//*************************************************************************** // // UPDATECFG.CPP // // Module: // // Purpose: Support for asynchronous NLB configuration updates // Contains the high-level code for executing and tracking the updates // The lower-level, NLB-specific work is implemented in // CFGUTILS.CPP // // Copyright (c)2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // // History: // // 04/05/01 JosephJ Created // //*************************************************************************** #include "private.h" #include "updatecfg.tmh" #define NLBUPD_REG_PENDING L"PendingOperation" #define NLBUPD_REG_COMPLETIONS L"Completions" #define NLBUPD_MAX_LOG_LENGTH 1024 // Max length in chars of a completion log entry // // NLBUPD_MAX_NETWORK_ADDRESS_LENGTH is the max number of chars (excluding // the terminating 0) of a string of the form "ip-addr/subnet", eg: // "" // #define NLBUPD_MAX_NETWORK_ADDRESS_LENGTH \ (WLBS_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR + 1 + WLBS_MAX_CL_NET_MASK) LPWSTR * allocate_string_array( UINT NumStrings, UINT StringLen // excluding ending NULL ); WBEMSTATUS address_string_to_ip_and_subnet( IN LPCWSTR szAddress, OUT LPWSTR szIp, // max WLBS_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR OUT LPWSTR szSubnet // max WLBS_MAX_CL_NET_MASK ); WBEMSTATUS ip_and_subnet_to_address_string( IN LPCWSTR szIp, IN LPCWSTR szSubnet, OUT LPWSTR szAddress // max NLBUPD_MAX_NETWORK_ADDRESS_LENGTH // + 1 (for NULL) ); // // For debugging only -- used to cause various locations to break into // the debugger. // BOOL g_DoBreaks; // // Static vars // CRITICAL_SECTION NlbConfigurationUpdate::s_Crit; LIST_ENTRY NlbConfigurationUpdate::s_listCurrentUpdates; BOOL NlbConfigurationUpdate::s_fDeinitializing; // // Local utility functions. // WBEMSTATUS update_cluster_config( PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pCfg, PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pCfgNew ); VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate::Initialize( VOID ) /*++ --*/ { TRACE_INFO("->%!FUNC!"); InitializeCriticalSection(&s_Crit); InitializeListHead(&s_listCurrentUpdates); (VOID) CfgUtilInitialize(); TRACE_INFO("<-%!FUNC!"); } VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate::Deinitialize( VOID ) /*++ Status: done not tested --*/ { TRACE_INFO("->%!FUNC!"); // // Go through the list of updates, dereferencing any of them. // sfn_Lock(); TRACE_INFO("Deinitialize: Going to deref all update objects"); s_fDeinitializing = TRUE; while (!IsListEmpty(&s_listCurrentUpdates)) { LIST_ENTRY *pLink = RemoveHeadList(&s_listCurrentUpdates); HANDLE hThread = NULL; NlbConfigurationUpdate *pUpdate; pUpdate = CONTAINING_RECORD( pLink, NlbConfigurationUpdate, m_linkUpdates ); hThread = pUpdate->m_hAsyncThread; if (hThread != NULL) { // // There is an async thread for this update object. We're going // to wait for it to exit. But we need to first get a duplicate // handle for ourself, because we're not going to be holding any // locks when we're doing the waiting, and we want to make sure // that the handle doesn't go away. // BOOL fRet; fRet = DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), hThread, GetCurrentProcess(), &hThread, // overwritten with the duplicate handle 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ); if (!fRet) { TRACE_CRIT("Deinitialize: ERROR: couldn't duplicate handle"); hThread=NULL; } } sfn_Unlock(); // // Wait for the async thread (if any) for this process to exit // if (hThread != NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("Deinitialize: waiting for hThread 0x%p", hThread); WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE); TRACE_CRIT("Deinitialize: done waiting for hThread 0x%p", hThread); CloseHandle(hThread); } TRACE_INFO(L"Deinitialize: Dereferencing pUpdate(Guid=%ws)", pUpdate->m_szNicGuid); pUpdate->mfn_Dereference(); // Deref ref added when adding this item to // the global list. sfn_Lock(); } sfn_Unlock(); // // Deinitialize the configuration utilities // CfgUtilDeitialize(); DeleteCriticalSection(&s_Crit); TRACE_INFO("<-%!FUNC!"); } WBEMSTATUS NlbConfigurationUpdate::GetConfiguration( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, OUT PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pCurrentCfg // must be zero'd out ) // // // { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; NlbConfigurationUpdate *pUpdate = NULL; TRACE_INFO(L"->%!FUNC!(Nic=%ws)", szNicGuid); // // Look for an update object for the specified NIC, creating one if // required. // Status = sfn_LookupUpdate(szNicGuid, TRUE, &pUpdate); // TRUE == Create if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT( L"DoUpdate: Error looking up update object for NIC %ws", szNicGuid ); pUpdate = NULL; goto end; } Status = pUpdate->mfn_GetCurrentClusterConfiguration(pCurrentCfg); end: if (pUpdate != NULL) { // // Dereference the temporary reference added by sfn_LookupUpdate on // our behalf. // pUpdate->mfn_Dereference(); } TRACE_INFO(L"<-%!FUNC!(Nic=%ws) returns 0x%08lx", szNicGuid, (UINT) Status); return Status; } WBEMSTATUS NlbConfigurationUpdate::DoUpdate( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN LPCWSTR szClientDescription, IN PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pNewCfg, OUT UINT *pGeneration, OUT WCHAR **ppLog // free using delete operator. ) // // // // Called to initiate update to a new cluster state on that NIC. This // could include moving from a NLB-bound state to the NLB-unbound state. // *pGeneration is used to reference this particular update request. // /*++ Return Value: WBEM_S_PENDING Pending operation. --*/ { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_S_PENDING; NlbConfigurationUpdate *pUpdate = NULL; TRACE_INFO(L"->%!FUNC!(Nic=%ws)", szNicGuid); *ppLog = NULL; // // Look for an update object for the specified NIC, creating one if // required. // Status = sfn_LookupUpdate(szNicGuid, TRUE, &pUpdate); // TRUE == Create if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT( L"DoUpdate: Error creating new update object for NIC %ws", szNicGuid ); pUpdate = NULL; goto end; } TRACE_INFO( L"DoUpdate: Created/found update object 0x%p update object for NIC %ws", pUpdate, szNicGuid ); BOOL fDoAsync = FALSE; // // Get exclusive permission to perform an update on this NIC. // If mfn_StartUpdate succeeds we MUST make sure that mfn_StopUpdate() is // called, either here or asynchronously (or else we'll block all subsequent // updates to this NIC until this process/dll is unloaded!). // MyBreak(L"Break before calling StartUpdate.\n"); Status = pUpdate->mfn_StartUpdate(pNewCfg, szClientDescription, &fDoAsync, ppLog); if (FAILED(Status)) { goto end; } if (Status == WBEM_S_FALSE) { // // The update is a No-Op. We return the current generation ID // and switch the status to WBEM_NO_ERROR. // // WARNING/TODO: we return the value in m_OldClusterConfig.Generation, // because we know that this gets filled in when analyzing the update. // However there is a small possibility that a complete update // happened in *another* thead in between when we called mfn_StartUpdate // and now, in which case we'll be reporting the generation ID of // the later update. // sfn_Lock(); if (!pUpdate->m_OldClusterConfig.fValidNlbCfg) { // // We could get here if some activity happened in another // thread which resulted in the old cluster state now being // invalid. It's a highly unlikely possibility. // ASSERT(!"Old cluster state invalid"); TRACE_CRIT("old cluster state is invalid %ws", szNicGuid); Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; } else { *pGeneration = pUpdate->m_OldClusterConfig.Generation; Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; } sfn_Unlock(); goto end; } TRACE_INFO( L"DoUpdate: We're cleared to update for NIC %ws", szNicGuid ); // // Once we've started the update, m_Generation is the generation number // assigned to this update. // *pGeneration = pUpdate->m_Generation; // // For testing purposes, force fDoAsync==FALSE; // // fDoAsync = FALSE; if (fDoAsync) { TRACE_INFO( L"DoUpdate: Initialting ASYNC update for NIC %ws", szNicGuid ); // // We must do this asynchronously -- start a thread that'll complete // the configuration update, and return PENDING. // DWORD ThreadId; HANDLE hThread; hThread = CreateThread( NULL, // lpThreadAttributes, 0, // dwStackSize, s_AsyncUpdateThreadProc, // lpStartAddress, pUpdate, // lpParameter, CREATE_SUSPENDED, // dwCreationFlags, &ThreadId // lpThreadId ); if (hThread == NULL) { TRACE_INFO( L"DoUpdate: ERROR Creating Thread. Aborting