#include #include #include "webjitres.h" //BitMap IDB_BITMAP1 BITMAP DISCARDABLE "jitalert.bmp" //Dialog IDD_WEBJIT DIALOGEX DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 240, 133 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU EXSTYLE WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP CAPTION "Install On Demand (Other)" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "To display this page correctly, you need to download and install some components.",IDC_TEXT,30,6,180,65 CONTROL "Progress1",IDC_PROGRESS1,"msctls_progress32",NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER, 30,79,180,8 LTEXT "Download Size: ", IDC_REMAINING_SIZE, 30,63,87,10,NOT WS_VISIBLE LTEXT "Download Time: ", IDC_REMAINING_TIME, 123,63,87,10,NOT WS_VISIBLE CONTROL "Ne&ver download any of these components.",IDC_CHECK1,"Button", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_DISABLED | WS_TABSTOP,30,95,180,10 DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Download",IDDOWNLOAD,130,113,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,130,113,50,14,NOT WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,185,113,50,14 CONTROL IDB_BITMAP1,IDC_ICON1,"Static",SS_BITMAP,4,6,20,20 END //StringTable STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DOWNLOAD_MSG "To display this page correctly, you need to download and install the following components:" IDS_ERROROCCURED "An error has occured." IDS_JAVAVMJIT "Java virtual machine" IDS_MEDIAPLAYER "Windows Media Player" END //StringTable Errors STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_KILOBYTES_TEXT " KB" IDS_MEGABYTE_TEXT " MB" IDS_MINUTES_TEXT " min" IDS_LessThanAMinute_TEXT "< 1 min" IDS_hr1_TEXT "1 hr" IDS_hrs_TEXT " hrs" IDS_SIZE "Download Size: " IDS_TIME "Download Time: " IDS_MISSINGCOMPONENTNAME "There has been a mismatched binary error in Internet Explorer." IDS_REINSTALL "Please reinstall, or install an updated version of Internet Explorer by choosing 'Windows Update' under the Internet Explorer 'Tools' menu." IDS_DIALOGERROR "Install on Demand has detected an error." IDS_DIALOGERROR2 "You cannot load this page manually. It must be invoked by Internet Explorer directly." IDS_WARNINGINSTALLING "You would interrupt component installation." IDS_ALTWARNINGDOWNLOAD "To perform this action with Internet Explorer, you need to download and install the following components:" IDS_ALTLANGUAGEDOWNLOAD "To display language characters correctly you need to download and install the following components:" IDS_DLFAIL "The component cannot be downloaded at this time." IDS_INSTALLFAIL "Installation of the component failed." IDS_SERVERERROR "Install on Demand could not connect to the required network or Internet Server to download components." IDS_UNKNOWNERROR "An unknown error has occurred." IDS_PRODUCTUPDATES "Please try again later or choose 'Windows Update' under the Internet Explorer 'Tools' menu to install this component." IDS_NOTCONNECTED "Please verify that you are still connected to your network or the Internet." IDS_CERTREFUSE "The file being downloaded is not signed, or you did not accept the Authenticode certificate." IDS_IBUSY "The Internet may be busy." IDS_SECURITYHIGH "The security setting for your current zone may be set to HIGH." IDS_SECURITYHIGH1 "This setting does not allow ActiveX controls to function properly." IDS_SECURITYHIGH2 "To restart Install on Demand, change the security for your zone to MEDIUM by selecting the Security tab in 'Internet Options' under the IE 'Tools' menu." IDS_SECURITYHIGH3 "Then close the Internet Explorer Properties dialog and press the browser 'Refresh' button." IDS_OFFLINEALERT "Install on Demand will not work properly when you are working offline." IDS_OFFLINEALERT2 "Please uncheck 'Work Offline' under the Internet Explorer 'File' menu and restore your Internet connection before continuing with installation." IDS_ADMINRIGHTS "You must be logged-on as an Administrator to complete this procedure." IDS_PLATFORMNOT "The required component is not available for this version of Windows." IDS_INTERNAL "An internal error has occured." IDS_SETUP "A setup error has occured." IDS_PROCESS "A setup error has occured." IDS_DOWNLOADING "Downloading %s..." IDS_INSTALLING "Installing %s..." IDS_CHECKTRUST "Verifying trust for %s..." IDS_ERRORTITLE "Install On Demand Error" IDS_WEBJITHELPFILE "IEXPLORE.HLP" END