/****************************************************************************** Module name: Access.h Purpose: defines for all accstat ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include //#include #include #include "acchelp.h" #include "resource.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #define MEMBER_SIZE(s,m) sizeof(((s *)0)->m) // Debugging defs #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(MEMCHECK) || defined(_DEBUG) //Assert based on boolean f. #define Assert(f) assert(f) #else #define Assert(f) ((void)0) #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern BOOL g_SPISetValue; extern HINSTANCE g_hinst; extern BOOL g_fWinNT; // TRUE if we're running on NT and must disable // some features. extern const DWORD g_aIds[]; // array mapping control id's to help id's // This functions makes it easy to access the registry. int WINAPI RegQueryInt(int nDefault, HKEY hkey, LPTSTR lpSubKey, LPTSTR lpValueName); BOOL WINAPI RegSetInt(HKEY hkey, LPTSTR lpSubKey, LPTSTR lpValueName, int nVal); void WINAPI RegQueryStr( LPTSTR lpDefault, HKEY hkey, LPTSTR lpSubKey, LPTSTR lpValueName, LPTSTR lpszValue, DWORD cbData); BOOL RegSetStr(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKeyName, LPCTSTR lpString); DWORD WINAPI RegQueryStrDW( DWORD dwDefault, HKEY hkey, LPTSTR lpSubKey, LPTSTR lpValueName); BOOL RegSetStrDW(HKEY hkey, LPTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKeyName, DWORD dwValue); // This function takes the current state of the variables below // and updates the system settings. void WINAPI SetAccessibilitySettings (void); // These values are declared in General.c extern BOOL g_fSaveSettings; extern BOOL g_fShowWarnMsgOnFeatureActivate; extern BOOL g_fPlaySndOnFeatureActivate; // Admin options in general extern BOOL g_fCopyToLogon; extern BOOL g_fCopyToDefault; // Keyboard property page extern STICKYKEYS g_sk; extern FILTERKEYS g_fk; // g_dwLastBounceKeySetting is part of FilterKeys extern DWORD g_dwLastBounceKeySetting; extern DWORD g_nLastRepeatDelay; extern DWORD g_nLastRepeatRate; extern DWORD g_nLastWait; extern TOGGLEKEYS g_tk; extern BOOL g_fExtraKeyboardHelp; // Sound Property page extern SOUNDSENTRY g_ss; extern BOOL g_fShowSounds; // Display Property page #define BLINK 1000 #define BLINK_OFF -1 #define CURSORMIN 200 #define CURSORMAX 1300 #define CURSORSUM (CURSORMIN + CURSORMAX) #define CURSORRANGE (CURSORMAX - CURSORMIN) typedef struct CARET_SETTINGS { DWORD dwCaretBlinkRate; DWORD dwCaretWidth; DWORD dwNewCaretBlinkRate; DWORD dwNewCaretWidth; } CARET_SETTINGS; extern HIGHCONTRAST g_hc; extern CARET_SETTINGS g_cs; extern TCHAR g_szScheme[256]; // Mouse Property page extern MOUSEKEYS g_mk; // General Property page extern ACCESSTIMEOUT g_ato; extern SERIALKEYS g_serk; extern TCHAR g_szActivePort[MAX_PATH]; //extern TCHAR g_szPort[MAX_PATH]; // Currently reserved, should be NULL. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AccessSystemParametersInfo is actually defined in AccRare.c and is // a replacement for SysParamInfoBugFix BOOL AccessSystemParametersInfo( UINT wFlag, DWORD wParam, PVOID lParam, UINT flags); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define strings for registry. #define GENERAL_KEY __TEXT("Control Panel\\Accessibility") #define FILTER_KEY __TEXT("Control Panel\\Accessibility\\Keyboard Response") #define HC_KEY __TEXT("Control Panel\\Accessibility\\HighContrast") #define CONTROL_KEY __TEXT("Control Panel\\Appearance\\Schemes") #define WARNING_SOUNDS __TEXT("Warning Sounds") #define SOUND_ON_ACTIVATION __TEXT("Sound on Activation") #define APPLY_GLOBALLY __TEXT("Restore Settings") #define NORMALSCHEME __TEXT("Current Normal Scheme") #define HIGHCONTRAST_SCHEME __TEXT("High Contrast Scheme") #define VOLATILE_SCHEME __TEXT("Volital HC Scheme") #define WHITEBLACK_HC __TEXT("High Contrast Black (large)") #define LAST_BOUNCE_SETTING __TEXT("Last BounceKey Setting") #define LAST_REPEAT_RATE __TEXT("Last Valid Repeat") #define LAST_REPEAT_DELAY __TEXT("Last Valid Delay") #define LAST_WAIT __TEXT("Last Valid Wait") #define CURR_HC_SCHEME __TEXT("High Contrast Scheme") #define APPEARANCE_KEY __TEXT("Control Panel\\Appearance") #define CURR_NONHC_SCHEME __TEXT("Current") #define IDSENG_BLACKWHITE_SCHEME __TEXT("High Contrast White (large)") #define IDSENG_WHITEBLACK_SCHEME __TEXT("High Contrast Black (large)") ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define prototypes INT_PTR WINAPI HighContrastDlg (HWND, UINT , WPARAM , LPARAM); INT_PTR WINAPI ToggleKeySettingsDlg (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); INT_PTR WINAPI StickyKeyDlg (HWND, UINT , WPARAM, LPARAM); INT_PTR WINAPI FilterKeyDlg (HWND, UINT , WPARAM, LPARAM); INT_PTR WINAPI MouseKeyDlg (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); INT_PTR WINAPI SerialKeyDlg (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); int HandleScroll (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, HWND hwndScroll); DWORD SaveDefaultSettings(BOOL saveL, BOOL saveU); BOOL IsDefaultWritable(void); typedef LANGID (WINAPI *pfnGetUserDefaultUILanguage)(void); typedef LANGID (WINAPI *pfnGetSystemDefaultUILanguage)(void); BOOL IsMUI_Enabled(); ///////////////////////////////// End of File /////////////////////////////////