/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/ /* sendmsg.hxx This file contains the SEND_MSG_USER_DIALOG class definition viz. used to send a message from the users dialog and the SEND_MSG_SERVER_DIALOG viz used to send a message to all the users connected with the server. FILE HISTORY: NarenG 16-Oct-1992 Folded MSG_DIALOG_BASE and SRV_SEND_MSG_DIALOG into one. */ #ifndef _SENDMSG_HXX_ #define _SENDMSG_HXX_ /************************************************************************* NAME: SEND_MSG_USER_DIALOG SYNOPSIS: Used to send messaged to Macintosh clients connected to this server or to a single connected user. INTERFACE: OnOK() - Do the actual send. MSG_DIALOG_BASE() - constructor takes HWND of parent, a resource name for dialog, and a CID for the message text MLE. USES: NLS_STR CAVEATS: NOTES: HISTORY: NarenG 13-10-92 Stole from Server Manager. **************************************************************************/ class SEND_MSG_USER_DIALOG : public DIALOG_WINDOW { private: MLE _mleTextMsg; SLT _sltServerName; SLT _sltUserName; RADIO_GROUP _rgRecipients; DWORD _dwSessionId; AFP_SERVER_HANDLE _hServer; protected: ULONG QueryHelpContext( VOID ); BOOL OnOK(); public: SEND_MSG_USER_DIALOG::SEND_MSG_USER_DIALOG( HWND hWndOwner, AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer, const TCHAR * pszServerName, const TCHAR * pszUserName, DWORD dwSessionId ); ~SEND_MSG_USER_DIALOG(); }; /************************************************************************* NAME: SEND_MSG_SERVER_DIALOG SYNOPSIS: Used to send messaged to Macintosh clients connected to this server. INTERFACE: OnOK() - Do the actual send. MSG_DIALOG_BASE() - constructor takes HWND of parent, a resource name for dialog, and a CID for the message text MLE. USES: NLS_STR CAVEATS: NOTES: HISTORY: NarenG 13-10-92 Stole from Server Manager. **************************************************************************/ class SEND_MSG_SERVER_DIALOG : public DIALOG_WINDOW { private: MLE _mleTextMsg; SLT _sltServerName; AFP_SERVER_HANDLE _hServer; protected: ULONG QueryHelpContext( VOID ); BOOL OnOK(); public: SEND_MSG_SERVER_DIALOG::SEND_MSG_SERVER_DIALOG( HWND hWndOwner, AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer, const TCHAR * pszServerName ); ~SEND_MSG_SERVER_DIALOG(); }; #endif // _SENDMSG_HXX_