//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" #include #include "logon.rcv" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // UIFILE // IDR_LOGONUI UIFILE DISCARDABLE "logon.uipp" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bitmap // IDB_GO BITMAP DISCARDABLE "go.bmp" IDB_GOKF BITMAP DISCARDABLE "gokf.bmp" IDB_INFO BITMAP DISCARDABLE "info.bmp" IDB_INFOKF BITMAP DISCARDABLE "infokf.bmp" IDB_POWER BITMAP DISCARDABLE "power.bmp" IDB_POWERKF BITMAP DISCARDABLE "powerkf.bmp" IDB_SBLINEDOWNV BITMAP DISCARDABLE "sblinedownv.bmp" IDB_SBLINEUPV BITMAP DISCARDABLE "sblineupv.bmp" IDB_SBTHUMBV BITMAP DISCARDABLE "sbthumbv.bmp" IDB_SELECTION BITMAP DISCARDABLE "selection.bmp" IDB_VDIVIDER BITMAP DISCARDABLE "vdivider.bmp" IDB_HDIVIDERTOP BITMAP DISCARDABLE "hgradienttop.bmp" IDB_HDIVIDERBOT BITMAP DISCARDABLE "hgradientbottom.bmp" IDB_BACKGROUND BITMAP DISCARDABLE "clouds.bmp" IDB_EDITFRAME BITMAP DISCARDABLE "editframe.bmp" IDB_UNDOCK BITMAP DISCARDABLE "undock.bmp" IDB_UNDOCKKF BITMAP DISCARDABLE "undockkf.bmp" IDB_USERFRAME BITMAP DISCARDABLE "userframe.bmp" IDB_USERFRAMESEL BITMAP DISCARDABLE "userframesel.bmp" IDB_USER0 BITMAP DISCARDABLE "chess.bmp" IDB_PRODUCTNAME BITMAP DISCARDABLE "productname.bmp" IDB_FLAGSTRIP BITMAP DISCARDABLE "flagstrip.bmp" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Icon // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_WELCOMEFONT "arial" IDS_OPTIONSFONT "tahoma" IDS_ACCOUNTLISTFONT "tahoma" IDS_HELPFONT "arial" IDS_TURNOFFFONTSIZE "14" IDS_INSTRUCTFONTSIZE "9" IDS_WELCOMEFONTSIZE "36" IDS_HELPFONTSIZE "14" IDS_STATUSFONTSIZE "8" IDS_PWINSTRUCTFONTSIZE "8" IDS_MANAGEACCOUNTS "After you log on, you can add or change accounts.\r\nJust go to Control Panel and click User Accounts." IDS_WELCOME "welcome" IDS_BEGIN "To begin, click your user name" IDS_TYPEPASSWORD "Type your password" IDS_LOGGINGON "Logging on..." IDS_LOGGEDON "Currently logged on" IDS_POWER "Turn off computer" IDS_POWERNAME "Turn off %s" IDS_UNDOCK "Undock computer" IDS_UNDOCKNAME "Undock %s" IDS_PLEASEWAIT "please wait..." IDS_PASSWORDHINTTITLE "Password Hint:" IDS_BADPWDTITLE "Did you forget your password?" IDS_BADPWD "Please type your password again. \r\nBe sure to use the correct uppercase and lowercase letters." IDS_BADPWDREST "You can use your password reset disk.\r\n\r\nPlease type your password again. \r\nBe sure to use the correct uppercase and lowercase letters." IDS_BADPWDHINT "You can click the ""?"" button to see your password hint.\r\n\r\nPlease type your password again. \r\nBe sure to use the correct uppercase and lowercase letters." IDS_BADPWDHINTREST "You can click the ""?"" button to see your password hint.\r\nOr you can use your password reset disk.\r\n\r\nPlease type your password again. \r\nBe sure to use the correct uppercase and lowercase letters." IDS_UNREADMAIL "%d unread mail message." IDS_UNREADMAILS "%d unread mail messages." IDS_RUNNINGPROGRAM "%d program running." IDS_RUNNINGPROGRAMS "%d programs running." IDS_USERRUNNINGPROGRAM "%s has %d program running" IDS_USERRUNNINGPROGRAMS "%s has %d programs running" IDS_USERISLOGGEDON "%s is logged on" IDS_USERLOGGEDON "Logged on" IDS_TOOMANYPROGRAMS "Running too many programs can slow down your computer. \r\nIf your computer is running more slowly than normal, try closing some programs." IDS_TOOMANYUSERS "Running too many programs may slow down your computer. \r\nIf your computer is running more slowly than normal, try logging some users off." IDS_USERUNREADEMAIL "%s has %d e-mail message" IDS_USERUNREADEMAILS "%s has %d e-mail messages" IDS_UNREADMAILTEMP "To read your messages, log on and choose E-mail from the Start menu." IDS_UNREADMAILACCOUNT "%s (%d)" IDS_WINDOWSNAME "" // Accessibility strings for narrator IDS_ACDSC_PWD "Log user on" END #endif // English (U.S.) resources /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////