#include "WLBS_Provider.h" #include "WLBS_Node.h" #include "ClusterWrapper.h" #include "ControlWrapper.h" #include "utils.h" #include "wlbsutil.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CWLBS_Node::CWLBS_Node // // Purpose: Constructor // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CWLBS_Node::CWLBS_Node(CWbemServices* a_pNameSpace, IWbemObjectSink* a_pResponseHandler) : CWlbs_Root( a_pNameSpace, a_pResponseHandler ) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CWLBS_Node::Create // // Purpose: This instantiates this class and is invoked from an array of // function pointers. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CWlbs_Root* CWLBS_Node::Create ( CWbemServices* a_pNameSpace, IWbemObjectSink* a_pResponseHandler ) { g_pWlbsControl->CheckMembership(); CWlbs_Root* pRoot = new CWLBS_Node( a_pNameSpace, a_pResponseHandler ); if( !pRoot ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); return pRoot; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CWLBS_Node::GetInstance // // Purpose: Queries WLBS for desired node instance and sends results back // to WinMgMt. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CWLBS_Node::GetInstance ( const ParsedObjectPath* a_pParsedPath, long /* a_lFlags */, IWbemContext* /* a_pIContex */ ) { IWbemClassObject* pWlbsInstance = NULL; HRESULT hRes = 0; try { //g_pWlbsControl->CheckConfiguration(); //get the node FindInstance( &pWlbsInstance, a_pParsedPath ); //send the results back to WinMgMt m_pResponseHandler->Indicate( 1, &pWlbsInstance ); if( pWlbsInstance ) { pWlbsInstance->Release(); pWlbsInstance = NULL; } m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus( 0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL ); hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } catch(CErrorWlbsControl Err) { IWbemClassObject* pWbemExtStat = NULL; CreateExtendedStatus( m_pNameSpace, &pWbemExtStat, Err.Error(), (PWCHAR)(Err.Description()) ); m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_E_FAILED, NULL, pWbemExtStat); if( pWbemExtStat ) pWbemExtStat->Release(); if( pWlbsInstance ) pWlbsInstance->Release(); //do not return WBEM_E_FAILED, this causes a race condition hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } catch(_com_error HResErr ) { m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, HResErr.Error(), NULL, NULL); if( pWlbsInstance ) pWlbsInstance->Release(); hRes = HResErr.Error(); } catch(...) { if( pWlbsInstance ) { pWlbsInstance->Release(); pWlbsInstance = NULL; } throw; } return hRes; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CWLBS_Node::EnumInstances // // Purpose: Executes a WlbsQuery and sends data back to WinMgMt. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CWLBS_Node::EnumInstances ( BSTR /* a_bstrClass */, long /* a_lFlags */, IWbemContext* /* a_pIContex */ ) { IWbemClassObject** ppWlbsInstance = NULL; WLBS_RESPONSE* pResponse = NULL; HRESULT hRes = 0; BSTR strClassName = NULL; long nNumNodes = 0; //g_pWlbsControl->CheckConfiguration(); try { strClassName = SysAllocString( MOF_NODE::szName ); if( !strClassName ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); //declare an IWbemClassObject smart pointer IWbemClassObjectPtr pWlbsNodeClass; //get the MOF class object hRes = m_pNameSpace->GetObject( strClassName, 0, NULL, &pWlbsNodeClass, NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { throw _com_error( hRes ); } DWORD dwNumClusters = 0; CWlbsClusterWrapper** ppCluster = NULL; g_pWlbsControl->EnumClusters(ppCluster, &dwNumClusters); if (dwNumClusters == 0) { throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); } for (DWORD iCluster=0; iClusterGetClusterIP()); continue; } //spawn an instance of the Node MOF class for each node found ppWlbsInstance = new IWbemClassObject *[nNumNodes]; if( !ppWlbsInstance ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); //initialize array ZeroMemory( ppWlbsInstance, nNumNodes * sizeof(IWbemClassObject *) ); for(int i = 0; i < nNumNodes; i ++ ) { hRes = pWlbsNodeClass->SpawnInstance( 0, &ppWlbsInstance[i] ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes ); FillWbemInstance(ppCluster[iCluster], ppWlbsInstance[i], pResponse + i ); } //send the results back to WinMgMt hRes = m_pResponseHandler->Indicate( nNumNodes, ppWlbsInstance ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { throw _com_error( hRes ); } if( ppWlbsInstance ) { for( i = 0; i < nNumNodes; i++ ) { if( ppWlbsInstance[i] ) { ppWlbsInstance[i]->Release(); } } delete [] ppWlbsInstance; } if( pResponse ) delete [] pResponse; } if( strClassName ) SysFreeString(strClassName); m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus( 0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL ); hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } catch(CErrorWlbsControl Err) { IWbemClassObject* pWbemExtStat = NULL; CreateExtendedStatus( m_pNameSpace, &pWbemExtStat, Err.Error(), (PWCHAR)(Err.Description()) ); m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_E_FAILED, NULL, pWbemExtStat); if( pWbemExtStat ) pWbemExtStat->Release(); if( strClassName ) SysFreeString( strClassName ); if( ppWlbsInstance ) { for(int i = 0; i < nNumNodes; i++ ) { if( ppWlbsInstance[i] ) { ppWlbsInstance[i]->Release(); } } delete [] ppWlbsInstance; } if( pResponse ) delete [] pResponse; //do not return WBEM_E_FAILED, this causes a race condition hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } catch(_com_error HResErr ) { m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, HResErr.Error(), NULL, NULL); if( strClassName ) SysFreeString( strClassName ); if( ppWlbsInstance ) { for(int i = 0; i < nNumNodes; i++ ) { if( ppWlbsInstance[i] ) { ppWlbsInstance[i]->Release(); } } delete [] ppWlbsInstance; } if( pResponse ) delete [] pResponse; hRes = HResErr.Error(); } catch(...) { if( strClassName ) SysFreeString( strClassName ); if( ppWlbsInstance ) { for(int i = 0; i < nNumNodes; i++ ) { if( ppWlbsInstance[i] ) { ppWlbsInstance[i]->Release(); } } delete [] ppWlbsInstance; } if( pResponse ) delete [] pResponse; throw; } return hRes; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CWLBS_Node::ExecMethod // // Purpose: This executes the methods associated with the MOF // Node class. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CWLBS_Node::ExecMethod ( const ParsedObjectPath* a_pParsedPath, const BSTR& a_strMethodName, long /* a_lFlags */, IWbemContext* /* a_pIContex */, IWbemClassObject* a_pIInParams ) { DWORD dwNumHosts = 1; DWORD dwReturnValue; HRESULT hRes = 0; _variant_t vMofResponse; _variant_t vReturnValue; _variant_t vInputPortNumber; CNodeConfiguration NodeConfig; BSTR strPortNumber = NULL; IWbemClassObject* pOutputInstance = NULL; try { strPortNumber = SysAllocString( MOF_PARAM::PORT_NUMBER ); if( !strPortNumber ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); //get the host ID address DWORD dwHostID = 0; DWORD dwClusterIpOrIndex = 0; dwHostID = ExtractHostID( wstring( (*a_pParsedPath->m_paKeys)->m_vValue.bstrVal ) ); if ((DWORD)-1 == dwHostID) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); dwClusterIpOrIndex = ExtractClusterIP( wstring( (*a_pParsedPath->m_paKeys)->m_vValue.bstrVal ) ); if ((DWORD)-1 == dwClusterIpOrIndex) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster = g_pWlbsControl->GetClusterFromIpOrIndex(dwClusterIpOrIndex); if (pCluster == NULL) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); //always let the provider peform control operations on the local host if( dwHostID == pCluster->GetHostID() ) dwHostID = WLBS_LOCAL_HOST; //get the output object instance GetMethodOutputInstance( MOF_NODE::szName, a_strMethodName, &pOutputInstance ); //determine and execute the MOF method if( _wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_NODE::pMethods[MOF_NODE::DISABLE] ) == 0) { if( !a_pIInParams ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); // The "Disable" method does NOT take vip as a parameter, so, if there is any port rule // that is specific to a vip (other than the "all vip"), we fail this method. // The "EffectiveVersion" registry value is checked for a value of CVY_VERSION_FULL to // see of there is any port rule that is specific to a vip pCluster->GetNodeConfig(NodeConfig); if(NodeConfig.dwEffectiveVersion == CVY_VERSION_FULL) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION ); //get the port number hRes = a_pIInParams->Get ( strPortNumber, 0, &vInputPortNumber, NULL, NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { throw _com_error( hRes ); } //make sure the port number is not NULL if( vInputPortNumber.vt != VT_I4) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); //call Disable method dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Disable ( pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl), dwHostID, NULL, dwNumHosts, IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP), // "All Vip" (long)vInputPortNumber ); } else if(_wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_NODE::pMethods[MOF_NODE::ENABLE] ) == 0) { if( !a_pIInParams ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); // The "Enable" method does NOT take vip as a parameter, so, if there is any port rule // that is specific to a vip (other than the "all vip"), we fail this method. // The "EffectiveVersion" registry value is checked for a value of CVY_VERSION_FULL to // see of there is any port rule that is specific to a vip pCluster->GetNodeConfig(NodeConfig); if(NodeConfig.dwEffectiveVersion == CVY_VERSION_FULL) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION ); //get the port number hRes = a_pIInParams->Get ( strPortNumber, 0, &vInputPortNumber, NULL, NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { throw _com_error( hRes ); } if( vInputPortNumber.vt != VT_I4) throw _com_error(WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); //call Enable method dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Enable ( pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl), dwHostID, NULL, dwNumHosts, IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP), // "All Vip" (long)vInputPortNumber ); } else if(_wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_NODE::pMethods[MOF_NODE::DRAIN] ) == 0) { if( !a_pIInParams ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); // The "Drain" method does NOT take vip as a parameter, so, if there is any port rule // that is specific to a vip (other than the "all vip"), we fail this method. // The "EffectiveVersion" registry value is checked for a value of CVY_VERSION_FULL to // see of there is any port rule that is specific to a vip pCluster->GetNodeConfig(NodeConfig); if(NodeConfig.dwEffectiveVersion == CVY_VERSION_FULL) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION ); //get the port number hRes = a_pIInParams->Get ( strPortNumber, 0, &vInputPortNumber, NULL, NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { throw _com_error( hRes ); } if( vInputPortNumber.vt != VT_I4) throw _com_error(WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); //call Drain method dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Drain ( pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl), dwHostID, NULL, dwNumHosts, IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP), // "All Vip" (long)vInputPortNumber ); } else if(_wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_NODE::pMethods[MOF_NODE::DRAINSTOP]) == 0) { //call DrainStop method dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->DrainStop( pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl), dwHostID, NULL, dwNumHosts); } else if(_wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_NODE::pMethods[MOF_NODE::RESUME] ) == 0) { //call Resume method dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Resume( pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl), dwHostID, NULL, dwNumHosts); } else if(_wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_NODE::pMethods[MOF_NODE::START] ) == 0) { //call Start method dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Start( pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl), dwHostID, NULL, dwNumHosts); } else if(_wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_NODE::pMethods[MOF_NODE::STOP] ) == 0) { //call Stop method dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Stop( pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl), dwHostID, NULL, dwNumHosts); } else if(_wcsicmp(a_strMethodName, MOF_NODE::pMethods[MOF_NODE::SUSPEND] ) == 0) { //call Suspend method dwReturnValue = g_pWlbsControl->Suspend( pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl), dwHostID, NULL, dwNumHosts); } else { throw _com_error(WBEM_E_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } //set the return value vReturnValue = (long)dwReturnValue; hRes = pOutputInstance->Put( _bstr_t(L"ReturnValue"), 0, &vReturnValue, 0 ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { throw _com_error( hRes ); } //send the results back to WinMgMt hRes = m_pResponseHandler->Indicate(1, &pOutputInstance); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { throw _com_error( hRes ); } if( strPortNumber ) { SysFreeString(strPortNumber); strPortNumber = NULL; } m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus( 0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL ); hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } catch(CErrorWlbsControl Err) { IWbemClassObject* pWbemExtStat = NULL; CreateExtendedStatus( m_pNameSpace, &pWbemExtStat, Err.Error(), (PWCHAR)(Err.Description()) ); m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_E_FAILED, NULL, pWbemExtStat); if( strPortNumber ) { SysFreeString(strPortNumber); strPortNumber = NULL; } if( pOutputInstance ) { pOutputInstance->Release(); pOutputInstance = NULL; } if( pWbemExtStat ) pWbemExtStat->Release(); //do not return WBEM_E_FAILED, this causes a race condition hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } catch(_com_error HResErr ) { m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, HResErr.Error(), NULL, NULL); if( strPortNumber ) { SysFreeString(strPortNumber); strPortNumber = NULL; } if( pOutputInstance ) { pOutputInstance->Release(); pOutputInstance = NULL; } hRes = HResErr.Error(); } catch(...) { if( strPortNumber ) { SysFreeString(strPortNumber); strPortNumber = NULL; } if( pOutputInstance ) { pOutputInstance->Release(); pOutputInstance = NULL; } throw; } return hRes; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CWLBS_Node::FindInstance // // Purpose: This routine determines if a host is within the local cluster. If // it is, then the host's data is obtained and returned via the // IWbemClassObject interface. