/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: MgeDB.cpp Comments: Implementation of DBManager COM object. This is interface that the Domain Migrator uses to communicate to the Database (PROTAR.MDB). This interface allows Domain Migrator to Save and later retrieve information/Setting to run the Migration process. (c) Copyright 1999, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc. REVISION LOG ENTRY Revision By: Sham Chauthani Revised on 07/02/99 12:40:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "mcs.h" #include "ErrDct.hpp" #include "DBMgr.h" #include "MgeDB.h" #include #include #include #include "UString.hpp" #include "TxtSid.h" #include "LSAUtils.h" #include "HrMsg.h" #include "StringConversion.h" #import "msado21.tlb" no_namespace implementation_only rename("EOF", "EndOfFile") #import "msadox.dll" implementation_only exclude("DataTypeEnum") //#import no_namespace implementation_only #include #include #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif TErrorDct err; using namespace _com_util; #define MAX_BUF_LEN 255 #ifndef JETDBENGINETYPE_JET4X #define JETDBENGINETYPE_JET4X 0x05 // from MSJetOleDb.h #endif StringLoader gString; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CIManageDB TError dct; TError& errCommon = dct; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor / Destructor //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIManageDB::CIManageDB() { } CIManageDB::~CIManageDB() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FinalConstruct //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CIManageDB::FinalConstruct() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _bstr_t sMissing(L""); _bstr_t sUser(L"Admin"); WCHAR sConnect[LEN_Path]; WCHAR sDir[LEN_Path]; // Get the path to the MDB file from the registry TRegKey key; DWORD rc = key.Open(sKeyBase); if ( !rc ) rc = key.ValueGetStr(L"Directory", sDir, LEN_Path); if ( rc != 0 ) wcscpy(sDir, L""); // Now build the connect string. wsprintf(sConnect, L"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%sprotar.mdb;", sDir); CheckError(m_cn.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Connection))); m_cn->Open(sConnect, sUser, sMissing, adConnectUnspecified); m_vtConn = (IDispatch *) m_cn; // if necessary, upgrade database to 4.x long lEngineType = m_cn->Properties->Item[_T("Jet OLEDB:Engine Type")]->Value; if (lEngineType < JETDBENGINETYPE_JET4X) { m_cn->Close(); UpgradeDatabase(sDir); m_cn->Open(sConnect, sUser, sMissing, adConnectUnspecified); } reportStruct * prs = NULL; _variant_t var; // Migrated accounts report information CheckError(m_pQueryMapping.CreateInstance(__uuidof(VarSet))); m_pQueryMapping->put(L"MigratedAccounts", L"Select SourceDomain, TargetDomain, Type, SourceAdsPath, TargetAdsPath from MigratedObjects where Type <> 'computer' order by time"); prs = new reportStruct(); if (!prs) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); prs->sReportName = GET_BSTR(IDS_REPORT_MigratedAccounts); prs->arReportFields[0] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_SourceDomain); prs->arReportSize[0] = 10; prs->arReportFields[1] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_TargetDomain); prs->arReportSize[1] = 10; prs->arReportFields[2] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_Type); prs->arReportSize[2] = 10; prs->arReportFields[3] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_SourceAdsPath); prs->arReportSize[3] = 35; prs->arReportFields[4] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_TargetAdsPath); prs->arReportSize[4] = 35; prs->colsFilled = 5; var.vt = VT_BYREF | VT_UI1; var.pbVal = (unsigned char *)prs; m_pQueryMapping->putObject(L"MigratedAccounts.DispInfo", var); // Migrated computers report information m_pQueryMapping->put(L"MigratedComputers", L"Select SourceDomain, TargetDomain, Type, SourceAdsPath, TargetAdsPath from MigratedObjects where Type = 'computer' order by time"); prs = new reportStruct(); if (!prs) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); prs->sReportName = GET_BSTR(IDS_REPORT_MigratedComputers); prs->arReportFields[0] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_SourceDomain); prs->arReportSize[0] = 10; prs->arReportFields[1] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_TargetDomain); prs->arReportSize[1] = 10; prs->arReportFields[2] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_Type); prs->arReportSize[2] = 10; prs->arReportFields[3] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_SourceAdsPath); prs->arReportSize[3] = 35; prs->arReportFields[4] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_TargetAdsPath); prs->arReportSize[4] = 35; prs->colsFilled = 5; var.vt = VT_BYREF | VT_UI1; var.pbVal = (unsigned char *)prs; m_pQueryMapping->putObject(L"MigratedComputers.DispInfo", var); // Expired computers report information m_pQueryMapping->put(L"ExpiredComputers", L"Select Time, DomainName, CompName, Description, int(pwdage/86400) & ' days' as 'Password Age' from PasswordAge where pwdage > 2592000 order by DomainName, CompName"); prs = new reportStruct(); if (!prs) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); prs->sReportName = GET_BSTR(IDS_REPORT_ExpiredComputers); prs->arReportFields[0] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_Time); prs->arReportSize[0] = 20; prs->arReportFields[1] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_DomainName); prs->arReportSize[1] = 15; prs->arReportFields[2] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_CompName); prs->arReportSize[2] = 15; prs->arReportFields[3] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_Description); prs->arReportSize[3] = 35; prs->arReportFields[4] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_PwdAge); prs->arReportSize[4] = 15; prs->colsFilled = 5; var.vt = VT_BYREF | VT_UI1; var.pbVal = (unsigned char *)prs; m_pQueryMapping->putObject(L"ExpiredComputers.DispInfo", var); // Account reference report informaiton. m_pQueryMapping->put(L"AccountReferences", L"Select DomainName, Account, AccountSid, Server, RefCount as '# of Ref', RefType As ReferenceType from AccountRefs where RefCount > 0 order by DomainName, Account, Server"); prs = new reportStruct(); if (!prs) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); prs->sReportName = GET_BSTR(IDS_REPORT_AccountReferences); prs->arReportFields[0] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_DomainName); prs->arReportSize[0] = 15; prs->arReportFields[1] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_Account); prs->arReportSize[1] = 20; prs->arReportFields[2] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_AccountSid); prs->arReportSize[2] = 25; prs->arReportFields[3] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_Server); prs->arReportSize[3] = 15; prs->arReportFields[4] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_RefCount); prs->arReportSize[4] = 10; prs->arReportFields[5] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_RefType); prs->arReportSize[5] = 15; prs->colsFilled = 6; var.vt = VT_BYREF | VT_UI1; var.pbVal = (unsigned char *)prs; m_pQueryMapping->putObject(L"AccountReferences.DispInfo", var); // Name conflict report information m_pQueryMapping->put(L"NameConflicts", L"SELECT" L" SourceAccounts.Name," L" SourceAccounts.RDN," L" SourceAccounts.Type," L" TargetAccounts.Type," L" IIf(SourceAccounts.Name=TargetAccounts.Name,'" + GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_SAM_CONFLICT_VALUE) + L"','') +" L" IIf(SourceAccounts.Name=TargetAccounts.Name And SourceAccounts.RDN=TargetAccounts.RDN,',','') +" L" IIf(SourceAccounts.RDN=TargetAccounts.RDN,'" + GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_RDN_CONFLICT_VALUE) + L"','')," L" TargetAccounts.[Canonical Name] " L"FROM SourceAccounts, TargetAccounts " L"WHERE" L" SourceAccounts.Name=TargetAccounts.Name OR SourceAccounts.RDN=TargetAccounts.RDN " L"ORDER BY" L" SourceAccounts.Name, TargetAccounts.Name"); // m_pQueryMapping->put(L"NameConflicts", L"SELECT SourceAccounts.Name as AccountName, SourceAccounts.Type as SourceType, TargetAccounts.Type as TargetType, SourceAccounts.Description as \ // SourceDescription, TargetAccounts.Description as TargetDescription, SourceAccounts.FullName as SourceFullName, TargetAccounts.FullName as TargetFullName \ // FROM SourceAccounts, TargetAccounts WHERE (((SourceAccounts.Name)=[TargetAccounts].[Name])) ORDER BY SourceAccounts.Name"); prs = new reportStruct(); if (!prs) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); prs->sReportName = GET_BSTR(IDS_REPORT_NameConflicts); prs->arReportFields[0] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_Account); prs->arReportSize[0] = 20; prs->arReportFields[1] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_SourceRDN); prs->arReportSize[1] = 20; prs->arReportFields[2] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_SourceType); prs->arReportSize[2] = 10; prs->arReportFields[3] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_TargetType); prs->arReportSize[3] = 10; prs->arReportFields[4] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_ConflictAtt); prs->arReportSize[4] = 15; prs->arReportFields[5] = GET_BSTR(IDS_TABLE_FIELD_TargetCanonicalName); prs->arReportSize[5] = 25; prs->colsFilled = 6; var.vt = VT_BYREF | VT_UI1; var.pbVal = (unsigned char *)prs; m_pQueryMapping->putObject(L"NameConflicts.DispInfo", var); // we will handle the cleanup ourselves. VariantInit(&var); CheckError(m_rsAccounts.