/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: sndthrd.c Abstract: This module: 1) Verifies a tiff 2) Enables or disables the FaxRcv Routing Extension 3) Callback function for the change of state during the RAS connection process 4) Sends a RAS call 5) Sends a fax 6) Receives a fax 7) Thread to handle the Send logic Author: Steven Kehrli (steveke) 11/15/1997 --*/ #ifndef _SNDTHRD_C #define _SNDTHRD_C #include <tifflib.h> #include <tifflibp.h> #define SUSPECT_RAS_SPEED 28800 #define IMAGEWIDTH_REF 1728 #define IMAGELENGTH_200_REF 2200 #define IMAGELENGTH_100_REF 1100 #define SOFTWARE_REF "Windows NT Fax Server" UINT fnVerifyTiff( LPWSTR szTiffFile, LPDWORD pdwPages ) /*++ Routine Description: Verifies a tiff Arguments: szTiffFile - tiff file name pdwPages - pointer to the number of pages Return Value: TRUE on success --*/ { HANDLE hTiffFile; TIFF_INFO TiffInfo; PTIFF_INSTANCE_DATA pTiffInstanceData; DWORD IFDOffset; WORD wNumDirEntries; PTIFF_TAG pTiffTag; WORD wIndex; DWORD ImageLengthRef; DWORD ImageWidth; DWORD ImageLength; DWORD Compression; DWORD Photometric; DWORD XResolution; DWORD YResolution; LPSTR SoftwareBuffer; LPSTR Software; UINT uFlags; uFlags = ERROR_SUCCESS; *pdwPages = 0; // Open the tiff file hTiffFile = TiffOpen(szTiffFile, &TiffInfo, TRUE, FILLORDER_MSB2LSB); if (hTiffFile == NULL) { TiffClose(hTiffFile); return IDS_TIFF_INVALID_TIFF; } pTiffInstanceData = (PTIFF_INSTANCE_DATA) hTiffFile; // Get the next IFD offset IFDOffset = pTiffInstanceData->TiffHdr.IFDOffset; while (IFDOffset) { // Increment the number of pages (*pdwPages)++; // Get the number of tags in this IFD wNumDirEntries = (WORD) *(LPWORD) (pTiffInstanceData->fPtr + IFDOffset); // Set the tag pointer pTiffTag = (PTIFF_TAG) (pTiffInstanceData->fPtr +IFDOffset + sizeof(WORD)); // Get the tiff tags ImageWidth = -1; ImageLength = -1; Compression = -1; Photometric = -1; XResolution = -1; YResolution = -1; Software = NULL; for (wIndex = 0; wIndex < wNumDirEntries; wIndex++) { switch (pTiffTag[wIndex].TagId) { case TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH: ImageWidth = GetTagData(pTiffInstanceData->fPtr, 0, &pTiffTag[wIndex]); break; case TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH: ImageLength = GetTagData(pTiffInstanceData->fPtr, 0, &pTiffTag[wIndex]); break; case TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION: Compression = GetTagData(pTiffInstanceData->fPtr, 0, &pTiffTag[wIndex]); break; case TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC: Photometric = GetTagData(pTiffInstanceData->fPtr, 0, &pTiffTag[wIndex]); break; case TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION: XResolution = GetTagData(pTiffInstanceData->fPtr, 0, &pTiffTag[wIndex]); break; case TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION: YResolution = GetTagData(pTiffInstanceData->fPtr, 0, &pTiffTag[wIndex]); break; case TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE: SoftwareBuffer = (LPSTR) (DWORD UNALIGNED *) (pTiffInstanceData->fPtr + pTiffTag[wIndex].DataOffset); Software = MemAllocMacro((lstrlenA(SOFTWARE_REF) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR)); lstrcpynA(Software, SoftwareBuffer, (lstrlenA(SOFTWARE_REF) + 1)); break; } } if ((ImageWidth < (IMAGEWIDTH_REF - (IMAGEWIDTH_REF * .1))) || (ImageWidth > (IMAGEWIDTH_REF + (IMAGEWIDTH_REF * .1)))) { uFlags = IDS_TIFF_INVALID_IMAGEWIDTH; goto InvalidFax; } if (YResolution == 196) { ImageLengthRef = IMAGELENGTH_200_REF; } else if (YResolution == 98) { ImageLengthRef = IMAGELENGTH_100_REF; } else { uFlags = IDS_TIFF_INVALID_YRESOLUTION; goto InvalidFax; } if ((ImageLength < (ImageLengthRef - (ImageLengthRef * .1))) || (ImageLength > (ImageLengthRef + (ImageLengthRef * .1)))) { uFlags = IDS_TIFF_INVALID_IMAGELENGTH; goto InvalidFax; } if (Compression != 4) { uFlags = IDS_TIFF_INVALID_COMPRESSION; goto InvalidFax; } if (Photometric != 0) { uFlags = IDS_TIFF_INVALID_PHOTOMETRIC; goto InvalidFax; } if (XResolution != 204) { uFlags = IDS_TIFF_INVALID_XRESOLUTION; goto InvalidFax; } if ((YResolution != 196) && (YResolution != 98)) { uFlags = IDS_TIFF_INVALID_YRESOLUTION; goto InvalidFax; } if (lstrcmpA(SOFTWARE_REF, Software)) { uFlags = IDS_TIFF_INVALID_SOFTWARE; goto InvalidFax; } MemFreeMacro(Software); // Get the next IFD offset IFDOffset = (DWORD) *(DWORD UNALIGNED *) (pTiffInstanceData->fPtr + (wNumDirEntries * sizeof(TIFF_TAG)) + IFDOffset + sizeof(WORD)); } TiffClose(hTiffFile); return ERROR_SUCCESS; InvalidFax: if (Software) { MemFreeMacro(Software); } TiffClose(hTiffFile); return uFlags; } VOID fnEnableFaxRcv( BOOL bEnable ) /*++ Routine Description: Enables or disables the FaxRcv Routing Extension Arguments: bEnable - indicates whether to enable or disable the FaxRcv Routing Extension TRUE enables the FaxRcv Routing Extension FALSE enables the FaxRcv Routing Extension Return Value: None --*/ { // hFaxRcvExtKey is the handle to the FaxRcv Extension Registry key HKEY hFaxRcvExtKey; // Open the FaxRcv Extension Registry key if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, FAXRCV_EXT_REGKEY, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hFaxRcvExtKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; } // Set the FaxRcv Extension bEnable Registry value if (RegSetValueEx(hFaxRcvExtKey, BENABLE_EXT_REGVAL, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &bEnable, sizeof(BOOL)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Close the FaxRcv Extension Registry key RegCloseKey(hFaxRcvExtKey); return; } // Close the FaxRcv Extension Registry key RegCloseKey(hFaxRcvExtKey); } VOID WINAPI fnRasDialCallback( UINT uMsg, RASCONNSTATE RasConnState, DWORD dwError ) /*++ Routine Description: Callback function for the change of state during the RAS connection process Arguments: uMsg - type of event RasConnState - state dwError - error Return Value: None --*/ { static BOOL bError = FALSE; if ((dwError) && (!bError)) { bError = TRUE; // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_RAS_FAILED, dwError); SetEvent(g_hRasFailedEvent); } else if (RasConnState == RASCS_OpenPort) { bError = FALSE; } else if (RasConnState == RASCS_ConnectDevice) { SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_RAS_DIALING, 0); } else if (RasConnState == RASCS_Authenticate) { SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_RAS_AUTHENTICATING, 0); } else if (RasConnState == RASCS_Connected) { SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_RAS_CONNECTED, 0); SetEvent(g_hRasPassedEvent); } return; } UINT fnSendRas( LPHANDLE phFaxStopRasPassFailEvents ) /*++ Routine Description: Sends a RAS call Arguments: phFaxStopSendPassFailEvents - pointer to the g_hFaxEvent, g_hStopEvent, g_hRasPassedEvent and