/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: H323vid.cpp Abstract: This module contains implementation of the video send and receive stream implementations. Author: Mu Han (muhan) 15-September-1999 --*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "common.h" #include // for IRTPRPHFilter #include // for IRTPSPHFilter #include // AMRTP media types #include // rtp guilds #include // for the h26X encoder filter #include #include // demux guild #include // for video CLSIDs const DWORD c_SlowLinkSpeed = 40000; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CStreamVideoRecv // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CStreamVideoRecv::CStreamVideoRecv() : CH323MSPStream(), m_dwCurrentBitRate(0), m_dwProposedBitRate(0) { m_szName = L"VideoRecv"; m_dwLastIFrameRequestedTime = timeGetTime(); m_dwIFramePending = FALSE; } HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::Configure( IN HANDLE htChannel, IN STREAMSETTINGS &StreamSettings ) /*++ Routine Description: Configure the settings of this stream. Arguments: StreamSettings - The setting structure got from the SDP blob. Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecv configure entered.")); CLock lock(m_lock); _ASSERTE(m_fIsConfigured == FALSE); switch (StreamSettings.dwPayloadType) { case PAYLOAD_H261: m_pClsidCodecFilter = &CLSID_H261_DECODE_FILTER; m_pRPHInputMinorType = &MEDIASUBTYPE_RTP_Payload_H261; m_pClsidPHFilter = &CLSID_INTEL_RPHH26X; break; case PAYLOAD_H263: m_pClsidCodecFilter = &CLSID_H263_DECODE_FILTER; m_pRPHInputMinorType = &MEDIASUBTYPE_RTP_Payload_H263; m_pClsidPHFilter = &CLSID_INTEL_RPHH26X; break; default: LOG((MSP_ERROR, "unknow payload type, %x", StreamSettings.dwPayloadType)); return E_FAIL; } m_Settings = StreamSettings; m_htChannel = htChannel; m_fIsConfigured = TRUE; m_dwCurrentBitRate = m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate; m_dwProposedBitRate = m_dwCurrentBitRate; InternalConfigure(); return S_OK; } HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::ConfigureRTPFilter( IN IBaseFilter * pIBaseFilter ) /*++ Routine Description: Configure the source RTP filter. Including set the address, port, TTL, QOS, thread priority, clcokrate, etc. Arguments: pIBaseFilter - The source RTP Filter. Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecv ConfigureRTPFilter")); HRESULT hr; // Get the IRTPStream interface pointer on the filter. CComQIPtr pIRTPStream(pIBaseFilter); if (pIRTPStream == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get RTP Stream interface")); return E_NOINTERFACE; } LOG((MSP_INFO, "set locol Address:%x", m_Settings.dwIPLocal)); // Set the local address and port used in the filter. if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SelectLocalIPAddress( htonl(m_Settings.dwIPLocal) ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set locol Address, hr:%x", hr)); return hr; } LOG((MSP_INFO, "set remote Address:%x, port:%d", m_Settings.dwIPRemote, m_Settings.wRTPPortRemote)); // Set the remote address and port used in the filter. if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetAddress( htons(m_Settings.wRTPPortLocal), // local port. 0, // remote port. htonl(m_Settings.dwIPRemote) // remote address. ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set remote Address, hr:%x", hr)); return hr; } // Get the IRTCPStream interface pointer. CComQIPtr pIRTCPStream(pIBaseFilter); if (pIRTCPStream == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get RTCP Stream interface")); return E_NOINTERFACE; } LOG((MSP_INFO, "set remote RTCP Address:%x, port:%d, local port: %d", m_Settings.dwIPRemote, m_Settings.wRTCPPortRemote, m_Settings.wRTCPPortLocal)); // Set the remote RTCP address and port. if (FAILED(hr = pIRTCPStream->SetRTCPAddress( htons(m_Settings.wRTCPPortLocal), htons(m_Settings.wRTCPPortRemote), htonl(m_Settings.dwIPRemote) ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set remote RTCP Address, hr:%x", hr)); return hr; } // Set the TTL used in the filter. if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetMulticastScope(DEFAULT_TTL))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set TTL. %x", hr)); return hr; } // Set the priority of the session if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetSessionClassPriority( RTP_CLASS_VIDEO, g_dwVideoThreadPriority ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set session class and priority. %x", hr)); } // Set the sample rate of the session LOG((MSP_INFO, "setting session sample rate to %d", g_dwVideoSampleRateHigh)); if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetDataClock(g_dwVideoSampleRateHigh))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set session sample rate. %x", hr)); } // Enable the RTCP events. if (FAILED(hr = ::EnableRTCPEvents(pIBaseFilter))) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "can not enable RTCP events %x", hr)); } if (FAILED(hr = ::SetQOSOption( pIBaseFilter, m_Settings.dwPayloadType, // payload m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate, TRUE ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set QOS option. %x", hr)); return hr; } return S_OK; } HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::SetUpInternalFilters() /*++ Routine Description: set up the filters used in the stream. RTP->Demux->RPH->DECODER->Render terminal Arguments: Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecv.SetUpInternalFilters")); CComPtr pSourceFilter; HRESULT hr; // create and add the source