update request for Nic %ws", szNicGuid ); Status = WBEM_E_FAILED; // TODO -- find better error } else { sfn_Lock(); // // Since we've claimed the right to perform a config update on this // NIC we'd better not find an other update going on! // Save away the thread handle and id. // ASSERT(m_hAsyncThread == NULL); pUpdate->mfn_Reference(); // Add reference for async thread. pUpdate->m_hAsyncThread = hThread; pUpdate->m_AsyncThreadId = ThreadId; sfn_Unlock(); // // The rest of the update will carry on in the context of the async // thread. That thread will make sure that pUpdate->mfn_StopUpdate() // is called so we shouldn't do it here. // DWORD dwRet = ResumeThread(hThread); if (dwRet == 0xFFFFFFFF) // this is what it says in the SDK { // // Aargh ... failure // Undo reference to this thread in pUpdate // TRACE_INFO("ERROR resuming thread for NIC %ws", szNicGuid); sfn_Lock(); ASSERT(pUpdate->m_hAsyncThread == hThread); pUpdate->m_hAsyncThread = NULL; pUpdate->m_AsyncThreadId = 0; pUpdate->mfn_Dereference(); // Remove ref added above. sfn_Unlock(); CloseHandle(hThread); Status = WBEM_E_FAILED; // TODO -- find better error } else { Status = WBEM_S_PENDING; } } if (FAILED(Status)) // this doesn't include pending { // // Signal the stop of the update process. // This also releases exclusive permission to do updates. // pUpdate->m_CompletionStatus = Status; // Stop update needs this to be set. pUpdate->mfn_StopUpdate(ppLog); } else { ASSERT(Status == WBEM_S_PENDING); } } else { // // We can do this synchronously -- call mfn_Update here itself // and return the result. // pUpdate->mfn_ReallyDoUpdate(); // // Let's extract the result // sfn_Lock(); Status = pUpdate->m_CompletionStatus; sfn_Unlock(); ASSERT(Status != WBEM_S_PENDING); // // Signal the stop of the update process. This also releases exclusive // permission to do updates. So potentially other updates can start // happening concurrently before mfn_StopUpdate returns. // pUpdate->mfn_StopUpdate(ppLog); } end: if (pUpdate != NULL) { // // Dereference the temporary reference added by sfn_LookupUpdate on // our behalf. // pUpdate->mfn_Dereference(); } TRACE_INFO(L"<-%!FUNC!(Nic=%ws) returns 0x%08lx", szNicGuid, (UINT) Status); return Status; } // // Constructor and distructor -- note that these are private // NlbConfigurationUpdate::NlbConfigurationUpdate(VOID) // // // { // // This assumes that we don't have a parent class. We should never // have a parent class. // ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(*this)); m_State = UNITIALIZED; // // Note: the refcount is zero on return from the constructor. // The caller is expected to bump it up when it adds this entry to // to the list. // } NlbConfigurationUpdate::~NlbConfigurationUpdate() // // Status: done // { ASSERT(m_RefCount == 0); ASSERT(m_State!=ACTIVE); ASSERT(m_hAsyncThreadId == 0); // // TODO: Delete ip-address-info structures if any // if (m_hEvent!=NULL) { CloseHandle(m_hEvent); } } VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate::mfn_Reference( VOID ) { InterlockedIncrement(&m_RefCount); } VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate::mfn_Dereference( VOID ) { LONG l = InterlockedDecrement(&m_RefCount); ASSERT(l >= 0); if (l == 0) { TRACE_CRIT("Deleting update instance 0x%p", (PVOID) this); delete this; } } // // Following is a shortcut where you directly specify a format string. // VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate::mfn_Log( LPCWSTR szFormat, ... ) { WCHAR wszBuffer[1024]; wszBuffer[0] = 0; va_list arglist; va_start (arglist, szFormat); int cch = vswprintf(wszBuffer, szFormat, arglist); va_end (arglist); mfn_LogRawText(wszBuffer); // Sleep(2000); } #if OBSOLETE VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate::mfn_LogRawTextOld( LPCWSTR szText ) { UINT EntrySize = lstrlen(szText)+1; // in units of wchars, incl ending NULL. // // Note: on entry, m_Log.Start, m_Log.End, and m_CharsLeft can all be 0. // We allocate/reallocate as required. // sfn_Lock(); if (m_Log.CharsLeft < EntrySize) { // // Not enough space in the log buffer for this entry. Let's try // to grow the buffer... // UINT_PTR CurrentFilledSize = (m_Log.End - m_Log.Start); UINT_PTR CurrentSize = CurrentFilledSize + m_Log.CharsLeft; UINT_PTR NewSize = EntrySize + 2*CurrentSize; // // We don't let the log grow without bound -- truncate if required. // #define NLB_MAX_LOG_SIZE 1024 // Size in units of wchars if (NewSize > NLB_MAX_LOG_SIZE) { NewSize = NLB_MAX_LOG_SIZE; } // // Reallocate Log if we need to.. // if (NewSize > CurrentSize) { WCHAR *pNewBuf = new WCHAR[NewSize]; if (pNewBuf == NULL) { // // Oops -- couldn't create log entry. // TRACE_CRIT( "Error expanding log entry for object 0x%p", (PVOID) this ); } else { WCHAR *pOldBuf = m_Log.Start; // could be NULL if (CurrentFilledSize!=0) { // // Copy over what's in the old log, excluding the final // null terminator ... // CopyMemory(pNewBuf, pOldBuf, CurrentFilledSize*sizeof(*pNewBuf)); } if (pOldBuf != NULL) { delete pOldBuf; pOldBuf = NULL; } m_Log.Start = pNewBuf; m_Log.End = pNewBuf + CurrentFilledSize; m_Log.CharsLeft = (NewSize-CurrentFilledSize); // // Null terminate the string. There will be // enough space for this because New>Current. // ASSERT(m_Log.CharsLeft != 0); *m_Log.End = 0; } } } // // Lets try again ... // if (m_Log.CharsLeft >= EntrySize) { ASSERT(*m_Log.End == 0); // // Enough space in log for the entry. Let's copy it over. // Note that we make the m_Log.End point to the last character // (NULL), and compute m_Log.CharsLeft accordingly. // CopyMemory(m_Log.End, szText, EntrySize*sizeof(*szText)); m_Log.End+=(EntrySize-1); // EntrySize includes the NULL m_Log.CharsLeft-=(EntrySize-1); ASSERT(*m_Log.End == 0); } sfn_RegUpdateCompletionLog( m_szNicGuid, m_Generation, m_Log.Start ); sfn_Unlock(); } #endif // OBSOLETE #if OBSOLETE VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate::mfn_ExtractLog( OUT LPWSTR *ppLog ) { UINT_PTR CurrentFilledSize; *ppLog = NULL; sfn_Lock(); CurrentFilledSize = (m_Log.End - m_Log.Start); if (CurrentFilledSize != 0) { WCHAR *pCopy = new WCHAR[CurrentFilledSize+1]; // +1 for ending null. if (pCopy!=NULL) { // // If non-empty, the log always has space for 1 char, and // *m_Log.End is the the NULL-termination. // ASSERT(m_Log.CharsLeft!=0); ASSERT(*m_Log.End == 0); CopyMemory(pCopy, m_Log.Start, (CurrentFilledSize+1)*sizeof(*pCopy)); ASSERT(pCopy[CurrentFilledSize]==0); *ppLog = pCopy; } } sfn_Unlock(); } #endif // OBSOLETE VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate::sfn_ReadLog( IN HKEY hKeyLog, IN UINT Generation, OUT LPWSTR *ppLog ) { WCHAR szValueName[128]; WCHAR *pLog = NULL; LONG lRet; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData; *ppLog = NULL; wsprintf(szValueName, L"%d.log", Generation); cbData = 0; lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyLog, // handle to key to query szValueName, // address of name of value to query NULL, // reserved &dwType, // address of buffer for value type NULL, // address of data buffer &cbData // address of data buffer size ); if ( (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (cbData > sizeof(WCHAR)) && (dwType == REG_SZ)) { // We've got a non-null log entry... // Let's try to read it.. // cbData should be a multiple of sizeof(WCHAR) but just in // case let's allocate a little more... pLog = new WCHAR[(cbData+1)/sizeof(WCHAR)]; if (pLog == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("Error allocating space for log"); } else { lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyLog, // handle to key to query szValueName, // address of name of value to query NULL, // reserved &dwType, // address of buffer for value type (LPBYTE)pLog, // address of data buffer &cbData // address of data buffer size ); if ( (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (cbData <= sizeof(WCHAR)) || (dwType != REG_SZ)) { // Oops -- an error this time around! TRACE_CRIT("Error reading log entry for gen %d", Generation); delete pLog; pLog = NULL; } } } else { TRACE_CRIT("Error reading log entry for Generation %lu", Generation); // ignore the rror // } *ppLog = pLog; } VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate::sfn_WriteLog( IN HKEY hKeyLog, IN UINT Generation, IN LPCWSTR pLog, IN BOOL fAppend ) { // // TODO: If fAppend==TRUE, this function is a bit wasteful in its use // of the heap. // WCHAR szValueName[128]; LONG lRet; LPWSTR pOldLog = NULL; LPWSTR pTmpLog = NULL; UINT Len = wcslen(pLog)+1; // +1 for ending NULL if (fAppend) { sfn_ReadLog(hKeyLog, Generation, &pOldLog); if (pOldLog != NULL && *pOldLog != NULL) { Len += wcslen(pOldLog); if (Len > NLBUPD_MAX_LOG_LENGTH) { TRACE_CRIT("sfn_WriteLog: log size exceeded"); goto end; } pTmpLog = new WCHAR[Len]; if (pTmpLog == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("sfn_WriteLog: allocation failure!"); goto end; } wcscpy(pTmpLog, pOldLog); wcscat(pTmpLog, pLog); pLog = pTmpLog; } } wsprintf(szValueName, L"%d.log", Generation); lRet = RegSetValueEx( hKeyLog, // handle to key to set value for szValueName, // name of the value to set 0, // reserved REG_SZ, // flag for value type (BYTE*) pLog,// address of value data Len*sizeof(WCHAR) // size of value data ); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE_CRIT("Error writing log entry for generation %d", Generation); // We ignore this error. } end: if (pOldLog != NULL) { delete pOldLog; } if (pTmpLog != NULL) { delete pTmpLog; } return; } VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate::mfn_LogRawText( LPCWSTR szText ) // // We read the current value of the log for this update, append szText // and write back the log. { TRACE_CRIT(L"LOG: %ws", szText); sfn_Lock(); if (m_State!