// tsdgns.h : Declaration of the CTSDiagnosis #ifndef __TSDIAGNOSIS_H_ #define __TSDIAGNOSIS_H_ // #import "F:\nt\termsrv\setup\tsdiag\dll\obj\i386\tsdiag.dll" raw_interfaces_only, raw_native_types, no_namespace, named_guids // #import "tsdiag.tlb" raw_interfaces_only, raw_native_types, no_namespace, named_guids #include "resource.h" // main symbols #include "testdata.h" // for CTSTestData ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTSDiagnosis class ATL_NO_VTABLE CTSDiagnosis : public CComObjectRootEx, public CComCoClass, public IDispatchImpl, public IDispatchImpl { enum { eFailed = 0, ePassed = 1, eUnknown = 2 }; public: CTSDiagnosis(); ~CTSDiagnosis(); DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID(IDR_TSDIAGNOSIS) DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() BEGIN_COM_MAP(CTSDiagnosis) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ITSDiagnosis2) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ITSDiagnosis) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IDispatch, ITSDiagnosis2) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IDispatch, ITSDiagnosis) END_COM_MAP() // ITSDiagnosis public: STDMETHOD(ExecuteIt)(BSTR strCommand); STDMETHOD(get_TestDetails)(int i, /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal); STDMETHOD(put_TestType)(/*[in]*/ VARIANT newVal); STDMETHOD(get_TestResult)(/*[out, retval]*/ long *pVal); STDMETHOD(get_TestResultString)(/*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal); STDMETHOD(RunTest)(int i); STDMETHOD(get_TestDescription)(int i, /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal); STDMETHOD(get_TestCount)(/*[out, retval]*/ long *pVal); STDMETHOD(get_TestApplicable)(int i, /*[out, retval]*/ BOOL *pbApplicable); STDMETHOD(put_RemoteMachineName)(BSTR newVal); STDMETHOD(get_SuiteApplicable) (DWORD dw, BOOL *pVal); STDMETHOD(get_SuiteErrorText) (DWORD dw, BSTR *pVal); public: // ITSDiagnosis2 STDMETHOD(ExecuteCommand)(BSTR strCommand); STDMETHOD(put_MachineName)(/*[in]*/ BSTR newVal); STDMETHOD(get_Suites)(/*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT *pVal); private: DWORD GetTotalTestCount (); bstr_t m_bstrTestResultString; long m_lTestResult; // CTSTestData m_TSTests; DWORD m_dwSuite; /* // ITSDiagnosis STDMETHOD(get_TestCount)(LONG * pVal) { if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(get_TestDescription)(INT i, BSTR * pVal) { if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(get_TestApplicable)(INT i, LONG * pVal) { if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(RunTest)(INT i) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(get_TestResult)(LONG * pVal) { if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(get_TestDetails)(INT i, BSTR * pVal) { if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(get_SuiteApplicable)(ULONG dwSuite, LONG * pVal) { if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER; return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(get_SuiteErrorText)(ULONG dwSuite, BSTR * pVal) { if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER; return E_NOTIMPL; } // ITSDiagnosis2 STDMETHOD(ExecuteCommand)(BSTR strCommand) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(MachineName)(BSTR newVal); { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHOD(Suites)(VARIANT *pVal); { if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER; return E_NOTIMPL; } */ }; #endif //__TSDIAGNOSIS_H_