fitler. if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, CLSID_RTPSourceFilter, L"RtpSource", &pSourceFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "adding source filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } if (FAILED(hr = ConfigureRTPFilter(pSourceFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "configure RTP source filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } // Create and add the payload handler into the filtergraph. CComPtr pIRPHFilter; if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, *m_pClsidPHFilter, L"RPH", &pIRPHFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "add RPH filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } // Get the IRPHH26XSettings interface used in H323iguring the RPH // filter to the right image size. CComQIPtr pIRPHH26XSettings(pIRPHFilter); if (pIRPHH26XSettings == NULL) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "can't get IRPHH26XSettings interface")); } else if (FAILED(pIRPHH26XSettings->SetCIF(m_Settings.Video.bCIF))) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "can't set CIF or QCIF")); } // Get the IRTPRPHFilter interface. CComQIPtrpIRTPRPHFilter(pIRPHFilter); if (pIRTPRPHFilter == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get IRTPRPHFilter interface")); return hr; } if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPRPHFilter->OverridePayloadType( (BYTE)m_Settings.dwPayloadType ))) { LOG((LOG_ERROR, "override payload type. %x", hr)); return FALSE; } // Connect the payload handler to the output pin on the source filter. if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)pSourceFilter, (IBaseFilter *)pIRPHFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect demux and RPH filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } CComPtr pCodecFilter; if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, *m_pClsidCodecFilter, L"codec", &pCodecFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "add Codec filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } // Connect the payload handler to the output pin on the demux. if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)pIRPHFilter, (IBaseFilter *)pCodecFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect RPH filter and codec. %x", hr)); return hr; } m_pEdgeFilter = pCodecFilter; m_pEdgeFilter->AddRef(); return hr; } HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::ConnectTerminal( IN ITTerminal * pITTerminal ) /*++ Routine Description: connect the codec to the video render terminal. Arguments: pITTerminal - The terminal to be connected. Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecv.ConnectTerminal, pTerminal %p", pITTerminal)); HRESULT hr; // if our filters have not been contructed, do it now. if (m_pEdgeFilter == NULL) { hr = SetUpInternalFilters(); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Set up internal filter failed, %x", hr)); CleanUpFilters(); return hr; } } // get the terminal control interface. CComQIPtr pTerminal(pITTerminal); if (pTerminal == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get Terminal Control interface")); SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, E_NOINTERFACE, pITTerminal); return E_NOINTERFACE; } // try to disable DDraw because the decoders can't handle DDraw now. HRESULT hr2; IDrawVideoImage *pIDrawVideoImage; hr2 = pTerminal->QueryInterface(IID_IDrawVideoImage, (void **)&pIDrawVideoImage); if (SUCCEEDED(hr2)) { hr2 = pIDrawVideoImage->DrawVideoImageBegin(); if (FAILED(hr2)) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "Can't disable DDraw. %x", hr2)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "DDraw disabled.")); } pIDrawVideoImage->Release(); } else { LOG((MSP_WARN, "Can't get IDrawVideoImage. %x", hr2)); } const DWORD MAXPINS = 8; DWORD dwNumPins = MAXPINS; IPin * Pins[MAXPINS]; hr = pTerminal->ConnectTerminal( m_pIGraphBuilder, 0, &dwNumPins, Pins ); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't connect to terminal, %x", hr)); SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, hr, pITTerminal); return hr; } // the number of pins should never be 0. if (dwNumPins == 0) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "terminal has no pins.")); SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, hr, pITTerminal); pTerminal->DisconnectTerminal(m_pIGraphBuilder, 0); return E_UNEXPECTED; } // Connect the codec filter to the video render terminal. hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)m_pEdgeFilter, (IPin *)Pins[0], FALSE // use Connect instead of ConnectDirect. ); // release the refcounts on the pins. for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumPins; i ++) { Pins[i]->Release(); } if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect to the codec filter. %x", hr)); pTerminal->DisconnectTerminal(m_pIGraphBuilder, 0); return hr; } // // Now we are actually connected. Update our state and perform postconnection // (ignore postconnection error code). // pTerminal->CompleteConnectTerminal(); return hr; } HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::SetUpFilters() /*++ Routine Description: Insert filters into the graph and connect to the terminals. Arguments: Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoRecv.SetUpFilters")); // we only support one terminal for this stream. if (m_Terminals.GetSize() != 1) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } HRESULT hr; // Connect the terminal. if (FAILED(hr = ConnectTerminal( m_Terminals[0] ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect the terminal. %x", hr)); return hr; } return hr; } HRESULT CStreamVideoRecv::HandlePacketReceiveLoss( IN DWORD dwLossRate ) { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "%ls HandlePacketReceiveLoss, lossRate:%d", m_szName, dwLossRate)); CLock lock(m_lock); if (m_pMSPCall == NULL) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "The call has shut down the stream.")); return S_OK; } DWORD dwCurrentTime = timeGetTime(); if (dwLossRate == 0) { if (m_dwIFramePending) { ((CH323MSPCall*)m_pMSPCall)->SendTSPMessage( H323MSP_VIDEO_FAST_UPDATE_PICTURE_COMMAND, (ITStream *)this, m_htChannel ); m_dwLastIFrameRequestedTime = dwCurrentTime; m_dwIFramePending = 0; } if (m_dwCurrentBitRate >= m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate) { return S_OK; } // Adjust the proposed bitrate and m_dwProposedBitRate += BITRATEINC; if (m_dwProposedBitRate > m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate) { m_dwProposedBitRate = m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate; } if ((m_dwProposedBitRate - m_dwCurrentBitRate >= BITRATEDELTA) || (m_dwProposedBitRate == m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate)) { m_dwCurrentBitRate = m_dwProposedBitRate; // Tell the TSP to send a new flow control command. ((CH323MSPCall*)m_pMSPCall)->SendTSPMessage( H323MSP_FLOW_CONTROL_COMMAND, (ITStream *)this, m_htChannel, (m_dwMediaType == TAPIMEDIATYPE_AUDIO) ? MEDIA_AUDIO : MEDIA_VIDEO, 0, m_dwCurrentBitRate ); LOG((MSP_INFO, "%ls New bitrate:%d", m_szName, m_dwCurrentBitRate)); } return S_OK; } _ASSERTE(dwLossRate < 100); m_dwProposedBitRate = (DWORD)(m_dwCurrentBitRate / 100.0 * (100 - dwLossRate)); if (m_dwProposedBitRate < BITRATELOWERLIMIT) { // we don't want the bitRate to go too low. m_dwProposedBitRate = BITRATELOWERLIMIT; // TODO, if this happens too many times, close the channel. } if (m_dwCurrentBitRate - m_dwProposedBitRate >= BITRATEDELTA) { m_dwCurrentBitRate = m_dwProposedBitRate; // Tell the TSP to send a new flow control command. ((CH323MSPCall*)m_pMSPCall)->SendTSPMessage( H323MSP_FLOW_CONTROL_COMMAND, (ITStream *)this, m_htChannel, (m_dwMediaType == TAPIMEDIATYPE_AUDIO) ? MEDIA_AUDIO : MEDIA_VIDEO, 0, m_dwCurrentBitRate ); LOG((MSP_INFO, "%ls New bitrate:%d", m_szName, m_dwCurrentBitRate)); } if (dwCurrentTime - m_dwLastIFrameRequestedTime > IFRAMEINTERVAL) { ((CH323MSPCall*)m_pMSPCall)->SendTSPMessage( H323MSP_VIDEO_FAST_UPDATE_PICTURE_COMMAND, (ITStream *)this, m_htChannel ); m_dwLastIFrameRequestedTime = dwCurrentTime; m_dwIFramePending = 0; } else { // Remember that we need to send an I Frame request when time arrives. m_dwIFramePending = 1; } return S_OK; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CStreamVideoSend // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CStreamVideoSend::CStreamVideoSend() : CH323MSPStream(), m_pIEncoderFilter(NULL), m_dwCurrentBitRate(0), m_dwProposedBitRate(0) { m_szName = L"VideoSend"; m_dwIFramePending = FALSE; m_dwLastIFrameSentTime = timeGetTime(); } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::ShutDown() /*++ Routine Description: Shut down the stream. Release our members and then calls the base class's ShutDown method. Arguments: Return Value: S_OK --*/ { CLock lock(m_lock); if (m_pIEncoderFilter) { m_pIEncoderFilter->Release(); m_pIEncoderFilter = NULL; } return CH323MSPStream::ShutDown(); } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::Configure( IN HANDLE htChannel, IN STREAMSETTINGS &StreamSettings ) /*++ Routine Description: Configure this stream. Arguments: StreamSettings - The setting structure got from the SDP blob. Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoSend.Configure")); CLock lock(m_lock); _ASSERTE(m_fIsConfigured == FALSE); switch (StreamSettings.dwPayloadType) { case PAYLOAD_H261: m_pClsidCodecFilter = &CLSID_H261_ENCODE_FILTER; m_pRPHInputMinorType = &MEDIASUBTYPE_RTP_Payload_H261; m_pClsidPHFilter = &CLSID_INTEL_SPHH26X; break; case PAYLOAD_H263: m_pClsidCodecFilter = &CLSID_H263_ENCODE_FILTER; m_pRPHInputMinorType = &MEDIASUBTYPE_RTP_Payload_H263; m_pClsidPHFilter = &CLSID_INTEL_SPHH26X; break; default: LOG((MSP_ERROR, "unknow payload type, %x", StreamSettings.dwPayloadType)); return E_FAIL; } m_Settings = StreamSettings; m_htChannel = htChannel; m_fIsConfigured = TRUE; m_dwCurrentBitRate = m_Settings.Video.dwStartUpBitRate; m_dwProposedBitRate = m_dwCurrentBitRate; InternalConfigure(); return S_OK; } HRESULT SetVideoFormat( IN IUnknown * pIUnknown, IN BOOL bCIF, IN DWORD dwFramesPerSecond ) /*++ Routine Description: Set the video format to be CIF or QCIF and also set the frames per second. Arguments: pIUnknown - a capture terminal. bCIF - CIF or QCIF. dwFramesPerSecond - Frames per second. Return Value: HRESULT --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "SetVideoFormat")); HRESULT hr; // first get eht IAMStreamConfig interface. CComPtr pIAMStreamConfig; if (FAILED(hr = pIUnknown->QueryInterface( IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **)&pIAMStreamConfig ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Can't get IAMStreamConfig interface.