4500 "unknown warning; consult documentation for technical support options" 4501 "ignoring unknown option '%s'" 4502 "truncated .SBR file '%s' not in %s" 4503 "minor error in .SBR file '%s' ignored" 1500 "unknown error; consult documentation for technical support options" 1501 "unknown character '%c' in option '%s'" 1502 "incomplete specification for option '%s'" 1503 "cannot write to file '%s'" 1504 "cannot position in file '%s'" 1505 "cannot read from file '%s'" 1506 "cannot open file '%s'" 1507 "cannot open temporary file '%s'" 1508 "cannot delete temporary file '%s'" 1509 "out of heap space" 1510 "corrupt .SBR file '%s'" 1511 "invalid response file specification" 1512 "%s: capacity exceeded" 1513 "nonincremental update requires all .SBR files" 1514 "all .SBR files truncated, none found in %s" 1515 "'%s': incompatible version; cannot incrementally update" 1516 "'%s' corrupt; cannot incrementally update" 1517 "source file for '%s' compiled with both /Yc and /Yu" 1518 "'%s' has patches generated by incremental compiler, this is not compatible with the bscmake '/n' option" 1519 "'%s' has patches that could not be applied to the .bsc file, delete the .sbr file and recompile" 2000 "Microsoft Browse Information Maintenance Utility" 2001 "usage: bscmake <switches> <file.sbr> ..." 2002 " @<file> Get arguments from specified file" 2003 " /E... Exclude:" 2004 " s system files" 2005 " i <file> named include file <file>" 2006 " i ( <files> ) named include file list <files>" 2007 " r <symbol> named symbol <symbol>" 2008 " r ( <symbols> ) named symbol list <symbols>" 2009 " l local variables" 2010 " m macro expanded symbols" 2011 " /I... Include:" 2012 " u unreferenced symbols" 2013 " /S <file> <file> is 'simple', process once then exclude" 2014 " /S ( <files> ) named <files> are simple as above" 2015 " /o <file> output source database name" 2016 " /n no incremental (full builds, .sbr's preserved)" 2017 " /v verbose output" 2018 " /nologo don't emit startup banner" 2019 " /?, /help summary of options (what you're reading)"