#include "Common.h" #include "MWmiInstance.h" #include "MWmiObject.h" #include "MTrace.h" #include "wlbsctrl.h" #include "MIPAddressAdmin.h" #include "WTokens.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; // History: // -------- // // // Revised by : mhakim // Date : 02-12-01 // Reason : remote control was checked by default, changed to unchecked. int WlbsAddressToString( DWORD address, wchar_t* buf, PDWORD len ); //WLBS_STATUS DWORD Common::getHostsInCluster( _bstr_t clusterIP, vector< HostProperties >* hostPropertiesStore ) { return WLBS_BAD_PARAMS; DWORD retValue; DWORD cluster; WLBS_RESPONSE response[ WLBS_MAX_HOSTS ]; DWORD num_host = WLBS_MAX_HOSTS; DWORD host_map; wchar_t buf[ Common::BUF_SIZE]; BOOL retBOOL; int i; DWORD len; HostProperties hp; char *char_buf; // do init call // retValue = WlbsInit (L"wlbs", WLBS_API_VER, NULL); // convert clusterIP into DWORD representation. cluster = inet_addr( clusterIP ); if( cluster == INADDR_NONE ) { TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, "cluster ip is invalid\n" ); return WLBS_BAD_PARAMS; } // do wlbs query. // retValue = WlbsQuery( cluster, WLBS_ALL_HOSTS, response, &num_host, &host_map, NULL); if( retValue == WLBS_TIMEOUT ) { return retValue; } // fill in the vector container. for( i = 0; i < num_host; ++i ) { // get dip len = Common::BUF_SIZE; char_buf = inet_ntoa( *( ( struct in_addr *) &(response[i].address))); if( char_buf == NULL ) { TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, "invalid ip address obtained\n"); continue; } CharToWChar( char_buf, strlen( char_buf ) + 1, buf, Common::BUF_SIZE ); hp.hIP = buf; // get host id. hp.hID = response[i].id; // get host status hp.hostStatus = response[i].status; hostPropertiesStore->push_back( hp ); } return retValue; } void Common::getWLBSErrorString( DWORD errStatus, // IN _bstr_t& errString, // OUT _bstr_t& extErrString // OUT ) { switch( errStatus ) { case 1000 : errString = L"WLBS_OK"; extErrString = L"WLBS_OK The operation completed successfully. \n"; break; case 1001 : errString = L"WLBS_ALREADY"; extErrString = L"WLBS_ALREADY The specified target is already in the state that the requested operation would produce. \n"; break; case 1002 : errString = L"WLBS_DRAIN_STOP"; extErrString = L"WLBS_DRAIN_STOP One or more nodes reported a drain stop operation. \n"; break; case 1003 : errString = L"WLBS_BAD_PARAMS"; extErrString = L"WLBS_BAD_PARAMS Bad configuration parameters in a node's registry prevented the node from starting cluster operations. \n" ; break; case 1004 : errString = L"WLBS_NOT_FOUND"; extErrString = L"WLBS_NOT_FOUND The specified port number was not found in any port rule.. \n"; break; case 1005 : errString = L"WLBS_STOPPED"; extErrString = L"WLBS_STOPPED Cluster operations have stopped on at least one node. \n"; break; case 1006 : errString = L"WLBS_CONVERGING"; extErrString = L"WLBS_CONVERGING The cluster is converging. \n"; break; case 1007 : errString = L"WLBS_CONVERGED"; extErrString = L"WLBS_CONVERGED The cluster has converged successfully. \n"; break; case 1008 : errString = L"WLBS_DEFAULT"; extErrString = L"WLBS_DEFAULT The specified node has converged as the default host. \n"; break; case 1009 : errString = L"WLBS_DRAINING"; extErrString = L"WLBS_DRAINING One or more nodes are draining. \n"; break; case 1013 : errString = L"WLBS_SUSPENDED"; extErrString = L"WLBS_SUSPENDED Cluster operations have been suspended on one or more nodes. \n" ; break; case 1050 : errString = L"WLBS_REBOOT"; extErrString = L"WLBS_REBOOT The node must be rebooted for the specified configuration changes to take effect. \n" ; break; case 1100 : errString = L"WLBS_INIT_ERROR"; extErrString = L"WLBS_INIT_ERROR An internal error prevented initialization of the cluster control module. \n" ; break; case 1101 : errString = L"WLBS_BAD_PASSW"; extErrString = L"WLBS_BAD_PASSW The specified password was not accepted by the cluster. \n"; break; case 1102: errString = L"WLBS_IO_ERROR"; extErrString = L"WLBS_IO_ERROR A local I/O error prevents communication with the Network Load Balancing driver. \n " ; break; case 1103 : errString = L"WLBS_TIMEOUT"; extErrString = L"WLBS_TIMEOUT The requested operation timed out without receiving a response from the specified node. \n"; break; case 1150 : errString = L"WLBS_PORT_OVERLAP"; extErrString = L"WLBS_PORT_OVERLAP At least one of the port numbers in the specified port rule is currently listed in at least one other port rule. \n"; break; case 1151 : errString = L"WLBS_BAD_PORT_PARAMS"; extErrString = L"WLBS_BAD_PORT_PARAMS The settings for one or more port rules contain one or more invalid values. \n"; break; case 1152 : errString = L"WLBS_MAX_PORT_RULES"; extErrString = L"WLBS_MAX_PORT_RULES The cluster contains the maximum number of port rules. \n"; break; case 1153 : errString = L"WLBS_TRUNCATED"; extErrString = L"WLBS_TRUNCATED The return value has been truncated. \n"; break; case 1154 : errString = L"WLBS_REG_ERROR"; extErrString = L"WLBS_REG_ERROR An internal registry access error occurred. "; break; default : errString = L"WLBS_UNKNOWN"; extErrString = L"unknown error. Contact zubaira head of wlbs project.