LIBRARY WSHIP6 EXPORTS WSHGetSockaddrType WSHGetWildcardSockaddr WSHGetSocketInformation WSHGetWinsockMapping WSHNotify WSHOpenSocket WSHSetSocketInformation WSHEnumProtocols WSHOpenSocket2 WSHJoinLeaf WSHGetWSAProtocolInfo WSHAddressToString WSHStringToAddress WSHGetProviderGuid WSHIoctl ; Forwarders, so that applications built with the IPv6 Technology Preview ; will run on Whistler. We don't forward gai_strerror because ; it now exists only as an inline function. But it is rarely used. getaddrinfo = ws2_32.getaddrinfo getnameinfo = ws2_32.getnameinfo freeaddrinfo = ws2_32.freeaddrinfo