/* Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: DisableBoostThread.cpp Abstract: DisableBoostThread disables the autoboost that threads get when they unblocked. The NT scheduler will normally temporarily boost a thread when the synchronization object gets release. 9X does not: it only check if there is a higher priority thread. This was first written for Hijaak: besied its many memory bugs, as a race condition between its worker thread and its main thread. See b#379504 for details. History: 06/28/2001 pierreys Created */ #include "precomp.h" IMPLEMENT_SHIM_BEGIN(DisableBoostThread) #include "ShimHookMacro.h" APIHOOK_ENUM_BEGIN APIHOOK_ENUM_ENTRY(CreateThread) APIHOOK_ENUM_END HANDLE APIHOOK(CreateThread)( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa, DWORD cbStack, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress, LPVOID lpvThreadParm, DWORD fdwCreate, LPDWORD lpIDThread ) { HANDLE hThread; // // Call the original API // hThread=ORIGINAL_API(CreateThread)( lpsa, cbStack, lpStartAddress, lpvThreadParm, fdwCreate, lpIDThread ); if (hThread!=NULL) { // // We are disabling (rather weird, but TRUE means disabling) // the autoboost a thread gets for unblocking. // SetThreadPriorityBoost(hThread, TRUE); } return(hThread); } BOOL NOTIFY_FUNCTION( DWORD fdwReason ) { if (fdwReason==DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { CSTRING_TRY { BOOL fBoostMainThread=FALSE; CString csCl(COMMAND_LINE); CStringParser csParser(csCl, L" "); int argc = csParser.GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { if (csParser[i] == L"+LowerMainThread") { DPFN( eDbgLevelSpew, "LowerMainThread Selected"); // // Unboost the main thread to make sure it runs first. // SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST); } else if (csParser[i] == L"+HigherMainThread") { DPFN( eDbgLevelSpew, "HigherMainThread Selected"); // // Boost the main thread to make sure it runs first. // SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); } else if (csParser[i] == L"+BoostMainThread") { DPFN( eDbgLevelSpew, "HigherMainThread Selected"); fBoostMainThread = TRUE; } else { DPFN( eDbgLevelError, "Ignoring unknown command:%S", csParser[i].Get()); } } if (!fBoostMainThread) { // // We are disabling (rather weird, but TRUE means disabling) // the autoboost a thread gets for unblocking. // SetThreadPriorityBoost(GetCurrentThread(), TRUE); } } CSTRING_CATCH { DPFN( eDbgLevelError, "String error, ignoring command line"); } } return TRUE; } HOOK_BEGIN CALL_NOTIFY_FUNCTION APIHOOK_ENTRY(KERNEL32.DLL, CreateThread) HOOK_END IMPLEMENT_SHIM_END