%8x", hr)); return hr; } // get the current format of the video capture terminal. AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt; if (FAILED(hr = pIAMStreamConfig->GetFormat(&pmt))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "GetFormat returns error: %8x", hr)); return hr; } VIDEOINFO *pVideoInfo = (VIDEOINFO *)pmt->pbFormat; if (pVideoInfo == NULL) { DeleteMediaType(pmt); return E_UNEXPECTED; } BITMAPINFOHEADER *pHeader = HEADER(pmt->pbFormat); if (pHeader == NULL) { DeleteMediaType(pmt); return E_UNEXPECTED; } LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video capture: Format BitRate: %d, TimePerFrame: %d", pVideoInfo->dwBitRate, pVideoInfo->AvgTimePerFrame)); LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video capture: Format Compression:%c%c%c%c %dbit %dx%d", (DWORD)pHeader->biCompression & 0xff, ((DWORD)pHeader->biCompression >> 8) & 0xff, ((DWORD)pHeader->biCompression >> 16) & 0xff, ((DWORD)pHeader->biCompression >> 24) & 0xff, pHeader->biBitCount, pHeader->biWidth, pHeader->biHeight)); // The time is in 100ns unit. pVideoInfo->AvgTimePerFrame = (DWORD) 1e7 / dwFramesPerSecond; if (bCIF) { pHeader->biWidth = CIFWIDTH; pHeader->biHeight = CIFHEIGHT; } else { pHeader->biWidth = QCIFWIDTH; pHeader->biHeight = QCIFHEIGHT; } #if defined(ALPHA) // update bmiSize with new Width/Height pHeader->biSizeImage = DIBSIZE( ((VIDEOINFOHEADER *)pmt->pbFormat)->bmiHeader ); #endif if (FAILED(hr = pIAMStreamConfig->SetFormat(pmt))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "putMediaFormat returns error: %8x", hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video capture: Format BitRate: %d, TimePerFrame: %d", pVideoInfo->dwBitRate, pVideoInfo->AvgTimePerFrame)); LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video capture: Format Compression:%c%c%c%c %dbit %dx%d", (DWORD)pHeader->biCompression & 0xff, ((DWORD)pHeader->biCompression >> 8) & 0xff, ((DWORD)pHeader->biCompression >> 16) & 0xff, ((DWORD)pHeader->biCompression >> 24) & 0xff, pHeader->biBitCount, pHeader->biWidth, pHeader->biHeight)); } DeleteMediaType(pmt); return hr; } HRESULT SetVideoBufferSize( IN IUnknown *pIUnknown ) /*++ Routine Description: Set the video capture terminal's buffersize. Arguments: pIUnknown - a capture terminal. Return Value: HRESULT --*/ { // The number of capture buffers is four for now. #define NUMCAPTUREBUFFER 4 LOG((MSP_TRACE, "SetVideoBufferSize")); HRESULT hr; CComPtr pBN; if (FAILED(hr = pIUnknown->QueryInterface( IID_IAMBufferNegotiation, (void **)&pBN ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Can't get buffer negotiation interface.%8x", hr)); return hr; } ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES prop; #if 0 // Get allocator property is not working. if (FAILED(hr = pBN->GetAllocatorProperties(&prop))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "GetAllocatorProperties returns error: %8x", hr)); return hr; } // Set the number of buffers. if (prop.cBuffers > NUMCAPTUREBUFFER) { prop.cBuffers = NUMCAPTUREBUFFER; } #endif prop.cBuffers = NUMCAPTUREBUFFER; prop.cbBuffer = -1; prop.cbAlign = -1; prop.cbPrefix = -1; if (FAILED(hr = pBN->SuggestAllocatorProperties(&prop))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "SuggestAllocatorProperties returns error: %8x", hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "SetVidedobuffersize" " buffers: %d, buffersize: %d, align: %d, Prefix: %d", prop.cBuffers, prop.cbBuffer, prop.cbAlign, prop.cbPrefix )); } return hr; } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::ConfigureVideoCaptureTerminal( IN ITTerminalControl* pTerminal, OUT IPin ** ppIPin ) /*++ Routine Description: Given a terminal, find the capture pin and configure it. Arguments: pTerminal - a capture terminal. ppIPin - the address to store a pointer to a IPin interface. Return Value: HRESULT --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "ConfigureVideoCaptureTerminal, pTerminal %x", pTerminal)); const DWORD MAXPINS = 8; DWORD dwNumPins = MAXPINS; IPin * Pins[MAXPINS]; HRESULT hr = pTerminal->ConnectTerminal( m_pIGraphBuilder, 0, &dwNumPins, Pins ); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't connect to terminal, %x", hr)); return hr; } if (dwNumPins == 0) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "terminal has no pins.")); return hr; } // Save the first pin and release the others. CComPtr pIPin = Pins[0]; for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumPins; i ++) { Pins[i]->Release(); } // set the video format. hr = SetVideoFormat( pIPin, m_Settings.Video.bCIF, #ifdef TWOFRAMERATES (m_dwCurrentBitRate > c_SlowLinkSpeed) ? g_dwVideoSampleRateHigh : g_dwVideoSampleRateLow #else g_dwVideoSampleRateHigh #endif ); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't set video format, %x", hr)); return hr; } // set the video buffer size. hr = SetVideoBufferSize( pIPin ); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't set aduio capture buffer size, %x", hr)); return hr; } pIPin->AddRef(); *ppIPin = pIPin; return hr; } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::FindPreviewInputPin( IN ITTerminalControl* pTerminal, OUT IPin ** ppIPin ) /*++ Routine Description: Find the input pin on a preview terminal. Arguments: pTerminal - a video render terminal. ppIPin - the address to store a pointer to a IPin interface. Return Value: HRESULT --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoSend.FindPreviewInputPin, pTerminal %x", pTerminal)); // Get the pins from the first terminal because we only use on terminal // on this stream. const DWORD MAXPINS = 8; DWORD dwNumPins = MAXPINS; IPin * Pins[MAXPINS]; HRESULT hr = pTerminal->ConnectTerminal( m_pIGraphBuilder, 0, &dwNumPins, Pins ); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't connect to terminal, %x", hr)); return hr; } if (dwNumPins == 0) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "terminal has no pins.")); return hr; } // Save the first pin and release the others. CComPtr