#include "RightBottomView.h" #include "resource.h" #include "ResourceString.h" IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( RightBottomView, CEditView ) RightBottomView::RightBottomView() { } Document* RightBottomView::GetDocument() { return ( Document *) m_pDocument; } BOOL RightBottomView::PreCreateWindow( CREATESTRUCT& cs ) { return CEditView::PreCreateWindow( cs ); } void RightBottomView::OnInitialUpdate() { #if 1 // get present style. LONG presentStyle; presentStyle = GetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE ); // Set the last error to zero to avoid confusion. // See sdk for SetWindowLong. SetLastError(0); // set new style. // this edit control has a caption and is readonly. SetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, // presentStyle | WS_CAPTION | ES_READONLY ); presentStyle | WS_CAPTION ); // change caption _bstr_t title = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( IDS_BOTTOM_PANE_TITLE ); SetWindowText( title ); #endif // we will register // with the document class, // as we are the status pane // and status is reported via us. GetDocument()->registerStatusPane( this ); }