# bldfiles.pl written by v-michka, 15 Dec 2000 # Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. # # This Perl script will take api.lst, the list of APIs to wrap, and it # will build the Unicode list of files, the fixaw-generated list, and # the DEF file. This allow new APIs to be added by making one change in # api.lst and calling it a day. # # NOTE: It has been a while since I have built a Perl script, do not make fun of it! # declares for local variables local( $stLine ); local( $stWLine ); local( $stALine ); local( $stAWLine ); local( $dllIdx ); local( $stDllName ); local( $stDllMap ); local( $stFuncMap ); local( $iUndecorated ); local( $stBuildDir ); $stBuildDir = "obj\\i386\\"; # Open the api list file and read it in open (SRC, "api.lst") || die( "Can't open 'api.lst'\n" ); # Open all the files we will be writing out unlink ("unicows.lst"); open (hUni, ">" . $stBuildDir . "unicows.lst") || die( "Can't open 'unicows.lst'\n" ); unlink ("fixaw.h"); open (hFix, ">" . $stBuildDir . "fixaw.h") || die( "Can't open 'fixaw.h'\n" ); unlink ("unicows.def"); open (hDef, ">unicows.def") || die( "Can't open 'unicows.def'\n" ); # heeder for the DEF file print hDef "EXPORTS\n"; $dllIdx = -1; # Read it in while () { $stLine = $_; if (substr($stLine,0,1) eq ";") { # comment line: must be a dll name $dllIdx = $dllIdx + 1; $stDllName = substr($stLine,1); $stDllName =~ tr/\n/ /; } else { #non-comment line: by convention, this is a function name in "funcname, argcount" format # find out if this is a non-thunking call. "index" returns -1 if the string is not found # the stUndecorated var is a delimited list of undecorated functions $stUndecorated = "CallWindowProcA\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "DdeConnect\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "DdeConnectList\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "DdeQueryConvInfo\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "EnumClipboardFormats\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "EnableWindow\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "EnumPropsA\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "EnumPropsExA\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "FreeContextBuffer\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "GetClipboardData\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "GetCPInfo\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "GetMessageA\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "GetProcAddress\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "GetPropA\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "GetWindowLongA\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "IsClipboardFormatAvailable\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "IsDialogMessageA\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "IsValidCodePage\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "IsTextUnicode\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "IsWindowUnicode\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "RemovePropA\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "SetPropA\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "SetWindowLongA\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "SHChangeNotify\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "WideCharToMultiByte\n"; $stUndecorated = $stUndecorated . "MultiByteToWideChar\n"; if(index($stUndecorated, $stLine) != -1) { # Handle NON-thunking calls that are wrapped # print to unicows.lst print hUni $stLine; # munge and print to unicows.def $stLine =~ tr/\n//d; print hDef $stLine . "=Godot" . $stLine . " PRIVATE\n"; } else { #Handle thunking calls that are wrapped # print to unicows.lst $stWLine = $stLine; $stWLine =~ tr/\n/W/; print hUni $stWLine . "\n"; # munge and print to unicows.lst $stALine = $stLine; $stALine =~ tr/\n/A/; $stAWLine = $stLine; $stAWLine =~ tr/\n/W/; print hFix "#define " . $stAWLine . "A " . $stALine . "\n"; # munge and print to unicows.def print hDef $stWLine . "=Godot" . $stWLine . " PRIVATE\n"; } } } # close all the files up now close (SRC); close (hUni); close (hFix); close (hDef);