echo off if "%1"=="" goto error_msg set SHAREPOINT=%1 set DESTDRIVE=c: set DESTDIR=progra~1\salem :Get_Dest_Drive if "%2"=="" goto Copy_Files set DESTDRIVE=%2 :Copy_Files set DEST=%DESTDRIVE%\%DESTDIR% mkdir %DEST% net use z: %SHAREPOINT% copy z:\as\cpi32.nt\obj\i386\rdas32.* %DEST% copy z:\as\dd\obj\i386\rdasdd.* %DESTDRIVE%\winnt\system32 copy z:\extern\i386\msvcrtd.dll %DEST% copy z:\extern\i386\rdasdd.nt4 %DESTDRIVE%\winnt\system32\drivers\rdasdd.sys copy z:\samples\service\obj\i386\service.* %DEST% copy z:\samples\server\obj\i386\server.* %DEST% copy z:\samples\client\obj\i386\client.* %DEST% copy z:\t120\mst120\obj\i386\rdcall.* %DEST% copy z:\samples\rdcert\obj\i386\rdcert.* %DEST% copy z:\cert\obj\i386\rdmkcert.* %DEST% regedit z:\ntx.reg echo MANUALLY CHANGE \rdasdd\Device0\InstalledDisplayDrivers to be a echo REG_MULTI_SZ value type with value rdasdd net use z: /d goto exit :error_msg echo usage: setupnt4 sharepoint [destination drive] goto exit :exit