pIPin = Pins[0]; for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumPins; i ++) { Pins[i]->Release(); } pIPin->AddRef(); *ppIPin = pIPin; return hr; } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::CheckTerminalTypeAndDirection( IN ITTerminal * pTerminal ) /*++ Routine Description: Check if the terminal is allowed on this stream. VideoSend allows both a capture terminal and a preivew terminal. Arguments: pTerminal - the terminal. Return value: HRESULT. S_OK means the terminal is OK. */ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoSend.CheckTerminalTypeAndDirection")); // This stream only support one capture + one preview terminal if (m_Terminals.GetSize() > 1) { return TAPI_E_MAXTERMINALS; } // check the media type of this terminal. long lMediaType; HRESULT hr = pTerminal->get_MediaType(&lMediaType); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get terminal media type. %x", hr)); return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; } if ((DWORD)lMediaType != m_dwMediaType) { return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; } // check the direction of this terminal. TERMINAL_DIRECTION Direction; hr = pTerminal->get_Direction(&Direction); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get terminal direction. %x", hr)); return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; } if (m_Terminals.GetSize() > 0) { // check the direction of this terminal. TERMINAL_DIRECTION Direction2; hr = m_Terminals[0]->get_Direction(&Direction2); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get terminal direction. %x", hr)); return TAPI_E_INVALIDTERMINAL; } if (Direction == Direction2) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't have two terminals with the same direction. %x", hr)); return TAPI_E_MAXTERMINALS; } } return S_OK; } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::SetUpFilters() /*++ Routine Description: Insert filters into the graph and connect to the terminals. Arguments: Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoSend.SetUpFilters")); // we only support one capture terminal and one preview // window on this stream. if (m_Terminals.GetSize() > 2) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } int iCaptureIndex = -1, iPreviewIndex = -1; // Find out which terminal is capture and which is preview. HRESULT hr; for (int i = 0; i < m_Terminals.GetSize(); i ++) { TERMINAL_DIRECTION Direction; hr = m_Terminals[i]->get_Direction(&Direction); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get terminal direction. %x", hr)); SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, hr, m_Terminals[i]); return hr; } if (Direction == TD_CAPTURE) { iCaptureIndex = i; } else { iPreviewIndex = i; } } // the stream will not work without a capture terminal. if (iCaptureIndex == -1) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "no capture terminal selected.")); return E_UNEXPECTED; } // Connect the capture filter to the terminal. if (FAILED(hr = ConnectTerminal( m_Terminals[iCaptureIndex] ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect the codec filter to terminal. %x", hr)); return hr; } if (iPreviewIndex != -1) { // Connect the preview filter to the terminal. if (FAILED(hr = ConnectTerminal( m_Terminals[iPreviewIndex] ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect the codec filter to terminal. %x", hr)); return hr; } } return hr; } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::ConfigureRTPFilter( IN IBaseFilter * pIBaseFilter ) /*++ Routine Description: Configure the source RTP filter. Including set the address, port, TTL, QOS, thread priority, clcokrate, etc. Arguments: pIBaseFilter - The source RTP Filter. Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoSend.ConfigureRTPFilter")); HRESULT hr; // Get the IRTPStream interface pointer on the filter. CComQIPtr pIRTPStream(pIBaseFilter); if (pIRTPStream == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get RTP Stream interface")); return E_NOINTERFACE; } LOG((MSP_INFO, "set locol Address:%x", m_Settings.dwIPLocal)); // Set the local address and port used in the filter. if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SelectLocalIPAddress( htonl(m_Settings.dwIPLocal) ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set locol Address, hr:%x", hr)); return hr; } LOG((MSP_INFO, "set remote Address:%x, port:%d, TTL:%d", m_Settings.dwIPRemote, m_Settings.wRTPPortRemote, DEFAULT_TTL)); // Set the address and port used in the filter. if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetAddress( 0, // local port. htons(m_Settings.wRTPPortRemote), // remote port. htonl(m_Settings.dwIPRemote) // remote IP. ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set remote Address, hr:%x", hr)); return hr; } // Get the IRTCPStream interface pointer. CComQIPtr pIRTCPStream(pIBaseFilter); if (pIRTCPStream == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get RTCP Stream interface")); return E_NOINTERFACE; } LOG((MSP_INFO, "set remote RTCP Address:%x, port:%d, local port:%d", m_Settings.dwIPRemote, m_Settings.wRTCPPortRemote, m_Settings.wRTCPPortLocal)); // Set the remote RTCP address and port. if (FAILED(hr = pIRTCPStream->SetRTCPAddress( htons(m_Settings.wRTCPPortLocal), htons(m_Settings.wRTCPPortRemote), htonl(m_Settings.dwIPRemote) ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set remote RTCP Address, hr:%x", hr)); return hr; } // Set the TTL used in the filter. if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetMulticastScope(DEFAULT_TTL))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set