REM ############################################################### REM # # REM # SetPaths # REM # # REM # Extracts the following paths into environment variables, # REM # allowing the scripts to run without hardcoded system path # REM # strings. This allows the scripts to run independently of # REM # system language. # REM # # REM # All Users:Startup COMMON_STARTUP # REM # All Users:Start Menu COMMON_START_MENU # REM # All Users:Start Menu\Programs COMMON_PROGRAMS # REM # Current User:Start Menu USER_START_MENU # REM # Current User:Startup USER_STARTUP # REM # Current User:Start Menu\Programs USER_PROGRAMS # REM # Current User:My Documents MY_DOCUMENTS # REM # Current User:Templates TEMPLATES # REM # Current User:Application Data APP_DATA REM # # REM ############################################################### REM ############################################################### REM # Use the GETPATHS option to set all of the environment variables REM ############################################################### "%systemroot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\ACRegL.exe" "%TEMP%\getpaths.cmd" COMMON_PATHS "HKLM\Software" "" GETPATHS If Not ErrorLevel 1 Goto Cont1 Echo. Echo Unable to retrieve common or user paths. Echo. Goto Failure :Cont1 Call "%TEMP%\getpaths.cmd" Del "%TEMP%\getpaths.cmd" >Nul: 2>&1 REM If the values below are correct, execution has succeeded REM COMMON_START_MENU = %COMMON_START_MENU% REM COMMON_STARTUP = %COMMON_STARTUP% REM COMMON_PROGRAMS = %COMMON_PROGRAMS% REM USER_START_MENU = %USER_START_MENU% REM USER_STARTUP = %USER_STARTUP% REM USER_PROGRAMS = %USER_PROGRAMS% REM MY_DOCUMENTS = %MY_DOCUMENTS% REM TEMPLATES = %TEMPLATES% REM APP_DATA= %APP_DATA% Set _SetPaths=SUCCEED Goto Done :Failure Echo. Echo One or more queries for the common or user paths have failed! Echo Applications relying on this script may not install successfully. Echo Please resolve the problem and try again. Echo. Set _SetPaths=FAIL REM Pause Goto Done :Done