=ACTIVE) { // // Logging should only be performed when there is an active update // going on -- the log is specific to the currently active update. // TRACE_CRIT("WARNING: Attempt to log when not in ACTIVE state"); goto end; } else { HKEY hKey = m_hCompletionKey; if (hKey != NULL) { sfn_WriteLog(hKey, m_Generation, szText, TRUE); // TRUE==append. } } end: sfn_Unlock(); } // // Looks up the current update for the specific NIC. // We don't bother to reference count because this object never // goes away once created -- it's one per unique NIC GUID for as long as // the DLL is loaded (may want to revisit this). // WBEMSTATUS NlbConfigurationUpdate::sfn_LookupUpdate( IN LPCWSTR szNic, IN BOOL fCreate, // Create if required OUT NlbConfigurationUpdate ** ppUpdate ) // // // { WBEMSTATUS Status; NlbConfigurationUpdate *pUpdate = NULL; *ppUpdate = NULL; // // With our global lock held, we'll look for an update structure // with the matching nic. If we find it, we'll return it, else // (if fCreate==TRUE) we'll create and initialize a structure and add // it to the list. // sfn_Lock(); if (s_fDeinitializing) { TRACE_CRIT( "LookupUpdate: We are Deinitializing, so we FAIL this request: %ws", szNic ); Status = WBEM_E_NOT_AVAILABLE; goto end; } Status = CfgUtilsValidateNicGuid(szNic); if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT( "LookupUpdate: Invalid GUID specified: %ws", szNic ); goto end; } LIST_ENTRY *pLink = s_listCurrentUpdates.Flink; while (pLink != & s_listCurrentUpdates) { pUpdate = CONTAINING_RECORD( pLink, NlbConfigurationUpdate, m_linkUpdates ); if (!_wcsicmp(pUpdate->m_szNicGuid, szNic)) { // Found it! break; } pUpdate = NULL; pLink = pLink->Flink; } if (pUpdate==NULL && fCreate) { // Let's create one -- it does NOT add itself to the list, and // furthermore, its reference count is zero. // pUpdate = new NlbConfigurationUpdate(); if (pUpdate==NULL) { Status = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } else { // // Complete initialization here, and place it in the list. // CopyMemory( pUpdate->m_szNicGuid, szNic, (NLB_GUID_LEN+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); // // Create a handle to the global configuration EVENT for this // NIC // HANDLE hEvent; WCHAR EventName[sizeof(NLB_CONFIGURATION_EVENT_PREFIX)/sizeof(WCHAR) + NLB_GUID_LEN]; wcscpy(EventName, NLB_CONFIGURATION_EVENT_PREFIX); wcscat(EventName, szNic); hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // lpEventAttributes, FALSE, // bManualReset FALSE==AutoReset TRUE, // TRUE==initial state is signaled. EventName ); TRACE_INFO( L"CreatedEvent(%ws) returns 0x%08p", EventName, hEvent ); if (hEvent == NULL) { delete pUpdate; pUpdate = NULL; Status = (WBEMSTATUS) GetLastError(); // TODO if (!FAILED(Status)) { ASSERT(FALSE); Status = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } goto end; } else { pUpdate->m_hEvent = hEvent; InsertHeadList(&s_listCurrentUpdates, &pUpdate->m_linkUpdates); pUpdate->mfn_Reference(); // Reference for being in the list pUpdate->m_State = IDLE; } } } else if (pUpdate == NULL) // Couldn't find it, fCreate==FALSE { TRACE_CRIT( "LookupUpdate: Could not find GUID specified: %ws", szNic ); Status = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; goto end; } ASSERT(pUpdate!=NULL); pUpdate->mfn_Reference(); // Reference for caller. Caller should deref. *ppUpdate = pUpdate; Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; end: if (FAILED(Status)) { ASSERT(pStatus!=NULL); } sfn_Unlock(); return Status; } DWORD WINAPI NlbConfigurationUpdate::s_AsyncUpdateThreadProc( LPVOID lpParameter // thread data ) /*++ --*/ { // // This thread is started only after we have exclusive right to perform // an update on the specified NIC. This means that mfn_StartUpdate() // has previously returned successfully. We need to call mfn_StopUpdate() // to signal the end of the update when we're done. // NlbConfigurationUpdate *pUpdate = (NlbConfigurationUpdate *) lpParameter; TRACE_INFO(L"->%!FUNC!(Nic=%ws)", pUpdate->m_szNicGuid); ASSERT(pUpdate->m_AsyncThreadId == GetCurrentThreadId()); // // Actually perform the update. mfn_ReallyDoUpate will save away the status // appropriately. // pUpdate->mfn_ReallyDoUpdate(); // // We're done, let's remove the reference to our thread from pUpdate. // HANDLE hThread; sfn_Lock(); hThread = pUpdate->m_hAsyncThread; pUpdate->m_hAsyncThread = NULL; pUpdate->m_AsyncThreadId = 0; sfn_Unlock(); ASSERT(hThread!=NULL); CloseHandle(hThread); // // Signal the stop of the update process. This also releases exclusive // permission to do updates. So potentially other updates can start // happening concurrently before mfn_StopUpdate returns. // pUpdate->mfn_StopUpdate(NULL); TRACE_INFO(L"<-%!FUNC!(Nic=%ws)", pUpdate->m_szNicGuid); // // Deref the ref to pUpdate added when this thread was started. // pUpdate may not be valid after this. // pUpdate->mfn_Dereference(); return 0; // This return value is ignored. } // // Create the specified subkey key (for r/w access) for the specified // the specified NIC. // HKEY NlbConfigurationUpdate:: sfn_RegCreateKey( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN LPCWSTR szSubKey, // Optional IN BOOL fVolatile, OUT BOOL *fExists ) // Status { WCHAR szKey[1024]; DWORD dwOptions = 0; if (fVolatile) { dwOptions = REG_OPTION_VOLATILE; } wcscpy(szKey, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WLBS\\ConfigurationHistory\\"); wcscat(szKey, szNicGuid); if (szSubKey != NULL) { wcscat(szKey, L"\\"); wcscat(szKey, szSubKey); } HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition; LONG lRet; lRet = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // handle to an open key szKey, // address of subkey name 0, // reserved L"class", // address of class string dwOptions, // special options flag KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // desired security access NULL, // address of key security structure &hKey, // address of buffer for opened handle &dwDisposition // address of disposition value buffer ); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwDisposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY) { *fExists = FALSE; } else { ASSERT(dwDisposition == REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY); *fExists = TRUE; } } else { TRACE_CRIT("Error creating key %ws. WinError=0x%08lx", szKey, GetLastError()); hKey = NULL; } return hKey; } // // Open the specified subkey key (for r/w access) for the specified // the specified NIC. // HKEY NlbConfigurationUpdate:: sfn_RegOpenKey( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN LPCWSTR szSubKey ) { WCHAR szKey[1024]; wcscpy(szKey, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WLBS\\ConfigurationHistory\\"); wcscat(szKey, szNicGuid); if (szSubKey != NULL) { wcscat(szKey, L"\\"); wcscat(szKey, szSubKey); } HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition; LONG lRet; lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // handle to an open key szKey, // address of subkey name 0, // reserved KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // desired security access &hKey // address of buffer for opened handle ); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE_CRIT("Error opening key %ws. WinError=0x%08lx", szKey, GetLastError()); hKey = NULL; } return hKey; } // // Save the specified completion status to the registry. // WBEMSTATUS