/*++ Copyright (c) 1991-2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ping.c Abstract: Packet INternet Groper utility for TCP/IP. Author: Numerous TCP/IP folks. Revision History: Who When What -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------- MohsinA, 21-Oct-96. INADDR_NONE check to avoid broadcast. MohsinA, 13-Nov-96. Max packet size < 64K. Notes: --*/ //:ts=4 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "llinfo.h" #include "tcpcmd.h" #include "ipexport.h" #include "icmpapi.h" #include "nlstxt.h" #define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE (sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) + 0xfff7 + MAX_OPT_SIZE) #define DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE (0x2000 - 8) #define DEFAULT_SEND_SIZE 32 #define DEFAULT_COUNT 4 #define DEFAULT_TTL 128 #define DEFAULT_TOS 0 #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 4000L #define MIN_INTERVAL 1000L #define STDOUT 1 uchar SendOptions[MAX_OPT_SIZE]; WSADATA WsaData; struct IPErrorTable { IP_STATUS Error; // The IP Error DWORD ErrorNlsID; // NLS string ID } ErrorTable[] = { { IP_BUF_TOO_SMALL, PING_BUF_TOO_SMALL}, { IP_DEST_NET_UNREACHABLE, PING_DEST_NET_UNREACHABLE}, { IP_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE, PING_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE}, { IP_DEST_PROT_UNREACHABLE, PING_DEST_PROT_UNREACHABLE}, { IP_DEST_PORT_UNREACHABLE, PING_DEST_PORT_UNREACHABLE}, { IP_NO_RESOURCES, PING_NO_RESOURCES}, { IP_BAD_OPTION, PING_BAD_OPTION}, { IP_HW_ERROR, PING_HW_ERROR}, { IP_PACKET_TOO_BIG, PING_PACKET_TOO_BIG}, { IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT, PING_REQ_TIMED_OUT}, { IP_BAD_REQ, PING_BAD_REQ}, { IP_BAD_ROUTE, PING_BAD_ROUTE}, { IP_TTL_EXPIRED_TRANSIT, PING_TTL_EXPIRED_TRANSIT}, { IP_TTL_EXPIRED_REASSEM, PING_TTL_EXPIRED_REASSEM}, { IP_PARAM_PROBLEM, PING_PARAM_PROBLEM}, { IP_SOURCE_QUENCH, PING_SOURCE_QUENCH}, { IP_OPTION_TOO_BIG, PING_OPTION_TOO_BIG}, { IP_BAD_DESTINATION, PING_BAD_DESTINATION}, { IP_NEGOTIATING_IPSEC, PING_NEGOTIATING_IPSEC}, { IP_GENERAL_FAILURE, PING_GENERAL_FAILURE} }; unsigned NlsPutMsg(unsigned Handle, unsigned usMsgNum, ...) { unsigned msglen; VOID * vp; va_list arglist; DWORD StrLen; va_start(arglist, usMsgNum); if (!(msglen = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, NULL, usMsgNum, 0L, // Default country ID. (LPTSTR)&vp, 0, &arglist))) return(0); // Convert vp to oem StrLen=strlen(vp); CharToOemBuff((LPCTSTR)vp,(LPSTR)vp,StrLen); msglen = _write(Handle, vp, StrLen); LocalFree(vp); return(msglen); } void PrintUsage(void) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_USAGE ); // printf( // "Usage: ping [-s size] [-c count] [-d] [-l TTL] [-o options] [-t TOS]\n" // " [-w timeout] address.\n" // "Options:\n" // " -t Ping the specifed host until interrupted.\n" // " -l size Send buffer size.\n" // " -n count Send count.\n" // " -f Don't fragment.\n" // " -i TTL Time to live.\n" // " -v TOS Type of service\n" // " -w timeout Timeout (in milliseconds)\n" // " -r routes Record route.\n" // " -s routes Timestamp route.\n" // " -j ipaddress Loose source route.\n" // " -k ipaddress Strict source route.\n" // " -o IP options:\n" // " -ol hop list Loose source route.\n" // " -ot Timestamp.