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Recordset))); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = Error((LPCOLESTR)ce.Description(), ce.GUID(), ce.Error()); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FinalRelease //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CIManageDB::FinalRelease() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) try { if (m_rsAccounts) { m_rsAccounts.Release(); } if (m_pQueryMapping) { // we need to cleanup all the reportStruct objects. _variant_t var; reportStruct * pRs; // Cleanup the MigratedAccounts information var = m_pQueryMapping->get(L"MigratedAccounts.DispInfo"); if ( var.vt == (VT_BYREF | VT_UI1) ) { pRs = (reportStruct*) var.pbVal; delete pRs; } // Cleanup the MigratedComputers information var = m_pQueryMapping->get(L"MigratedComputers.DispInfo"); if ( var.vt == (VT_BYREF | VT_UI1) ) { pRs = (reportStruct*)var.pbVal; delete pRs; } // Cleanup the ExpiredComputers information var = m_pQueryMapping->get(L"ExpiredComputers.DispInfo"); if ( var.vt == (VT_BYREF | VT_UI1) ) { pRs = (reportStruct*)var.pbVal; delete pRs; } // Cleanup the AccountReferences information var = m_pQueryMapping->get(L"AccountReferences.DispInfo"); if ( var.vt == (VT_BYREF | VT_UI1) ) { pRs = (reportStruct*)var.pbVal; delete pRs; } // Cleanup the NameConflicts information var = m_pQueryMapping->get(L"NameConflicts.DispInfo"); if ( var.vt == (VT_BYREF | VT_UI1) ) { pRs = (reportStruct*)var.pbVal; delete pRs; } m_pQueryMapping.Release(); } if (m_cn) { m_cn.Release(); } } catch (...) { //eat it } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SetVarsetToDB : Saves a varset into the table identified as sTableName. ActionID is also // stored if one is provided. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::SetVarsetToDB(IUnknown *pUnk, BSTR sTableName, VARIANT ActionID) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { IVarSetPtr pVSIn = pUnk; IVarSetPtr pVS(__uuidof(VarSet)); IEnumVARIANTPtr varEnum; _bstr_t keyName; _variant_t value; _variant_t varKey; _variant_t vTable = sTableName; _variant_t vtConn; _variant_t varAction; DWORD nGot = 0; long lActionID; pVS->ImportSubTree(L"", pVSIn); ClipVarset(pVS); if (ActionID.vt == VT_I4) lActionID = ActionID.lVal; else lActionID = -1; // Open the recordset object. _RecordsetPtr rs(__uuidof(Recordset)); rs->Open(vTable, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); // we are now going to enumerate through the varset and put the values into the DB // Get the IEnumVARIANT pointer to enumerate varEnum = pVS->_NewEnum; if (varEnum) { value.vt = VT_EMPTY; // For each value in the varset get the property name and put it into the // database with the string representation of its value with its type. while ( (hr = varEnum->Next(1,&varKey,&nGot)) == S_OK ) { if ( nGot > 0 ) { keyName = V_BSTR(&varKey); value = pVS->get(keyName); rs->AddNew(); if ( lActionID > -1 ) { // This is going to be actionID information // So lets put in the actionID in the database. varAction.vt = VT_I4; varAction.lVal = lActionID; rs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value = varAction; } rs->Fields->GetItem(L"Property")->Value = keyName; hr = PutVariantInDB(rs, value); rs->Update(); if (FAILED(hr)) _com_issue_errorex(hr, pVS, __uuidof(VarSet)); } } varEnum.Release(); } // Cleanup rs->Close(); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PutVariantInDB : Stores a variant into a DB table by decoding it. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CIManageDB::PutVariantInDB(_RecordsetPtr pRs, _variant_t val) { // This function puts the value passed as a variant into the current record of the recordset // It updates the VarType and the Value fields of the given property _variant_t varType; // Numeric value for the type of value _variant_t varVal; // String representation of the value field WCHAR strTemp[255]; varType.vt = VT_UI4; varType.lVal = val.vt; switch ( val.vt ) { case VT_BSTR : varVal = val; break; case VT_UI4 : wsprintf(strTemp, L"%d", val.lVal); varVal = strTemp; break; case VT_I4 : wsprintf(strTemp, L"%d", val.lVal); varVal = strTemp; break; case VT_EMPTY : break; case VT_NULL: break; default : MCSASSERT(FALSE); // What ever this type is we are not supporting it // so put the support in for this. return E_INVALIDARG; } pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"VarType")->Value = varType; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Value")->Value = varVal; return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ClearTable : Deletes a table indicated by sTableName and applies a filter if provided. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::ClearTable(BSTR sTableName, VARIANT Filter) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { // Build a SQL string to Clear the table. WCHAR sSQL[2000]; WCHAR sFilter[2000]; _variant_t varSQL; if (Filter.vt == VT_BSTR) wcscpy(sFilter, (WCHAR*)Filter.bstrVal); else wcscpy(sFilter, L""); wsprintf(sSQL, L"Delete from %s", sTableName); if ( wcslen(sFilter) > 0 ) { wcscat(sSQL, L" where "); wcscat(sSQL, sFilter); } varSQL = sSQL; _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); pRs->Open(varSQL, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SaveSettings : This method saves the GUI setting varset into the Settings table. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::SaveSettings(IUnknown *pUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { // This function uses the IUnknown pointer to the varset to save its // settings in the database in Settings table. // First clear the whole table CheckError(ClearTable(L"Settings")); // Update the values in the database. CheckError(SetVarsetToDB(pUnk, L"Settings")); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetVarFromDB : Retrieves a variant from the DB table by encoding it. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CIManageDB::GetVarFromDB(_RecordsetPtr pRec, _variant_t& val) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { // retrieve data type VARTYPE vt = VARTYPE(long(pRec->Fields->GetItem(L"VarType")->Value)); // if data type is empty or null... if ((vt == VT_EMPTY) || (vt == VT_NULL)) { // then clear value val.Clear(); } else { // otherwise retrieve value and convert to given data type _variant_t vntValue = pRec->Fields->GetItem(L"Value")->Value; val.ChangeType(vt, &vntValue); } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetVarsetFromDB : Retrieves a varset from the specified table. and fills the argument //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetVarsetFromDB(BSTR sTable, IUnknown **ppVarset, VARIANT ActionID) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { IVarSetPtr pVS = *ppVarset; _bstr_t sKeyName; _variant_t val; _variant_t varQuery; WCHAR sQuery[1000]; long lActionID; if (ActionID.vt == VT_I4) lActionID = ActionID.lVal; else lActionID = -1; if ( lActionID == -1 ) wsprintf(sQuery, L"Select * from %s", sTable); else wsprintf(sQuery, L"Select * from %s where ActionID = %d", sTable, lActionID); varQuery = sQuery; _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); pRs->Open(varQuery, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if (!pRs->EndOfFile) { pRs->MoveFirst(); while ( !pRs->EndOfFile ) { val = pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Property")->Value; sKeyName = val.bstrVal; hr = GetVarFromDB(pRs, val); if ( FAILED(hr) ) _com_issue_errorex(hr, pRs, __uuidof(_Recordset)); pVS->put(sKeyName, val); pRs->MoveNext(); } RestoreVarset(pVS); } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetSettings : Retrieves the settings from the Settings table and fills up the varset //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetSettings(IUnknown **ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) // Get the varset from the Settings table and return it. return GetVarsetFromDB(L"Settings", ppUnk); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SetActionHistory : Saves action history information into the Action history table. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::SetActionHistory(long lActionID, IUnknown *pUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) // Call the set varset method to set the values into the database. _variant_t ActionID = lActionID; SetVarsetToDB(pUnk, L"ActionHistory", ActionID); return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetActionHistory : Retrieves action history information into the varset //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetActionHistory(long lActionID, IUnknown **ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) // Get the varset from the database _variant_t ActionID = lActionID; // GetVarsetFromDB(L"ActionHistory", ppUnk, ActionID); // return S_OK; return GetVarsetFromDB(L"ActionHistory", ppUnk, ActionID); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetNextActionID : Rotates the Action ID between 1 and MAXID as specified in the system table //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetNextActionID(long *pActionID) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; // We open the system table and look at the NextActionID field. // if the value of the NextActionID is greater than value in MaxID field // then we return the nextactionid = 1. try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"System"; _variant_t next, max, curr; WCHAR sActionID[LEN_Path]; next.vt = VT_I4; max.vt = VT_I4; curr.vt = VT_I4; pRs->Filter = L""; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); if (pRs->GetRecordCount() > 0) { pRs->MoveFirst(); next.lVal = pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"NextActionID")->Value; max.lVal = pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"MaxID")->Value; if ( next.lVal > max.lVal ) next.lVal = 1; long currentID = next.lVal; *pActionID = currentID; curr.lVal = currentID; next.lVal++; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"NextActionID")->Value = next; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"CurrentActionID")->Value = curr; pRs->Update(); // Delete all entries for this pirticular action. wsprintf(sActionID, L"ActionID=%d", currentID); _variant_t ActionID = sActionID; ClearTable(L"ActionHistory", ActionID); //TODO:: Add code to delete entries from any other tables if needed // Since we are deleting the actionID in the the ActionHistory table we can // not undo this stuff. But we still need to keep it around so that the report // and the GUI can work with it. I am going to set all actionIDs to -1 if actionID is // cleared SetActionIDInMigratedObjects(sActionID); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SaveMigratedObject : Saves information about a object that is migrated. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::SaveMigratedObject(long lActionID, IUnknown *pUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; // This fucntion updates the migrated objects table in the DB with the // information in the varset. If the information is not found in the Varset // then an error may occur. try { _variant_t var; time_t tm; COleDateTime dt(time(&tm)); //dt= COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime(); _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource; IVarSetPtr pVs = pUnk; WCHAR sQuery[LEN_Path]; WCHAR sSource[LEN_Path], sTarget[LEN_Path], sDomain[LEN_Path]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; bool bComp = false; WCHAR sTemp[LEN_Path]; _bstr_t tempName; // Delete the record if one already exists in the table. In case it is remigrated/replaced. var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_SourceDomain)); wcscpy(sSource, (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var)); var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_TargetDomain)); wcscpy(sTarget, (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var)); var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_SourceSamName)); wcscpy(sDomain, (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var)); wsprintf(sQuery, L"delete from MigratedObjects where SourceDomain=\"%s\" and TargetDomain=\"%s\" and SourceSamName=\"%s\"", sSource, sTarget, sDomain); vtSource = _bstr_t(sQuery); hr = pRs->raw_Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); vtSource = L"MigratedObjects"; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); pRs->AddNew(); var.vt = VT_UI4; var.lVal = lActionID; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value = var; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Time")->Value = DATE(dt); var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_SourceDomain)); // make the string into an uppercase string. if ( var.vt == VT_BSTR ) var.bstrVal = UStrUpr((WCHAR*) var.bstrVal); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomain")->Value = var; var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_TargetDomain)); // make the string into an uppercase string. if ( var.vt == VT_BSTR ) var.bstrVal = UStrUpr((WCHAR*) var.bstrVal); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetDomain")->Value = var; var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_SourceAdsPath)); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceAdsPath")->Value = var; var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_TargetAdsPath)); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetAdsPath")->Value = var; var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_status)); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"status")->Value = var; var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_SourceDomainSid)); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomainSid")->Value = var; var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_Type)); // make the string into an uppercase string. if ( var.vt == VT_BSTR ) { var.bstrVal = UStrLwr((WCHAR*) var.bstrVal); if ( !_wcsicmp(L"computer", (WCHAR*) var.bstrVal) ) bComp = true; else bComp = false; } pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Type")->Value = var; var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_SourceSamName)); // for computer accounts make sure the good old $ sign is there. if (bComp) { wcscpy(sTemp, (WCHAR*) var.bstrVal); if ( sTemp[wcslen(sTemp) - 1] != L'$' ) { tempName = sTemp; tempName += L"$"; var = tempName; } } pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceSamName")->Value = var; var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_TargetSamName)); // for computer accounts make sure the good old $ sign is there. if (bComp) { wcscpy(sTemp, (WCHAR*) var.bstrVal); if ( sTemp[wcslen(sTemp) - 1] != L'$' ) { tempName = sTemp; tempName += L"$"; var = tempName; } } pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetSamName")->Value = var; var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_GUID)); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"GUID")->Value = var; var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_SourceRid)); if ( var.vt == VT_UI4 || var.vt == VT_I4 ) pRs->Fields->GetItem("SourceRid")->Value = var; else pRs->Fields->GetItem("SourceRid")->Value = _variant_t((long)0); var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_TargetRid)); if ( var.vt == VT_UI4 || var.vt == VT_I4 ) pRs->Fields->GetItem("TargetRid")->Value = var; else pRs->Fields->GetItem("TargetRid")->Value = _variant_t((long)0); pRs->Update(); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetMigratedObjects : Retrieves information about previously migrated objects withis a given // action or as a whole //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetMigratedObjects(long lActionID, IUnknown ** ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; // This function returns all migrated objects and their information related // to a pirticular Action ID. This is going to return nothing if the actionID is // empty. try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"MigratedObjects"; IVarSetPtr pVs = *ppUnk; WCHAR sActionInfo[255]; long lCnt = 0; if ( lActionID != -1 ) { // If a valid ActionID is specified then we only return the data for that one. // but if -1 is passed in then we return all migrated objects. wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"ActionID=%d", lActionID); pRs->Filter = sActionInfo; } pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); if (pRs->GetRecordCount() > 0) { pRs->MoveFirst(); while ( !pRs->EndOfFile ) { wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_ActionID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_Time)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Time")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_status)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"status")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_Type)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Type")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_GUID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"GUID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomainSid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomainSid")->Value); pRs->MoveNext(); lCnt++; } pVs->put(L"MigratedObjects", lCnt); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetMigratedObjectsWithSSid : Retrieves information about previously migrated objects within // a given action or as a whole with a valid Source Domain Sid //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetMigratedObjectsWithSSid(long lActionID, IUnknown ** ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; // This function returns all migrated objects and their information related // to a pirticular Action ID. This is going to return nothing if the actionID is // empty. try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"MigratedObjects"; IVarSetPtr pVs = *ppUnk; WCHAR sActionInfo[255]; long lCnt = 0; if ( lActionID != -1 ) { // If a valid ActionID is specified then we only return the data for that one. // but if -1 is passed in then we return all migrated objects. wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"ActionID=%d", lActionID); pRs->Filter = sActionInfo; } wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"Select * from MigratedObjects where SourceDomainSid IS NOT NULL"); vtSource = sActionInfo; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if (pRs->GetRecordCount() > 0) { pRs->MoveFirst(); while ( !pRs->EndOfFile ) { wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_ActionID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_Time)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Time")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_status)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"status")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_Type)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Type")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_GUID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"GUID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomainSid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomainSid")->Value); pRs->MoveNext(); lCnt++; } pVs->put(L"MigratedObjects", lCnt); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SetActionIDInMigratedObjects : For a discarded actionID sets its ActionID to -1 in MO table. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CIManageDB::SetActionIDInMigratedObjects(_bstr_t sFilter) { _bstr_t sQuery = _bstr_t(L"Update MigratedObjects Set ActionID = -1 where ") + sFilter; _variant_t vt = sQuery; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); pRs->Open(vt, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); } catch (...) { ; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetRSForReport : Returns a recordset for a given report. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetRSForReport(BSTR sReport, IUnknown **pprsData) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { // For a given report we have a mapping in the varset. We can get the query // from that varset and execute it and return the varset. _variant_t var = m_pQueryMapping->get(sReport); if ( var.vt == VT_BSTR ) { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); pRs->Open(var, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); // Now that we have the recordset pointer we can get IUnknown pointer to it and return that *pprsData = IUnknownPtr(pRs).Detach(); } else { hr = E_NOTIMPL; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::SaveSCMPasswords(IUnknown *pUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) return SetVarsetToDB(pUnk, L"SCMPasswords"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetSCMPasswords(IUnknown **ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) return GetVarsetFromDB(L"SCMPasswords", ppUnk); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::ClearSCMPasswords() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) ClearTable(L"SCMPasswords"); return S_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetCurrentActionID : Retrieves the actionID currently in use. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetCurrentActionID(long *pActionID) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"System"; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); if (pRs->GetRecordCount() > 0) { pRs->MoveFirst(); *pActionID = pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"CurrentActionID")->Value; } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetAMigratedObject : Given the source name, and the domain information retrieves info about // a previous migration. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetAMigratedObject(BSTR sSrcSamName, BSTR sSrcDomain, BSTR sTgtDomain, IUnknown **ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"MigratedObjects"; IVarSetPtr pVs = *ppUnk; WCHAR sActionInfo[LEN_Path]; long lCnt = 0; _bstr_t sName; // If the parameters are not correct then we need to return an error if ( (wcslen(sSrcSamName) == 0) || (wcslen(sSrcDomain) == 0)) _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); /* wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"SourceDomain=\"%s\" AND SourceSamName=\"%s\" AND TargetDomain=\"%s\"", sSrcDomain, sSrcSamName, sTgtDomain); pRs->Filter = sActionInfo; */ wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"Select * from MigratedObjects where SourceDomain=\"%s\" AND SourceSamName=\"%s\" AND TargetDomain=\"%s\"", sSrcDomain, sSrcSamName, sTgtDomain); vtSource = sActionInfo; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if (pRs->GetRecordCount() > 0) { // We want the latest move. pRs->MoveLast(); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_ActionID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_Time)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Time")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_status)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"status")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_Type)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Type")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_GUID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"GUID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomainSid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomainSid")->Value); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetAMigratedObjectToAnyDomain : Given the source name, and the domain information retrieves info about // a previous migration. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetAMigratedObjectToAnyDomain(BSTR sSrcSamName, BSTR sSrcDomain, IUnknown **ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"MigratedObjects"; IVarSetPtr pVs = *ppUnk; WCHAR sActionInfo[LEN_Path]; long lCnt = 0; _bstr_t sName; // If the parameters are not correct then we need to return an error if ( (wcslen(sSrcSamName) == 0) || (wcslen(sSrcDomain) == 0)) _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"Select * from MigratedObjects where SourceDomain=\"%s\" AND SourceSamName=\"%s\" Order by Time", sSrcDomain, sSrcSamName); // pRs->Filter = sActionInfo; // wcscpy(sActionInfo, L"Time"); // pRs->Sort = sActionInfo; vtSource = _bstr_t(sActionInfo); pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if (pRs->GetRecordCount() > 0) { // We want the latest move. pRs->MoveLast(); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_ActionID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_Time)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Time")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_status)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"status")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_Type)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Type")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_GUID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"GUID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomainSid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomainSid")->Value); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GenerateReport Generates an HTML report for the given Query and saves it in the File. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GenerateReport(BSTR sReportName, BSTR sFileName, BSTR sSrcDomain, BSTR sTgtDomain, LONG bSourceNT4) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; FILE* logFile = NULL; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs; IUnknownPtr pUnk; _variant_t var; WCHAR sKey[LEN_Path]; CString reportingTitle; CString srcDm = (WCHAR*) sSrcDomain; CString tgtDm = (WCHAR*) sTgtDomain; //convert source and target domain names, only used in the name conflict report, //to uppercase srcDm.MakeUpper(); tgtDm.MakeUpper(); CheckError(GetRSForReport(sReportName, &pUnk)); pRs = pUnk; // Now that we have the recordset we need to get the number of columns int numFields = pRs->Fields->Count; int size = 100 / numFields; reportingTitle.LoadString(IDS_ReportingTitle); // Open the html file to write to logFile = fopen(_bstr_t(sFileName), "wb"); if ( !logFile ) _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); //TODO: stream i/o doesn't set last error //Put the header information into the File. fputs("\r\n", logFile); fputs("\r\n", logFile); fputs("\r\n", logFile); fprintf(logFile, "%s\r\n", WTUTF8(reportingTitle.GetBuffer(0))); fputs("\r\n", logFile); fputs("\r\n", logFile); fprintf(logFile, "