g_hRasFailedEvent Return Value: UINT - resource id --*/ { DWORD_PTR dwRslt; UINT uRslt; // RasDialParams is the RAS dial params RASDIALPARAMS RasDialParams; // hRasConn is the handle to the RAS connection HRASCONN hRasConn; // RasConnStatus is the RAS connection status RASCONNSTATUS RasConnStatus; // RasStats are the RAS connection statistics RAS_STATS RasStats; // RasInfo is the RAS connection info RAS_INFO RasInfo; // Initialize hRasConn hRasConn = NULL; // Initialize RasDialParams ZeroMemory(&RasDialParams, sizeof(RASDIALPARAMS)); // Set RasDialParams RasDialParams.dwSize = sizeof(RASDIALPARAMS); lstrcpy(RasDialParams.szPhoneNumber, g_szSndNumber); lstrcpy(RasDialParams.szUserName, g_szRasUserName); lstrcpy(RasDialParams.szPassword, g_szRasPassword); lstrcpy(RasDialParams.szDomain, g_szRasDomain); // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_RAS_STARTING, (LPARAM) g_szSndNumber); // Start the RAS session ResetEvent(g_hRasPassedEvent); ResetEvent(g_hRasFailedEvent); dwRslt = g_RasApi.RasDial(NULL, NULL, &RasDialParams, 0, fnRasDialCallback, &hRasConn); if (dwRslt != 0) { // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_RAS_FAILED, dwRslt); return IDS_STATUS_RAS_FAILED; } // Wait for Fax, Stop, RAS Passed or RAS Failed event dwRslt = WaitForMultipleObjects(4, phFaxStopRasPassFailEvents, FALSE, INFINITE); switch (dwRslt) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: uRslt = IDS_STATUS_FAXSVC_ENDED; break; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1): uRslt = IDS_STATUS_ITERATION_STOPPED; break; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2): uRslt = IDS_STATUS_RAS_PASSED; break; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 3): uRslt = IDS_STATUS_RAS_FAILED; break; } if (uRslt != IDS_STATUS_RAS_PASSED) { // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_RAS_STOPPING, 0); // Stop the RAS session g_RasApi.RasHangUp(hRasConn); if (uRslt != IDS_STATUS_RAS_FAILED) { WaitForSingleObject(g_hRasFailedEvent, INFINITE); } return uRslt; } // Initialize RasConnStatus ZeroMemory(&RasConnStatus, sizeof(RASCONNSTATUS)); // Set RasConnStatus RasConnStatus.dwSize = sizeof(RASCONNSTATUS); // Get the RAS connection status g_RasApi.RasGetConnectStatus(hRasConn, &RasConnStatus); // Initialize RasStats ZeroMemory(&RasStats, sizeof(RAS_STATS)); // Set RasStats RasStats.dwSize = sizeof(RAS_STATS); // Get the connection statistics g_RasApi.RasGetConnectionStatistics(hRasConn, &RasStats); // Set the line speed RasInfo.dwBps = RasStats.dwBps; // Set the port name RasInfo.szDeviceName = RasConnStatus.szDeviceName; // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_RAS_LINESPEED, (LPARAM) &RasInfo); if (RasStats.dwBps < SUSPECT_RAS_SPEED) { SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_RAS_SPEED_SUSPECT, SUSPECT_RAS_SPEED); } else { SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_RAS_PASSED, 0); } SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_RAS_STOPPING, 0); // Stop the RAS session g_RasApi.RasHangUp(hRasConn); return IDS_STATUS_RAS_PASSED; } UINT fnSendFax( FAX_JOB_PARAM FaxJobParams, LPWSTR szDocumentName, LPHANDLE phFaxStopSendPassFailEvents, DWORD dwSendTimeout ) /*++ Routine Description: Sends a fax Arguments: FaxJobParams - fax job parameters szDocumentName - name of document to send phFaxStopSendPassFailEvents - pointer to the