\n" // " -or Record route\n" // ); } // ======================================================================== // Caveat: return 0 for invalid, else internet address. // I would prefer -1 for error. - MohsinA, 21-Nov-96. unsigned long get_pingee(char *ahstr, char **hstr, int *was_inaddr, int dnsreq) { struct hostent *hostp = NULL; long inaddr; if ( strcmp( ahstr, "" ) == 0 ) { return(0L); } if ((inaddr = inet_addr(ahstr)) == -1L) { hostp = gethostbyname(ahstr); if (hostp) { /* * If we find a host entry, set up the internet address */ inaddr = *(long *)hostp->h_addr; *was_inaddr = 0; } else { // Neither dotted, not name. return(0L); } } else { // Is dotted. *was_inaddr = 1; if (dnsreq == 1) { hostp = gethostbyaddr((char *)&inaddr,sizeof(inaddr),AF_INET); } } *hstr = hostp ? hostp->h_name : (char *)NULL; return(inaddr); } unsigned long str2ip(char *addr, int *EndOffset) { char *endptr; char *start = addr; int i; // Counter variable. unsigned long curaddr = 0; unsigned long temp; struct hostent *hostp = NULL; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { temp = strtoul(addr, &endptr, 10); if (temp > 255) return 0L; if (endptr[0] != '.') if (i != 3) return 0L; else if (endptr[0] != '\0' && endptr[0] != ' ') return 0L; addr = endptr+1; curaddr = (curaddr << 8) + temp; } *EndOffset += (int)(endptr - start); return net_long(curaddr); } ulong param(char **argv, int argc, int current, ulong min, ulong max) { ulong temp; char *dummy; if (current == (argc - 1) ) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_1, argv[current] ); // printf( "Value must be supplied for option %s.\n", argv[current]); exit(1); } temp = strtoul(argv[current+1], &dummy, 0); if (temp < min || temp > max) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_2, argv[current], min, max ); // printf( "Bad value for option %s. range min..max\n", // argv[current], min, max ); exit(1); } return temp; } void ProcessOptions( ICMP_ECHO_REPLY *reply, BOOLEAN DoReverseLookup) { UCHAR *optionPtr; UCHAR *endPtr; BOOLEAN done = FALSE; UCHAR optionLength; UCHAR entryEndPtr; UCHAR entryPtr; UCHAR addressMode; int entryCount = 0; optionPtr = reply->Options.OptionsData; endPtr = optionPtr + reply->Options.OptionsSize; while ((optionPtr < endPtr) && !done) { switch (*optionPtr) { case IP_OPT_EOL: done = TRUE; break; case IP_OPT_NOP: optionPtr++; break; case IP_OPT_SECURITY: optionPtr += 11; break; case IP_OPT_SID: optionPtr += 4; break; case IP_OPT_RR: case IP_OPT_LSRR: case IP_OPT_SSRR: if ((optionPtr + 3) > endPtr) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_INVALID_RR_OPTION); done = TRUE; break; } optionLength = optionPtr[1]; if (((optionPtr + optionLength) > endPtr) || (optionLength < 3) ) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_INVALID_RR_OPTION); done = TRUE; break; } entryEndPtr = optionPtr[2]; if (entryEndPtr < 4) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_INVALID_RR_OPTION); optionPtr += optionLength; break; } if (entryEndPtr > (optionLength + 1)) { entryEndPtr = optionLength + 1; } entryPtr = 4; entryCount = 0; NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_ROUTE_HEADER1); while ((entryPtr + 3) < entryEndPtr) { struct in_addr routeAddress; if (entryCount) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_ROUTE_SEPARATOR ); if (entryCount == 1) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_CR); NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_ROUTE_HEADER2 ); entryCount = 0; } } entryCount++; routeAddress.S_un.S_addr = *( (IPAddr UNALIGNED *) (optionPtr + entryPtr - 1) ); if (DoReverseLookup) { struct hostent *hostEntry; hostEntry = gethostbyaddr( (char *) &routeAddress, sizeof(routeAddress), AF_INET ); if (hostEntry != NULL) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_FULL_ROUTE_ENTRY, hostEntry->h_name, inet_ntoa(routeAddress) ); } else { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_ROUTE_ENTRY, inet_ntoa(routeAddress) ); } } else { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_ROUTE_ENTRY, inet_ntoa(routeAddress) ); } entryPtr += 4; } NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_CR); optionPtr += optionLength; break; case IP_OPT_TS: if ((optionPtr + 4) > endPtr) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_INVALID_TS_OPTION); done = TRUE; break; } optionLength = optionPtr[1]; entryEndPtr = optionPtr[2]; if (entryEndPtr < 5) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_INVALID_TS_OPTION); optionPtr += optionLength; break; } addressMode = optionPtr[3] & 1; if (entryEndPtr > (optionLength + 1)) { entryEndPtr = optionLength + 1; } entryPtr = 5; entryCount = 0; NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_TS_HEADER1); while ((entryPtr + 3) < entryEndPtr) { struct in_addr routeAddress; ULONG timeStamp; if (entryCount) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_ROUTE_SEPARATOR ); if (entryCount == 1) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_CR); NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_TS_HEADER2); entryCount = 0; } } entryCount++; if (addressMode) { if ((entryPtr + 8) > entryEndPtr) { break; } routeAddress.S_un.S_addr = *( (IPAddr UNALIGNED *) (optionPtr + entryPtr - 1) ); if (DoReverseLookup) { struct hostent *hostEntry; hostEntry = gethostbyaddr( (char *) &routeAddress, sizeof(routeAddress), AF_INET ); if (hostEntry != NULL) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_FULL_TS_ADDRESS, hostEntry->h_name, inet_ntoa(routeAddress) ); } else { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_TS_ADDRESS, inet_ntoa(routeAddress) ); } } else { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_TS_ADDRESS, inet_ntoa(routeAddress) ); } entryPtr += 4; } timeStamp = *( (ULONG UNALIGNED *) (optionPtr + entryPtr - 1) ); timeStamp = net_long(timeStamp); NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_TS_TIMESTAMP, timeStamp ); entryPtr += 4; } NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_CR); optionPtr += optionLength; break; default: if ((optionPtr + 2) > endPtr) { done = TRUE; break; } optionPtr += optionPtr[1]; break; } } } // ======================================================================== // MohsinA, 05-Dec-96. IPAddr address=0; // was local to main earlier. uint num_send=0, num_recv=0, time_min=(uint)-1, time_max=0, time_total=0; void print_statistics( ) { struct in_addr addr; if (num_send > 0) { addr.s_addr = address; if (time_min == (uint) -1) { // all times were off. time_min = 0; } // printf // "Ping statistics for %s:\n" // "Packets: Sent=%ul, received=%ul, lost=%d (%u%% loss),\n" // "Round trip times in milli-seconds: " // "minimum=%dms, maximum=%dms, average=%dms\n" .... NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_STATISTICS, inet_ntoa(addr), num_send, num_recv, num_send - num_recv, (uint) ( 100 * (num_send - num_recv) / num_send )); if (num_recv > 0) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_STATISTICS2, time_min, time_max, time_total / num_recv ); } } } // ======================================================================== // MohsinA, 05-Dec-96. // Press C-c to print and abort. // Press C-break to print and continue. BOOL ConsoleControlHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType) { print_statistics(); switch ( dwCtrlType ) { case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_BREAK ); return TRUE; break; case CTRL_C_EVENT: NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_INTERRUPT ); default: break; } return FALSE; } uchar GetDefaultTTL(void) { HKEY registry=0; DWORD DefaultTTL=0; DWORD key_type; DWORD key_size = sizeof(DWORD); uchar TTL; DWORD Stat; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, ®istry) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Stat=RegQueryValueEx(registry, "DefaultTTL", 