NlbConfigurationUpdate::sfn_RegSetCompletion( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN UINT Generation, IN WBEMSTATUS CompletionStatus ) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_FAILED; HKEY hKey; BOOL fExists; hKey = sfn_RegCreateKey( szNicGuid, NLBUPD_REG_COMPLETIONS, // szSubKey, TRUE, // TRUE == fVolatile, &fExists ); if (hKey == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("Error creating key for %ws", szNicGuid); goto end; } LONG lRet; WCHAR szValueName[128]; NLB_COMPLETION_RECORD Record; ZeroMemory(&Record, sizeof(Record)); Record.Version = NLB_CURRENT_COMPLETION_RECORD_VERSION; Record.Generation = Generation; Record.CompletionCode = (UINT) CompletionStatus; wsprintf(szValueName, L"%d", Generation); lRet = RegSetValueEx( hKey, // handle to key to set value for szValueName, // name of the value to set 0, // reserved REG_BINARY, // flag for value type (BYTE*) &Record,// address of value data sizeof(Record) // size of value data ); if (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; } else { TRACE_CRIT("Error setting completion record for %ws(%lu)", szNicGuid, Generation ); goto end; } end: if (hKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } return Status; } // // Retrieve the specified completion status from the registry. // WBEMSTATUS NlbConfigurationUpdate:: sfn_RegGetCompletion( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN UINT Generation, OUT WBEMSTATUS *pCompletionStatus, OUT WCHAR **ppLog // free using delete operator. ) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_FAILED; HKEY hKey; WCHAR *pLog = NULL; #if 0 typedef struct { UINT Version; UINT Generation; UINT CompletionCode; UINT Reserved; } NLB_COMPLETION_RECORD, *PNLB_COMPLETION_RECORD; #endif // 0 hKey = sfn_RegOpenKey( szNicGuid, NLBUPD_REG_COMPLETIONS // szSubKey, ); if (hKey == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("Error opening key for %ws", szNicGuid); goto end; } LONG lRet; WCHAR szValueName[128]; DWORD dwType; NLB_COMPLETION_RECORD Record; DWORD cbData = sizeof(Record); wsprintf(szValueName, L"%d", Generation); lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, // handle to key to query szValueName, // address of name of value to query NULL, // reserved &dwType, // address of buffer for value type (LPBYTE)&Record, // address of data buffer &cbData // address of data buffer size ); if ( (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (cbData != sizeof(Record) || (dwType != REG_BINARY)) || (Record.Version != NLB_CURRENT_COMPLETION_RECORD_VERSION) || (Record.Generation != Generation)) { // This is not a valid record! TRACE_CRIT("Error reading completion record for %ws(%d)", szNicGuid, Generation); goto end; } // // We've got a valid completion record. // Let's now try to read the log for this record. // sfn_ReadLog(hKey, Generation, &pLog); // // We've got valid values -- fill out the output params... // *pCompletionStatus = (WBEMSTATUS) Record.CompletionCode; *ppLog = pLog; // could be NULL. Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; end: if (hKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } return Status; } // // Delete the specified completion status from the registry. // VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate:: sfn_RegDeleteCompletion( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN UINT Generation ) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_FAILED; HKEY hKey; WCHAR pLog = NULL; hKey = sfn_RegOpenKey( szNicGuid, NLBUPD_REG_COMPLETIONS // szSubKey, ); if (hKey == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("Error opening key for %ws", szNicGuid); goto end; } WCHAR szValueName[128]; wsprintf(szValueName, L"%d", Generation); RegDeleteValue(hKey, szValueName); wsprintf(szValueName, L"%d.log", Generation); RegDeleteValue(hKey, szValueName); end: if (hKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } } // // Called to get the status of an update request, identified by // Generation. // WBEMSTATUS NlbConfigurationUpdate::GetUpdateStatus( IN LPCWSTR szNicGuid, IN UINT Generation, IN BOOL fDelete, // Delete completion record OUT WBEMSTATUS *pCompletionStatus, OUT WCHAR **ppLog // free using delete operator. ) // // // { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; WBEMSTATUS CompletionStatus = WBEM_NO_ERROR; TRACE_INFO( L"->%!FUNC!(Nic=%ws, Gen=%ld)", szNicGuid, Generation ); // // We look in the registry for // this generation ID and return the status based on the registry // record // Status = sfn_RegGetCompletion( szNicGuid, Generation, &CompletionStatus, ppLog ); if (!FAILED(Status)) { if (fDelete && CompletionStatus!=WBEM_S_PENDING) { sfn_RegDeleteCompletion( szNicGuid, Generation ); } *pCompletionStatus = CompletionStatus; } TRACE_INFO( L"<-%!FUNC!(Nic=%ws, Gen=%ld) returns 0x%08lx", szNicGuid, Generation, (UINT) Status ); return Status; } // // Release the machine-wide update event for this NIC, and delete any // temporary entries in the registry that were used for this update. // VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate::mfn_StopUpdate( OUT WCHAR ** ppLog ) { WBEMSTATUS Status; if (ppLog != NULL) { *ppLog = NULL; } sfn_Lock(); if (m_State!=ACTIVE) { ASSERT(FALSE); TRACE_CRIT("StopUpdate: invalid state %d", (int) m_State); goto end; } ASSERT(m_hAsyncThread==NULL); // // Update the completion status value for current generation // Status = sfn_RegSetCompletion( m_szNicGuid, m_Generation, m_CompletionStatus ); if (FAILED(m_CompletionStatus)) { } // // Note: mfn_ReallyDoUpdate logs the fact that it started and stopped the // update, so no need to do that here. // // // Release (signal) the gobal config event for this NIC // m_State = IDLE; ASSERT(m_hCompletionKey != NULL); // If we started, this key should be !null if (ppLog!=NULL) { sfn_ReadLog(m_hCompletionKey, m_Generation, ppLog); } RegCloseKey(m_hCompletionKey); m_hCompletionKey = NULL; m_Generation = 0; SetEvent(m_hEvent); end: sfn_Unlock(); return; } WBEMSTATUS NlbConfigurationUpdate::mfn_StartUpdate( IN PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pNewCfg, IN LPCWSTR szClientDescription, OUT BOOL *pfDoAsync, OUT WCHAR ** ppLog ) // // Special return values: // WBEM_E_ALREADY_EXISTS: another update is in progress. // { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; HANDLE hEvent; BOOL fWeAcquiredLock = FALSE; HKEY hRootKey = NULL; BOOL fExists; if (ppLog != NULL) { *ppLog = NULL; } // // Try to acquire global config event for this NIC. If we do, // set our state to ACTIVE. // sfn_Lock(); do // while false { hEvent = m_hEvent; if (m_State!=IDLE) { TRACE_CRIT("StartUpdate: invalid state %d", (int) m_State); break; } if (hEvent == NULL) { // TODO: create event on the fly here (we may not want to // keep the handle to the event open for long periods of time). TRACE_CRIT("StartUpdate: Unexpected NULL event handle"); break; } // // Try to gain exclusive access... // WARNING: we're waiting for 100ms with the global lock held! // If we want to try for longer we should have a loop outside // the lock/unlock. // TRACE_INFO("Waiting to get global event"); DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 100); if (dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT || dwRet == WAIT_FAILED) { TRACE_CRIT("StartUpdate: timeout or failure waiting for event"); Status = WBEM_E_ALREADY_EXISTS; break; } TRACE_INFO("Got global event!"); Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; fWeAcquiredLock = TRUE; // // Create/Open the completions key for this NIC. // { HKEY hKey; hKey = sfn_RegCreateKey( m_szNicGuid, NLBUPD_REG_COMPLETIONS, // szSubKey, TRUE, // TRUE == fVolatile, &fExists ); if (hKey == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("Error creating completions key for %ws", m_szNicGuid); Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; ASSERT(m_hCompletionKey == NULL); } else { m_hCompletionKey = hKey; } } } while (FALSE); if (!FAILED(Status)) { m_State = ACTIVE; } sfn_Unlock(); if (FAILED(Status)) goto end; // // WE HAVE NOW GAINED EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO UPDATE THE CONFIGURATION // // // Creat/Open the root key for updates to the specified NIC, and determine // the proposed NEW generation count for the NIC. We don't actually // write the new generation count back to the registry unless we're // going to do an update. The reasons for NOT doing an update are // (a) some failure or (b) the update turns out to be a NO-OP. // { BOOL fExists = FALSE; LONG lRet; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwData; DWORD Generation; hRootKey = sfn_RegCreateKey( m_szNicGuid, NULL, // NULL == root for this guid. FALSE, // FALSE == Non-volatile &fExists ); if (hRootKey==NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("CRITICAL ERROR: Couldn't set generation number for %ws", m_szNicGuid); Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; goto end; } Generation = 1; // We assume generation is 1 on error reading gen. dwData = sizeof(Generation); lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hRootKey, // handle to key to query L"Generation", // address of name of value to query NULL, // reserved &dwType, // address of buffer for value type (LPBYTE) &Generation, // address of data buffer &dwData // address of data buffer size ); if ( lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_DWORD || dwData != sizeof(Generation)) { // // Couldn't read the generation. Let's assume it's // a starting value of 1. // TRACE_CRIT("Error reading generation for %ws; assuming its 1", m_szNicGuid); Generation = 1; } // // We set the value here before actually writing the new // generation to the registry purely because we want any // subsequently logged information to go to this generation. // Logging uses m_Generation to figure out where to put the log. // m_Generation = Generation + 1; } // // Copy over upto NLBUPD_MAX_CLIENT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH chars of // szClientDescription. // { UINT lClient = wcslen(szClientDescription)+1; if (lClient > NLBUPD_MAX_CLIENT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH) { TRACE_CRIT("Truncating client description %ws", szClientDescription); lClient = NLBUPD_MAX_CLIENT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH; } CopyMemory( m_szClientDescription, szClientDescription, (lClient+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) // +1 for NULL ); m_szClientDescription[NLBUPD_MAX_CLIENT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH] = 0; } // // Log the fact the we're received an update request from the specified // client. // mfn_Log(L"Processing update request from \"%ws\"\n", m_szClientDescription); // Load the current cluster configuration into // m_OldClusterConfig field. // The m_OldClusterConfig.fValidNlbCfg field is set to TRUE IFF there were // no errors trying to fill out the information. // if (m_OldClusterConfig.pIpAddressInfo != NULL) { delete m_OldClusterConfig.pIpAddressInfo; } // mfn_GetCurrentClusterConfiguration expects a zeroed-out structure // on init... ZeroMemory(&m_OldClusterConfig, sizeof(m_OldClusterConfig)); Status = mfn_GetCurrentClusterConfiguration(&m_OldClusterConfig); if (FAILED(Status)) { // // Ouch, couldn't read the current cluster configuration... // TRACE_CRIT(L"Cannot get current cluster config on Nic %ws", m_szNicGuid); mfn_Log(L"Error reading cluster configuration\n"); goto end; } ASSERT(mfn_OldClusterConfig.fValidNlbCfg == TRUE); if (m_Generation != (m_OldClusterConfig.Generation+1)) { // // We should never get here, because no one should updated the // generation between when we read it in this function // and when we called mfn_GetCurrentClusterConfiguration. // TRACE_CRIT("ERROR: Generation bumped up unexpectedly for %ws", m_szNicGuid); Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; goto end; } // // Analyze the proposed update to see if we can do this synchronously // or asynchronously.. // We also do parameter validation here. // BOOL ConnectivityChange = FALSE; *pfDoAsync = FALSE; Status = mfn_AnalyzeUpdate( pNewCfg, &ConnectivityChange ); if (FAILED(Status)) { // // Ouch, we've hit some error -- probably bad params. // TRACE_CRIT(L"Cannot perform update on Nic %ws", m_szNicGuid); goto end; } else if (Status == WBEM_S_FALSE) { // // We use this success code to indicate that this is a No-op. // That // TRACE_CRIT(L"Update is a NOOP on Nic %ws", m_szNicGuid); goto end; } // // We recommend Async if there is a connectivity change, including // changes in IP addresses or cluster operation modes (unicast/multicast). // *pfDoAsync = ConnectivityChange; // // Save the proposed new configuration... // //Status = update_cluster_config(&m_NewClusterConfig, pNewCfg); Status = m_NewClusterConfig.Update(pNewCfg); if (FAILED(Status)) { // // This is probably a memory allocation error. // TRACE_CRIT("Couldn't copy new config for %ws", m_szNicGuid); mfn_Log(L"Memory allocation failure.\n"); goto end; } // // Create volatile "PendingOperation" key // // TODO: we don't use this pending operations key currently. // if (0) { HKEY hPendingKey = sfn_RegCreateKey( m_szNicGuid, NLBUPD_REG_PENDING, // szSubKey, TRUE, // TRUE == fVolatile, &fExists ); if (hPendingKey == NULL) { // Ugh, can't create the volatile key... // TRACE_CRIT("Couldn't create pending key for %ws", m_szNicGuid); Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; goto end; } else if (fExists) { // Ugh, this key already exists. Currently we'll just // move on. // TRACE_CRIT("WARNING -- volatile pending-op key exists for %ws", m_szNicGuid); } RegCloseKey(hPendingKey); hPendingKey = NULL; } // // Actually write the new generation count to the registry... // { LONG lRet; DWORD Generation = m_Generation; lRet = RegSetValueEx( hRootKey, // handle to key to set value for L"Generation", // name of the value to set 0, // reserved REG_DWORD, // flag for value type (BYTE*) &Generation,// address of value data sizeof(Generation) // size of value data ); if (lRet !=ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE_CRIT("CRITICAL ERROR: Couldn't set new generation number %d for %ws", Generation, m_szNicGuid); Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; mfn_Log(L"Critical internal error.\n"); goto end; } } // // The new cluster state's generation field is not filled in on entry. // Set it to the new generation -- whose update is under progress. // m_NewClusterConfig.Generation = m_Generation; // // We set the completion status to pending. // It will be set to the final status when the update completes, // either asynchronously or synchronously. // m_CompletionStatus = WBEM_S_PENDING; Status = sfn_RegSetCompletion( m_szNicGuid, m_Generation, m_CompletionStatus ); if (FAILED(Status)) { mfn_Log(L"Critical internal error.\n"); } else { // // Let's clean up an old completion record here. This is our mechanism // for garbage collection. // if (m_Generation > NLB_MAX_GENERATION_GAP) { UINT OldGeneration = m_Generation - NLB_MAX_GENERATION_GAP; (VOID) sfn_RegDeleteCompletion(m_szNicGuid, OldGeneration); } } end: if (fWeAcquiredLock && (FAILED(Status) || Status == WBEM_S_FALSE)) { // // Oops -- we acquired the lock but either had a problem // or there is nothing to do. Clean up. // sfn_Lock(); ASSERT(m_State == ACTIVE); m_State = IDLE; if (m_hCompletionKey != NULL) { if (ppLog != NULL) { sfn_ReadLog(m_hCompletionKey, m_Generation, ppLog); } RegCloseKey(m_hCompletionKey); m_hCompletionKey = NULL; } m_Generation = 0; // This field is unused when m_State != ACTIVE; SetEvent(m_hEvent); sfn_Unlock(); } else if (Status == WBEM_E_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // Another update is pending. if (ppLog != NULL) { WCHAR *pLog = new WCHAR[128]; if (pLog != NULL) { #if 0 HKEY hCompKey; hKey = sfn_RegOpenKey( m_szNicGuid, NLBUPD_REG_COMPLETIONS // szSubKey, ); if (hKey != NULL) { sfn_ReadLog(hCompKey, PendingGeneration, ppLog); RegCloseKey(hCompKey); } else { m_hCompletionKey = hKey; } #endif // 0 // TODO: localize... // TODO: get the origin of that update... wcscpy(pLog, L"Another update is ongoing.\n"); } *ppLog = pLog; } } if (hRootKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hRootKey); } return Status; } #if OBSOLETE WBEMSTATUS update_cluster_config( PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pCfg, PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pCfgNew ) // // This is basically a structure copy, but we need to // re-allocate the IP addresses info array. // // // If we fail, we leave the configuration untouched. // { WBEMSTATUS Status; UINT NumIpAddresses = pCfgNew->NumIpAddresses; NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pIpAddressInfo = NULL; // // Free and realloc pCfg's ip info array if rquired. // if (pCfg->NumIpAddresses == NumIpAddresses) { // // we can re-use the existing one // pIpAddressInfo = pCfg->pIpAddressInfo; } else { // // Free the old one and allocate space for the new array if required. // if (NumIpAddresses != 0) { pIpAddressInfo = new NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO[NumIpAddresses]; if (pIpAddressInfo == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT(L"Error allocating space for IP address info array"); Status = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } } if (pCfg->NumIpAddresses!