#ifndef _SHUI_H_ #define _SHUI_H_ /* Declaration needed for shdocvw and browseui to work together and for whatever reason they cannot go into shdocvw.h or browseui.h */ #include STDAPI SearchForElementInHead ( IHTMLDocument2* pHTMLDocument, // [in] document to search LPOLESTR pszAttribName, // [in] attribute to check for LPOLESTR pszAttrib, // [in] value the attribute must have REFIID iidDesired, // [in] element interface to return IUnknown** ppunkDesired // [out] returned interface ); typedef HRESULT (*PFNSEARCHFORELEMENTINHEAD)( IHTMLDocument2* pHTMLDocument, // [in] document to search LPOLESTR pszAttribName, // [in] attribute to check for LPOLESTR pszAttrib, // [in] value the attribute must have REFIID iidDesired, // [in] element interface to return IUnknown** ppunkDesired // [out] returned interface ); #define SEARCHFORELEMENTINHEAD_ORD 208 typedef struct _internet_shortcut_params { LPCITEMIDLIST pidlTarget; LPCTSTR pszTitle; // when shdocvw is made unicode - then the use of this struct in browseui // will have to be changed to reflect that these are TCHAR LPCTSTR pszDir; LPTSTR pszOut; int cchOut; BOOL bUpdateProperties; BOOL bUniqueName; BOOL bUpdateIcon; IOleCommandTarget *pCommand; IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc; } ISHCUT_PARAMS; STDAPI CreateShortcutInDirEx(ISHCUT_PARAMS *pIShCutParams); typedef HRESULT (*PFNDOWNLOADICONFORSHORTCUT)(WCHAR *pwszFileName, WCHAR *pwszShortcutUrl, WCHAR *pwszIconUrl); #define DOWNLOADICONFORSHORTCUT_ORD 207 STDAPI DownloadIconForShortcut( WCHAR *pwszFileName, // [in] Optional, File name of shortcut - full path WCHAR *pwszShortcutUrl, // [in] Url of Shortcut IHTMLDocument2* pHTMLDocument // [in] document to search for icon URL ); #endif