/****************************************************************************** stiddk.cpp Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1998 All rights reserved Notes: THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** int IsScanDevice(PSTI_DEVICE_INFORMATION pStiDevI) Determine whether we have Acquire commands for device Parameters: Pointer to Device Information structure Return: 1 if Acquire commands available, 0 otherwise *****************************************************************************/ int IsScanDevice(PSTI_DEVICE_INFORMATION pStiDevI) { return (0); } /****************************************************************************** HRESULT WINAPI SendDeviceCommandString( PSTIDEVICE pStiDevice, LPSTR pszFormat, ... ) Send formatted command string to device Parameters: StiDevice buffer and the command string Return: Result of the call. ******************************************************************************/ HRESULT WINAPI SendDeviceCommandString( PSTIDEVICE pStiDevice, LPSTR pszFormat, ... ) { HRESULT hres = STIERR_UNSUPPORTED; return (hres); } /****************************************************************************** HRESULT WINAPI TransactDevice( PSTIDEVICE pStiDevice, LPSTR lpResultBuffer, UINT cbResultBufferSize, LPSTR pszFormat, ... ) Send formatted command string to device and return data in a buffer. Parameters: StiDevice buffer, data buffer, sizeof databuffer and the command string. Return: Result of the call. ******************************************************************************/ HRESULT WINAPI TransactDevice( PSTIDEVICE pStiDevice, LPSTR lpResultBuffer, UINT cbResultBufferSize, LPSTR pszFormat, ... ) { HRESULT hres = STIERR_UNSUPPORTED; return (hres); } /***************************************************************************** void StiLamp(int nOnOff) Turn the scanner lamp on and off Parameters: Send "ON" to turn lamp on, "OFF" to turn it off. Return: none *****************************************************************************/ void StiLamp(int nOnOff) { return; } /***************************************************************************** INT StiScan(HWND hWnd) Scan and display an image from device. Parameters: Handle to the window to display image in. Return: 0 on success, -1 on error *****************************************************************************/ INT StiScan(HWND hWnd) { return (-1); } /***************************************************************************** INT CreateScanDIB(HWND); Create a DIB to display scanned image.. Parameters: Handle to the window to display image in. Return: 0 on success, -1 on error *****************************************************************************/ INT CreateScanDIB(HWND hWnd) { return (-1); } /***************************************************************************** INT DeleteScanDIB(); Delete the DIB used to display a scanned image.. Parameters: Return: 0 on success, -1 on error *****************************************************************************/ INT DeleteScanDIB() { return (-1); } /***************************************************************************** INT DisplayScanDIB(HWND); Show the DIB. Parameters: Handle to the window to display image in. Return: 0 on success, -1 on error *****************************************************************************/ INT DisplayScanDIB(HWND hWnd) { return (-1); }