g_hFaxEvent, g_hStopEvent, g_hSendPassedEvent and g_hSendFailedEvent dwSendTimeout - send timeout interval Return Value: UINT - resource id --*/ { DWORD dwRslt; UINT uRslt; // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_FAX_STARTING, (LPARAM) FaxJobParams.RecipientNumber); if (!g_bNoCheck) { // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_FAX_ID, (LPARAM) FaxJobParams.Tsid); } // Send a fax if (!FaxSendDocument(g_hFaxSvcHandle, szDocumentName, &FaxJobParams, NULL, &g_dwFaxId)) { return IDS_STATUS_FAX_SEND_FAILED; } g_bFaxSndInProgress = TRUE; g_dwAttempt = 0; // Wait for Fax, Stop, Send Passed or Send Failed event dwRslt = WaitForMultipleObjects(4, phFaxStopSendPassFailEvents, FALSE, dwSendTimeout); g_bFaxSndInProgress = FALSE; switch (dwRslt) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT: uRslt = IDS_STATUS_TIMEOUT_ENDED; break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0: uRslt = IDS_STATUS_FAXSVC_ENDED; break; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1): uRslt = IDS_STATUS_ITERATION_STOPPED; break; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2): uRslt = IDS_STATUS_FAX_SEND_PASSED; break; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 3): uRslt = IDS_STATUS_FAX_SEND_FAILED; break; } if (uRslt != IDS_STATUS_FAX_SEND_PASSED) { if (uRslt == IDS_STATUS_ITERATION_STOPPED) { SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_FAX_STOPPING, 0); } FaxAbort(g_hFaxSvcHandle, g_dwFaxId); return uRslt; } return IDS_STATUS_FAX_SEND_PASSED; } UINT fnReceiveFax( LPHANDLE phFaxStopRcvEvents, DWORD dwReceiveTimeout, LPWSTR szTsid, DWORD dwTsidSize, LPWSTR szCopyTiffFile, DWORD dwCopyTiffFileSize, LPWSTR szCopyTiffName, DWORD dwCopyTiffNameSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Receives a fax Arguments: phFaxStopRcvEvents - pointer to the g_hFaxEvent, g_hStopEvent and hFaxRcvEvent dwReceiveTimeout - receive timeout interval szTsid - TSID of the received fax dwTsidSize - size of szTsid buffer, in bytes szCopyTiffFile - name of the copy of the received fax dwCopyTiffFileSize - size of szCopyTiffFile buffer, in bytes szCopyTiffName - name of the copy of the received fax dwCopyTiffNameSize - size of szCopyTiffName buffer, in bytes Return Value: UINT - resource id --*/ { // hFaxRcvEvent is the handle to the FaxRcv named event HANDLE hFaxRcvEvent; // hFaxRcvMutex is the handle to the FaxRcv named mutex HANDLE hFaxRcvMutex; // hFaxRcvMap is the handle to the FaxRcv memory map HANDLE hFaxRcvMap; // pFaxRcvView is the pointer to the FaxRcv memory map view LPBYTE pFaxRcvView; // szTiffFile is the name of the received fax LPWSTR szTiffFile; // szFile is the name of the received fax WCHAR szFile[_MAX_FNAME]; // szExt is the extension of the received fax WCHAR szExt[_MAX_EXT]; // FaxReceiveInfo is the fax receive info FAX_RECEIVE_INFO FaxReceiveInfo; DWORD dwRslt; UINT uRslt; UINT_PTR upOffset; // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_FAX_WAITING, 0); // Open FaxRcv named event hFaxRcvEvent = OpenEvent(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, FAXRCV_EVENT); // Open FaxRcv named mutex hFaxRcvMutex = OpenMutex(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, FAXRCV_MUTEX); if ((!hFaxRcvEvent) || (!hFaxRcvMutex)) { if (hFaxRcvEvent) { CloseHandle(hFaxRcvEvent); } if (hFaxRcvMutex) { CloseHandle(hFaxRcvMutex); } return IDS_STATUS_FAXSVC_ENDED; } // Update