=0) { delete pCfg->pIpAddressInfo; pCfg->pIpAddressInfo = NULL; pCfg->NumIpAddresses = 0; } } // // Copy over the new ip address info, if there is any. // if (NumIpAddresses) { CopyMemory( pIpAddressInfo, pCfgNew->pIpAddressInfo, NumIpAddresses*sizeof(*pIpAddressInfo) ); } // // Do any other error checks here. // // // Struct copy the entire structure, then fix up the pointer to // ip address info array. // *pCfg = *pCfgNew; // struct copy pCfg->pIpAddressInfo = pIpAddressInfo; pCfg->NumIpAddresses = NumIpAddresses; Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; end: return Status; } #endif // OBSOLETE // // Uses various windows APIs to fill up the current extended cluster // information for a specific nic (identified by *this) // // WBEMSTATUS NlbConfigurationUpdate::mfn_GetCurrentClusterConfiguration( OUT PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pCfg ) // // pCfg MUST be zero-initialized on entry. // { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pIpInfo = NULL; UINT NumIpAddresses = 0; BOOL fNlbBound = FALSE; WLBS_REG_PARAMS NlbParams; // The WLBS-specific configuration BOOL fNlbParamsValid = FALSE; UINT Generation = 1; // // Verify that pCfg is indeed zero-initialized. // We are doing this because we want to make sure that the caller // doesn't pass in a perviously initialized pCfg which may have a non-null // ip address array. // { BYTE *pb = (BYTE*) pCfg; BYTE *pbEnd = (BYTE*) (pCfg+1); for (; pb < pbEnd; pb++) { if (*pb!=0) { TRACE_CRIT(L"uninitialized pCfg"); ASSERT(!"uninitialized pCfg"); Status = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } } } // // Get the ip address list. // Status = CfgUtilGetIpAddressesAndFriendlyName( m_szNicGuid, &NumIpAddresses, &pIpInfo, NULL ); if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT("Error 0x%08lx getting ip address list for %ws", (UINT) Status, m_szNicGuid); mfn_Log(L"Error IP Address list on this NIC\n"); pIpInfo = NULL; goto end; } // // TEST TEST TEST // if (0) { if (NumIpAddresses>1) { // // Let's munge the 2nd IP address // if (!_wcsicmp(pIpInfo[1].IpAddress, L"")) { wcscpy(pIpInfo[1].IpAddress, L""); } else { wcscpy(pIpInfo[1].IpAddress, L""); } } MyBreak(L"Break just before calling CfgUtilSetStaticIpAddresses\n"); Status = CfgUtilSetStaticIpAddresses( m_szNicGuid, NumIpAddresses, pIpInfo ); } // // Check if NLB is bound // Status = CfgUtilCheckIfNlbBound( m_szNicGuid, &fNlbBound ); if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT("Error 0x%08lx determining if NLB is bound to %ws", (UINT) Status, m_szNicGuid); mfn_Log(L"Error determining if NLB is bound to this NIC\n"); goto end; } if (fNlbBound) { // // Get the latest NLB configuration information for this NIC. // Status = CfgUtilGetNlbConfig( m_szNicGuid, &NlbParams ); if (FAILED(Status)) { // // We don't consider a catastrophic failure. // TRACE_CRIT("Error 0x%08lx reading NLB configuration for %ws", (UINT) Status, m_szNicGuid); mfn_Log(L"Error reading NLB configuration for this NIC\n"); Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; fNlbParamsValid = FALSE; ZeroMemory(&NlbParams, sizeof(NlbParams)); } else { fNlbParamsValid = TRUE; } } // // Get the current generation // { BOOL fExists=FALSE; HKEY hKey = sfn_RegOpenKey( m_szNicGuid, NULL // NULL == root for this guid., ); Generation = 1; // We assume generation is 1 on error reading gen. if (hKey!=NULL) { LONG lRet; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwData; dwData = sizeof(Generation); lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, // handle to key to query L"Generation", // address of name of value to query NULL, // reserved &dwType, // address of buffer for value type (LPBYTE) &Generation, // address of data buffer &dwData // address of data buffer size ); if ( lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_DWORD || dwData != sizeof(Generation)) { // // Couldn't read the generation. Let's assume it's // a starting value of 1. // TRACE_CRIT("Error reading generation for %ws; assuming its 0", m_szNicGuid); Generation = 1; } } } // // Success ... fill out pCfg // pCfg->fValidNlbCfg = fNlbParamsValid; pCfg->Generation = Generation; pCfg->fBound = fNlbBound; pCfg->NumIpAddresses = NumIpAddresses; pCfg->pIpAddressInfo = pIpInfo; if (fNlbBound) { pCfg->NlbParams = NlbParams; // struct copy } Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; end: if (FAILED(Status)) { if (pIpInfo!=NULL) { delete pIpInfo; } pCfg->fValidNlbCfg = FALSE; } return Status; } // // Does the update synchronously -- this is where the meat of the update // logic exists. It can range from a NoOp, through changing the // fields of a single port rule, through binding NLB, setting up cluster // parameters and adding the relevant IP addresses in TCPIP. // VOID NlbConfigurationUpdate::mfn_ReallyDoUpdate( VOID ) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; BOOL fResetIpList = FALSE; // Whether to re-do ip addresses in the end TRACE_INFO(L"->%!FUNC!(Nic=%ws)", m_szNicGuid); /* PSEUDO CODE if (bound) { if (major-change, including unbind or mac-address change) { stop wlbs, set initial-state to false/suspended. remove all ip addresses except dedicated-ip } if (need-to-unbind) { } } else // not bound { if (need to bind) { if (nlb config already exists in registry) { munge initial state to stopped, zap old cluster ip address. } } } if (need to bind) { } note: on major change, cluster is left in the stopped state, with initial-state=stopped this is so that a second round can be made just to start the hosts. */ MyBreak(L"Break at start of ReallyDoUpdate.\n"); mfn_Log(L"Starting update...\n"); if (m_OldClusterConfig.fBound) { BOOL fTakeOutVips = FALSE; // // We are currently bound // if (!m_NewClusterConfig.fBound) { // // We need to unbind // fTakeOutVips = TRUE; } else { BOOL fConnectivityChange = FALSE; // // We were bound and need to remain bound. // Determine if this is a major change or not. // Status = CfgUtilsAnalyzeNlbUpdate( &m_OldClusterConfig.NlbParams, &m_NewClusterConfig.NlbParams, &fConnectivityChange ); if (FAILED(Status)) { if (Status == WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER) { // // We'd better exit. // mfn_Log(L"New parameters are incorrect!\n"); goto end; } else { // // Lets try to plow on... // // // Log // TRACE_CRIT("Analyze update returned error 0x%08lx, trying to continue...", (UINT)Status); fConnectivityChange = TRUE; } } fTakeOutVips = fConnectivityChange; } if (fTakeOutVips) { mfn_TakeOutVips(); fResetIpList = TRUE; } if (!m_NewClusterConfig.fBound) { // Unbind... mfn_Log(L"Going to unbind NLB...\n"); Status = CfgUtilChangeNlbBindState(m_szNicGuid, FALSE); if (FAILED(Status)) { mfn_Log(L"Unbind operation failed.\n"); } else { mfn_Log(L"Unbind operation succeeded.\n"); } fResetIpList = TRUE; } } else // We were previously unbound { if (m_NewClusterConfig.fBound) { // // We need to bind. // // TODO: mfn_ZapUnboundSettings(); mfn_Log(L"Going to bind NLB...\n"); Status = CfgUtilChangeNlbBindState(m_szNicGuid, TRUE); if (FAILED(Status)) { mfn_Log(L"Bind operation failed.\n"); } else { WLBS_REG_PARAMS Params; mfn_Log(L"Bind operation succeeded.\n"); // // Let wait until we can read our config again... // // TODO: use constants here, see if there is a better // way to do this. We retry because if the NIC is // disconnected, we Bind returns, but GetConfig fails -- // because the driver is not really started yet -- we need // to investigate why that is happening! // UINT MaxTry = 20; WBEMSTATUS TmpStatus = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; for (UINT u=0;u1) { Sleep(1000); } TmpStatus = CfgUtilGetNlbConfig( m_szNicGuid, &Params ); if (!FAILED(TmpStatus)) break; } if (FAILED(TmpStatus)) { Status = TmpStatus; mfn_Log(L"Failed to read cluster configuration.\n"); TRACE_CRIT("CfgUtilGetNlbConfig failed, returning %d", TmpStatus); } else { mfn_Log(L"Cluster configuration stabilized.\n"); } } fResetIpList = TRUE; } } if (FAILED(Status)) goto end; if (m_NewClusterConfig.fBound) { // // We should already be bound, so we change cluster properties // if reuired. // mfn_Log(L"Going to modify cluster configuration...\n"); Status = CfgUtilSetNlbConfig(m_szNicGuid, &m_NewClusterConfig.NlbParams); if (FAILED(Status)) { mfn_Log(L"Modification failed.\n"); } else { mfn_Log(L"Modification succeeded.