/*======================================================================================// | // |Copyright (c) 1998 Sequent Computer Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved. // | // |File Name: version.cpp // | // |Description: // | // |Created: Paul Skoglund 09-1998 // | // |Rev History: // | // |=======================================================================================*/ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "winver.h" #include "version.h" #include "resource.h" #define ARRAY_SIZE(_X_) (sizeof(_X_)/sizeof(_X_[0]) ) CVersion::CVersion(HINSTANCE hInst) : m_hInst(hInst), m_bInitializedOK(FALSE) { memset(&szFileVersion, 0, sizeof(szFileVersion) ); memset(&szProductVersion, 0, sizeof(szProductVersion) ); memset(&szFileFlags, 0, sizeof(szFileFlags) ); m_bDebug = m_bPatched = m_bPreRelease = m_bPrivateBuild = m_bSpecialBuild = FALSE; TCHAR szFileName[_MAX_PATH + 1] = { 0 }; DWORD dwBogus = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; LPVOID hMem = NULL; if ( GetModuleFileName(hInst, szFileName, ARRAY_SIZE(szFileName)) && (dwSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szFileName, &dwBogus)) && (hMem = new BYTE[dwSize]) ) { if (GetFileVersionInfo(szFileName, NULL, dwSize, hMem) ) { UINT uLen = 0; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *ptr_vs_fixed_info; if (VerQueryValue( hMem, _T("\\"), (void **) &ptr_vs_fixed_info, &uLen) ) { m_bInitializedOK = ParseFixedInfo(*ptr_vs_fixed_info, uLen); } LoadStringFileInfo(hMem); delete [] hMem; } } } BOOL CVersion::LoadStringFileInfo(LPVOID hMem) { #ifndef UNICODE #error "what code-page to use? window-multilingual? 0x04e4" #endif UINT uLen; TCHAR buf[128]; TCHAR *info; // it is my understanding that the string below are identified with the same english string under each language // $$ confirm? yes/no struct { TCHAR *name; tstring *target; } table[] = { { _T("CompanyName"), &strCompanyName }, { _T("FileDescription"), &strFileDescription }, { _T("FileVersion"), &strFileVersion }, { _T("InternalName"), &strInternalName }, { _T("LegalCopyright"), &strLegalCopyright}, { _T("OriginalFilename"),&strOriginalFilename }, { _T("ProductName"), &strProductName }, { _T("ProductVersion"), &strProductVersion }, { _T("Comments"), &strComments }, { _T("LegalTrademarks"), &strLegalTrademarks }, { _T("PrivateBuild"), &strPrivateBuild }, { _T("SpecialBuild"), &strSpecialBuild } }; buf[ARRAY_SIZE(buf) - 1] = 0; //insure null termination for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(table); i++) { // MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT) _sntprintf(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf) -1 , _T("\\StringFileInfo\\%04hx04b0\\%s"), GetUserDefaultLangID(), table[i].name); if (VerQueryValue( hMem, buf, (void **) &info, &uLen) ) { *(table[i].target) = info; } } return TRUE; } BOOL CVersion::ParseFixedInfo(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO &info, UINT uLen) { ASSERT( uLen == sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO) ); if(uLen != sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO) ) return FALSE; _stprintf(szFileVersion, _T("%hu.%hu.%hu.%hu"), HIWORD(info.dwFileVersionMS), LOWORD(info.dwFileVersionMS), HIWORD(info.dwFileVersionLS), LOWORD(info.dwFileVersionLS)); _stprintf(szProductVersion, _T("%hu.%hu.%hu.%hu"), HIWORD(info.dwProductVersionMS), LOWORD(info.dwProductVersionMS), HIWORD(info.dwProductVersionLS), LOWORD(info.dwProductVersionLS)); if ((info.dwFileFlagsMask & VS_FF_DEBUG) && (info.dwFileFlags & VS_FF_DEBUG) ) { m_bDebug = TRUE; } if ((info.dwFileFlagsMask & VS_FF_PRERELEASE) && (info.dwFileFlags & VS_FF_PRERELEASE) ) { m_bPreRelease = TRUE; } if ((info.dwFileFlagsMask & VS_FF_PATCHED ) && (info.dwFileFlags & VS_FF_PATCHED ) ) { m_bPatched = TRUE; } if ((info.dwFileFlagsMask & VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD ) && (info.dwFileFlags & VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD ) ) { m_bPrivateBuild = TRUE; } if ((info.dwFileFlagsMask & VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD ) && (info.dwFileFlags & VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD) ) { m_bSpecialBuild = TRUE; } TCHAR *start = szFileFlags; int len = 0; int remaining_len = ARRAY_SIZE(szFileFlags) - 1; // length in characters not bytes! int flags[] = {VS_FF_PATCHED, VS_FF_DEBUG, VS_FF_PRERELEASE, 0 }; int ids[] = {IDS_PATCHED, IDS_DEBUG, IDS_BETA, 0 }; ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(flags) == ARRAY_SIZE(ids)); for (int i = 0; flags[i], ids[i]; i++) { if ((info.dwFileFlagsMask & flags[i]) && (info.dwFileFlags & flags[i]) && remaining_len > 1) { if (remaining_len) { remaining_len--; *start = _T(' '); start++; } // $$ if 4th parameter, maxbuffer = 0, LoadString doesn't return zero as advertised // reported to MS 9/29/1998 len = ::LoadString(m_hInst, ids[i], start, remaining_len); start += len; remaining_len -= len; } } return TRUE; }