/* */ /* Notepad application */ /* */ /* Copyright (C) 1984-2000 Microsoft Corporation */ /* */ #include "notepad.h" #define GRP WS_GROUP #define TAB WS_TABSTOP #define TABGRP WS_TABSTOP | WS_GROUP #define DLGMODAL WS_POPUP | WS_DLGFRAME /* Version Stamping */ #include "notepad.rcv" ID_APPICON ICON PRELOAD DISCARDABLE npapp.ico ID_ICON ICON PRELOAD DISCARDABLE notepad.ico ID_MENUBAR MENU PRELOAD DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "&File" BEGIN MENUITEM "&New\tCtrl+N", M_NEW MENUITEM "&Open...\tCtrl+O", M_OPEN MENUITEM "&Save\tCtrl+S", M_SAVE MENUITEM "Save &As...", M_SAVEAS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Page Set&up...", M_PAGESETUP MENUITEM "&Print...\tCtrl+P", M_PRINT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xit", M_EXIT END POPUP "&Edit" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", M_UNDO MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Cu&t\tCtrl+X", M_CUT , GRAYED MENUITEM "&Copy\tCtrl+C", M_COPY, GRAYED MENUITEM "&Paste\tCtrl+V", M_PASTE, GRAYED MENUITEM "De&lete\tDel", M_CLEAR, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Find...\tCtrl+F", M_FIND MENUITEM "Find &Next\tF3", M_FINDNEXT MENUITEM "&Replace...\tCtrl+H", M_REPLACE /* The hotkey used for replace is CTRL-H in most of the editors, and hence though this key may conflict with backspace key in IMEs, this key is used here to be compatible with all the editors. Please contact ChrisW/RajeshM for more details. */ MENUITEM "&Go To...\tCtrl+G", M_GOTO MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Select &All\tCtrl+A", M_SELECTALL MENUITEM "Time/&Date\tF5", M_DATETIME END POPUP "&View" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Status Bar", M_STATUSBAR END POPUP "F&ormat" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Word Wrap" M_WW MENUITEM "&Font...", M_SETFONT END POPUP "&Help" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Help Topics", M_HELP MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&About Notepad",M_ABOUT END END MainAcc ACCELERATORS PRELOAD DISCARDABLE BEGIN "N", M_NEW, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "O", M_OPEN, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "S", M_SAVE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "P", M_PRINT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL VK_INSERT, M_COPY, VIRTKEY, CONTROL VK_F1, M_HELP, VIRTKEY VK_F3, M_FINDNEXT, VIRTKEY VK_F5, M_DATETIME, VIRTKEY "G", M_GOTO, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "F", M_FIND , VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "H", M_REPLACE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_BACK, M_UNDO, VIRTKEY, ALT "Z", M_UNDO, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "X", M_CUT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "C", M_COPY, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "V", M_PASTE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "A", M_SELECTALL,VIRTKEY, CONTROL END /* Allow exit using ^C, ^D or ^Z during Setup */ SlipUpAcc ACCELERATORS PRELOAD DISCARDABLE BEGIN "N", M_NEW, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "O", M_OPEN, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "S", M_SAVE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "P", M_PRINT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL VK_INSERT, M_COPY, VIRTKEY, CONTROL VK_F1, M_HELP, VIRTKEY VK_F3, M_FINDNEXT, VIRTKEY VK_F5, M_DATETIME, VIRTKEY "G", M_GOTO, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "F", M_FIND, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "H", M_REPLACE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_BACK, M_UNDO, VIRTKEY, ALT "Z", M_UNDO, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "X", M_CUT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "C", M_COPY, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "V", M_PASTE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL "A", M_SELECTALL,VIRTKEY, CONTROL VK_ESCAPE, M_EXIT, VIRTKEY 0x43, M_EXIT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL 0x44, M_EXIT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL 0x5A, M_EXIT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL END STRINGTABLE PRELOAD DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_MERGE1 "%%" IDS_DISKERROR "Cannot open the %% file.\n\nMake sure a disk is in the drive you specified." IDS_FNF "Cannot find the %% file.\n\nDo you want to create a new file?" IDS_SCBC "The text in the %% file has changed.\n\nDo you want to save the changes?" IDS_UNTITLED "Untitled" IDS_NOTEPAD " - Notepad" IDS_CFS "Cannot find ""%%""" /* The following is a generic out of memory message which can also be system modal so no /n can appear in it. */ IDS_ERRSPACE "Not enough memory available to complete this operation. Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again." IDS_FTL "The %% file is too large for Notepad.\n\nUse another editor to edit the file." IDS_NN "Notepad" IDS_COMMDLGINIT "Failed to Initialize File Dialogs. Change the Filename and try again." IDS_PRINTDLGINIT "Failed to Initialize Print Dialogs. Make sure that your printer is connected properly and use Control Panel to verify that the printer is configured properly." IDS_CANTPRINT "Cannot print the %% file. Be sure that your printer is connected properly and use Control Panel to verify that the printer is configured properly." IDS_NVF "Not a valid file name." IDS_CREATEERR "Cannot create the %% file.\n\nMake sure that the path and filename are correct." IDS_NOWW "Cannot carry out the Word Wrap command because there is too much text in the file." IDS_HELPFILE "notepad.hlp" IDS_HEADER "&f" IDS_FOOTER "Page &p" IDS_ACCESSDENY "%%\nYou do not have permission to open this file. See the owner of the file or an administrator to obtain permission." IDS_TEXTFILES "Text Files (*.txt)" /* filter text for File/Open */ IDS_HTMLFILES "HTML Files (*.htm;*.html)" /* filter text for File/Open */ IDS_XMLFILES "XML Files (*.xml)" /* filter text for File/Open */ IDS_ENCODEDTEXT "Encoded Text Files (*.txt)" /* filter text for File/Open */ IDS_ALLFILES "All Files" /* filter text for File/Open */ IDS_MOREENCODING "More..." IDS_CANNOTQUIT "You cannot quit Windows because the Save As dialog\nbox in Notepad is open. Switch to Notepad, close this\ndialog box, and then try quitting Windows again." IDS_LOADDRVFAIL "Cannot access your printer.\nBe sure that your printer is connected properly and use Control Panel to verify that the printer is configured properly." IDS_FONTTOOBIG "Page too small to print one line.\nTry printing using smaller font." IDS_COMMDLGERR "Common Dialog error (0x%04x)" IDS_LINEERROR "Notepad - Goto Line" IDS_LINETOOLARGE "Line number out of range" IDS_INVALIDCP "Invalid codepage" IDS_INVALIDIANA "Invalid encoding" IDS_ENCODINGMISMATCH "The encoding declared in the file doesn't match the selected encoding. Save in the declared encoding instead?" IDS_CURRENT_PAGE "Page %d" /* don't change %d; used for printf formatting */ IDS_LINECOL " Ln %d, Col %d " IDS_COMPRESSED_FILE " Compressed," IDS_ENCRYPTED_FILE " Encrypted," IDS_HIDDEN_FILE " Hidden," IDS_OFFLINE_FILE " Offline," IDS_READONLY_FILE " ReadOnly," IDS_SYSTEM_FILE " System," IDS_FILE " File" IDS_NOSTATUSAVAIL " Cursor location not available " END /* Include other dialogs. */ rcinclude notepad.dlg #include #include "common.ver"