0, &key_type, (unsigned char *)&DefaultTTL, &key_size); } if (DefaultTTL) { TTL = (unsigned char)DefaultTTL; } else { TTL = DEFAULT_TTL; } if (registry) { RegCloseKey(registry); } return TTL; } // ======================================================================== void __cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) { char *arg; uint i; uint j; int found_addr = 0; int dnsreq = 0; char *hostname = NULL; int was_inaddr; DWORD numberOfReplies; uint Count = DEFAULT_COUNT; uchar TTL = 0; uchar *Opt = NULL; // Pointer to send options uint OptLength = 0; int OptIndex = 0; // Current index into SendOptions int SRIndex = -1; // Where to put address, if source routing uchar TOS = DEFAULT_TOS; uchar Flags = 0; ulong Timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; IP_OPTION_INFORMATION SendOpts; int EndOffset; ulong TempAddr; uchar TempCount; DWORD errorCode; HANDLE IcmpHandle; int err; struct in_addr addr; BOOL result; PICMP_ECHO_REPLY reply; BOOL sourceRouting = FALSE; char *SendBuffer, *RcvBuffer; uint RcvSize; uint SendSize = DEFAULT_SEND_SIZE; // ==================================================================== err = WSAStartup( 0x0101, &WsaData); if (err) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_WSASTARTUP_FAILED, GetLastError()); exit(1); } TTL = GetDefaultTTL(); if (argc < 2) { PrintUsage(); exit(1); } else { i = 1; while (i < (uint) argc) { arg = argv[i]; if ( (arg[0] == '-') || (arg[0] == '/') ) { // Have an option switch (arg[1]) { case '?': PrintUsage(); exit(0); case 'l': // SendSize = (uint)param(argv, argc, i++, 0, 0xfff7); // A ping with packet size >= 64K can crash // some tcpip stacks during re-assembly, // So changed 'max' from 0xfff7 to 65500 // - MohsinA, 13-Nov-96. SendSize = (uint)param(argv, argc, i++, 0, 65500 ); break; case 't': Count = (uint)-1; break; case 'n': Count = (uint)param(argv, argc, i++, 1, 0xffffffff); break; case 'f': Flags = IP_FLAG_DF; break; case 'i': // TTL of zero is invalid, MohsinA, 13-Mar-97. TTL = (uchar)param(argv, argc, i++, 1, 0xff); break; case 'v': TOS = (uchar)param(argv, argc, i++, 0, 0xff); break; case 'w': Timeout = param(argv, argc, i++, 0, 0xffffffff); break; case 'a': dnsreq = 1; break; case 'r': // Record Route if ((OptIndex + 3) > MAX_OPT_SIZE) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_TOO_MANY_OPTIONS); exit(1); } Opt = SendOptions; Opt[OptIndex] = IP_OPT_RR; Opt[OptIndex + 2] = 4; // Set initial pointer value // min is 1 not zero, MohsinA, 16-4-97. TempCount = (uchar)param(argv, argc, i++, 1, 9); TempCount = (TempCount * sizeof(ulong)) + 3; if ((TempCount + OptIndex) > MAX_OPT_SIZE) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_TOO_MANY_OPTIONS); exit(1); } Opt[OptIndex+1] = TempCount; OptLength += TempCount; OptIndex += TempCount; break; case 's': // Timestamp if ((OptIndex + 4) > MAX_OPT_SIZE) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_TOO_MANY_OPTIONS); exit(1); } Opt = SendOptions; Opt[OptIndex] = IP_OPT_TS; Opt[OptIndex + 2] = 5; // Set initial pointer value TempCount = (uchar)param(argv, argc, i++, 1, 4); TempCount = (TempCount * (sizeof(ulong) * 2)) + 4; if ((TempCount + OptIndex) > MAX_OPT_SIZE) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_TOO_MANY_OPTIONS); exit(1); } Opt[OptIndex+1] = TempCount; Opt[OptIndex+3] = 1; OptLength += TempCount; OptIndex += TempCount; break; case 'j': // Loose source routing if (sourceRouting) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_BAD_OPTION_COMBO); exit(1); } if ((OptIndex + 3) > MAX_OPT_SIZE) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_TOO_MANY_OPTIONS); exit(1); } Opt = SendOptions; Opt[OptIndex] = IP_OPT_LSRR; Opt[OptIndex+1] = 3; Opt[OptIndex + 2] = 4; // Set initial pointer value OptLength += 3; while ( (i < (uint)(argc - 2)) && (*argv[i+1] != '-')) { if ((OptIndex + 3) > (MAX_OPT_SIZE - 4)) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_TOO_MANY_OPTIONS); exit(1); } arg = argv[++i]; EndOffset = 0; do { TempAddr = str2ip(arg + EndOffset, &EndOffset); if (!TempAddr) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_4 ); // printf("Bad route specified for loose source route"); exit(1); } j = Opt[OptIndex+1]; *(ulong UNALIGNED *)&Opt[j+OptIndex] = TempAddr; Opt[OptIndex+1] += 4; OptLength += 4; while (arg[EndOffset] != '\0' && isspace(arg[EndOffset])) EndOffset++; } while (arg[EndOffset] != '\0'); } SRIndex = Opt[OptIndex+1] + OptIndex; Opt[OptIndex+1] += 4; // Save space for dest. addr OptIndex += Opt[OptIndex+1]; OptLength += 4; sourceRouting = TRUE; break; case 'k': // Strict source routing if (sourceRouting) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_BAD_OPTION_COMBO); exit(1); } if ((OptIndex + 3) > MAX_OPT_SIZE) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_TOO_MANY_OPTIONS); exit(1); } Opt = SendOptions; Opt[OptIndex] = IP_OPT_SSRR; Opt[OptIndex+1] = 3; Opt[OptIndex + 2] = 4; // Set initial pointer value OptLength += 3; while ( (i < (uint)(argc - 2)) && (*argv[i+1] != '-')) { if ((OptIndex + 3) > (MAX_OPT_SIZE - 4)) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_TOO_MANY_OPTIONS); exit(1); } arg = argv[++i]; EndOffset = 0; do { TempAddr = str2ip(arg + EndOffset, &EndOffset); if (!TempAddr) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_4 ); // printf("Bad route specified for loose source route"); exit(1); } j = Opt[OptIndex+1]; *(ulong UNALIGNED *)&Opt[j+OptIndex] = TempAddr; Opt[OptIndex+1] += 4; OptLength += 4; while (arg[EndOffset] != '\0' && isspace(arg[EndOffset])) EndOffset++; } while (arg[EndOffset] != '\0'); } SRIndex = Opt[OptIndex+1] + OptIndex; Opt[OptIndex+1] += 4; // Save space for dest. addr OptIndex += Opt[OptIndex+1]; OptLength += 4; sourceRouting = TRUE; break; default: NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_11, arg ); // printf( "Bad option %s.\n\n", arg); PrintUsage(); exit(1); break; } i++; } else { // Not an option, must be an IP address. if (found_addr) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_12, arg ); // printf( "Bad parameter %s.\n", arg); exit(1); } // Added check for INADDR_NONE, MohsinA, 21-Oct-96. address = get_pingee(arg, &hostname, &was_inaddr, dnsreq); if ( address && (address != INADDR_NONE) ) { found_addr = 1; i++; } else { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_13, arg ); // printf( "Bad IP address %s.\n", arg); // "Unknown host %s.", was Bug 1368. exit(1); } } } } if (!found_addr) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_14 ); // printf("IP address must be specified.\n"); exit(1); } if (SRIndex != -1) { *(ulong UNALIGNED *)&SendOptions[SRIndex] = address; } IcmpHandle = IcmpCreateFile(); if (IcmpHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_15, GetLastError() ); // printf( "Unable to contact IP driver, error code %d.