTERLOG_LICENSE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+97) /* * A user was unable to connect on port %1. * No more connections can be made to this remote computer because the computer * has exceeded its client license limit. */ #define ROUTERLOG_AMB_CLIENT_NOT_ALLOWED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+98) /* * A user was unable to connect on port %1. * The NetBIOS protocol has been disabled for the Remote Access Server. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_QUERY_VALUE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+99) /* * Cannot access Registry value for %1. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_OPEN_REGKEY (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+100) /* * Cannot access the Registry key %1. */ #define ROUTERLOG_REGVALUE_OVERIDDEN (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+101) /* * Using the default value for Registry parameter %1 because the value given is * not in the legal range for the parameter. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_ENUM_SUBKEYS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+102) /* * Cannot enumerate keys of Registry key %1. */ #define ROUTERLOG_LOAD_DLL_ERROR (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+103) /* * Unable to load %1. */ #define ROUTERLOG_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+104) /* * Memory allocation failure. */ #define ROUTERLOG_COULDNT_LOAD_IF (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+105) /* * Unable to load the interface %1 from the registry. The following error * occurred: %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_COULDNT_ADD_INTERFACE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+106) /* * Unable to add the interface %1 with the Router Manager for the %2 protocol. The * following error occurred: %3 */ #define ROUTERLOG_COULDNT_REMOVE_INTERFACE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+107) /* * Unable to remove the interface %1 with the Router Manager for the %2 protocol. * The following error occurred: %3 */ #define ROUTERLOG_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_PORT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+108) /* * Unable to open the port %1 for use. %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_UNRECOGNIZABLE_FRAME_RECVD (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+109) /* * Cannot recognize initial frame received on port %1. * The line has been disconnected. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_START_PPP (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+110) /* * An error occurred in the Point to Point Protocol module on port %1 while * trying to initiate a connection. %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+111) /* * A Demand Dial connection to the remote interface %1 on port %2 was * successfully initiated but failed to complete successfully because of the * following error: %3 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_OPEN_ADMINMODULE_KEY (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+112) /* * Cannot open the RAS third party administration host DLL Registry key. * The following error occurred: %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_LOAD_ADMINDLL (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+113) /* * Cannot load the RAS third pary administration DLL component. * The following error occurred: %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_NO_PROTOCOLS_CONFIGURED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+114) /* * The Service will not accept calls. No protocols were configured for use. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_NO_VIRTUAL_NET_NUMBER (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+115) /* * IPX Routing requires an internal network number for correct operation. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_CANT_LOAD_PROTOCOL (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+116) /* * Cannot load routing protocol DLL %1. The error code is in data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_CANT_REGISTER_PROTOCOL (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+117) /* * Cannot register routing protocol 0x%1. The error code is in data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_CANT_START_PROTOCOL (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+118) /* * Cannot start routing protocol 0x%1. The error code is in data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_CANT_LOAD_IPXCP (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+119) /* * Cannot load IPXCP protocol DLL. The error code is in data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPXSAP_SAP_SOCKET_IN_USE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+120) /* * Could not open IPX SAP socket for exclusive access. * The error code is in data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPXSAP_SERVER_ADDRESS_CHANGE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+121) /* * Server %1 has changed its IPX address. Old and new addresses are in data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPXSAP_SERVER_DUPLICATE_ADDRESSES (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+122) /* * Server %1 is advertised with different IPX address. Old and new addresses are in data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPXRIP_RIP_SOCKET_IN_USE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+123) /* * Could not open IPX RIP socket for exclusive access. * The error code is in data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPXRIP_LOCAL_NET_NUMBER_CONFLICT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+124) /* * Another IPX router claims different network number for interface %1. * Offending router IPX address is in data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_PERSISTENT_CONNECTION_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+125) /* * A Demand Dial persistent connection to the remote interface %1 failed to be * initated succesfully. The following error occurred: %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_DEMAND_DIAL_PACKET (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+126) /* * A packet from %1 destined to %2 over protocol 0x%3 caused interface %4 * to be brought up. The first %5 bytes of the packet are in the data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_DID_NOT_LOAD_DDMIF (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+127) /* * The Demand Dial interface %1 was not loaded. The router was not started in * in Demand Dial mode. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_LOAD_ARAP (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+128) /* * Cannot load the Appletalk Remote Access DLL component because of the following error: %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_START_ARAP (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+129) /* * An error occurred in the Appletalk Remote Access Protocol module on port %1 * while trying to initiate a connection. %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_ARAP_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+130) /* * The following error occurred in the Appletalk Remote Access Protocol module on * port %1. %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_ARAP_NOT_ALLOWED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+131) /* * A user was unable to connect on port %1. * The Appletalk Remote Access protocol has been disabled for the Remote * Access Server. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_INIT_RASRPC (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+132) /* * Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because the RAS RPC * module failed to initialize. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_CANT_LOAD_FORWARDER (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+133) /* * IPX Routing failed to start because IPX forwarder driver could * not be loaded. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_BAD_GLOBAL_CONFIG (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+134) /* * IPX global configuration information is corrupted. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_BAD_CLIENT_INTERFACE_CONFIG (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+135) /* * IPX dial-in client configuration information is corrupted. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_BAD_INTERFACE_CONFIG (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+136) /* * IPX configuration information for interface %1 is corrupted. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_DEMAND_DIAL_PACKET (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+137) /* * An IPX packet caused interface %1 to be brought up. * The the first %2 bytes of the packet are in data. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CONNECTION_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+138) /* * A Demand Dial connection to the remote interface %1 failed to be * initated succesfully. The following error occurred: %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CLIENT_AUTODISCONNECT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+139) /* * The port %1 has been disconnected due to inactivity. */ #define ROUTERLOG_PPP_SESSION_TIMEOUT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+140) /* * The port %1 has been disconnected because the user reached the maximum connect time allowed by the administrator. */ #define ROUTERLOG_AUTH_SUCCESS_ENCRYPTION (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+141) /* * The user %1 has connected and has been successfully authenticated on * port %2. Data sent and received over this link is encrypted. */ #define ROUTERLOG_AUTH_SUCCESS_STRONG_ENCRYPTION (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+142) /* * The user %1 has connected and has been successfully authenticated on * port %2. Data sent and received over this link is strongly encrypted. */ #define ROUTERLOG_NO_DEVICES_FOR_IF (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+143) /* * Unable to load the interface %1 from the registry. There are no routing enabled ports available for use by this demand dial interface. Use the Routing and RemoteAccess Administration tool to configure this interface to use a device that is routing enabled. Stop and restart the router for this demand dial interface to be loaded from the registry. */ #define ROUTERLOG_LIMITED_WKSTA_SUPPORT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+144) /* * The Demand-Dial interface %1 was not registered with the Router. * Demand-Dial interfaces are not supported on a Windows NT Workstation. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_INITIALIZE_IP_SERVER (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+145) /* * Cannot initialize the Remote Access and Router service to accept calls using * the TCP/IP transport protocol. The following error occurred: %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_RADIUS_SERVER_NO_RESPONSE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+146) /* * The RADIUS server %1 did not respond to the initial request. * Please make sure that the server name or IP address and secret are correct. */ #define ROUTERLOG_PPP_INIT_FAILED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+147) /* * The Remote Access service failed to start because the Point to Point was * not initialized successfully. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_RADIUS_SERVER_NAME (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+148) /* * The RADIUS server name %1 could not be successfully resolved to an IP address. Please make sure that the name is spelled correctly and that the RADIUS server is running correctly. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_NO_GLOBAL_INFO (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+149) /* * No global configuration was supplied to the IP Router Manager. Please rerun * setup. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_CANT_ADD_DD_FILTERS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+150) /* * Unable to add demand dial filters for interface %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_PPPCP_INIT_ERROR (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+151) /* * The Control Protocol %1 in the Point to Point Protocol module %2 returned an * error while initializing. %3 */ #define ROUTERLOG_AUTHPROVIDER_FAILED_INIT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+152) /* * The currently configured authentication provider failed to load and initialize successfully. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_ACCTPROVIDER_FAILED_INIT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+153) /* * The currently configured accounting provider failed to load and initialize successfully. %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_AUTO_NETNUM_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+154) /* * The IPX Internal Network Number is invalid and the IPX Router Manager was unsuccessful in its * attempt to automatically assign a valid one. Reconfigure the IPX Internal Network Number through * the connections folder and restart the Routing and Remote Access service. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_WRN_STACK_STARTED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+155) /* * In order for the IPX Router Manager (which runs as part of the Routing and Remote Access Service) * to run, it had to start the IPX Protocol Stack Driver. This driver was either manually stopped * or marked as demand start. The Routing and Remote Access Service was probably started by the creation of * Incoming Connections or through the Routing and Remote Access snapin. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPX_STACK_DISABLED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+156) /* * The IPX Router Manager was unable to start because the IPX Protocol Stack Driver could * not be started. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_MCAST_NOT_ENABLED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+157) /* * The interface %1 could not be enabled for multicast. %2 will not be * activated over this interface. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+158) /* * The user %1 successfully established a connection to %2 using the device %3. */ #define ROUTERLOG_DISCONNECTION_OCCURRED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+159) /* * The connection to %1 made by user %2 using device %3 was disconnected. */ #define ROUTERLOG_BAP_CLIENT_CONNECTED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+161) /* * The user %1 successfully established a connection to %2 using the device %3. * This connection happened automatically because the bandwidth utilization was * high. */ #define ROUTERLOG_BAP_SERVER_CONNECTED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+162) /* * The Remote Access Server established a connection to %1 for the user %2 * using the device %3. This connection happened automatically because the * bandwidth utilization * was high. */ #define ROUTERLOG_BAP_DISCONNECTED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+163) /* * The connection to %1 made by user %2 using device %3 was disconnected. This * disconnection happened automatically because the bandwidth utilization was * low. */ #define ROUTERLOG_BAP_WILL_DISCONNECT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+164) /* * The Remote Access Server wants to disconnect a link in the connection to %1 * made by user %2 because the bandwidth utilization is too low. */ #define ROUTERLOG_LOCAL_UNNUMBERED_IPCP (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+165) /* * A connection has been established on port %1 using interface %2, but no IP * address was obtained. */ #define ROUTERLOG_REMOTE_UNNUMBERED_IPCP (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+166) /* * A connection has been established on port %1 using interface %2, but the * remote side got no IP address. */ #define ROUTERLOG_NO_IP_ADDRESS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+167) /* * No IP address is available to hand out to the dial-in client. */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANT_GET_SERVER_CRED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+168) /* * Could not retrieve the Remote Access Server's certificate due to the * following error: %1 */ #define ROUTERLOG_AUTONET_ADDRESS (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+169) /* * Unable to contact a DHCP server. The Automatic Private IP Address %1 will be * assigned to dial-in clients. Clients may be unable to access resources on * the network. */ #define ROUTERLOG_EAP_AUTH_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+170) /* * The user %1 has connected and failed to authenticate because of * the following error: %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_IPSEC_FILTER_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+171) /* * Failed to apply IP Security on port %1 because of error: %2. * No calls will be accepted to this port. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_SCOPE_NAME_CONFLICT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+172) /* * Multicast scope mismatch with %1: * Locally-configured name "%2", * Remotely-configured name "%3". */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_SCOPE_ADDR_CONFLICT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+173) /* * Multicast scope address mismatch for scope "%1", * Locally-configured range is %4-%5, * Remotely-configured range is %2-%3 */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_POSSIBLE_LEAKY_SCOPE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+174) /* * Possible leaky multicast Local Scope detected between this machine and * %1, since a boundary appears to exist for %2, but not for * the local scope. If this warning continues to occur, a problem likely * exists. */ #define ROUTERLOG_NONCONVEX_SCOPE_ZONE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+175) /* * Multicast scope '%1' is non-convex, since border router * %2 appears to be outside. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_LEAKY_SCOPE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+176) /* * A leak was detected in multicast scope '%1'. One of the * following routers is misconfigured: * %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_IF_UNREACHABLE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+177) /* * Interface %1 is unreachable because of reason %2. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_IF_REACHABLE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+178) /* * Interface %1 is now reachable. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IF_UNREACHABLE_REASON1 (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+179) /* * Interface %1 is unreachable because there are no modems (or other connecting devices) * available for use by this interface. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IF_UNREACHABLE_REASON2 (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+180) /* * Interface %1 is unreachable because the connection attempt failed. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IF_UNREACHABLE_REASON3 (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+181) /* * Interface %1 is unreachable because it has been administratively disabled. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IF_UNREACHABLE_REASON4 (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+182) /* * Interface %1 is unreachable because the Routing and RemoteACcess service is in a * paused state. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IF_UNREACHABLE_REASON5 (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+183) /* * Interface %1 is unreachable because it is not allowed to connect at this time. * Check the dial-out hours configured on this interface. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IF_UNREACHABLE_REASON6 (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+184) /* * Interface %1 is unreachable because it is not currently connected to the network. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IF_UNREACHABLE_REASON7 (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+185) /* * Interface %1 is unreachable because the network card for this interface has been * removed. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IF_REACHABLE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+186) /* * Interface %1 is now reachable. */ #define ROUTERLOG_NTAUTH_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+187) /* * The user %1 failed an authentication attempt due to the following reason: %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+188) /* * The user %1, attempting to connect on %2, was disconnected because of the following * reason: %3 */ #define ROUTERLOG_NTAUTH_FAILURE_EX (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+189) /* * The user %1 connected from %2 but failed an authentication attempt due to the following reason: %3 */ #define ROUTERLOG_EAP_TLS_CERT_NOT_CONFIGURED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+190) /* * Because no certificate has been configured for clients dialing in with * EAP-TLS, a default certificate is being sent to user %1. Please go to the * user's Remote Access Policy and configure the Extensible Authentication * Protocol (EAP). */ #define ROUTERLOG_EAP_TLS_CERT_NOT_FOUND (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+191) /* * Because the certificate that was configured for clients dialing in with * EAP-TLS was not found, a default certificate is being sent to user %1. * Please go to the user's Remote Access Policy and configure the Extensible * Authentication Protocol (EAP). */ #define ROUTERLOG_NO_IPSEC_CERT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+192) /* * A certificate could not be found. Connections that use the L2TP protocol over IPSec * require the installation of a machine certificate, also known as a computer * certificate. No L2TP calls will be accepted. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_CANT_ADD_PFILTERIF (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+193) /* * An error occured while configuring IP packet filters over %1. This is often * the result of another service, e.g Microsoft Proxy Server, also using the * Windows 2000 filtering services. */ #define ROUTERLOG_USER_ACTIVE_TIME_VPN (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+194) /* * The user %1 connected on port %2 on %3 at %4 and disconnected on * %5 at %6. The user was active for %7 minutes %8 seconds. %9 bytes * were sent and %10 bytes were received. The * reason for disconnecting was %11. */ #define ROUTERLOG_BAP_DISCONNECT (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+195) /* * The user %1 has been disconnected on port %2. %3 */ #define ROUTERLOG_INVALID_RADIUS_RESPONSE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+196) /* * An invalid response was received from the RADIUS server %1. %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_RASAUDIO_FAILURE (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+197) /* * Ras Audio Acceleration failed to %1. %2 */ #define ROUTERLOG_RADIUS_SERVER_CHANGED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+198) /* * Choosing radius server %1 for authentication. */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_IF_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+199) /* * IPinIP tunnel interfaces are no longer supported */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_USER_CONNECTED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+200) /* * The user %1 connected on port %2 has been assigned address %3 */ #define ROUTERLOG_IP_USER_DISCONNECTED (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+201) /* * The user with ip address %1 has disconnected */ #define ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_REVERT_IMPERSONATION (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+202) /* * An error occured while trying to revert impersonation. */ #define ROUTER_LOG_BASEEND (ROUTER_LOG_BASE+999)