\r\n", WTUTF8(reportingTitle.GetBuffer(0))); // Get the display information for the report // I know I did not need to do all this elaborate setup to get the fieldnames and the report names // I could have gotten this information dynamically but had to change it because we need to get the // info from the Res dll for internationalization. wsprintf(sKey, L"%s.DispInfo", (WCHAR*) sReportName); _variant_t v1; reportStruct * prs; v1 = m_pQueryMapping->get(sKey); prs = (reportStruct *) v1.pbVal; VariantInit(&v1); fprintf(logFile, "


\r\n", WTUTF8(prs->sReportName)); fputs("

\r\n", logFile); fputs("\r\n", logFile); for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) { fprintf(logFile, "\r\n", WTUTF8(prs->arReportFields[i])); else fprintf(logFile, "

%s\r\n", WTUTF8(prs->arReportFields[i])); } fputs("

\r\n", logFile); //if name conflict report, add domains to the top of the report if (wcscmp((WCHAR*) sReportName, L"NameConflicts") == 0) { fputs("\r\n", logFile); //add "Source Domain =" fprintf(logFile, "\r\n", WTUTF8(GET_STRING(IDS_TABLE_NC_SDOMAIN))); //add %SourceDomainName% fprintf(logFile, "\r\n", WTUTF8(LPCTSTR(srcDm))); fputs("\r\n", WTUTF8(GET_STRING(IDS_TABLE_NC_TDOMAIN))); //add %TargetDomainName% fprintf(logFile, "\r\n", WTUTF8(LPCTSTR(tgtDm))); fputs("\r\n", logFile); } //write Account Reference report here since we need to build lists and //categorize if (wcscmp((WCHAR*) sReportName, L"AccountReferences") == 0) { CStringList inMotList; CString accountName; CString domainName; CString listName; POSITION currentPos; //add "Migrated by ADMT" as section header for Account Reference report fputs("\r\n", logFile); fprintf(logFile, "\r\n", WTUTF8(GET_STRING(IDS_TABLE_AR_MOT_HDR))); fputs("\r\n", logFile); //look at each entry in the recordset and add the the migrated list if it was //migrated and in the MOT while ( !pRs->EndOfFile ) { //retrieve the domain and account name for this entry var = pRs->Fields->Item[(long)0]->GetValue(); domainName = (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var); var = pRs->Fields->Item[(long)1]->GetValue(); accountName = (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var); //see if this account is in the Migrated Objects table IVarSetPtr pVsMot(__uuidof(VarSet)); IUnknown * pMotUnk; pVsMot->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**) &pMotUnk); HRESULT hrFind = GetAMigratedObjectToAnyDomain(accountName.AllocSysString(), domainName.AllocSysString(), &pMotUnk); pMotUnk->Release(); //if this entry was in the MOT, save in the list if ( hrFind == S_OK ) { //list stores the account in the form domain\account listName = domainName; listName += L"\\"; listName += accountName; //add the name to the list, if not already in it currentPos = inMotList.Find(listName); if (currentPos == NULL) inMotList.AddTail(listName); } pRs->MoveNext(); }//end while build MOT list //go back to the top of the recordset and print each entry that is in the //list created above pRs->MoveFirst(); while ( !pRs->EndOfFile ) { BOOL bInList = FALSE; //retrieve the domain and account name for this entry var = pRs->Fields->Item[(long)0]->GetValue(); domainName = (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var); var = pRs->Fields->Item[(long)1]->GetValue(); accountName = (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var); //list stored the accounts in the form domain\account listName = domainName; listName += L"\\"; listName += accountName; //see if this entry name is in the list, if so, print it if (inMotList.Find(listName) != NULL) { fputs("\r\n", logFile); for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) { fprintf(logFile, "\r\n", WTUTF8(V_BSTR(&var))); else fprintf(logFile, "

%d\r\n", var.lVal); } fputs("

\r\n", logFile); }//end if in list and need to print pRs->MoveNext(); }//end while print those in MOT //add "Not Migrated by ADMT" as section header for Account Reference report fputs("\r\n", logFile); fprintf(logFile, "\r\n", WTUTF8(GET_STRING(IDS_TABLE_AR_NOTMOT_HDR))); fputs("\r\n", logFile); //go back to the top of the recordset and print each entry that is NOT //in the list created above pRs->MoveFirst(); while ( !pRs->EndOfFile ) { BOOL bInList = FALSE; //retrieve the domain and account name for this entry var = pRs->Fields->Item[(long)0]->GetValue(); domainName = (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var); var = pRs->Fields->Item[(long)1]->GetValue(); accountName = (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var); //list stored the accounts in the form domain\account listName = domainName; listName += L"\\"; listName += accountName; //see if this entry name is in the list, if not, print it if (inMotList.Find(listName) == NULL) { fputs("\r\n", logFile); for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) { fprintf(logFile, "\r\n", WTUTF8(V_BSTR(&var))); else fprintf(logFile, "

%d\r\n", var.lVal); } fputs("

\r\n", logFile); }//end if NOT in list and need to print pRs->MoveNext(); }//end while print those NOT in Mot inMotList.RemoveAll(); //free the list }//end if Account Ref report while ((!pRs->EndOfFile) && (wcscmp((WCHAR*) sReportName, L"AccountReferences"))) { fputs("\r\n", logFile); for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) { bool bTranslateType = false; bool bHideRDN = false; fprintf(logFile, "\r\n", WTUTF8(LPCTSTR(atype))); } //replace hard-coded "days" with a localizable string else if((!wcscmp((WCHAR*) sReportName, L"ExpiredComputers")) && (i==4)) { CString apwdage; WCHAR * ndx; if ((ndx = wcsstr((WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var), L"days")) != NULL) { *ndx = L'\0'; apwdage = (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var); apwdage += GET_STRING(IDS_PwdAgeDays); } else apwdage = (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var); fprintf(logFile, "

%s\r\n", WTUTF8(LPCTSTR(apwdage))); } //else if NT 4.0 Source do not show our fabricated RDN else if (bHideRDN) fprintf(logFile, "

%s\r\n", WTUTF8(L"")); else fprintf(logFile, "

%s\r\n", WTUTF8(V_BSTR(&var))); } else if ( var.vt == VT_DATE ) { _variant_t v1; VariantChangeType(&v1, &var, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP, VT_BSTR); WCHAR sMsg[LEN_Path]; wcscpy(sMsg, (WCHAR*) V_BSTR(&v1)); fprintf(logFile, "

%s\r\n", WTUTF8(LPCTSTR(sMsg))); } else { //TODO :: The types need more work fprintf(logFile, "

%d\r\n", var.lVal); } } fputs("

\r\n", logFile); pRs->MoveNext(); } fputs("
\r\n", prs->arReportSize[i]); //if Canonical Name column, left align text since the name can be really long if (i==5) fprintf(logFile, "


\r\n", prs->arReportSize[0]); fprintf(logFile, "


\r\n", prs->arReportSize[1]); fprintf(logFile, "

= %s

\r\n", logFile); fputs("\r\n", logFile); //add "Target Domain =" fprintf(logFile, "\r\n", prs->arReportSize[4]); fprintf(logFile, "


\r\n", prs->arReportSize[5]); fprintf(logFile, "

= %s

\r\n", prs->arReportSize[0]); fprintf(logFile, "


\r\n", prs->arReportSize[i]); var = pRs->Fields->Item[(long) i]->GetValue(); if ( var.vt == VT_BSTR ) fprintf(logFile, "


\r\n", prs->arReportSize[0]); fprintf(logFile, "


\r\n", prs->arReportSize[i]); var = pRs->Fields->Item[(long) i]->GetValue(); if ( var.vt == VT_BSTR ) fprintf(logFile, "


\r\n", prs->arReportSize[i]); var = pRs->Fields->Item[(long) i]->GetValue(); if ( var.vt == VT_BSTR ) { //set flag for translating type fields to localizable strings if ((!wcscmp((WCHAR*) sReportName, L"NameConflicts")) && ((i==2) || (i==3))) bTranslateType = true; if ((!wcscmp((WCHAR*) sReportName, L"MigratedComputers")) && (i==2)) bTranslateType = true; if ((!wcscmp((WCHAR*) sReportName, L"MigratedAccounts")) && (i==2)) bTranslateType = true; //clear flag for not displaying RDN for NT 4.0 Source domains if ((!wcscmp((WCHAR*) sReportName, L"NameConflicts")) && (i==1) && bSourceNT4) bHideRDN = true; if (bTranslateType) { //convert type from English only to a localizable string CString atype; if (!_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var), L"user")) atype = GET_STRING(IDS_TypeUser); else if (!_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var), L"group")) atype = GET_STRING(IDS_TypeGroup); else if (!_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var), L"computer")) atype = GET_STRING(IDS_TypeComputer); else atype = GET_STRING(IDS_TypeUnknown); fprintf(logFile, "


\r\n", logFile); fputs("

\r\n", logFile); fputs("

