//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" // // Resource Version File // #include #include #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_DLL #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Oleprn DLL" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "oleprn.dll" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "oleprn.dll" #include #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // //#include "winres.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources //#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) //#ifdef _WIN32 //LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US //#pragma code_page(1252) //#endif //_WIN32 #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "resource.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include ""winres.h""\r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "1 TYPELIB ""oleprn.tlb""\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // REGISTRY // IDR_PRTURL REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "prturl.rgs" IDR_SNMP REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "olesnmp.rgs" IDR_ASPHELP REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "asphelp.rgs" IDR_AddPrint REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "AddPrint.rgs" IDR_DSPRINTQUEUE REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "DSPrintQ.rgs" IDR_OLECVT REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "OleCvt.rgs" IDR_OLEINSTALL REGISTRY DISCARDABLE "oleInst.rgs" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Icon // // Icon with lowest ID value placed first to ensure application icon // remains consistent on all systems. IDI_WEBPNPICON ICON DISCARDABLE "webpnp.ico" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_PROJNAME "Oleprn" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN "No printers are currently open" IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY "Out of memory" IDS_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED "Data name not supported" IDS_NO_XCVDATA "Transceive data not available" IDS_INVALIDARG "One of the arguments is invalid" IDS_NO_SNMP_SESSION "No SNMP session is currently open" IDS_FAILED_OPEN_SNMP "Failed to open SNMP session" END // #endif // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ENVELOPE_10X13 "Envelope 10x13" IDS_ENVELOPE_10X14 "Envelope 10x14" IDS_ENVELOPE_10X15 "Envelope 10x15" IDS_ENVELOPE_6X9 "Envelope 6x9" IDS_ENVELOPE_7X9 "Envelope 7x9" IDS_ENVELOPE_9X11 "Envelope 9x11" IDS_ENVELOPE_9X12 "Envelope 9x12" IDS_A0_841_X_1189_MM "A0" IDS_A1_594_X_841_MM "A1" IDS_A10_26_X_37_MM "A10" IDS_A2_420_X_594_MM "A2" IDS_A3_297_X_420_MM "A3" IDS_A4_210_X_297_MM "A4" IDS_A5_148_X_210_MM "A5" IDS_A6_105_X_148_MM "A6" IDS_A7_74_X_105_MM "A7" IDS_A8_52_X_74_MM "A8" IDS_A9_37_X_52_MM "A9" IDS_B0_1000_X_1414_MM "B0" IDS_B0_1030_X_1456_MM "B0" IDS_B1_707_X_1000_MM "B1" IDS_B1_728_X_1030_MM "B1" IDS_B10_31_X_44_MM "B10" IDS_B10_32_X_45_MM "B10" IDS_B10_64_X_91_MM "B10" IDS_B2_500_X_707_MM "B2" IDS_B2_515_X_728_MM "B2" IDS_B3_353_X_500_MM "B3" IDS_B3_364_X_515_MM "B3" IDS_B4_250_X_353_MM "B4" IDS_B4_257_X_364_MM "B4" IDS_B4_ENVELOPE_250_X_353_MM "B4" IDS_B5_176_X_250_MM "B5" IDS_B5_182_X_257_MM "B5" IDS_B5_ENVELOPE_176_X_250_MM "B5" IDS_B6_125_X_176_MM "B6" IDS_B6_128_X_182_MM "B6" IDS_B6_257_X_364_MM "B6" IDS_B7_182_X_257_MM "B7" IDS_B7_88_X_125_MM "B7" IDS_B7_91_X_128_MM "B7" IDS_B8_128_X_182_MM "B8" IDS_B8_62_X_88_MM "B8" IDS_B8_64_X_91_MM "B8" IDS_B9_44_X_62_MM "B9" IDS_B9_45_X_64_MM "B9" IDS_B9_91_X_128_MM "B9" IDS_C0_917_X_1297_MM "C0" IDS_C1_648_X_917_MM "C1" IDS_C2_458_X_648_MM "C2" IDS_C3_324_X_458_MM "C3" IDS_C4_ENVELOPE_229_X_324_MM "C4" IDS_C5_ENVELOPE_162_X_229_MM "C5" IDS_C6_114_X_162_MM "C6" IDS_C7_81_X_114_MM "C7" IDS_C8_57_X_81_MM "C8" IDS_DL_ENVELOPE_110_X_220_MM "DL" IDS_ENGINEERING_A_8_5_X_11_IN "Engineering A" IDS_ENGINEERING_B_11_X_17_IN "Engineering B" IDS_ENGINEERING_C_17_X_22_IN "Engineering C" IDS_ENGINEERING_D_22_X_34_IN "Engineering D" IDS_ENGINEERING_E_34_X_44_IN "Engineering E" IDS_ENVELOPE_10 "Envelope #10" IDS_ENVELOPE_9 "Envelope #9" IDS_LEGAL_8_5_X_14_IN "Legal" IDS_LETTER_8_5_X_11_IN "Letter" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOERROR "No Error" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_TOOBIG "The SNMP agent could not place the results of the requested operation into a single SNMP message" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOSUCHNAME "The requested SNMP operation identified an unknown variable" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_BADVALUE "The requested SNMP operation tried to change a variable but it specified either a syntax or value error." IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_READONLY "The requested SNMP operation tried to change a variable that was not allowed to change according to the community profile of the variable" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_GENERR "An error other than one of those listed here occurred during the requested SNMP operation" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOACCESS "The requested SNMP operation had no access to the variable" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_WRONGTYPE "Wrong Type in SNMP Request" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_WRONGLENGTH "Wrong Length in SNMP Request" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_WRONGENCODING "Wrong Encoding in SNMP Request" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_WRONGVALUE "Wrong Value in SNMP Request" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOCREATION "No Creation in SNMP Request" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_INCONSISTENTVALUE "Inconsistent Value in SNMP Request" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE "Resource Unavailable in SNMP Request" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_COMMITFAILED "Commit Failed in SNMP Request" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_UNDOFAILED "Undo Failed in SNMP Request" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_AUTHORIZATIONERROR "Authorization Error in SNMP Request" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOTWRITABLE "Not Writable in SNMP Request" IDS_SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_INCONSISTENTNAME "Inconsistent Name in SNMP Request" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SNMPAPI_ALLOC_ERROR "WinSNMP API Error: Error allocating memory" IDS_SNMPAPI_CONTEXT_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid context parameter" IDS_SNMPAPI_CONTEXT_UNKNOWN "WinSNMP API Error: Unknown context parameter" IDS_SNMPAPI_ENTITY_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid entity parameter" IDS_SNMPAPI_ENTITY_UNKNOWN "WinSNMP API Error: Unknown entity parameter" IDS_SNMPAPI_INDEX_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid VBL index parameter" IDS_SNMPAPI_NOOP "WinSNMP API Error: No operation performed (the destination may not be reachable)" IDS_SNMPAPI_OID_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid OID parameter" IDS_SNMPAPI_OPERATION_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid/unsupported operation" IDS_SNMPAPI_OUTPUT_TRUNCATED "WinSNMP API Error: Insufficient output buf len" IDS_SNMPAPI_PDU_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid PDU parameter" IDS_SNMPAPI_SESSION_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid session parameter" IDS_SNMPAPI_SYNTAX_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid syntax in smiVALUE" IDS_SNMPAPI_VBL_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid VBL parameter" IDS_SNMPAPI_MODE_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid mode parameter" IDS_SNMPAPI_SIZE_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid size/length parameter" IDS_SNMPAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED "WinSNMP API Error: SnmpStartup failed/not called" IDS_SNMPAPI_MESSAGE_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid SNMP message format" IDS_SNMPAPI_HWND_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Invalid Window handle" IDS_SNMPAPI_OTHER_ERROR "WinSNMP API Error: For internal/undefined errors" IDS_SNMPAPI_TL_NOT_INITIALIZED "WinSNMP API Error: Transport layer not initialized" IDS_SNMPAPI_TL_NOT_SUPPORTED "WinSNMP API Error: Transport layer does not support protocol" IDS_SNMPAPI_TL_NOT_AVAILABLE "WinSNMP API Error: Network subsystem has failed" IDS_SNMPAPI_TL_RESOURCE_ERROR "WinSNMP API Error: Transport layer resource error" IDS_SNMPAPI_TL_UNDELIVERABLE "WinSNMP API Error: Destination unreachable" IDS_SNMPAPI_TL_SRC_INVALID "WinSNMP API Error: Source endpoint invalid" IDS_SNMPAPI_TL_INVALID_PARAM "WinSNMP API Error: Input parameter invalid" IDS_SNMPAPI_TL_IN_USE "WinSNMP API Error: Source endpoint in use" IDS_SNMPAPI_TL_TIMEOUT "WinSNMP API Error: No response before timeout" IDS_SNMPAPI_TL_PDU_TOO_BIG "WinSNMP API Error: PDU too big for send/receive" IDS_SNMPAPI_TL_OTHER "WinSNMP API Error: Undefined Transport layer error" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_MIBERR_OTHER "Other" IDS_MIBERR_UNKNOWN "Unknown" IDS_MIBERR_COVEROPEN "Cover Open" IDS_MIBERR_COVERCLOSED "Cover Closed" IDS_MIBERR_INTERLOCKOPEN "Interlock Open" IDS_MIBERR_INTERLOCKCLOSED "Interlock Closed" IDS_MIBERR_CONFIGURATIONCHANGE "Configuration Change" IDS_MIBERR_JAM "Jam" IDS_MIBERR_DOOROPEN "Door Open" IDS_MIBERR_DOORCLOSED "Door Closed" IDS_MIBERR_POWERUP "Power Up" IDS_MIBERR_POWERDOWN "Power Down" IDS_MIBERR_INPUTMEDIATRAYMISSING "Paper Tray Missing" IDS_MIBERR_INPUTMEDIASIZECHANGE "Paper Size Change" IDS_MIBERR_INPUTMEDIAWEIGHTCHANGE "Paper Weight Change" IDS_MIBERR_INPUTMEDIATYPECHANGE "Paper Type Change" IDS_MIBERR_INPUTMEDIACOLORCHANGE "Paper Color Change" IDS_MIBERR_INPUTMEDIAFORMPARTSCHANGE "Paper Form Parts Change" IDS_MIBERR_INPUTMEDIASUPPLYLOW "Paper Supply Low" IDS_MIBERR_INPUTMEDIASUPPLYEMPTY "Out of Paper" IDS_MIBERR_OUTPUTMEDIATRAYMISSING "Paper Tray Missing" IDS_MIBERR_OUTPUTMEDIATRAYALMOSTFULL "Paper Tray Almost Full" IDS_MIBERR_OUTPUTMEDIATRAYFULL "Paper Tray Full" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERFUSERUNDERTEMPERATURE "Marker Fuser Under Temperature" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERFUSEROVERTEMPERATURE "Marker Fuser Over Temperature" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERTONEREMPTY "Toner Empty" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERINKEMPTY "Ink Empty" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERPRINTRIBBONEMPTY "Print Ribbon Empty" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERTONERALMOSTEMPTY "Toner Low" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERINKALMOSTEMPTY "Ink Almost Empty" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERPRINTRIBBONALMOSTEMPTY "Print Ribbon Almost Empty" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERWASTETONERRECEPTACLEALMOSTFULL "Waste Toner Receptacle Almost Full" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERWASTEINKRECEPTACLEALMOSTFULL "Waste Ink Receptacle Almost Full" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERWASTETONERRECEPTACLEFULL "Waste Toner Receptacle Full" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERWASTEINKRECEPTACLEFULL "Waste Ink Receptacle Full" IDS_MIBERR_MARKEROPCLIFEALMOSTOVER "Marker OPC Life Almost Over" IDS_MIBERR_MARKEROPCLIFEOVER "Marker OPC Life Over" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERDEVELOPERALMOSTEMPTY "Marker Developer Almost Empty" IDS_MIBERR_MARKERDEVELOPEREMPTY "Marker Developer Empty" IDS_MIBERR_MEDIAPATHMEDIATRAYMISSING "Media Path Media Tray Missing" IDS_MIBERR_MEDIAPATHMEDIATRAYALMOSTFULL "Media Path Media Tray Almost Full" IDS_MIBERR_MEDIAPATHMEDIATRAYFULL "Media Path Media Tray Full" IDS_MIBERR_INTERPRETERMEMORYINCREASE "Interpreter Memory Increase" IDS_MIBERR_INTERPRETERMEMORYDECREASE "Interpreter Memory Decrease" IDS_MIBERR_INTERPRETERCARTRIDGEADDED "Interpreter Cartridge Added" IDS_MIBERR_INTERPRETERCARTRIDGEDELETED "Interpreter Cartridge Deleted" IDS_MIBERR_INTERPRETERRESOURCEADDED "Interpreter Resource Added" IDS_MIBERR_INTERPRETERRESOURCEDELETED "Interpreter Resource Deleted" IDS_MIBERR_INTERPRETERRESOURCEUNAVAILABLE "Interpreter Resource Unavailable" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SECURITY_ADD_WEB_PRN "Add Web Printer Connection" IDS_SECURITY_ADD_WEB_PRN_MSG "Do you want to add a printer connection to %s?" IDS_SECURITY_ADD_CONNECTION "Add Printer Connection" IDS_SECURITY_ADD_CONNECTION_MSG "Do you want to add a printer connection to %s?" IDS_SECURITY_DELETE_PRINTER "Remove Printer Connection" IDS_SECURITY_DELETE_PRINTER_MSG "Do you want to remove the printer connection to %s?" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERROR_CPUNOTSUPPORTED "Driver installation is not supported for the current OS version." IDS_ERROR_DRIVERNOTFOUND "The driver files are not available for the current CPU platform. Please contact your administrator to install proper driver files on the server." IDS_ERROR_WPNPINST_TERMINATED "The installation executable has been terminated abnormally. Please try it later." IDS_ERROR_INTERNAL_SERVER "An internal server error happened. Please contact your administrator to verify if the web server is configured correctly." IDS_ERROR_SERVER_DISK_FULL "The web server does not have enough space on the disk to complete the printer installation." IDS_ERROR_TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE "Printer installation was cancelled by user. No signature was present in the driver file." IDS_ERROR_LOCAL_PRINTER_ACCESS "You do not have enough privilege to complete the printer installation on the local machine." IDS_ERROR_IE_SECURITY_DENIED "Browser security has been set to disallow this action to be performed from this web site." IDS_CRYPT_E_FILE_ERROR "Installation was cancelled by user, the driver files were not signed." END #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // 1 TYPELIB "oleprn.tlb" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED