<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> out of box experience </TITLE> <LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="oobestyl.css"> </HEAD> <BODY style="background-Color: transparent; background-repeat: no-repeat;" TABINDEX=-1 onload="window.parent.CompName_LoadMe();window.parent.Agent_Activate('CompName')" onunload="window.parent.Agent_Deactivate();"> <TABLE valign="middle" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <TR> <TD id="leftmargincell" width="7%"> <!-- left gutter --> </TD> <!-- leftmargincell --> <TD id="maincell" valign="middle" class="text-primary"> <BR><BR> <SPAN class="title"> <ID id="CompName_TitleText">What's your computer's name?</ID> </SPAN> <BR><BR> <SPAN id="spnCompName_Primary1" class="text-primary"> <ID id="txtCompName01">Choose a name for your PC that will help you identify it on your home network, if you have one. Each computer on your network must have a unique name.</ID> </SPAN> <BR><BR> <SPAN id="spnCompName_Primary2" class="text-primary"> <id id="txtCompName1">You can name your computer based on its owner or location, for example "DAVID" or "FAMILYROOM."</id> </SPAN> <span id="spnCompName_Primary21" class="text-primary"><id id="txtCompName101">In order for your computer to appear on a network, its name cannot be longer than 15 characters or contain any spaces or characters aside from the numbers 0-9, the letters A-Z and a-z, and hyphens.</id> </span> <BR><BR> <!-- SYSTEM NAME --> <TABLE border="0"> <TR> <TD width=10% id=lblCompName nowrap> <SPAN id="EnterComputerName_1" class="text-primary"> <id id="txtCompName120"><u>C</u>omputer name: </id> </SPAN> </TD> <TD width="15%"> <!-- Max computer name length is 15 characters --> <INPUT type="text" accesskey="C" class="computer-name-box" id="txtCompName" TABINDEX="1"> </TD> <td id="CompNameErrorExplained" nowrap width="70%"><span id="lblCompNameError" class="text-error" style="display:none;"> <id id="txtCompNameErrorExplained">Please re-enter the computer name using the rules above.</id></span></td> </TR> <TR> <TD> </TD> <TD> <SPAN id="spnCompName_NetworkName"> <!-- network name will be inserted here --> </SPAN> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR><BR> <SPAN id="spnCompDesc_Primary1" class="text-primary"> <id id="txtCompDesc1">You can also give your computer a friendly description. Unlike the computer name, the computer description may contain spaces and other special characters. "David's game machine" and "The Chavez Family Computer" are examples of computer descriptions.</id> </span> <BR><BR> <!-- SYSTEM DESCRIPTION --> <TABLE border="0"> <TR> <TD id=lblCompDesc nowrap> <SPAN id="EnterComputerDesc_1" class="text-primary"> <id id="txtCompDesc120">C<u>o</u>mputer description: </id> </SPAN> </TD> <TD> <table> <TR> <TD> <INPUT type="text" size="60" accesskey="O" class="computer-desc-box" id="txtCompDesc" TABINDEX="2"> </TD> <TD id="CompDescOptional" nowrap><span id="lblCompDescOptional" class="text-primary"> <id id="txtCompDescOptional">(Optional)</id></span></td> </TR> </table> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <table border=0 class="newbuttonposition"> <tr> <td width=10> </td> <td><BUTTON ID="btnBack" class="newbuttonsBack" TABINDEX=3 ACCESSKEY="B" style="visibility:visible;"></BUTTON></td> <td nowrap valign=middle class="text-primary"><span id="BackBtnLocalText" style="visibility:visible;"><label for=btnBack><id id="LocalBtnBack_Text"><u>B</u>ack</id></label></span></td> <td width=99%> </td> <td nowrap valign=middle class="text-primary"><span id="SkipBtnLocalText" style="visibility:visible;"><label for=btnSkip><id id="LocalBtnSkip_Text"><u>S</u>kip</id></label></span></td> <td><BUTTON ID="btnSkip" class="newbuttonsSkip" TABINDEX=4 ACCESSKEY="S" style="visibility:visible;"></BUTTON></td> <td width=10> </td> <td nowrap valign=middle class="text-primary"><span id="NextBtnLocalText" style="visibility:visible;"><label for=btnNext><id id="LocalBtnNext_Text"><u>N</u>ext</id></label></span></td> <td><BUTTON ID="btnNext" class="newbuttonsNext" TABINDEX=5 ACCESSKEY="N" style="visibility:visible;"></BUTTON></td> </tr> </table> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>