\r\n", logFile); fputs("\r\n", logFile); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } if (logFile) { fclose(logFile); } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AddDistributedAction : Adds a distributed action record to the DistributedAction table. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::AddDistributedAction(BSTR sServerName, BSTR sResultFile, long lStatus, BSTR sText) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { // Get the current action ID. long lActionID; CheckError(GetCurrentActionID(&lActionID)); _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"DistributedAction"; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); pRs->AddNew(); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value = lActionID; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ServerName")->Value = sServerName; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ResultFile")->Value = sResultFile; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Status")->Value = lStatus; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"StatusText")->Value = sText; pRs->Update(); pRs->Close(); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetFailedDistributedActions : Returns all the failed distributed action //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetFailedDistributedActions(long lActionID, IUnknown ** pUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { IVarSetPtr pVs = * pUnk; WCHAR sQuery[LEN_Path]; int nCnt = 0, nCntActionID = 1; WCHAR sKey[LEN_Path]; _variant_t var; // The failed action has the 0x80000000 bit set so we check for that (2147483648) if ( lActionID == -1 ) wcscpy(sQuery, L"Select * from DistributedAction where status < 0"); else wsprintf(sQuery, L"Select * from DistributedAction where ActionID=%d and status < 0", lActionID); _variant_t vtSource = _bstr_t(sQuery); _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); while (!pRs->EndOfFile) { wsprintf(sKey, L"DA.%d.ActionID", nCnt); pVs->put(sKey, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value); wsprintf(sKey, L"DA.%d.Server", nCnt); pVs->put(sKey, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ServerName")->Value); wsprintf(sKey, L"DA.%d.Status", nCnt); pVs->put(sKey, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Status")->Value); wsprintf(sKey, L"DA.%d.JobFile", nCnt); pVs->put(sKey, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ResultFile")->Value); wsprintf(sKey, L"DA.%d.StatusText", nCnt); pVs->put(sKey, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"StatusText")->Value); nCnt++; pRs->MoveNext(); } pVs->put(L"DA", (long) nCnt); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SetServiceAccount : This method is saves the account info for the Service on a pirticular // machine. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::SetServiceAccount( BSTR System, //in- System name BSTR Service, //in- Service name BSTR ServiceDisplayName, // in - Display name for service BSTR Account //in- Account used by this service ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { // Create a new record and save the information _variant_t var; WCHAR sFilter[LEN_Path]; wsprintf(sFilter, L"System = \"%s\" and Service = \"%s\"", System, Service); var = sFilter; ClearTable(L"ServiceAccounts", var); _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"ServiceAccounts"; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); pRs->AddNew(); var = _bstr_t(System); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"System")->Value = var; var = _bstr_t(Service); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Service")->Value = var; var = _bstr_t(ServiceDisplayName); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ServiceDisplayName")->Value = var; var = _bstr_t(Account); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Account")->Value = var; pRs->Update(); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetServiceAccount : This method gets all the Services referencing the Account specified. The // values are returned in System.Service format in the VarSet. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetServiceAccount( BSTR Account, //in- The account to lookup IUnknown ** pUnk //out-Varset containing Services ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { IVarSetPtr pVs = * pUnk; _bstr_t sQuery; _bstr_t sKey; WCHAR key[500]; _variant_t var; long ndx = 0; _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); // Set up the query to lookup a pirticular account or all accounts if ( wcslen((WCHAR*)Account) == 0 ) sQuery = _bstr_t(L"Select * from ServiceAccounts order by System, Service"); else sQuery = _bstr_t(L"Select * from ServiceAccounts where Account = \"") + _bstr_t(Account) + _bstr_t(L"\" order by System, Service"); var = sQuery; // Get the data, Setup the varset and then return the info pRs->Open(var, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); while (!pRs->EndOfFile) { // computer name swprintf(key,L"Computer.%ld",ndx); var = pRs->Fields->GetItem("System")->Value; pVs->put(key,var); // service name swprintf(key,L"Service.%ld",ndx); var = pRs->Fields->GetItem("Service")->Value; pVs->put(key,var); swprintf(key,L"ServiceDisplayName.%ld",ndx); var = pRs->Fields->GetItem("ServiceDisplayName")->Value; pVs->put(key,var); // account name swprintf(key,L"ServiceAccount.%ld",ndx); var = pRs->Fields->GetItem("Account")->Value; pVs->put(key, var); swprintf(key,L"ServiceAccountStatus.%ld",ndx); var = pRs->Fields->GetItem("Status")->Value; pVs->put(key,var); pRs->MoveNext(); ndx++; pVs->put(L"ServiceAccountEntries",ndx); } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SavePasswordAge : Saves the password age of the computer account at a given time. // It also stores the computer description. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::SavePasswordAge(BSTR sDomain, BSTR sComp, BSTR sDesc, long lAge) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _bstr_t sQuery; WCHAR sTemp[LEN_Path]; _variant_t var; time_t tm; COleDateTime dt(time(&tm)); // Delete the entry if one exists. wsprintf(sTemp, L"DomainName=\"%s\" and compname=\"%s\"", (WCHAR*) sDomain, (WCHAR*) sComp); var = sTemp; ClearTable(L"PasswordAge", var); var = L"PasswordAge"; _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); pRs->Open(var, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); pRs->AddNew(); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Time")->Value = DATE(dt); wcscpy((WCHAR*) sDomain, UStrUpr((WCHAR*)sDomain)); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"DomainName")->Value = sDomain; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"CompName")->Value = sComp; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Description")->Value = sDesc; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"PwdAge")->Value = lAge; pRs->Update(); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetPasswordAge : Gets the password age and description of a given computer //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetPasswordAge(BSTR sDomain, BSTR sComp, BSTR *sDesc, long *lAge, long *lTime) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _bstr_t sQuery; WCHAR sTemp[LEN_Path]; _variant_t var; time_t tm; COleDateTime dt(time(&tm)); DATE val; wsprintf(sTemp, L"DomainName =\"%s\" AND CompName = \"%s\"", (WCHAR*) sDomain, (WCHAR*) sComp); sQuery = _bstr_t(L"Select * from PasswordAge where ") + _bstr_t(sTemp); var = sQuery; _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); pRs->Open(var, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if ( ! pRs->EndOfFile ) { val = pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Time")->Value; *sDesc = pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Description")->Value.bstrVal; *lAge = pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"PwdAge")->Value; } else { hr = S_FALSE; } pRs->Close(); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SetServiceAcctEntryStatus : Sets the Account and the status for a given service on a given // computer. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::SetServiceAcctEntryStatus(BSTR sComp, BSTR sSvc, BSTR sAcct, long Status) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _variant_t var; _bstr_t sQuery; WCHAR sTemp[LEN_Path]; wsprintf(sTemp, L"Select * from ServiceAccounts where System = \"%s\" and Service = \"%s\"", (WCHAR*) sComp, (WCHAR*) sSvc); sQuery = sTemp; _variant_t vtSource = sQuery; _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if ( !pRs->EndOfFile ) { if ( sAcct ) { var = _bstr_t(sAcct); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Account")->Value = var; } var = Status; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Status")->Value = var; pRs->Update(); } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SetDistActionStatus : Sets the Distributed action's status and its message. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::SetDistActionStatus(long lActionID, BSTR sComp, long lStatus, BSTR sText) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _variant_t var; _bstr_t sQuery; WCHAR sTemp[LEN_Path]; if ( lActionID == -1 ) { // lookup by the job filename wsprintf(sTemp,L"Select * from DistributedAction where ResultFile = \"%s\"",(WCHAR*) sComp); } else { // lookup by action ID and computer name wsprintf(sTemp, L"Select * from DistributedAction where ServerName = \"%s\" and ActionID = %d", (WCHAR*) sComp, lActionID); } sQuery = sTemp; _variant_t vtSource = sQuery; _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if ( !pRs->EndOfFile ) { var = _bstr_t(sText); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"StatusText")->Value = var; var = lStatus; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Status")->Value = var; pRs->Update(); } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CancelDistributedAction : Deletes a pirticular distributed action //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::CancelDistributedAction(long lActionID, BSTR sComp) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) WCHAR sFilter[LEN_Path]; wsprintf(sFilter, L"ActionID = %d and ServerName = \"%s\"", lActionID, (WCHAR*) sComp); _variant_t Filter = sFilter; return ClearTable(L"DistributedAction", Filter); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AddAcctRef : Adds an account reference record. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::AddAcctRef(BSTR sDomain, BSTR sAcct, BSTR sAcctSid, BSTR sComp, long lCount, BSTR sType) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { time_t tm; COleDateTime dt(time(&tm)); _variant_t var; WCHAR sFilter[LEN_Path]; VARIANT_BOOL bSidColumn = VARIANT_FALSE; //find out if the new sid column is there, if not, don't try //writing to it SidColumnInARTable(&bSidColumn); wsprintf(sFilter, L"DomainName = \"%s\" and Server = \"%s\" and Account = \"%s\" and RefType = \"%s\"", sDomain, sComp, sAcct, sType); var = sFilter; ClearTable(L"AccountRefs", var); _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"AccountRefs"; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); pRs->AddNew(); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Time")->Value = DATE(dt); if (wcscmp(sDomain, GET_STRING(IDS_UnknownSid))) wcscpy((WCHAR*) sDomain, UStrUpr((WCHAR*)sDomain)); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"DomainName")->Value = sDomain; wcscpy((WCHAR*) sComp, UStrUpr((WCHAR*)sComp)); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Server")->Value = sComp; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Account")->Value = sAcct; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"RefCount")->Value = lCount; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"RefType")->Value = sType; if (bSidColumn) { wcscpy((WCHAR*) sAcctSid, UStrUpr((WCHAR*)sAcctSid)); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"AccountSid")->Value = sAcctSid; } pRs->Update(); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } void CIManageDB::ClipVarset(IVarSetPtr pVS) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; _bstr_t sTemp, keyName, sTempKey; long offset = 0; bool cont = true; WCHAR sKeyName[MAX_BUF_LEN]; _variant_t varKey, value; IEnumVARIANT * varEnum; DWORD nGot = 0; IUnknown * pEnum = NULL; CString strTemp; int len; // we are now going to enumerate through the varset and clip the strings if larger then MAX_BUFFER hr = pVS->get__NewEnum(&pEnum); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Get the IEnumVARIANT pointer to enumerate hr = pEnum->QueryInterface(IID_IEnumVARIANT,(void**)&varEnum); pEnum->Release(); pEnum = NULL; } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { while ( (hr = varEnum->Next(1,&varKey,&nGot)) == S_OK ) { if ( nGot > 0 ) { keyName = V_BSTR(&varKey); value = pVS->get(keyName); if ( value.vt == VT_BSTR ) { sTemp = value; if ( sTemp.length() > MAX_BUF_LEN ) { CString str((WCHAR*) sTemp); // This won't fit in the buffer. We need to break it up and save while (cont) { cont = false; strTemp = str.Mid((offset*255), 255); len = strTemp.GetLength(); if ( len ) { offset++; wsprintf(sKeyName, L"BROKEN.%s.%d", (WCHAR*) keyName, offset); sTempKey = sKeyName; sTemp = strTemp; pVS->put(sTempKey, sTemp); cont = (len == 255); } } pVS->put(keyName, L"DIVIDED_KEY"); wsprintf(sKeyName, L"BROKEN.%s", (WCHAR*) keyName); sTempKey = sKeyName; pVS->put(sTempKey, offset); cont = true; offset = 0; } } } } varEnum->Release(); } } void CIManageDB::RestoreVarset(IVarSetPtr pVS) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; _bstr_t sTemp, keyName, sTempKey; long offset = 0; bool cont = true; WCHAR sKeyName[MAX_BUF_LEN]; _variant_t varKey, value; IEnumVARIANT * varEnum; DWORD nGot = 0; IUnknown * pEnum = NULL; _bstr_t strTemp; // we are now going to enumerate through the varset and clip the strings if larger then MAX_BUFFER hr = pVS->get__NewEnum(&pEnum); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Get the IEnumVARIANT pointer to enumerate hr = pEnum->QueryInterface(IID_IEnumVARIANT,(void**)&varEnum); pEnum->Release(); pEnum = NULL; } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { while ( (hr = varEnum->Next(1,&varKey,&nGot)) == S_OK ) { if ( nGot > 0 ) { keyName = V_BSTR(&varKey); value = pVS->get(keyName); if ( value.vt == VT_BSTR ) { sTemp = value; if (!_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)sTemp, L"DIVIDED_KEY")) { wsprintf(sKeyName, L"BROKEN.%s", (WCHAR*) keyName); sTempKey = sKeyName; value = pVS->get(sTempKey); if ( value.vt == VT_I4 ) { offset = value.lVal; for ( long x = 1; x <= offset; x++ ) { wsprintf(sKeyName, L"BROKEN.%s.%d", (WCHAR*) keyName, x); sTempKey = sKeyName; value = pVS->get(sTempKey); if ( value.vt == VT_BSTR ) { sTemp = value; strTemp += V_BSTR(&value); } } pVS->put(keyName, strTemp); strTemp = L""; } } } } } varEnum->Release(); } } STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::AddSourceObject(BSTR sDomain, BSTR sSAMName, BSTR sType, BSTR sRDN, BSTR sCanonicalName, LONG bSource) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { m_rsAccounts->AddNew(); wcscpy((WCHAR*) sDomain, UStrUpr((WCHAR*)sDomain)); m_rsAccounts->Fields->GetItem(L"Domain")->Value = sDomain; m_rsAccounts->Fields->GetItem(L"Name")->Value = sSAMName; wcscpy((WCHAR*) sType, UStrLwr((WCHAR*)sType)); m_rsAccounts->Fields->GetItem(L"Type")->Value = sType; m_rsAccounts->Fields->GetItem(L"RDN")->Value = sRDN; m_rsAccounts->Fields->GetItem(L"Canonical Name")->Value = sCanonicalName; m_rsAccounts->Update(); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::OpenAccountsTable(LONG bSource) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { if (m_rsAccounts->State == adStateClosed) { _variant_t vtSource; if ( bSource ) vtSource = L"SourceAccounts"; else vtSource = L"TargetAccounts"; //if not modified already, modify the table if (!NCTablesColumnsChanged(bSource)) hr = ChangeNCTableColumns(bSource); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_rsAccounts->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); } else hr = S_FALSE; } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::CloseAccountsTable() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { if (m_rsAccounts->State == adStateOpen) { m_rsAccounts->Close(); } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } // Returns the number of entries in the migratedobjects table. STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::AreThereAnyMigratedObjects(long *count) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"MigratedObjects"; WCHAR sActionInfo[LEN_Path]; _variant_t var; wcscpy(sActionInfo, L"Select count(*) as NUM from MigratedObjects"); vtSource = _bstr_t(sActionInfo); pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); var = pRs->Fields->GetItem((long)0)->Value; * count = var.lVal; } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetActionHistoryKey(long lActionID, BSTR sKeyName, VARIANT *pVar) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource; WCHAR sActionInfo[LEN_Path]; _variant_t var; wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"Select * from ActionHistory where Property = \"%s\" and ActionID = %d", (WCHAR*) sKeyName, lActionID); vtSource = _bstr_t(sActionInfo); pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if ((pRs->BOF == VARIANT_FALSE) && (pRs->EndOfFile == VARIANT_FALSE)) { GetVarFromDB(pRs, var); } *pVar = var.Detach(); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetMigratedObjectBySourceDN(BSTR sSourceDN, IUnknown **ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"MigratedObjects"; IVarSetPtr pVs = *ppUnk; WCHAR sActionInfo[LEN_Path]; long lCnt = 0; _bstr_t sName; // If the parameters are not correct then we need to return an error if ( (wcslen(sSourceDN) == 0) ) _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"SELECT * FROM MigratedObjects WHERE SourceAdsPath Like '%%%s'", (WCHAR*) sSourceDN); vtSource = sActionInfo; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if (pRs->GetRecordCount() > 0) { // We want the latest move. pRs->MoveLast(); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_ActionID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_Time)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Time")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_status)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"status")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_Type)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Type")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_GUID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"GUID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomainSid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomainSid")->Value); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::SaveUserProps(IUnknown * pUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource; IVarSetPtr pVs = pUnk; WCHAR sQuery[LEN_Path]; WCHAR sSource[LEN_Path], sDomain[LEN_Path]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; bool bComp = false; _variant_t var; var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain)); wcscpy(sDomain, (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var)); var = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceSam)); wcscpy(sSource, (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var)); wsprintf(sQuery, L"delete from UserProps where SourceDomain=\"%s\" and