\n"); } } if (FAILED(Status)) goto end; if (!fResetIpList) { // // Additionally check if there is a change in // the before and after ip lists! We could get here for example of // we were previously unbound and remain unbound, but there is // a change in the set of IP addresses on the adapter. // INT NumOldAddresses = m_OldClusterConfig.NumIpAddresses; if ( m_NewClusterConfig.NumIpAddresses != NumOldAddresses) { fResetIpList = TRUE; } else { // // Check if there is a change in the list of ip addresses or // their order of appearance. // NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pOldIpInfo = m_OldClusterConfig.pIpAddressInfo; NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pNewIpInfo = m_NewClusterConfig.pIpAddressInfo; for (UINT u=0; uded_ip_addr[0]!=0) { NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO IpInfo; ZeroMemory(&IpInfo, sizeof(IpInfo)); wcscpy(IpInfo.IpAddress, pParams->ded_ip_addr); wcscpy(IpInfo.SubnetMask, pParams->ded_net_mask); TRACE_INFO("Going to take out all addresses except dedicated address on %ws", m_szNicGuid); mfn_Log(L"Going to remove cluster IPs...\n"); Status = CfgUtilSetStaticIpAddresses( m_szNicGuid, 1, &IpInfo ); } else { TRACE_INFO("Going to take out ALL addresses on NIC %ws", m_szNicGuid); mfn_Log(L"Going to remove all static IP addresses...\n"); Status = CfgUtilSetStaticIpAddresses( m_szNicGuid, 0, NULL ); } if (FAILED(Status)) { mfn_Log(L"Attempt to remove IP addresses faild.\n"); } else { mfn_Log(L"Successfully removed IP addresses.\n"); } } // // Analyzes the nature of the update, mainly to decide whether or not // we need to do the update asynchronously. // // Side effect: builds/modifies a list of IP addresses that need to be added on // the NIC. Also may munge some of the wlbsparm fields to bring them into // canonical format. // WBEMSTATUS NlbConfigurationUpdate::mfn_AnalyzeUpdate( IN PNLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION pNewCfg, IN BOOL *pConnectivityChange ) // // WBEM_S_FALSE -- update is a no-op. // { BOOL fConnectivityChange = FALSE; BOOL fSettingsChanged = FALSE; WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; UINT NumIpAddresses = 0; NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pNewIpInfo = NULL; UINT u; sfn_Lock(); if (m_OldClusterConfig.fBound && !m_OldClusterConfig.fValidNlbCfg) { // // We're starting with a bound but invalid cluster state -- all bets are // off. // fConnectivityChange = TRUE; TRACE_CRIT("Analyze: Choosing Async because old state is invalid %ws", m_szNicGuid); } else if (m_OldClusterConfig.fBound != pNewCfg->fBound) { // // bound/unbound state is different -- we do async // fConnectivityChange = TRUE; if (pNewCfg->fBound) { TRACE_CRIT("Analyze: Request to bind NLB to %ws", m_szNicGuid); } else { TRACE_CRIT("Analyze: Request to unbind NLB from %ws", m_szNicGuid); } } else { if (pNewCfg->fBound) { TRACE_CRIT("Analyze: Request to change NLB configuration on %ws", m_szNicGuid); } else { TRACE_CRIT("Analyze: NLB not bound and to remain not bound on %ws", m_szNicGuid); } } if (pNewCfg->fBound) { WLBS_REG_PARAMS *pOldParams; if (m_OldClusterConfig.fBound) { pOldParams = &m_OldClusterConfig.NlbParams; } else { pOldParams = NULL; } // // We may have been bound before and we remain bound, let's check if we // still need to do async, and also vaidate pNewCfg wlbs params in the // process // WBEMSTATUS TmpStatus = CfgUtilsAnalyzeNlbUpdate( pOldParams, &pNewCfg->NlbParams, &fConnectivityChange ); if (FAILED(TmpStatus)) { TRACE_CRIT("Analyze: Error analyzing nlb params for %ws", m_szNicGuid); if (Status == WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER) { mfn_Log(L"New parameters are incorrect!\n"); } else { mfn_Log(L"Error analyzing new NLB configuration"); } Status = TmpStatus; goto end; } // // NOTE: CfgUtilsAnalyzeNlbUpdate can return WBEM_S_FALSE if // the update is a no-op. We should be careful to preserve this // on success. // if (TmpStatus != WBEM_S_FALSE) { fSettingsChanged = TRUE; } // // Check the supplied list of IP addresses, to make sure that // includes the dedicated IP first and the cluster vip and the // per-port-rule vips. // NumIpAddresses = pNewCfg->NumIpAddresses; pNewIpInfo = pNewCfg->pIpAddressInfo; if ((NumIpAddresses == 0) != (pNewIpInfo == NULL)) { // Bogus input TRACE_CRIT("Analze: mismatch between NumIpAddresses and pIpInfo"); mfn_Log(L"Invalid parameters\n"); goto end; } ASSERT(Status == WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); if (NumIpAddresses == 0) { // // If NULL, we use defaults: dedicated-ip (if present) first, // then cluster-vip, then per-port-rule vips (specify the same // subnet as cluster-vip). // NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO TmpIpInfo[2]; // 1 for dedicated, 1 for cluster NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pInfo = TmpIpInfo; ZeroMemory(TmpIpInfo, sizeof(TmpIpInfo)); if (pNewCfg->fAddDedicatedIp) { LPCWSTR sz = pNewCfg->NlbParams.ded_ip_addr; if (*sz == 0) { TRACE_CRIT("fAddDedicatedIp specified, but ded_ip is not"); goto end; } wcscpy(pInfo->IpAddress, sz); wcscpy(pInfo->SubnetMask, pNewCfg->NlbParams.ded_net_mask); NumIpAddresses++; pInfo++; } wcscpy(pInfo->IpAddress, pNewCfg->NlbParams.cl_ip_addr); wcscpy(pInfo->SubnetMask, pNewCfg->NlbParams.cl_net_mask); NumIpAddresses++; // // TODO: Add IP addresses for per-port-rule VIPs here... // pNewIpInfo = new NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO[NumIpAddresses]; if (pNewIpInfo == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("ERROR:Could not allocate memory for pIpAddrInfo"); mfn_Log(L"Memory Allocation Failure\n"); Status = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } for (u = 0; uNumIpAddresses = NumIpAddresses; pNewCfg->pIpAddressInfo = pNewIpInfo; } ASSERT(NumIpAddresses != 0); ASSERT(Status == WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); // // Check that dedicated ip address, if present is first. // if (pNewCfg->fAddDedicatedIp) { if (_wcsicmp(pNewIpInfo[0].IpAddress, pNewCfg->NlbParams.ded_ip_addr)) { TRACE_CRIT("ERROR: dedicated IP address is not first IP address"); goto end; } if (_wcsicmp(pNewIpInfo[0].SubnetMask, pNewCfg->NlbParams.ded_net_mask)) { TRACE_CRIT("ERROR: dedicated IP address is not first IP address"); goto end; } } // // Check that cluster-vip is present // { for (u=0; u< NumIpAddresses; u++) { if (!_wcsicmp(pNewIpInfo[u].IpAddress, pNewCfg->NlbParams.cl_ip_addr)) { // // Found it! Check that the subnet masks match. // if (_wcsicmp(pNewIpInfo[u].SubnetMask, pNewCfg->NlbParams.cl_net_mask)) { TRACE_CRIT("Cluster subnet mask doesn't match that in addr list"); goto end; } break; } } if (u==NumIpAddresses) { TRACE_CRIT("Cluster ip address is not in the list of addresses!"); goto end; } } // // Check that per-port-rule vips are present. // TODO { } } else { // // NLB is to be unbound. We don't do any checking on the supplied // list of IP addresses -- we assume caller knows best. Note that // if NULL // we switch to dhcp/autonet. // } ASSERT(Status == WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); // // If there's any change in the list of ipaddresses or subnets, including // a change in the order, we switch to async. // if (pNewCfg->NumIpAddresses != m_OldClusterConfig.NumIpAddresses) { TRACE_INFO("Analyze: detected change in list of IP addresses on %ws", m_szNicGuid); fConnectivityChange = TRUE; } else { // // Check if there is a change in the list of ip addresses or // their order of appearance. // NumIpAddresses = pNewCfg->NumIpAddresses; NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pOldIpInfo = m_OldClusterConfig.pIpAddressInfo; NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pNewIpInfo = pNewCfg->pIpAddressInfo; for (u=0; uNumIpAddresses; NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pIpAddressInfo = NULL; NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION *pCfg = this; // // Free and realloc pCfg's ip info array if rquired. // if (pCfg->NumIpAddresses == NumIpAddresses) { // // we can re-use the existing one // pIpAddressInfo = pCfg->pIpAddressInfo; } else { // // Free the old one and allocate space for the new array if required. // if (NumIpAddresses != 0) { pIpAddressInfo = new NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO[NumIpAddresses]; if (pIpAddressInfo == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT(L"Error allocating space for IP address info array"); Status = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } } if (pCfg->NumIpAddresses!=0) { delete pCfg->pIpAddressInfo; pCfg->pIpAddressInfo = NULL; pCfg->NumIpAddresses = 0; } } // // Copy over the new ip address info, if there is any. // if (NumIpAddresses) { CopyMemory( pIpAddressInfo, pCfgNew->pIpAddressInfo, NumIpAddresses*sizeof(*pIpAddressInfo) ); } // // Do any other error checks here. // // // Struct copy the entire structure, then fix up the pointer to // ip address info array. // *pCfg = *pCfgNew; // struct copy pCfg->pIpAddressInfo = pIpAddressInfo; pCfg->NumIpAddresses = NumIpAddresses; Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; end: return Status; } WBEMSTATUS NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::SetNetworkAddresses( IN LPCWSTR *pszNetworkAddresses, IN UINT NumNetworkAddresses ) /* pszNetworkAddresses is an array of strings. These strings have the format "addr/subnet", eg: "" */ { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pIpInfo = NULL; if (NumNetworkAddresses != 0) { // // Allocate space for the new ip-address-info array // pIpInfo = new NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO[NumNetworkAddresses]; if (pIpInfo == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC!: Alloc failure!"); Status = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } ZeroMemory(pIpInfo, NumNetworkAddresses*sizeof(*pIpInfo)); // // Convert IP addresses to our internal form. // for (UINT u=0;upIpAddressInfo != NULL) { delete this->pIpAddressInfo; this->pIpAddressInfo = NULL; } this->pIpAddressInfo = pIpInfo; pIpInfo = NULL; this->NumIpAddresses = NumNetworkAddresses; Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; end: if (pIpInfo != NULL) { delete pIpInfo; } return Status; } WBEMSTATUS NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::GetNetworkAddresses( OUT LPWSTR **ppszNetworkAddresses, // free using delete OUT UINT *pNumNetworkAddresses ) /* ppszNetworkAddresses is filled out on successful return to an array of strings. These strings have the format "addr/subnet", eg: "" */ { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; UINT AddrCount = this->NumIpAddresses; NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pIpInfo = this->pIpAddressInfo; LPWSTR *pszNetworkAddresses = NULL; if (AddrCount != 0) { // // Convert IP addresses from our internal form into // format "addr/subnet", eg: "" // // pszNetworkAddresses = allocate_string_array( AddrCount, WLBS_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR // for IP address + WLBS_MAX_CL_NET_MASK // for subnet mask + 1 // for separating '/' ); if (pszNetworkAddresses == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC!: Alloc failure!"); Status = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto end; } for (UINT u=0;uWLBS_MAX_DOMAIN_NAME) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC!: Cluster name too large"); } CopyMemory(NlbParams.domain_name, szName, (len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); } WBEMSTATUS NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::GetDedicatedNetworkAddress( OUT LPWSTR *pszAddress ) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; LPWSTR szAddress = NULL; if (fValidNlbCfg) { UINT len = wcslen(NlbParams.ded_ip_addr)+wcslen(NlbParams.ded_net_mask); len+= 1; // for '/' szAddress = new WCHAR[NLBUPD_MAX_NETWORK_ADDRESS_LENGTH+1]; if (szAddress != NULL) { Status = ip_and_subnet_to_address_string( NlbParams.ded_ip_addr, NlbParams.ded_net_mask, szAddress ); if (FAILED(Status)) { delete szAddress; szAddress = NULL; } } } *pszAddress = szAddress; return Status; } VOID NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::SetDedicatedNetworkAddress( IN LPCWSTR szAddress ) { if (szAddress == NULL) {szAddress = L"";} (VOID) address_string_to_ip_and_subnet( szAddress, NlbParams.ded_ip_addr, NlbParams.ded_net_mask ); } #if 0 typedef enum { TRAFFIC_MODE_UNICAST, TRAFFIC_MODE_MULTICAST, TRAFFIC_MODE_IGMPMULTICAST } TRAFFIC_MODE; #endif // 0 NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::TRAFFIC_MODE NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::GetTrafficMode( VOID ) { return TRAFFIC_MODE_UNICAST; } VOID NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::SetTrafficMode( TRAFFIC_MODE Mode ) { } UINT NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::GetHostPriority( VOID ) { return 0; } VOID NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::SetHostPriority( UINT Priority ) { } #if 0 typedef enum { START_MODE_STARTED, START_MODE_STOPPED } START_MODE; #endif // 0 NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::START_MODE NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::GetClusterModeOnStart( VOID ) { return START_MODE_STARTED; } VOID NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::SetClusterModeOnStart( START_MODE ) { } BOOL NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::GetRemoteControlEnabled( VOID ) { return FALSE; } VOID NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::SetRemoteControlEnabled( BOOL fEnabled ) { } WBEMSTATUS NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::SetNetworkAddressesSafeArray( IN SAFEARRAY *pSA ) { LPWSTR *pStrings=NULL; UINT NumStrings = 0; WBEMSTATUS Status; Status = CfgUtilStringsFromSafeArray( pSA, &pStrings, // delete when done useing pStrings &NumStrings ); if (FAILED(Status)) { pStrings=NULL; goto end; } Status = this->SetNetworkAddresses( (LPCWSTR*)pStrings, NumStrings ); if (pStrings != NULL) { delete pStrings; } end: return Status; } WBEMSTATUS NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION::GetNetworkAddressesSafeArray( OUT SAFEARRAY **ppSA ) { LPWSTR *pszNetworkAddresses = NULL; UINT NumNetworkAddresses = 0; SAFEARRAY *pSA=NULL; WBEMSTATUS Status; Status = this->GetNetworkAddresses( &pszNetworkAddresses, &NumNetworkAddresses ); if (FAILED(Status)) { pszNetworkAddresses = NULL; goto end; } Status = CfgUtilSafeArrayFromStrings( (LPCWSTR*) pszNetworkAddresses, NumNetworkAddresses, // can be zero &pSA ); if (FAILED(Status)) { pSA = NULL; } end: *ppSA = pSA; if (pszNetworkAddresses != NULL) { delete pszNetworkAddresses; pszNetworkAddresses = NULL; } if (FAILED(Status)) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC!: couldn't extract network addresses from Cfg"); } return Status; } LPWSTR * allocate_string_array( UINT NumStrings, UINT MaxStringLen // excluding ending NULL ) /* Allocate a single chunk of memory using the new LPWSTR[] operator. The first NumStrings LPWSTR values of this operator contain an array of pointers to WCHAR strings. Each of these strings is of size (MaxStringLen+1) WCHARS. The rest of the memory contains the strings themselve. Return NULL if NumStrings==0 or on allocation failure. Each of the strings are initialized to be empty strings (first char is 0). */ { return CfgUtilsAllocateStringArray(NumStrings, MaxStringLen); } WBEMSTATUS address_string_to_ip_and_subnet( IN LPCWSTR szAddress, OUT LPWSTR szIp, // max WLBS_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR including NULL OUT LPWSTR szSubnet // max WLBS_MAX_CL_NET_MASK including NULL ) // Special case: if szAddress == "", we zero out both szIp and szSubnet; { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; if (*szAddress == 0) {szAddress = L"/";} // Special case mentioned above // from the "addr/subnet" format insert it into a // NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO structure. // // SAMPLE: // LPCWSTR pSlash = NULL; LPCWSTR pSrcSub = NULL; *szIp = 0; *szSubnet = 0; pSlash = wcsrchr(szAddress, (int) '/'); if (pSlash == NULL) { TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC!:missing subnet portion in %ws", szAddress); Status = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } pSrcSub = pSlash+1; UINT len = (UINT) (pSlash - szAddress); UINT len1 = wcslen(pSrcSub); if ( (len < WLBS_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR) && (len1 < WLBS_MAX_CL_NET_MASK)) { CopyMemory(szIp, szAddress, len*sizeof(WCHAR)); szIp[len] = 0; CopyMemory(szSubnet, pSrcSub, (len1+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { // // One of the ip/subnet parms is too large. // TRACE_CRIT("%!FUNC!:ip or subnet part too large: %ws", szAddress); Status = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; end: return Status; } WBEMSTATUS ip_and_subnet_to_address_string( IN LPCWSTR szIp, IN LPCWSTR szSubnet, OUT LPWSTR szAddress// max WLBS_MAX_CL_IP_ADDR // + 1(for slash) + WLBS_MAX_CL_NET_MASK + 1 (for NULL) ) { WBEMSTATUS Status = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; UINT len = wcslen(szIp)+wcslen(szSubnet) + 1; // +1 for separating '/' if (len >= NLBUPD_MAX_NETWORK_ADDRESS_LENGTH) { goto end; } else { wsprintf( szAddress, L"%ws/%ws", szIp, szSubnet ); Status = WBEM_NO_ERROR; } end: return Status; }