\n", // GetLastError() ); exit(1); } SendBuffer = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, SendSize); if (SendBuffer == NULL) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_NO_MEMORY); exit(1); } // // Calculate receive buffer size and try to allocate it. // if (SendSize <= DEFAULT_SEND_SIZE) { RcvSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; } else { RcvSize = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; } RcvBuffer = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, RcvSize); if (RcvBuffer == NULL) { NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_NO_MEMORY); LocalFree(SendBuffer); exit(1); } // // Initialize the send buffer pattern. // for (i = 0; i < SendSize; i++) { SendBuffer[i] = 'a' + (i % 23); } // // Initialize the send options // SendOpts.OptionsData = Opt; SendOpts.OptionsSize = (uchar)OptLength; SendOpts.Ttl = TTL; SendOpts.Tos = TOS; SendOpts.Flags = Flags; addr.s_addr = address; if (hostname) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_HEADER1, hostname, inet_ntoa(addr), SendSize ); // printf("Pinging Host %s [%s]\n", hostname, inet_ntoa(addr)); } else { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_HEADER2, inet_ntoa(addr), SendSize ); // printf("Pinging Host [%s]\n", inet_ntoa(addr)); } SetConsoleCtrlHandler( &ConsoleControlHandler, TRUE ); for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) { numberOfReplies = IcmpSendEcho2(IcmpHandle, 0, NULL, NULL, address, SendBuffer, (unsigned short) SendSize, &SendOpts, RcvBuffer, RcvSize, Timeout); num_send++; if (numberOfReplies == 0) { errorCode = GetLastError(); if (errorCode < IP_STATUS_BASE) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_18, errorCode ); // printf("PING: transmit failed, error code %lu\n", errorCode); } else { for (j = 0; ErrorTable[j].Error != errorCode && ErrorTable[j].Error != IP_GENERAL_FAILURE;j++) ; NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, ErrorTable[j].ErrorNlsID ); // printf("PING: %s.\n", ErrorTable[j].ErrorString); } if (i < (Count - 1)) { Sleep(MIN_INTERVAL); } } else { reply = (PICMP_ECHO_REPLY) RcvBuffer; while (numberOfReplies--) { struct in_addr addr; addr.S_un.S_addr = reply->Address; NlsPutMsg(STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_19, inet_ntoa(addr)); // printf( // "Reply from %s:", // inet_ntoa(addr), // ); if (reply->Status == IP_SUCCESS) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_25, (int) reply->DataSize); // printf( // "Echo size=%d ", // reply->DataSize // ); if (reply->DataSize != SendSize) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_20, SendSize ); // printf("(sent %d) ", SendSize); } else { char *sendptr, *recvptr; sendptr = &(SendBuffer[0]); recvptr = (char *) reply->Data; for (j = 0; j < SendSize; j++) if (*sendptr++ != *recvptr++) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_21, j ); // printf("- MISCOMPARE at offset %d - ", j); break; } } if (reply->RoundTripTime) { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_22, reply->RoundTripTime ); // Collect stats. time_total += reply->RoundTripTime; if ( reply->RoundTripTime < time_min ) { time_min = reply->RoundTripTime; } if ( reply->RoundTripTime > time_max ) { time_max = reply->RoundTripTime; } } else { NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_23 ); // printf("time<1ms "); time_min = 0; } // printf("\n time rt=%dms min %d, max %d, total %d\n", // reply->RoundTripTime, // time_min, time_max, time_total ); NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, PING_MESSAGE_24, (uint)reply->Options.Ttl ); // printf("TTL=%u\n", (uint)reply->Options.Ttl); if (reply->Options.OptionsSize) { ProcessOptions(reply, (BOOLEAN) dnsreq); } } else { for (j=0; ErrorTable[j].Error != IP_GENERAL_FAILURE; j++) { if (ErrorTable[j].Error == reply->Status) { break; } } NlsPutMsg( STDOUT, ErrorTable[j].ErrorNlsID); } num_recv++; reply++; } if (i < (Count - 1)) { reply--; if (reply->RoundTripTime < MIN_INTERVAL) { Sleep(MIN_INTERVAL - reply->RoundTripTime); } } } } // MohsinA, 05-Dec-96. DCR # 65503. print_statistics(); result = IcmpCloseHandle(IcmpHandle); LocalFree(SendBuffer); LocalFree(RcvBuffer); exit(0 == num_recv); }