#include "ClusterConnectIndirectPage.h" #include "LeftView.h" #include "CommonUtils.h" #include "CommonNLB.h" #include "MWmiError.h" #include "IpSubnetMaskControl.h" #include "MIPAddress.h" #include "ResourceString.h" BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( ClusterConnectIndirectPage, CPropertyPage ) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ADD_MACHINE, OnButtonAdd) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DEL_MACHINE, OnButtonDel) ON_WM_HELPINFO() ON_WM_CONTEXTMENU() END_MESSAGE_MAP() ClusterConnectIndirectPage::ClusterConnectIndirectPage( ClusterData* clusterData, CWnd* parent ) : CPropertyPage( IDD ), DataSinkI(), m_clusterData( clusterData ), myParent( parent ), dataStore(L" ") {} void ClusterConnectIndirectPage::DoDataExchange( CDataExchange* pDX ) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange( pDX ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_CLUSTER_IP, clusterIP); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_MACHINE, machineIP ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_MACHINE_IP_LIST, machineIPList ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_ADD_MACHINE, addButton ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_DEL_MACHINE, removeButton ); DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_STATUS, connectionStatus ); } void ClusterConnectIndirectPage::OnOK() { CPropertyPage::OnOK(); } BOOL ClusterConnectIndirectPage::OnKillActive() { // clear the old status if any. dataStore = L" "; // get cluster ip. // _bstr_t clusterIPAddress = CommonUtils::getCIPAddressCtrlString( clusterIP ); // validate this ip. bool isIPValid = MIPAddress::checkIfValid( clusterIPAddress ); if( isIPValid == false ) { // invalid ip. dataSink( GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_WARNING_IP_INVALID ) + clusterIPAddress ); CPropertyPage::OnCancel(); return 0; } // check if this cluster already exists in view. if( myParent != 0 ) { bool isClusterDuplicate = ( (LeftView * )myParent)->doesClusterExistInView( clusterIPAddress ); if( isClusterDuplicate == true ) { dataSink( clusterIPAddress + L":" + GETRESOURCEIDSTRING (IDS_CLUSTER_ALREADY ) ); CPropertyPage::OnCancel(); return 0; } } // get all the ips in the machine ip list. // this list should not be empty. if( machineIPList.GetCount() == 0 ) { // machine ip list is empty dataSink( GETRESOURCEIDSTRING (IDS_MACHINE_LIST_EMPTY ) ); CPropertyPage::OnCancel(); return 0; } wchar_t ipBuf[1000]; vector<_bstr_t> connectionIPS; for( int i = 0; i < machineIPList.GetCount(); ++i ) { machineIPList.GetText( i, ipBuf ); connectionIPS.push_back( ipBuf ); } try { #if 1 CommonNLB::connectToClusterIndirect( clusterIPAddress, connectionIPS, m_clusterData, this ); #else vector clusterDataStore; bool clusterPropertiesMatched; CommonNLB::connectToClusterIndirectNew( clusterIPAddress, connectionIPS, &clusterDataStore, clusterPropertiesMatched, this ); *(m_clusterData) = clusterDataStore[0]; #endif } catch( _com_error e ) { _bstr_t errText; GetErrorCodeText( e.Error(), errText ); dataSink( errText ); CPropertyPage::OnCancel(); return 0; } return CPropertyPage::OnKillActive(); } BOOL ClusterConnectIndirectPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); // fill in cluster ip but only if not null. // if( m_clusterData->cp.cIP != _bstr_t( L"" ) ) { CommonUtils::fillCIPAddressCtrlString( clusterIP, m_clusterData->cp.cIP ); // fill in machine ip list. // connect to each host. map<_bstr_t, HostData >::iterator top; for( top = m_clusterData->hosts.begin(); top != m_clusterData->hosts.end(); ++top ) { machineIPList.InsertString( -1, (*top).second.connectionIP ); } // select the first ip in machine IP list. machineIPList.SetCurSel( 0 ); } return TRUE; } void ClusterConnectIndirectPage::dataSink( _bstr_t data ) { dataStore += data; dataStore += L"\r\n"; connectionStatus.SetWindowText( dataStore ); UpdateWindow(); } void ClusterConnectIndirectPage::OnButtonAdd() { // get and check if machine ip is valid. _bstr_t machineIPAddress = CommonUtils::getCIPAddressCtrlString( machineIP ); bool isIPValid = MIPAddress::checkIfValid( machineIPAddress ); if( isIPValid == false ) { // invalid ip. dataSink( GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_WARNING_IP_INVALID ) + machineIPAddress ); return; } // check if machine ip to add already exists in list. // wchar_t ipBuf[1000]; for( int i = 0; i < machineIPList.GetCount(); ++i ) { machineIPList.GetText( i, ipBuf ); if( machineIPAddress == _bstr_t( ipBuf ) ) { // duplicate, cannot add. dataSink( GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_MACHINE_ALREADY ) + L":" + machineIPAddress ); // select this duplicate string in list. machineIPList.SetCurSel( i ); return; } } // add it to list. int index = machineIPList.InsertString( -1, machineIPAddress ); // select this string. machineIPList.SetCurSel( index ); } void ClusterConnectIndirectPage::OnButtonDel() { // delete the ip selected from the list. int index = machineIPList.GetCurSel(); if( index != LB_ERR ) { machineIPList.DeleteString( index ); } } BOOL ClusterConnectIndirectPage::OnHelpInfo (HELPINFO* helpInfo ) { if( helpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW ) { ::WinHelp( static_cast ( helpInfo->hItemHandle ), CVY_CTXT_HELP_FILE, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR ) g_aHelpIDs_IDD_CLUSTER_CONNECT_INDIRECT_PAGE); } return TRUE; } void ClusterConnectIndirectPage::OnContextMenu( CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point ) { ::WinHelp( m_hWnd, CVY_CTXT_HELP_FILE, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR ) g_aHelpIDs_IDD_CLUSTER_CONNECT_INDIRECT_PAGE); }