//============================================================================ // Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation // // File: log.h // // History: // V Raman Aug-18-1997 Created. // // This file is processed by mapmsg to produce a .mc file, // then the .mc file is compiled by the message compiler, // and the resulting binary is included in IPMGM's resource file. // // Don't change the comments following the manifest constants // without understanding how mapmsg works. //============================================================================ #define IPMGMLOG_BASE 50000 #define IPMGMLOG_INIT_CRITSEC_FAILED (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 1) /* * IPMGM was unable to initialize a critical section. * The data is the exception code. */ #define IPMGMLOG_HEAP_CREATE_FAILED (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 2) /* * IPMGM was unable to create a heap. * The data is the error code. */ #define IPMGMLOG_HEAP_ALLOC_FAILED (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 3) /* * IPMGM was unable to allocate memory from its heap. * The data is the error code. */ #define IPMGMLOG_IPMGM_ALREADY_STARTED (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 4) /* * IPMGM received a start request when it was already running. */ #define IPMGMLOG_CREATE_RWL_FAILED (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 5) /* * IPMGM was unable to create a synchronization object. * The data is the error code. */ #define IPMGMLOG_CREATE_EVENT_FAILED (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 6) /* * IPMGM was unable to create an event. * The data is the error code. */ #define IPMGMLOG_CREATE_SEMAPHORE_FAILED (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 7) /* * IPMGM was unable to create a semaphore. * The data is the error code. */ #define IPMGMLOG_IPMGM_STARTED (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 8) /* * IPMGM has started successfully. */ #define IPMGMLOG_QUEUE_WORKER_FAILED (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 9) /* * IPMGM could not schedule a task to be executed. * This may have been caused by a memory allocation failure. * The data is the error code. */ #define IPMGMLOG_PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 10) /* * IPMGM could not find the protocol component (%1, %2) */ #define IPMGMLOG_PROTOCOL_ALREADY_PRESENT (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 11) /* * Protocol component has already registered with IPMGM */ #define IPMGMLOG_CREATE_PROTOCOL_FAILED (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 12) /* * IPMGM failed to register the protocol component. * The data is in the error code. */ #define IPMGMLOG_INTERFACES_PRESENT (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 13) /* * The protocol component that is attempting to deregister is currently * enabled on one or more interfaces. */ #define IPMGMLOG_IF_ALREADY_PRESENT (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 14) /* * This protocol component has already been enabled on this interface */ #define IPMGMLOG_IF_NOT_FOUND (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 15) /* * Specified interface was not present in MGM. */ #define IPMGMLOG_IF_DIFFERENT_OWNER (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 16) /* * Another routing protocol component has already been enabled on * this interface. Only one routing protocol component may be * enabled on an interface at any time. */ #define IPMGMLOG_IF_IGMP_NOT_PRESENT (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 17) /* * IGMP is not enabled on this interface */ #define IPMGMLOG_IF_PROTOCOL_NOT_PRESENT (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 18) /* * No routing protocol has been enabled on this interface */ #define IPMGMLOG_INVALID_PROTOCOL_HANDLE (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 19) /* * The handle specified by the protocol component is not valid. This * maybe because the protocol component is not registered with IPMGM */ #define IPMGMLOG_IF_IGMP_PRESENT (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 20) /* * Interface cannot be deleted because IGMP is still active on * this interface. */ #define IPMGMLOG_INVALID_TIMER_HANDLE (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 21) /* * Failed to set timer for forwarding entry. * The error code is in the data. */ #define IPMGMLOG_RTM_REGISTER_FAILED (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 22) /* * Failed to register with RTM. * The error code is in the data. */ #define IPMGMLOG_IPMGM_STOPPED (IPMGMLOG_BASE + 99) /* * IPMGM has stopped. */