/*++ Copyright (c) 1998, Microsoft Corporation Module Name: dhcplog.h Abstract: This module contains text messages used to generate event-log entries by the component. Author: Abolade Gbadegesin (aboladeg) 14-Mar-1998 Revision History: --*/ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE 30000 #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_SENDARP_FAILED (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+1) /* * The DHCP allocator was unable to check whether the IP address %1 * is in use on the network for local IP address %2. * This error may indicate lack of support for address-resolution on the * network, or an error condition on the local machine. * The data is the error code. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_ACTIVATE_FAILED (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+2) /* * The DHCP allocator was unable to bind to the IP address %1. * This error may indicate a problem with TCP/IP networking. * The data is the error code. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_ALLOCATION_FAILED (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+3) /* * The DHCP allocator was unable to allocate %1 bytes of memory. * This may indicate that the system is low on virtual memory, * or that the memory-manager has encountered an internal error. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_INVALID_BOOTP_OPERATION (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+4) /* * The DHCP allocator received a message containing an unrecognized code (%1). * The message was neither a BOOTP request nor a BOOTP reply, and was ignored. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_DUPLICATE_SERVER (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+5) /* * The DHCP allocator has detected a DHCP server with IP address %1 * on the same network as the interface with IP address %2. * The allocator has disabled itself on the interface in order to avoid * confusing DHCP clients. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_DETECTION_UNAVAILABLE (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+6) /* * The DHCP allocator encountered a network error while attempting to detect * existing DHCP servers on the network of the interface with IP address %1. * The data is the error code. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_MESSAGE_TOO_SMALL (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+7) /* * The DHCP allocator received a message smaller than the minimum message size. * The message has been discarded. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_INVALID_FORMAT (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+8) /* * The DHCP allocator received a message whose format was invalid. * The message has been discarded. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_REPLY_FAILED (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+9) /* * The DHCP allocator encountered a network error while attempting to reply * on IP address %1 to a request from a client. * The data is the error code. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_INVALID_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+10) /* * The DHCP allocator received a DHCP message containing an unrecognized * message type (%1) in the DHCP message type option field. * The message has been discarded. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_RECEIVE_FAILED (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+11) /* * The DHCP allocator encountered a network error while attempting to * receive messages on the interface with IP address %1. * The data is the error code. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_NAT_INTERFACE_IGNORED (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+12) /* * The DHCP allocator detected network address translation (NAT) enabled * on the interface with index '%1'. * The allocator has disabled itself on the interface in order to avoid * confusing DHCP clients. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_NON_SCOPE_ADDRESS (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+13) /* * The DHCP allocator has disabled itself on IP address %1, * since the IP address is outside the %2/%3 scope * from which addresses are being allocated to DHCP clients. * To enable the DHCP allocator on this IP address, * please change the scope to include the IP address, * or change the IP address to fall within the scope. */ #define IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_END (IP_AUTO_DHCP_LOG_BASE+999) /* * end. */