#define MENUIDTOHELPID 4000 #define FILEMENUPOSITION 0 #define EDITMENUPOSITION 1 #define VIEWMENUPOSITION 2 #define OPTIONSMENUPOSITION 3 // Special "view-independent" menu IDs for the toolbar #define IDM_TOOLBARADD 4291 #define IDM_TOOLBARMODIFY 4292 #define IDM_TOOLBARDELETE 4294 #define IDM_TOOLBAROPTIONS 4295 #define IDM_TOOLBARREFRESH 4296 #define IDM_TOOLBARBOOKMARK 4297 //=============================// // "File" Menu IDs // //=============================// #define IDM_FILENEWCHART 4101 #define IDM_FILEOPENCHART 4102 #define IDM_FILESAVECHART 4103 #define IDM_FILESAVEASCHART 4104 #define IDM_FILEEXPORTCHART 4105 #define IDM_FILENEWALERT 4106 #define IDM_FILEOPENALERT 4107 #define IDM_FILESAVEALERT 4108 #define IDM_FILESAVEASALERT 4109 #define IDM_FILEEXPORTALERT 4110 #define IDM_FILENEWLOG 4111 #define IDM_FILEOPENLOG 4112 #define IDM_FILESAVELOG 4113 #define IDM_FILESAVEASLOG 4114 #define IDM_FILEEXPORTLOG 4115 #define IDM_FILENEWREPORT 4116 #define IDM_FILEOPENREPORT 4117 #define IDM_FILESAVEREPORT 4118 #define IDM_FILESAVEASREPORT 4119 #define IDM_FILEEXPORTREPORT 4120 #define IDM_FILESAVEWORKSPACE 4121 #define IDM_FILEPRINTERSETUP 4125 #define IDM_FILEEXIT 4127 //=============================// // "Edit" Menu IDs // //=============================// #define IDM_EDITADDCHART 4201 #define IDM_EDITMODIFYCHART 4202 #define IDM_EDITCLEARCHART 4203 #define IDM_EDITDELETECHART 4204 #define IDM_EDITADDALERT 4205 #define IDM_EDITMODIFYALERT 4206 #define IDM_EDITCLEARALERT 4207 #define IDM_EDITDELETEALERT 4208 #define IDM_EDITADDLOG 4209 #define IDM_EDITMODIFYLOG 4210 #define IDM_EDITCLEARLOG 4211 #define IDM_EDITDELETELOG 4212 #define IDM_EDITADDREPORT 4213 #define IDM_EDITMODIFYREPORT 4214 #define IDM_EDITCLEARREPORT 4215 #define IDM_EDITDELETEREPORT 4216 #define IDM_EDITTIMEWINDOW 4217 //=============================// // "View" Menu IDs // //=============================// #define IDM_VIEWCHART 4301 #define IDM_VIEWALERT 4302 #define IDM_VIEWLOG 4303 #define IDM_VIEWREPORT 4304 // IDM_WORKSPACE is not a view nor menu, just a define #define IDM_WORKSPACE 4305 //=============================// // "Options" Menu IDs // //=============================// #define IDM_OPTIONSCHART 4401 #define IDM_OPTIONSALERT 4403 #define IDM_OPTIONSLOG 4405 #define IDM_OPTIONSREPORT 4407 #define IDM_OPTIONSMANUALREFRESH 4409 #define IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAYMENU 4408 #define IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAYTOOL 4409 #define IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAYSTATUS 4410 #define IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAYONTOP 4411 #define IDM_OPTIONSBOOKMARK 4413 #define IDM_OPTIONSDATASOURCE 4415 #define IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWCHART 4416 #define IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWALERT 4417 #define IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWLOG 4418 #define IDM_OPTIONSREFRESHNOWREPORT 4419 // no really a menu item. This is sent from the ^G for now // to turn the legend on/off. #define IDM_OPTIONSLEGENDONOFF 4420 //=============================// // "Help" Menu IDs // //=============================// #define IDM_HELPCONTENTS 4501 #define IDM_HELPSEARCH 4502 #define IDM_HELPHELP 4503 #define IDM_HELPABOUT 4504 //=============================// // "System" Menu IDs // //=============================// #define IDM_SYSTEMRESTORE 4910 #define IDM_SYSTEMMOVE 4911 #define IDM_SYSTEMSIZE 4912 #define IDM_SYSTEMMINIMIZE 4913 #define IDM_SYSTEMMAXIMIZE 4914 #define IDM_SYSTEMCLOSE 4915 #define IDM_SYSTEMSWITCHTO 4916 #define IDM_FIRSTMENUID IDM_FILENEWCHART #define IDM_LASTMENUID IDM_SYSTEMSWITCHTO