*  File problems
1019	"Project file extension cannot be .HLP or .PH."
1030	"File name exceeds limit of 259 characters."
1079	"Out of file handles."

1100	"Cannot open file '%s':  permission denied."

1150	"Cannot overwrite file '%s'."
1170	"File '%s' is a directory."

1190	"Cannot use reserved MS-DOS file name '%s'."

1230	"File '%s' not found."

1292	"File '%s' is not a valid bitmap."

1319	"Disk full."

1513	"Bitmap name '%s' duplicated."

1536	"Not enough memory to compress bitmap '%s'."

1000	"UNKNOWN ERROR\n\t\tContact Microsoft Product Support Services"

*  General HPJ problems
2010	"Include statements nested more than 5 deep."

/* Syntax */
2030	"Comment starting at line %d of file '%s' unclosed at end of file."
2050	"Invalid #include syntax."
2091	"Bracket missing from section heading [%s]."
2111	"Section heading missing."
2131	"Invalid OPTIONS syntax: 'option=value' expected."
2141	"Invalid ALIAS syntax: 'context=context' expected."
2151	"Incomplete line in [%s] section."
2171	"Unrecognized text."
2191	"Section heading [%s] unrecognized."
2214	"Line in .HPJ file exceeds length limit of 2047 characters."

/* general section problems */
2273	"[OPTIONS] should precede [FILES] and [BITMAPS] for all options to take effect."
2291	"Section [%s] previously defined."
2305	"No valid files in [FILES] section."

/* Alias/Map problems */
2322	"Context string '%s' cannot be used as alias string."
2331	"Context number already used in [MAP] section."
2341	"Invalid or missing context string."
2351	"Invalid context identification number."
2362	"Context string '%s' already assigned an alias."
2372	"Alias string '%s' already assigned."

/* Window section problems */

2391	"Limit of 6 window definitions exceeded."
2401	"Window maximization state must be 0 or 1."
2411	"Invalid syntax in window color."
2421	"Invalid window position."
2431	"Missing quote in window caption."
2441	"Window name '%s' is too long."
2451	"Window position value out of range 0..1023."
2461	"Window name missing."
2471	"Invalid syntax in [WINDOWS] section."
2481	"Secondary window position required."
2491	"Duplicate window name '%s'."
2501	"Window caption '%s' exceeds limit of 50 characters."

*  OPTIONS section problems
2511	"Unrecognized option '%s' in [OPTIONS] section."
2532	"Option '%s' previously defined."

/* root */
2550	"Invalid path '%s' in %s option."
2570	"Path in %s option exceeds %d characters."

/* Font range */
2591	"Invalid MAPFONTSIZE option."
2612	"Maximum of 5 font ranges exceeded."
2632	"Current font range overlaps previously defined range."

/* Force font */
2651	"Font name exceeds limit of 20 characters."
2672	"Unrecognized font name '%s' in FORCEFONT option."

/* Multikey */
2691	"Invalid MULTIKEY option."
2711	"Maximum of 5 keyword tables exceeded."
2732	"Character already used."
2752	"Characters 'K' and 'k' cannot be used."

/* other */
2771	"REPORT option must be 'ON' or 'OFF'."

2811	"OLDKEYPHRASE option must be 'ON' or 'OFF'."
2832	"COMPRESS option must be 'OFF', 'MEDIUM', or 'HIGH'."
2842	"OPTCDROM option must be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'."
2852	"Invalid TITLE option."
2872	"Invalid LANGUAGE option."
2893	"WARNING option must be 1, 2, or 3."
2911	"Invalid icon file '%s'."
2932	"Copyright string exceeds limit of 50 characters."

2000	"UNKNOWN ERROR\n\t\tContact Microsoft Product Support Services"

*  Build tag/expression problems
3011	"Maximum of 32 build tags exceeded."
3031	"Build tag length exceeds 32 characters."
3051	"Build tag '%s' contains invalid characters."
3076	"[BUILDTAGS] section missing."
3096	"Build expression too complex."
3116	"Invalid build expression."
3133	"Duplicate build tag in [BUILDTAGS] section."

3152	"Build tag '%s' not defined in [BUILDTAGS] section."
3178	"Build expression missing from project file."

*  Macro errors

3511	"Macro '%s' exceeds limit of 254 characters."
3532	"Undefined function in macro '%s'."
3552	"Undefined variable in macro '%s'."
3571	"Wrong number of parameters to function in macro '%s'."
3591	"Syntax error in macro '%s'."
3611	"Function parameter type mismatch in macro '%s'."
3631	"Bad macro prototype."
3652	"Empty macro string."
3672	"Macro '%s' nested too deeply."

3000	"UNKNOWN ERROR\n\t\tContact Microsoft Product Support Services"

*  Context string problems
4011	"Context string '%s' already used."
4031	"Invalid context string '%s'."
4056	"Unresolved context string specified in CONTENTS option."
4072	"Context string exceeds limit of 255 characters."
4098	"Context string(s) in [MAP] section not defined in any topic."
4113	"Unresolved jump or popup '%s'."
4131	"Hash conflict between '%s' and '%s'."
4151	"Invalid secondary window name '%s'."
4171	"Cannot use secondary window with popup."
4196	"Jumps and lookups not verified."

*  Footnote problems
4211	"Footnote text exceeds limit of 1023 characters."

/* browse */
4251	"Browse sequence not in first paragraph."
4272	"Empty browse sequence string."
4292	"Missing sequence number."
4312	"Browse sequence already defined."

/* title */
4331	"Title not in first paragraph."
4352	"Empty title string."
4372	"Title defined more than once."
4393	"Title exceeds limit of 128 characters."

/* keyword */
4412	"Keyword string exceeds limit of 255 characters."
4433	"Empty keyword string."
4452	"Keyword(s) defined without title."

/* build */
4471	"Build tag footnote not at beginning of topic."
4492	"Build tag exceeds limit of 32 characters."

/* entry macro */
4551	"Entry macro not in first paragraph."

*  RTF problems
4616	"File '%s' is not a valid RTF topic file."
4639	"Error in file '%s' at byte offset 0x%lX."
4649	"File '%s' contains more than 32767 topics."
4652	"Table formatting too complex."
4662	"Side by side paragraphs not supported."
4671	"Table contains more than 32 columns."
4680	"Font %d in file '%s' not in RTF font table."
4692	"Unrecognized graphic format."
4733	"Hidden page break."
4753	"Hidden paragraph."
4763	"Hidden carriage return."
4774	"Paragraph exceeds limit of 64K."
4792	"Non-scrolling region defined after scrolling region."
4813	"Non-scrolling region crosses page boundary."

4000	"UNKNOWN ERROR\n\t\tContact Microsoft Product Support Services"

*  Miscellaneous
5035	"File '%s' not created."
5059	"Not enough memory to build help file."
5075	"Help Compiler corrupted.  Please reinstall HC.EXE."
5098	"Using old key-phrase table."
5115	"Write failed."
5139	"Aborted by user."

5000	"UNKNOWN ERROR\n\t\tContact Microsoft Product Support Services"