TTL. %x", hr)); return hr; } // Set the priority of the session if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetSessionClassPriority( RTP_CLASS_VIDEO, g_dwVideoThreadPriority ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set session class and priority. %x", hr)); } // Set the sample rate of the session #ifdef TWOFRAMERATES LOG((MSP_INFO, "setting session sample rate to %d", (m_dwCurrentBitRate > c_SlowLinkSpeed) ? g_dwVideoSampleRateHigh : g_dwVideoSampleRateLow )); #else LOG((MSP_INFO, "setting session sample rate to %d", g_dwVideoSampleRateHigh )); #endif #ifdef TWOFRAMERATES if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetDataClock( (m_dwCurrentBitRate > c_SlowLinkSpeed) ? g_dwVideoSampleRateHigh : g_dwVideoSampleRateLow ))) #else if (FAILED(hr = pIRTPStream->SetDataClock( g_dwVideoSampleRateHigh ))) #endif { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set session sample rate. %x", hr)); } // Enable the RTCP events if (FAILED(hr = ::EnableRTCPEvents(pIBaseFilter))) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "can not enable RTCP events %x", hr)); } if (FAILED(hr = ::SetQOSOption( pIBaseFilter, m_Settings.dwPayloadType, // payload m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate, FALSE ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set QOS option. %x", hr)); return hr; } return S_OK; } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::ConnectTerminal( IN ITTerminal * pITTerminal ) /*++ Routine Description: connect the video terminals to the stream. Arguments: Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "VideoSend.ConnectTerminal %x", pITTerminal)); // Get the TerminalControl interface on the terminal CComQIPtr pTerminal(pITTerminal); if (pTerminal == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get Terminal Control interface")); SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, E_NOINTERFACE, pITTerminal); return E_NOINTERFACE; } // Find out the direction of the terminal. TERMINAL_DIRECTION Direction; HRESULT hr = pITTerminal->get_Direction(&Direction); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get terminal direction. %x", hr)); SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, hr, pITTerminal); return hr; } if (Direction == TD_CAPTURE) { // find the capture pin on the capture terminal and configure it. CComPtr pCapturePin; hr = ConfigureVideoCaptureTerminal(pTerminal, &pCapturePin); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "configure video capture termianl failed. %x", hr)); SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, hr, pITTerminal); return hr; } hr = CreateSendFilters(pCapturePin); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Create video send filters failed. %x", hr)); // disconnect the terminal. pTerminal->DisconnectTerminal(m_pIGraphBuilder, 0); // clean up internal filters as well. CleanUpFilters(); return hr; } // // Now we are actually connected. Update our state and perform postconnection // (ignore postconnection error code). // pTerminal->CompleteConnectTerminal(); } else { // find the input pin on the preview window. If there is no preview window, // we just pass in NULL for the next function. CComPtr pPreviewInputPin; hr = FindPreviewInputPin(pTerminal, &pPreviewInputPin); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "find preview input pin failed. %x", hr)); SendStreamEvent(CALL_TERMINAL_FAIL, CALL_CAUSE_BAD_DEVICE, hr, pITTerminal); return hr; } hr = ConnectPreview(pPreviewInputPin); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Create video send filters failed. %x", hr)); pTerminal->DisconnectTerminal(m_pIGraphBuilder, 0); return hr; } // // Now we are actually connected. Update our state and perform postconnection // (ignore postconnection error code). // pTerminal->CompleteConnectTerminal(); } return hr; } HRESULT EncoderDoCommand( IN IBaseFilter * pIFilter, IN ENCODERCOMMAND command, IN DWORD dwParam1 ) /*++ Routine Description: Set the video capture terminal's buffersize. Arguments: pIFilter - a H26x encoder. command - the command needs to be performed on the encoder. dwparam1 - the parameter. Return Value: HRESULT --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "EncoderDoCommand, command:%d, param1: %d", command, dwParam1)); HRESULT hr; CComPtr pIH26XEncoderControl; if (FAILED(hr = pIFilter->QueryInterface( IID_IH26XEncoderControl, (void **)&pIH26XEncoderControl ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Can't get pIH26XEncoderControl interface.%8x", hr)); return hr; } // get the current encoder properties of the video capture terminal. ENC_CMP_DATA prop; if (FAILED(hr = pIH26XEncoderControl->get_EncodeCompression(&prop))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get_EncodeCompression returns error: %8x", hr)); return hr; } LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video encoder::get_EncodeCompression" " FrameRate: %d, DataRate: %d, Width %d, bSendKey: %s, interval: %d, Quality: %d", prop.dwFrameRate, prop.dwDataRate, prop.dwWidth, prop.bSendKey ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", prop.dwKeyFrameInterval, prop.dwQuality )); switch (command) { case EC_BITRATE: prop.bFrameSizeBRC = FALSE; // control bit rate prop.dwDataRate = dwParam1 / 1000; // in kbps break; case EC_IFRAME: prop.bSendKey = TRUE; break; } if (FAILED(hr = pIH26XEncoderControl->set_EncodeCompression(&prop))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set_EncodeCompression returns error: %8x", hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video encoder::set_EncodeCompression" " FrameRate: %d, DataRate: %d, Width %d, bSendKey: %s, interval: %d, Quality: %d", prop.dwFrameRate, prop.dwDataRate, prop.dwWidth, prop.bSendKey ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", prop.dwKeyFrameInterval, prop.dwQuality )); } return hr; } HRESULT ConfigureEncoder( IN IBaseFilter * pIFilter, IN BOOL bCIF, IN DWORD dwMaxBitRate, IN DWORD dwFramesPerSecond ) /*++ Routine Description: Set the video capture terminal's buffersize. Arguments: pIFilter - a H26x encoder. bCIF - CIF or QCIF. pdwFramesPerSecond - Frames per second. dwKeyFrameInterval - The number of frames before sending a key frame. Return Value: HRESULT --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "ConfigureEncoder, dwMaxBitRate :%d", dwMaxBitRate)); HRESULT hr; CComPtr pIH26XEncoderControl; if (FAILED(hr = pIFilter->QueryInterface( IID_IH26XEncoderControl, (void **)&pIH26XEncoderControl ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Can't get pIH26XEncoderControl interface.%8x", hr)); return hr; } // get the current encoder properties of the video capture terminal. ENC_CMP_DATA prop; if (FAILED(hr = pIH26XEncoderControl->get_EncodeCompression(&prop))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get_EncodeCompression returns error: %8x", hr)); return hr; } LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video encoder::get_EncodeCompression" " FrameRate: %d, DataRate: %d, Width %d, bSendKey: %s, interval: %d, Quality: %d", prop.dwFrameRate, prop.dwDataRate, prop.dwWidth, prop.bSendKey ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", prop.dwKeyFrameInterval, prop.dwQuality )); prop.bSendKey = TRUE; prop.dwFrameRate = dwFramesPerSecond; prop.bFrameSizeBRC = FALSE; // control bit rate prop.dwQuality = 8500; prop.dwDataRate = dwMaxBitRate / 1000; // in kbps prop.dwKeyFrameInterval = 9999999; // don't send Keyframes. if (bCIF) { prop.dwWidth = CIFWIDTH; } else { prop.dwWidth = QCIFWIDTH; } if (FAILED(hr = pIH26XEncoderControl->set_EncodeCompression(&prop))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "set_EncodeCompression returns error: %8x", hr)); } else { LOG((MSP_INFO, "Video encoder::set_EncodeCompression" " FrameRate: %d, DataRate: %d, Width %d, bSendKey: %s, interval: %d, Quality: %d", prop.dwFrameRate, prop.dwDataRate, prop.dwWidth, prop.bSendKey ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", prop.dwKeyFrameInterval, prop.dwQuality )); } return hr; } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::ConnectPreview( IN IPin *pPreviewInputPin ) /*++ Routine Description: connect the preview pin the the TEE filter. Capturepin->TEE+->Encoder->SPH->RTPRender +->PreviewInputPin Arguments: pPin - The output pin on the capture filter. Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { HRESULT hr; if (m_pEdgeFilter == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "no capture to preview")); return E_UNEXPECTED; } // Create the AVI decompressor filter and add it into the graph. // This will make the graph construction faster for since the AVI // decompressor are always needed for the preview CComPtr pAviFilter; if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, CLSID_AVIDec, L"Avi", &pAviFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "add Avi filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } // connect the preview input pin with the smart tee filter. if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)m_pEdgeFilter, (IPin *)pPreviewInputPin, FALSE // not direct connect ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect preview input pin with the tee. %x", hr)); return hr; } return hr; } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::CreateSendFilters( IN IPin *pCapturePin ) /*++ Routine Description: Insert filters into the graph and connect to the capture pin. Capturepin->TEE+->Encoder->SPH->RTPRender Arguments: pPin - The output pin on the capture filter. Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { HRESULT hr; if (m_pEdgeFilter) { // connect the capture pin with the smart tee filter. if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IPin *)pCapturePin, (IBaseFilter *)m_pEdgeFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect capture pin with the tee. %x", hr)); return hr; } return hr; } // Create the tee filter and add it into the graph. CComPtr pTeeFilter; if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, CLSID_SmartTee, // CLSID_InfTee, L"tee", &pTeeFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "add smart tee filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } // connect the capture pin with the tee filter. if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IPin *)pCapturePin, (IBaseFilter *)pTeeFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect capture pin with the tee. %x", hr)); return hr; } // Create the codec filter and add it into the graph. CComPtr pCodecFilter; if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, *m_pClsidCodecFilter, L"Encoder", &pCodecFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "add Codec filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } // configure the encoder #ifdef TWOFRAMERATES if (FAILED(hr = ::ConfigureEncoder( pCodecFilter, m_Settings.Video.bCIF, m_dwCurrentBitRate, (m_dwCurrentBitRate > c_SlowLinkSpeed) ? g_dwVideoSampleRateHigh : g_dwVideoSampleRateLow ))) #else if (FAILED(hr = ::ConfigureEncoder( pCodecFilter, m_Settings.Video.bCIF, m_dwCurrentBitRate, g_dwVideoSampleRateHigh ))) #endif { LOG((MSP_WARN, "Configure video encoder. %x", hr)); } // connect the smart tee filter and the Codec filter. if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)pTeeFilter, (IBaseFilter *)pCodecFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect Tee filter and codec filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } // Create the send payload handler and add it into the graph. CComPtr pISPHFilter; if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, *m_pClsidPHFilter, L"SPH", &pISPHFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "add SPH filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } // Connect the Codec filter with the SPH filter . if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)pCodecFilter, (IBaseFilter *)pISPHFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect codec filter and SPH filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } // Get the IRTPSPHFilter interface. CComQIPtr pIRTPSPHFilter(pISPHFilter); if (pIRTPSPHFilter == NULL) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "get IRTPSPHFilter interface")); return E_NOINTERFACE; } // Create the RTP render filter and add it into the graph. CComPtr pRenderFilter; if (FAILED(hr = ::AddFilter( m_pIGraphBuilder, CLSID_RTPRenderFilter, L"RtpRender", &pRenderFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "adding render filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } // Set the address for the render fitler. if (FAILED(hr = ConfigureRTPFilter(pRenderFilter))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "configure RTP Filter failed %x", hr)); return hr; } // Connect the SPH filter with the RTP Render filter. if (FAILED(hr = ::ConnectFilters( m_pIGraphBuilder, (IBaseFilter *)pISPHFilter, (IBaseFilter *)pRenderFilter ))) { LOG((MSP_ERROR, "connect SPH filter and Render filter. %x", hr)); return hr; } // remember the first filter after the terminal m_pEdgeFilter = pTeeFilter; m_pEdgeFilter->AddRef(); m_pIEncoderFilter = pCodecFilter; m_pIEncoderFilter->AddRef(); return S_OK; } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::SendIFrame() /*++ Routine Description: Now we got a I Frame request from the TSP. Use the encoder filter to generate a I frame. Arguments: Return Value: HRESULT. --*/ { CLock lock(m_lock); if (!m_pIEncoderFilter) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } DWORD dwCurrentTime = timeGetTime(); if (dwCurrentTime - m_dwLastIFrameSentTime > IFRAMEINTERVAL) { // this function always succeeds. EncoderDoCommand(m_pIEncoderFilter, EC_IFRAME, 0); m_dwLastIFrameSentTime = dwCurrentTime; m_dwIFramePending = 0; } else { m_dwIFramePending = 1; } return S_OK; } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::ChangeMaxBitRate( IN DWORD dwMaxBitRate ) /*++ Routine Description: The receiver set the max bit-rate to a new value. Arguments: dwMaxBitRate - the new max bit rate requested by the other endpoint. Return Value: S_OK; --*/ { LOG((MSP_INFO, "new Max bitrate: %d", dwMaxBitRate)); CLock lock(m_lock); m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate = dwMaxBitRate; if (m_dwCurrentBitRate > m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate) { m_dwCurrentBitRate = m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate; if (m_pIEncoderFilter) { // this function always succeeds. EncoderDoCommand( m_pIEncoderFilter, EC_BITRATE, m_dwCurrentBitRate ); } } return S_OK; } HRESULT CStreamVideoSend::HandlePacketTransmitLoss( IN DWORD dwLossRate ) /*++ Routine Description: . Arguments: dwMaxBitRate - the new max bit rate requested by the other endpoint. Return Value: S_OK; --*/ { LOG((MSP_TRACE, "%ls HandlePacketTransmitLoss, lossRate:%d", m_szName, dwLossRate)); CLock lock(m_lock); if (m_pMSPCall == NULL) { LOG((MSP_WARN, "The call has shut down the stream.")); return S_OK; } DWORD dwCurrentTime = timeGetTime(); if (dwLossRate == 0) { if (m_dwIFramePending) { // this function always succeeds. EncoderDoCommand(m_pIEncoderFilter, EC_IFRAME, 0); m_dwLastIFrameSentTime = dwCurrentTime; m_dwIFramePending = 0; } if (m_dwCurrentBitRate >= m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate) { return S_OK; } // Adjust the proposed bitrate and m_dwProposedBitRate += BITRATEINC; if (m_dwProposedBitRate > m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate) { m_dwProposedBitRate = m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate; } if ((m_dwProposedBitRate - m_dwCurrentBitRate >= BITRATEDELTA) || (m_dwProposedBitRate == m_Settings.Video.dwMaxBitRate)) { m_dwCurrentBitRate = m_dwProposedBitRate; // this function always succeeds. EncoderDoCommand( m_pIEncoderFilter, EC_BITRATE, m_dwCurrentBitRate ); } return S_OK; } _ASSERTE(dwLossRate < 100); m_dwProposedBitRate = (DWORD)(m_dwCurrentBitRate / 100.0 * (100 - dwLossRate)); if (m_dwProposedBitRate < BITRATELOWERLIMIT) { // we don't want the bitRate to go too low. m_dwProposedBitRate = BITRATELOWERLIMIT; // TODO, if this happens too many times, close the channel. } if (m_dwCurrentBitRate - m_dwProposedBitRate >= BITRATEDELTA) { m_dwCurrentBitRate = m_dwProposedBitRate; // this function always succeeds. EncoderDoCommand( m_pIEncoderFilter, EC_BITRATE, m_dwCurrentBitRate ); } if (dwCurrentTime - m_dwLastIFrameSentTime > IFRAMEINTERVAL) { // this function always succeeds. EncoderDoCommand( m_pIEncoderFilter, EC_IFRAME, 0 ); m_dwLastIFrameSentTime = dwCurrentTime; m_dwIFramePending = 0; } else { // Remember that we need to send an I Frame when time arrives. m_dwIFramePending = 1; } return S_OK; }