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CWLBS_Node::FindInstance ( IWbemClassObject** a_ppWbemInstance, const ParsedObjectPath* a_pParsedPath ) { try { //get the key property //throws _com_error //get the name key property and convert to ANSI //throws _com_error wstring szRequestedHostName = ( *a_pParsedPath->m_paKeys)->m_vValue.bstrVal; DWORD dwClustIpOrIndex = ExtractClusterIP( szRequestedHostName ); CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster = g_pWlbsControl->GetClusterFromIpOrIndex(dwClustIpOrIndex); if( pCluster == NULL ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); WLBS_RESPONSE Response; DWORD dwHostID = ExtractHostID( szRequestedHostName ); if ((DWORD)-1 == dwHostID) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); //always let the provider peform control operations on the local host if( dwHostID == pCluster->GetHostID() ) { dwHostID = WLBS_LOCAL_HOST; } DWORD dwNumHosts = 1; //call the api query function g_pWlbsControl->Query( pCluster, dwHostID , &Response , &dwNumHosts, NULL ); if( dwNumHosts == 0 ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); //if requested, fill a MOF instance structure if(a_ppWbemInstance) { //get the Wbem class instance SpawnInstance( MOF_NODE::szName, a_ppWbemInstance ); //Convert status to string description FillWbemInstance(pCluster, *a_ppWbemInstance, &Response ); } } catch(...) { if( *a_ppWbemInstance ) { delete *a_ppWbemInstance; *a_ppWbemInstance = NULL; } throw; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CWLBS_Node::FindAllInstances // // Purpose: This executes a WLBS query and returns Response structures upon // success. It always performs a local query to get the local host // so that disabling remote control will not prevent it from // enumerating. The dedicated IP address is added to the structure // within the CWlbsControlWrapper::Query call. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CWLBS_Node::FindAllInstances ( CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster, WLBS_RESPONSE** a_ppResponse, long& a_nNumNodes ) { WLBS_RESPONSE Response[WLBS_MAX_HOSTS]; WLBS_RESPONSE LocalResponse; ASSERT(pCluster); ZeroMemory(Response, WLBS_MAX_HOSTS * sizeof(WLBS_RESPONSE)); DWORD dwNumHosts = WLBS_MAX_HOSTS; a_nNumNodes = 0; //this will contain the number of nodes returned try { //get the local host DWORD dwLocalNode = 1; g_pWlbsControl->Query( pCluster, WLBS_LOCAL_HOST, &LocalResponse, &dwLocalNode, NULL); try { //we only want remote hosts if( pCluster->GetClusterIP() != 0 ) { g_pWlbsControl->Query( pCluster, WLBS_ALL_HOSTS, Response, &dwNumHosts, NULL ); } else { dwNumHosts = 0; } } catch (CErrorWlbsControl Err) { dwNumHosts = 0; if (Err.Error() != WLBS_TIMEOUT) { throw; } } //this wastes memory if the local node //has remote control enabled a_nNumNodes = dwNumHosts + 1; if( a_ppResponse ) { *a_ppResponse = new WLBS_RESPONSE[a_nNumNodes]; if( !*a_ppResponse ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ); //copy the local host (*a_ppResponse)[0] = LocalResponse; int j = 1; for(DWORD i = 1; i <= dwNumHosts; i++ ) { //do not copy the local host again should it have remote control enabled if( Response[i-1].id == LocalResponse.id ) { //we received the local node twice, so we reduce the count //by one a_nNumNodes--; continue; } (*a_ppResponse)[j] = Response[i-1]; j++; } } } catch (...) { if ( *a_ppResponse ) { delete [] *a_ppResponse; *a_ppResponse = NULL; } throw; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CWLBS_Node::FillWbemInstance // // Purpose: This function copies all of the data from a node configuration // structure to a WBEM instance. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CWLBS_Node::FillWbemInstance ( CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster, IWbemClassObject* a_pWbemInstance, WLBS_RESPONSE* a_pResponse ) { namespace NODE = MOF_NODE; ASSERT( a_pWbemInstance ); ASSERT( a_pResponse ); wstring wstrHostName; ConstructHostName( wstrHostName, pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl), a_pResponse->id ); //HOST NAME HRESULT hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( NODE::pProperties[NODE::NAME] ) , 0 , &_variant_t(wstrHostName.c_str()), NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes ); //HOST ID hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( NODE::pProperties[NODE::HOSTID] ) , 0 , &_variant_t((long)(a_pResponse->id)), NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes ); //CREATCLASS hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( NODE::pProperties[NODE::CREATCLASS] ), 0 , &_variant_t(NODE::szName), NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes ); //IP ADDRESS wstring szIPAddress; AddressToString( a_pResponse->address, szIPAddress ); hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( NODE::pProperties[NODE::IPADDRESS] ), 0 , &_variant_t(szIPAddress.c_str()), NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes ); //STATUS hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( NODE::pProperties[NODE::STATUS] ) , 0 , &_variant_t((long)a_pResponse->status), NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes ); }