<HTML> <HEAD> <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="mmsobshe.css"> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </HEAD> <BODY TABINDEX=-1 onload="window.parent.RegKBLoadMe()" onkeypress="window.parent.RegKB_KeyPress()"> <img id="WaterMark" class=gradient src="../images/watermrk.gif"> <img id="StageImage" class=flag> <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 CLASS="pageTitle"> <ID id="RegKB_TITLE">Regional Settings and Keyboard Layout</ID> </SPAN> <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 CLASS="contents"> <DIV TABINDEX=-1 id="RegKB_INFO">Regional Settings affect how Windows programs display and sort numbers, currency, the time, and the date.</DIV> <br> <label TABINDEX=1 for="selRegion" ACCESSKEY="R" id="RegKB_REGION">Select the <U>r</U>egion closest to where you live. Click the down arrow, or press the ALT + DOWN ARROW keys to view the list.</label> <br> <select TABINDEX=1 id="selRegion"> </select> <br> <br> <label TABINDEX=-1 for="selKeyboard" ACCESSKEY="K" id="RegKB_KEYBOARD">Select the type of <U>k</U>eyboard you use. Standard English keyboards are United States 101. Click the down arrow, or press the ALT + DOWN ARROW keys to view the list.</label> <br> <select TABINDEX=2 id="selKeyboard"> </select> <br> <br> <DIV tabindex=-1 id="RegKB_INFO2">Press the TAB key on your keyboard to move to the next input box or button.</DIV> </SPAN> <table tabindex=-1 class="navInfo" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <Tr> <td valign=top id="RegKB_NAVINFO">When you are ready to continue, press the ENTER key on the keyboard, or click NEXT.</td> </tr> </table> <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 id="navbar" CLASS="navbar"> <HR NOSHADE CLASS="blackBar"> <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 Id=spanNext onclick="window.parent.GoNext();"> <IMG Id=btnNext class=nextButton> <LABEL TABINDEX=2 ACCESSKEY="N" for="btnNextText" Id=btnNextText class=nextButtonText> <ID id="LOCAL_NEXT"><U>N</U>ext</ID> </LABEL> </SPAN> </SPAN> </BODY> </HTML>