// // $(UI)\rc\uicommon.str // // Common UI resource strings STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_MAWF_NAME "Fax Address" IDS_AWF_NAME "Microsoft Fax" IDS_FAX_NAME "Fax" IDS_INFORMATION_MESSAGE "Information Message" IDS_WARNING_MESSAGE "Warning Message" IDS_CRITICAL_MESSAGE "Error Message" IDS_HELP_FILE_NAME "awfax.hlp" IDS_CPE_FILE_NAME "faxcover.exe" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TAPI_LINE_NAME "Line %d" IDS_TAPI_ADDRESS_NAME "Address %d" IDS_TAPI_CC_UNKNOWN "Unknown" IDS_NONE "(None - Dial as Entered)" IDS_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_ID "1" IDS_DEV_NAMES "Efwfmpqnfou; Boez!Xbufst Csvdf!Lfmmfz Kptfqi!Kpz Lfo!Ipso Lfou!Tfuumf Lfwjo!Hbmmp Ljn!Tufccfot Sbkffw!Evkbsj Sboe!Sfogspf Tufwf!Cbslfuu Zpsbn!Zbbdpwj " IDS_QA_NAMES "RB; Cpc!Ifsopo Cpccz!Xboh Ebo!Tqju{mfz Ebwf!Sf{ptlj Ebwje!Dbsqfoufs Mfboo!Xzmjf Nfbe!Ijnfmtufjo Nbsuz!Tufjocfsh Qfufs![foh Spehfs!Ijmm Sptt!Xpmg Tdpuu!Dpvtfot Ubmffob!Mfoibseu Uifsftb!Evdifof Upoz!Ujoh Wffob!Hboeibn Wjoi!Mbn " IDS_PMBLD_NAMES "Qspevdu!Nbslfujoh; Ebwf!Qpmmpo Tv{bo!Gjof Qsphsbn!Nbobhfnfou; Kvtujo!Nbhbsbn Lvsu!Evmcfof Ufssj!Cspotpo Fjsjo!P(Dpoofmm Cvjme; Bouipoz!Spcjotpo Njudi!Tnjui Ifmq; Eboob!Lbu{nbo Kpzdf!Zbsspx " END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN MAWF_W_NOT_IMPLEMENTED "This feature of Microsoft Fax is not yet implemented." MAWF_W_MUST_SELECT_ITEM "You must first select an item from the list.\n" MAWF_W_RESBAD "A resource string was in an invalid format." MAWF_W_TAPI_REINIT "The Fax configuration could not start.\nQuit all other telephone-related programs, and then try again." MAWF_W_NO_MODEM "No local fax device was found.\n" MAWF_W_TAPI_LINE_CLOSE "A line device was closed. Please exit the Fax Configuration property sheet and restart.\n" MAWF_W_TAPI_LOC_NOT_FOUND "The telephony location stored in the profile was not found. The current location will be used." MAWF_W_MUST_BE_NUMBER "The value in this field must be numeric" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN MAWF_E_GENERIC "Error: " MAWF_E_MAPI_DLL_LOAD_FAIL "Problem in loading the MAPI DLL" MAWF_E_MAPI_LOGON_FAIL "There was an error when trying to logon into a MAPI Session" MAWF_E_MAPI_LOGOFF_FAIL "There was an error when trying to logoff from the MAPI Session" MAWF_E_NO_MEM "Microsoft Fax could not allocate memory it needed. Some operations may not work as expected." MAWF_E_WRONG_WINDOWS_VERSION "The program you are using or one of its components is not supported by this version of Windows/NT. Try upgrading to a newer version of Windows/NT." MAWF_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND "A required file was not found." MAWF_E_UNKNOWN "Unknown problem" MAWF_E_TAPI_CONFIG_DLG "Problems in using the TAPI configuration dialog." MAWF_E_TAPI_LOC_CORRUPT "No location information is available.\nTry deleting TELEPHON.INI in your Windows directory and retry. If this doesn't work, call the Microsoft support line." MAWF_E_TAPI_CANT_INIT "Microsoft Fax could not initialize the telephony manager (TAPI).\nThis sometimes happen if you have added or removed telephony devices while some TAPI applications were open.\nTry restarting your system." END