phFaxStopRcvEvents // hFaxRcvEvent phFaxStopRcvEvents[2] = hFaxRcvEvent; // Wait for FaxRcv named mutex WaitForSingleObject(hFaxRcvMutex, INFINITE); // Enable the FaxRcv Routing Extension fnEnableFaxRcv(TRUE); // Release access to the FaxRcv named mutex ReleaseMutex(hFaxRcvMutex); g_bFaxRcvInProgress = TRUE; // Wait for Fax, Stop or FaxRcv named event dwRslt = WaitForMultipleObjects(3, phFaxStopRcvEvents, FALSE, dwReceiveTimeout); g_bFaxRcvInProgress = FALSE; // Wait for FaxRcv named mutex WaitForSingleObject(hFaxRcvMutex, INFINITE); // Disable the FaxRcv Routing Extension fnEnableFaxRcv(FALSE); switch (dwRslt) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT: uRslt = IDS_STATUS_TIMEOUT_ENDED; break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0: uRslt = IDS_STATUS_FAXSVC_ENDED; break; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1): uRslt = IDS_STATUS_ITERATION_STOPPED; break; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2): uRslt = IDS_STATUS_FAX_RECEIVED; break; } if (uRslt != IDS_STATUS_FAX_RECEIVED) { // Release access to the FaxRcv named mutex ReleaseMutex(hFaxRcvMutex); CloseHandle(hFaxRcvEvent); CloseHandle(hFaxRcvMutex); return uRslt; } // Open FaxRcv memory map hFaxRcvMap = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, FAXRCV_MAP); if (!hFaxRcvMap) { // Release access to the FaxRcv named mutex ReleaseMutex(hFaxRcvMutex); CloseHandle(hFaxRcvEvent); CloseHandle(hFaxRcvMutex); return IDS_STATUS_FAXSVC_ENDED; } // Create FaxRcv memory map view pFaxRcvView = (LPBYTE) MapViewOfFile(hFaxRcvMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); // Set upOffset upOffset = 0; // Set szTiffFile szTiffFile = MemAllocMacro((lstrlen((LPWSTR) ((UINT_PTR) pFaxRcvView + upOffset)) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); lstrcpy(szTiffFile, (LPWSTR) ((UINT_PTR) pFaxRcvView + upOffset)); upOffset += (lstrlen(szTiffFile) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); // Initialize szTsid ZeroMemory(szTsid, dwTsidSize); // Set szTsid lstrcpy(szTsid, (LPWSTR) ((UINT_PTR) pFaxRcvView + upOffset)); upOffset += (lstrlen(szTsid) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); // Set FaxReceiveInfo.dwDeviceId FaxReceiveInfo.dwDeviceId = (DWORD) *(LPDWORD) ((UINT_PTR) pFaxRcvView + upOffset); // Close FaxRcv memory map view UnmapViewOfFile(pFaxRcvView); // Close FaxRcv memory map CloseHandle(hFaxRcvMap); _wsplitpath(szTiffFile, NULL, NULL, szFile, szExt); // Initialize szCopyTiffFile ZeroMemory(szCopyTiffFile, dwCopyTiffFileSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); // Set szCopyTiffFile GetCurrentDirectory(dwCopyTiffFileSize, szCopyTiffFile); lstrcat(szCopyTiffFile, L"\\"); lstrcat(szCopyTiffFile, (LPWSTR) ((UINT_PTR) szFile + lstrlen(L"Copy of ") * sizeof(WCHAR))); lstrcat(szCopyTiffFile, szExt); // Initialize szCopyTiffName ZeroMemory(szCopyTiffName, dwCopyTiffNameSize); // Set szCopyTiffName lstrcpy(szCopyTiffName, (LPWSTR) ((UINT_PTR) szFile + lstrlen(L"Copy of ") * sizeof(WCHAR))); lstrcat(szCopyTiffName, szExt); // Set FaxReceiveInfo.szCopyTiffName FaxReceiveInfo.szCopyTiffName = szCopyTiffName; // Copy szTiffFile to szCopyTiffFile CopyFile(szTiffFile, szCopyTiffFile, FALSE); // Delete the received fax DeleteFile(szTiffFile); // Free szTiffFile MemFreeMacro(szTiffFile); // Release access to the FaxRcv named mutex