\n"; } } DWORD Common::getNLBNicInfoForWin2k( const _bstr_t& machineIP, NicInfo& nicInfo ) { MWmiObject machine( machineIP, L"root\\microsoftnlb", L"Administrator", L"" ); vector instanceStore; machine.getInstances( L"NlbsNic", &instanceStore ); // input parameters are none. // vector inputParameters; // output parameters which are of interest. // vector outputParameters; MWmiParameter ReturnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &ReturnValue ); for( int i = 0; i < instanceStore.size(); ++i ) { instanceStore[i].runMethod( L"isBound", inputParameters, outputParameters ); if( long( ReturnValue.getValue() ) == 1 ) { // this is the nic we are looking for as // for win2k there can only be one nic. vector parameterStore; MWmiParameter AdapterGuid(L"AdapterGuid"); parameterStore.push_back( &AdapterGuid ); MWmiParameter FullName(L"FullName"); parameterStore.push_back( &FullName ); MWmiParameter FriendlyName(L"FriendlyName"); parameterStore.push_back( &FriendlyName ); instanceStore[i].getParameters( parameterStore ); nicInfo.fullNicName = FullName.getValue(); nicInfo.adapterGuid = AdapterGuid.getValue(); nicInfo.friendlyName = FriendlyName.getValue(); // we also need to get all the ip addresses // on this nic MIPAddressAdmin ipAdmin( machineIP, nicInfo.fullNicName ); ipAdmin.getIPAddresses( &nicInfo.ipsOnNic, &nicInfo.subnetMasks ); // check if this nic is dhcp or not. ipAdmin.isDHCPEnabled( nicInfo.dhcpEnabled ); return 0; } } // this should not happen, as how come there is no nic // with nlbs bound. TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"not able to find nic on win2k\n"); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); } DWORD Common::getNLBNicInfoForWhistler( const _bstr_t& machineIP, const _bstr_t& guid, NicInfo& nicInfo ) { MWmiObject machine( machineIP, L"root\\microsoftnlb", L"Administrator", L"" ); vector instanceStore; machine.getInstances( L"NlbsNic", &instanceStore ); // input parameters are none. // vector inputParameters; // output parameters which are of interest. // vector outputParameters; MWmiParameter ReturnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &ReturnValue ); vector parameterStore; MWmiParameter AdapterGuid(L"AdapterGuid"); parameterStore.push_back( &AdapterGuid ); MWmiParameter FullName(L"FullName"); parameterStore.push_back( &FullName ); MWmiParameter FriendlyName(L"FriendlyName"); parameterStore.push_back( &FriendlyName ); for( int i = 0; i < instanceStore.size(); ++i ) { instanceStore[i].getParameters( parameterStore ); if( _bstr_t( AdapterGuid.getValue()) == guid ) { nicInfo.fullNicName = FullName.getValue(); nicInfo.adapterGuid = AdapterGuid.getValue(); nicInfo.friendlyName = FriendlyName.getValue(); // we also need to get all the ip addresses // on this nic MIPAddressAdmin ipAdmin( machineIP, nicInfo.fullNicName ); ipAdmin.getIPAddresses( &nicInfo.ipsOnNic, &nicInfo.subnetMasks ); return 0; } } // this should not happen, as how come there is no nic // with nlbs bound with guid specified. TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"not able to find nic with guid on whistler\n"); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); } _bstr_t Common::mapNicToClusterIP( const _bstr_t& machineIP, const _bstr_t& fullNicName ) { // // ensure that nic is present, and bound to nlbs // on nic specified. MWmiObject machine( machineIP, L"root\\microsoftnlb", L"administrator", L"" ); vector instanceStore; _bstr_t relPath = L"NlbsNic.FullName=\"" + fullNicName + "\""; machine.getSpecificInstance( L"NlbsNic", relPath, &instanceStore ); // input parameters are none. // vector inputParameters; // output parameters which are of interest. // vector outputParameters; MWmiParameter ReturnValue(L"ReturnValue"); outputParameters.push_back( &ReturnValue ); instanceStore[0].runMethod( L"IsBound", inputParameters, outputParameters ); if( long( ReturnValue.getValue() ) == 1 ) { // it is bound so proceed. } else if( long( ReturnValue.getValue() ) == 0 ) { TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"Nic does not have nlb bound to it" ); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); } else { TRACE( MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"Not able to check if nlb is bound or not" ); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); } // get