@ECHO OFF REM COPYRIGHT 1998 CITRIX CORPORATION REM SECURITY TOOL LAUNCHER REM CREATED APR 1998 IF /I "%1"=="C" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="D" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="E" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="F" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="G" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="H" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="I" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="J" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="K" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="L" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="M" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="N" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="O" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="P" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="Q" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="R" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="S" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="T" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="U" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="V" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="W" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="X" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="Y" GOTO CDLETTER_OK IF /I "%1"=="Z" GOTO CDLETTER_OK GOTO USAGE :CDLETTER_OK IF "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" SET PROCESSOR=I386 IF "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="ALPHA" SET PROCESSOR=ALPHA ECHO %1:\SUPPORT\SECTOOL\%PROCESSOR% IF EXIST %1:\SUPPORT\SECTOOL\%PROCESSOR%\C2CONFIG.INF GOTO SETOOLEXISTS GOTO WRONGCD :SETOOLEXISTS ECHO Changing the security mode can have some SEVERE consequences! Using this ECHO tool incorrectly may leave your users UNABLE TO LOGON to the system!" PAUSE COPY %1:\SUPPORT\SECTOOL\%PROCESSOR%\C2*.* %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\C2*.* %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\C2CFG.EXE ERASE %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\C2*.* GOTO EXIT :NOSECTOOL ECHO THE SECURITY CONFIGURATION FILES COULD NOT BE FOUND! PROGRAM TERMINATING. GOTO EXIT :USAGE ECHO Runs security tool from cd ECHO SECTOOL [letter] ECHO letter Specifies the cd-rom drive letter the setup files are located in. ECHO No colon is required. GOTO EXIT :WRONGCD ECHO The CD-ROM you entered does not appear to be the one containing the NT Setup ECHO files. Please enter the correct CD and try again. :EXIT