ReleaseMutex(hFaxRcvMutex); CloseHandle(hFaxRcvEvent); CloseHandle(hFaxRcvMutex); // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_FAX_RECEIVED, (LPARAM) &FaxReceiveInfo); return IDS_STATUS_FAX_RECEIVED; } DWORD WINAPI fnSendProc (LPVOID lpv) /*++ Routine Description: Thread to handle the Send logic Return Value: DWORD - exit code --*/ { // hFaxExitStartEvents is a pointer to the g_hFaxEvent, g_hExitEvent and g_hStartEvent HANDLE hFaxExitStartEvents[3]; // hFaxStopRasPassFailEvents is a pointer to the g_hFaxEvent, g_hStopEvent, g_hRasPassedEvent and g_hRasFailedEvent HANDLE hFaxStopRasPassFailEvents[4]; // hFaxStopSendPassFailEvents is a pointer to the g_hFaxEvent, g_hStopEvent, g_hSendPassedEvent and g_hSendFailedEvent HANDLE hFaxStopSendPassFailEvents[4]; // hFaxStopRcvEvents is a pointer to the g_hFaxEvent, g_hStopEvent and g_hFaxRcvEvent HANDLE hFaxStopRcvEvents[3]; // dwSendTimeout is the send timeout interval DWORD dwSendTimeout; // dwReceiveTimeout is the receive timeout interval DWORD dwReceiveTimeout; // szOriginalTiffFile is the name of the original tiff file LPWSTR szOriginalTiffFile; // dwNumFaxesToSend is the number of faxes to be sent DWORD dwNumFaxesToSend; // dwNumFaxesRemaining is the number of faxes remaining to be sent DWORD dwNumFaxesRemaining; // FaxJobParams is the fax job params FAX_JOB_PARAM FaxJobParams; // szCopyTiffFile is the name of the copy of the received fax WCHAR szCopyTiffFile[_MAX_PATH]; // szCopyTiffName is the name of the copy of the received fax WCHAR szCopyTiffName[_MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT]; // szReceivedTsid is the received TSID WCHAR szReceivedTsid[ENCODE_CHAR_LEN + CONTROL_CHAR_LEN + PHONE_NUM_LEN + 1]; // szEncodedTsid is the encoded TSID WCHAR szEncodedTsid[ENCODE_CHAR_LEN + CONTROL_CHAR_LEN + PHONE_NUM_LEN + 1]; // szDecodedTsid is the decoded TSID WCHAR szDecodedTsid[PHONE_NUM_LEN + 1]; DWORD dwPages; DWORD dwRslt; UINT uRslt; // Set hFaxExitStartEvents // g_hFaxEvent hFaxExitStartEvents[0] = g_hFaxEvent; // g_hExitEvent hFaxExitStartEvents[1] = g_hExitEvent; // g_hStartEvent hFaxExitStartEvents[2] = g_hStartEvent; // Set hFaxStopRasPassFailEvents // g_hFaxEvent hFaxStopRasPassFailEvents[0] = g_hFaxEvent; // g_hStopEvent hFaxStopRasPassFailEvents[1] = g_hStopEvent; // g_hPassEvent hFaxStopRasPassFailEvents[2] = g_hRasPassedEvent; // g_hFailEvent hFaxStopRasPassFailEvents[3] = g_hRasFailedEvent; // Set hFaxStopSendPassFailEvents // g_hFaxEvent hFaxStopSendPassFailEvents[0] = g_hFaxEvent; // g_hStopEvent hFaxStopSendPassFailEvents[1] = g_hStopEvent; // g_hSendPassedEvent hFaxStopSendPassFailEvents[2] = g_hSendPassedEvent; // g_hSendFailedEvent hFaxStopSendPassFailEvents[3] = g_hSendFailedEvent; // Set hFaxStopRcvEvents // g_hFaxEvent hFaxStopRcvEvents[0] = g_hFaxEvent; // g_hStopEvent hFaxStopRcvEvents[1] = g_hStopEvent; if (g_bBVT) { dwSendTimeout = FAXSVC_RETRIES * ((FAXSVC_RETRIES + 1) * FAXSVC_RETRYDELAY) * 60000; dwReceiveTimeout = dwSendTimeout * 2; szOriginalTiffFile = FAXBVT_TIF; dwNumFaxesToSend = FAXBVT_NUM_FAXES; dwNumFaxesRemaining = dwNumFaxesToSend; } else { dwSendTimeout = INFINITE; dwReceiveTimeout = INFINITE; szOriginalTiffFile = FAXWHQL_TIF; dwNumFaxesToSend = FAXWHQL_NUM_FAXES; dwNumFaxesRemaining = dwNumFaxesToSend; } while (TRUE) { // Wait for Fax, Exit, or Start event dwRslt = WaitForMultipleObjects(3, hFaxExitStartEvents, FALSE, INFINITE); if (dwRslt == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_FAXSVC_ENDED, 0, 0); continue; } else if (dwRslt == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)) { return 0; } if (g_bSend) { if (g_bRasEnabled) { // Send a RAS call uRslt = fnSendRas(hFaxStopRasPassFailEvents); if (uRslt != IDS_STATUS_RAS_PASSED) { switch (uRslt) { case IDS_STATUS_TIMEOUT_ENDED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_TIMEOUT_ENDED, 0, 0); break; case IDS_STATUS_FAXSVC_ENDED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_FAXSVC_ENDED, 0, 0); break; case IDS_STATUS_ITERATION_STOPPED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_ITERATION_STOPPED, 0, 0); break; case IDS_STATUS_RAS_FAILED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_ITERATION_FAILED, 0, 0); break; } dwNumFaxesRemaining = dwNumFaxesToSend; continue; } } // Encode the TSID if (!g_bNoCheck) { fnEncodeTsid(g_szRcvNumber, TX_CONTROL_CHARS, szEncodedTsid); } else { lstrcpy(szEncodedTsid, g_szSndNumber); } // Initialize FaxJobParams ZeroMemory(&FaxJobParams, sizeof(FAX_JOB_PARAM)); // Set FaxJobParams FaxJobParams.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(FAX_JOB_PARAM); FaxJobParams.RecipientNumber = g_szSndNumber; FaxJobParams.RecipientName = g_szSndNumber; FaxJobParams.Tsid = szEncodedTsid; FaxJobParams.ScheduleAction = JSA_NOW; // Send a fax uRslt = fnSendFax(FaxJobParams, szOriginalTiffFile, hFaxStopSendPassFailEvents, dwSendTimeout); if (uRslt != IDS_STATUS_FAX_SEND_PASSED) { switch (uRslt) { case IDS_STATUS_TIMEOUT_ENDED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_TIMEOUT_ENDED, 0, 0); break; case IDS_STATUS_FAXSVC_ENDED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_FAXSVC_ENDED, 0, 0); break; case IDS_STATUS_ITERATION_STOPPED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_ITERATION_STOPPED, 0, 0); break; case IDS_STATUS_FAX_SEND_FAILED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_ITERATION_FAILED, 0, 0); break; } dwNumFaxesRemaining = dwNumFaxesToSend; continue; } } // Receive a fax uRslt = fnReceiveFax(hFaxStopRcvEvents, dwReceiveTimeout, szReceivedTsid, sizeof(szReceivedTsid) / sizeof(WCHAR), szCopyTiffFile, sizeof(szCopyTiffFile) / sizeof(WCHAR), szCopyTiffName, sizeof(szCopyTiffName) / sizeof(WCHAR)); if (uRslt != IDS_STATUS_FAX_RECEIVED) { switch (uRslt) { case IDS_STATUS_TIMEOUT_ENDED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_TIMEOUT_ENDED, 0, 0); break; case IDS_STATUS_FAXSVC_ENDED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_FAXSVC_ENDED, 0, 0); break; case IDS_STATUS_ITERATION_STOPPED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_ITERATION_STOPPED, 0, 0); break; } if (g_bSend) { if (uRslt != IDS_STATUS_ITERATION_STOPPED) { // This iteration failed SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_ITERATION_FAILED, 0, 0); } // Reset the number of faxes remaining to be sent dwNumFaxesRemaining = dwNumFaxesToSend; } continue; } if (!g_bNoCheck) { if (!fnDecodeTsid(szReceivedTsid, g_bSend ? RX_CONTROL_CHARS : TX_CONTROL_CHARS, szDecodedTsid)) { // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_FAX_INVALID, 0); if (g_bSend) { // This iteration failed SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_ITERATION_FAILED, 0, 0); // Reset the number of faxes remaining to be sent dwNumFaxesRemaining = dwNumFaxesToSend; } else { // Set the g_hStartEvent to start another cycle to receive a fax SetEvent(g_hStartEvent); } continue; } // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_FAX_ID, (LPARAM) szReceivedTsid); SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, IDS_STATUS_FAX_VERIFYING, (LPARAM) szCopyTiffName); // Verify the tiff uRslt = fnVerifyTiff(szCopyTiffFile, &dwPages); if ((uRslt == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (((g_bBVT) && (dwPages == FAXBVT_PAGES)) || ((!g_bBVT) && (dwPages == FAXWHQL_PAGES)))) { // Fax is valid uRslt = IDS_TIFF_VALID_TIFF; } else if (uRslt == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Each page is valid, but missing pages uRslt = IDS_TIFF_INVALID_PAGES; } if (uRslt == IDS_TIFF_INVALID_PAGES) { // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, uRslt, dwPages); } else { // Update the status SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_UPDATE_STATUS, uRslt, 0); } } else { lstrcpy(szDecodedTsid, szReceivedTsid); uRslt = IDS_TIFF_VALID_TIFF; } if ((g_bSend) && (uRslt == IDS_TIFF_VALID_TIFF)) { // Decrement the number of faxes remaining to be sent dwNumFaxesRemaining--; if (dwNumFaxesRemaining == 0) { // All faxes have been sent, so this iteration passed SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_ITERATION_PASSED, 0, 0); // Reset the number of faxes remaining to be sent dwNumFaxesRemaining = dwNumFaxesToSend; } else { // There are faxes remaining to be sent, so set the g_hStartEvent to start another cycle to send a fax SetEvent(g_hStartEvent); } continue; } else if (g_bSend) { // This iteration failed SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_ITERATION_FAILED, 0, 0); // Reset the number of faxes remaining to be sent dwNumFaxesRemaining = dwNumFaxesToSend; continue; } else if (uRslt != IDS_TIFF_VALID_TIFF) { // Set the g_hStartEvent to start another cycle to receive a fax SetEvent(g_hStartEvent); continue; } if (!g_bSend) { // Encode the TSID if (!g_bNoCheck) { fnEncodeTsid(szDecodedTsid, RX_CONTROL_CHARS, szEncodedTsid); } else { lstrcpy(szEncodedTsid, szDecodedTsid); } // Initialize FaxJobParams ZeroMemory(&FaxJobParams, sizeof(FAX_JOB_PARAM)); // Set FaxJobParams FaxJobParams.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(FAX_JOB_PARAM); FaxJobParams.RecipientNumber = szDecodedTsid; FaxJobParams.RecipientName = szDecodedTsid; FaxJobParams.Tsid = szEncodedTsid; FaxJobParams.ScheduleAction = JSA_NOW; // Send a fax uRslt = fnSendFax(FaxJobParams, szCopyTiffFile, hFaxStopSendPassFailEvents, dwSendTimeout); switch (uRslt) { case IDS_STATUS_TIMEOUT_ENDED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_TIMEOUT_ENDED, 0, 0); break; case IDS_STATUS_FAXSVC_ENDED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_FAXSVC_ENDED, 0, 0); break; case IDS_STATUS_ITERATION_STOPPED: SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_ITERATION_STOPPED, 0, 0); break; case IDS_STATUS_FAX_SEND_PASSED: case IDS_STATUS_FAX_SEND_FAILED: break; } if ((uRslt == IDS_STATUS_FAX_SEND_PASSED) || (uRslt == IDS_STATUS_FAX_SEND_FAILED)) { if (g_bBVT) { SendMessage(g_hWndDlg, UM_ITERATION_STOPPED, 0, 0); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(g_hWndDlg, IDC_EXIT_BUTTON), BM_CLICK, 0, 0); } else { // Set the g_hStartEvent to start another cycle to wait for a fax SetEvent(g_hStartEvent); } } continue; } } } #endif