guid for this instance vector parameterStore; MWmiParameter AdapterGuid(L"AdapterGuid"); parameterStore.push_back( &AdapterGuid ); instanceStore[0].getParameters( parameterStore ); // // find clustersettingclass mapping to this nic. // // set parameters to get. // parameterStore.erase( parameterStore.begin(), parameterStore.end() ); MWmiParameter Name(L"Name"); parameterStore.push_back( &Name ); // get guid // This parameter not present on win2k nlbs provider. // MWmiParameter NLBAdapterGuid(L"AdapterGuid"); parameterStore.push_back( &NLBAdapterGuid ); // get instances of clustersetting class. // instanceStore.erase( instanceStore.begin(), instanceStore.end() ); bool found = false; machine.getInstances( L"Microsoftnlb_ClusterSetting", &instanceStore ); found = false; for( int i = 0; i < instanceStore.size(); ++i ) { try { instanceStore[i].getParameters( parameterStore ); } catch( _com_error e ) { // the above operation can fail on win2k machines. // if so we need to handle exception. This clustersetting is the actual one // required. found = true; break; // get out of for loop. } if( _bstr_t( NLBAdapterGuid.getValue()) == _bstr_t( AdapterGuid.getValue() ) ) { // right object found found = true; break; } } if( found == false ) { TRACE(MTrace::SEVERE_ERROR, L"this is unexpected and a bug. NlbsNic and ClusterSetting class guids may not be matching\n"); throw _com_error( WBEM_E_UNEXPECTED ); } _bstr_t name = _bstr_t( Name.getValue() ); WTokens tok; vector tokens; tok.init( wstring( name ), L":" ); tokens = tok.tokenize(); return tokens[0].c_str(); } // default constructor // NicInfo::NicInfo() : fullNicName( L"Not set"), adapterGuid( L"Not set"), friendlyName( L"Not set") {} // equality operator // bool NicInfo::operator==( const NicInfo& objToCompare ) { if( ( fullNicName == objToCompare.fullNicName ) && ( adapterGuid == objToCompare.adapterGuid ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } // inequality operator // bool NicInfo::operator!=( const NicInfo& objToCompare ) { return !operator==(objToCompare ); } // default constructor // ClusterProperties::ClusterProperties() { cIP = L""; cSubnetMask = L""; cFullInternetName = L"www.nlb-cluster.com"; cNetworkAddress = L"00-00-00-00-00-00"; multicastSupportEnabled = false; // Edited (mhakim 12-02-01 ) // remote control was on by default, changed it to mimic core // and now off. // remoteControlEnabled = true; remoteControlEnabled = false; password = L""; igmpSupportEnabled = false; clusterIPToMulticastIP = true; } // equality operator // bool ClusterProperties::operator==( const ClusterProperties& objToCompare ) { bool btemp1, btemp2; // Variables to pass to below function. Returned values not used return !HaveClusterPropertiesChanged(objToCompare, &btemp1, &btemp2); } // equality operator // bool ClusterProperties::HaveClusterPropertiesChanged( const ClusterProperties& objToCompare, bool *pbOnlyClusterNameChanged, bool *pbClusterIpChanged) { *pbClusterIpChanged = false; *pbOnlyClusterNameChanged = false; if( cIP != objToCompare.cIP ) { *pbClusterIpChanged = true; return true; } else if ( ( cSubnetMask != objToCompare.cSubnetMask ) || ( cNetworkAddress != objToCompare.cNetworkAddress ) || ( multicastSupportEnabled != objToCompare.multicastSupportEnabled ) || ( igmpSupportEnabled != objToCompare.igmpSupportEnabled ) || ( clusterIPToMulticastIP != objToCompare.clusterIPToMulticastIP ) ) { return true; } else if ( ( cFullInternetName != objToCompare.cFullInternetName ) || ( remoteControlEnabled != objToCompare.remoteControlEnabled ) ) { *pbOnlyClusterNameChanged = true; return true; } else if ( ( remoteControlEnabled == true ) && ( password != objToCompare.password ) ) { *pbOnlyClusterNameChanged = true; return true; } return false; } // inequality operator // bool ClusterProperties::operator!=( const ClusterProperties& objToCompare ) { bool btemp1, btemp2; // Variables to pass to below function. Returned values not used return HaveClusterPropertiesChanged(objToCompare, &btemp1, &btemp2); } // default constructor // HostProperties::HostProperties() { // TODO set all properties with default values. } // equality operator // bool HostProperties::operator==( const HostProperties& objToCompare ) { if( ( hIP == objToCompare.hIP ) && ( hSubnetMask == objToCompare.hSubnetMask ) && ( hID == objToCompare.hID ) && ( initialClusterStateActive == objToCompare.initialClusterStateActive ) && ( hostStatus == objToCompare.hostStatus ) && ( nicInfo == objToCompare.nicInfo ) && ( machineName == objToCompare.machineName ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } // inequality operator // bool HostProperties::operator!=( const HostProperties& objToCompare ) { return !operator==(objToCompare ); }