/* File GuidMap.h Defines functions to map guid instances to descriptive names. This file will become obsolete when such Mike Miller adds this functionality to netcfg. Paul Mayfield, 8/25/97 Copyright 1997, Microsoft Corporation. */ #ifndef __guidmap_h #define __guidmap_h // // Initialize the guid map for the given server // DWORD GuidMapInit ( IN PWCHAR pszServer, OUT HANDLE * phGuidMap); // // Cleans up resources obtained through GuidMapInit // DWORD GuidMapCleanup ( IN HANDLE hGuidMap, IN BOOL bFree ); // // Derive the friendly name from the guid name // DWORD GuidMapGetFriendlyName ( IN SERVERCB* pserver, IN PWCHAR pszGuidName, IN DWORD dwBufferSize, OUT PWCHAR pszFriendlyName); // // Derive the guid name from the friendly name // DWORD GuidMapGetGuidName( IN SERVERCB* pserver, IN PWCHAR pszFriendlyName, IN DWORD dwBufferSize, OUT PWCHAR pszGuidName ); // // States whether a mapping for the given guid name // exists without actually providing the friendly // name. This is more efficient than GuidMapGetFriendlyName // when the friendly name is not required. // DWORD GuidMapIsAdapterInstalled( IN HANDLE hGuidMap, IN PWCHAR pszGuidName, OUT PBOOL pfMappingExists); #endif