/*++ Copyright(c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: NLB Manager File Name: nlbhost.cpp Abstract: Implementation of class NLBHost NLBHost is responsible for connecting to an NLB host and getting/setting its NLB-related configuration. History: 03/31/01 JosephJ Created --*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "private.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The one and only application object CWinApp theApp; void test(int argc, WCHAR* argv[]); int __cdecl wmain(int argc, WCHAR* argv[], WCHAR* envp[]) { int nRetCode = 0; // initialize MFC and print and error on failure if (!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0)) { // TODO: change error code to suit your needs cerr << L"Fatal Error: MFC initialization failed" << endl; nRetCode = 1; } else { test(argc, argv); } return nRetCode; } VOID MyLogger( PVOID Context, const WCHAR * Text ) { wprintf(L"LOG: %s", Text); wprintf(L"\n"); } void test(int argc, WCHAR* argv[]) { WCHAR wszBuf[1024]; NLBHost * pHost = NULL; UINT Status = 0; NLBHost::HostInformation *pHostInfo = NULL; pHost = new NLBHost( L"JOSEPHJ1C", L"JosephJ's Dev Machine", MyLogger, NULL // Logger context ); if (pHost == NULL) { MyLogger(NULL, L"Could not create an instance of NLBHost."); goto end; } Status = pHost->Ping(); if (!NLBH_SUCCESS(Status)) goto end; Status = pHost->GetHostInformation( &pHostInfo ); if (!NLBH_SUCCESS(Status)) { pHostInfo = NULL; goto end; } int NumNics = pHostInfo->nicInformation.size(); wsprintf( wszBuf, L"Processing host with MachineName %s(NumNics=%d)", (LPCWSTR)pHostInfo->MachineName, NumNics ); MyLogger(NULL, wszBuf); for( int i = 0; i < NumNics; i++) { NLBHost::NicInformation *pNicInfo; MGR_RAW_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION ClusterConfig; UINT GenerationId; UINT RequestId; pNicInfo = &pHostInfo->nicInformation[i]; wsprintf( wszBuf, L"Processing NIC %s (%s)\n", (LPCWSTR) pNicInfo->adapterGuid, (LPCWSTR) pNicInfo->friendlyName ); MyLogger(NULL, wszBuf); Status = pHost->GetClusterConfiguration( pNicInfo->adapterGuid, &ClusterConfig, &GenerationId ); if (!NLBH_SUCCESS(Status)) { // Failure... continue; } Status = pHost->SetClusterConfiguration( pNicInfo->adapterGuid, &ClusterConfig, GenerationId, &RequestId ); if (NLBH_PENDING(Status)) { INT Delay = 1000; // 1 sec // Give some time for the remote host's connectivity to be lost... // MyLogger(NULL, L"Sleeping for 5 seconds."); Sleep(5000); // Now wait until we can ping the host, then query for the async // result of the SetClusterConfiguration operation. // We keep polling for the result, sleeping increasing amounts // in between. // MyLogger(NULL, L"Pinging the host ...."); while (NLBH_SUCCESS(pHost->Ping())) { UINT ResultCode; _bstr_t ResultText; MyLogger(NULL, L"Checking for asynchronous completion..."); Status = pHost->GetAsyncResult( RequestId, &GenerationId, &ResultCode, &ResultText ); if (!NLBH_PENDING(Status)) { break; } MyLogger(NULL, L"Operation still pending..."); MyLogger(NULL, L"Waiting to try again ...."); Sleep(Delay); MyLogger(NULL, L"Pinging the host ...."); Delay *=2; } } } end: if (pHostInfo != NULL) { delete pHostInfo; pHostInfo = NULL; } if (pHost != NULL) { delete pHost; pHost = NULL; } return; }