SourceSam=\"%s\"", sDomain, sSource); vtSource = _bstr_t(sQuery); hr = pRs->raw_Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); vtSource = L"UserProps"; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); pRs->AddNew(); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DB_ActionID)); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomain")->Value = sDomain; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceSam")->Value = sSource; pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Flags")->Value = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_UserFlags)); pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Expires")->Value = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_ExpDate)); pRs->Update(); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetUserProps(BSTR sDom, BSTR sSam, IUnknown **ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"UserProps"; IVarSetPtr pVs = *ppUnk; WCHAR sActionInfo[LEN_Path]; long lCnt = 0; _bstr_t sName; // If the parameters are not correct then we need to return an error if ( !wcslen((WCHAR*)sDom) && !wcslen((WCHAR*)sSam) ) _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"SELECT * FROM UserProps WHERE SourceDomain='%s' and SourceSam='%s'", (WCHAR*)sDom, (WCHAR*)sSam); vtSource = sActionInfo; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if (pRs->GetRecordCount() > 0) { // We want the latest move. pRs->MoveLast(); pVs->put(L"ActionID",pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value); pVs->put(L"SourceDomain",pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomain")->Value); pVs->put(L"SourceSam",pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceSam")->Value); pVs->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_UserFlags),pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Flags")->Value); pVs->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_ExpDate),pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Expires")->Value); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } /********************************************************************* * * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 18 AUG 2000 * * * * This protected member function of the CIManageDB checks to see* * if the new Source domain SID column is in the MigratedObjects * * table. * * * *********************************************************************/ //BEGIN SrcSidColumnInMigratedObjectsTable STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::SrcSidColumnInMigratedObjectsTable(VARIANT_BOOL *pbFound) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; *pbFound = VARIANT_FALSE; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"MigratedObjects"; long numColumns; long ndx = 0; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); //get the number of columns numColumns = pRs->Fields->GetCount(); //look for new column's name in each column header while ((ndx < numColumns) && (*pbFound == VARIANT_FALSE)) { //get the column name _variant_t var(ndx); _bstr_t columnName = pRs->Fields->GetItem(var)->Name; //if this is the Src Sid column then set return value flag to true if (!_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)columnName, GET_BSTR(DB_SourceDomainSid))) *pbFound = VARIANT_TRUE; ndx++; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //END SrcSidColumnInMigratedObjectsTable /********************************************************************* * * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 18 AUG 2000 * * * * This protected member function of the CIManageDB retrieves * * information about previously migrated objects, from a MOT missing * * the source sid column, within a given action or as a whole. * * * *********************************************************************/ //BEGIN GetMigratedObjectsFromOldMOT STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetMigratedObjectsFromOldMOT(long lActionID, IUnknown ** ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; // This function returns all migrated objects and their information related // to a pirticular Action ID. This is going to return nothing if the actionID is // empty. try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"MigratedObjects"; IVarSetPtr pVs = *ppUnk; WCHAR sActionInfo[255]; long lCnt = 0; if ( lActionID != -1 ) { // If a valid ActionID is specified then we only return the data for that one. // but if -1 is passed in then we return all migrated objects. wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"ActionID=%d", lActionID); pRs->Filter = sActionInfo; } pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); if (pRs->GetRecordCount() > 0) { pRs->MoveFirst(); while ( !pRs->EndOfFile ) { wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_ActionID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_Time)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Time")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_status)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"status")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_Type)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Type")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_GUID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"GUID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetRid")->Value); pRs->MoveNext(); lCnt++; } pVs->put(L"MigratedObjects", lCnt); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //END GetMigratedObjectsFromOldMOT /********************************************************************* * * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 18 AUG 2000 * * * * This protected member function of the CIManageDB adds the * * source domain SID column to the MigratedObjects table. * * * *********************************************************************/ //BEGIN CreateSrcSidColumnInMOT STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::CreateSrcSidColumnInMOT(VARIANT_BOOL *pbCreated) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) /* local constants */ const long COLUMN_MAX_CHARS = 255; /* local variables */ HRESULT hr = S_OK; /* function body */ *pbCreated = VARIANT_FALSE; try { ADOX::_CatalogPtr m_pCatalog(__uuidof(ADOX::Catalog)); ADOX::_TablePtr m_pTable = NULL; WCHAR sConnect[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sDir[MAX_PATH]; // Get the path to the MDB file from the registry TRegKey key; DWORD rc = key.Open(sKeyBase); if ( !rc ) rc = key.ValueGetStr(L"Directory", sDir, MAX_PATH); if ( rc != 0 ) wcscpy(sDir, L""); // Now build the connect string. wsprintf(sConnect, L"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%sprotar.mdb;", sDir); //Open the catalog m_pCatalog->PutActiveConnection(sConnect); //get a pointer to the database's MigratedObjects Table m_pTable = m_pCatalog->Tables->Item[L"MigratedObjects"]; //append a new column to the end of the MOT m_pTable->Columns->Append(L"SourceDomainSid", adVarWChar, COLUMN_MAX_CHARS); //set the column to be nullable // ADOX::_ColumnPtr pColumn = m_pTable->Columns->Item[L"SourceDomainSid"]; // pColumn->Attributes = ADOX::adColNullable; *pbCreated = VARIANT_TRUE; } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //END CreateSrcSidColumnInMOT /********************************************************************* * * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 22 AUG 2000 * * * * This protected member function of the CIManageDB deletes the * * source domain SID column from the MigratedObjects table. * * * *********************************************************************/ //BEGIN DeleteSrcSidColumnInMOT STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::DeleteSrcSidColumnInMOT(VARIANT_BOOL *pbDeleted) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) /* local constants */ /* local variables */ HRESULT hr = S_OK; /* function body */ *pbDeleted = VARIANT_FALSE; try { ADOX::_CatalogPtr m_pCatalog(__uuidof(ADOX::Catalog)); ADOX::_TablePtr m_pTable = NULL; WCHAR sConnect[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sDir[MAX_PATH]; // Get the path to the MDB file from the registry TRegKey key; DWORD rc = key.Open(sKeyBase); if ( !rc ) rc = key.ValueGetStr(L"Directory", sDir, MAX_PATH); if ( rc != 0 ) wcscpy(sDir, L""); // Now build the connect string. wsprintf(sConnect, L"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%sprotar.mdb;", sDir); //Open the catalog m_pCatalog->PutActiveConnection(sConnect); //get a pointer to the database's MigratedObjects Table m_pTable = m_pCatalog->Tables->Item[L"MigratedObjects"]; //delete the column from the MOT m_pTable->Columns->Delete(L"SourceDomainSid"); *pbDeleted = VARIANT_TRUE; } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //END DeleteSrcSidColumnInMOT /********************************************************************* * * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 21 AUG 2000 * * * * This protected member function of the CIManageDB populates the* * new Source domain SID column in the MigratedObjects table for all * * entries from the given domain. If the domain cannot be reached no* * entry is added. * * * *********************************************************************/ //BEGIN PopulateSrcSidColumnByDomain STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::PopulateSrcSidColumnByDomain(BSTR sDomainName, BSTR sSid, VARIANT_BOOL * pbPopulated) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) /* local variables */ HRESULT hr = S_OK; PSID pSid = NULL; DWORD rc = 0; WCHAR * domctrl = NULL; WCHAR txtSid[MAX_PATH]; DWORD lenTxt = DIM(txtSid); /* function body */ *pbPopulated = VARIANT_FALSE; //init flag to false try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"MigratedObjects"; WCHAR sActionInfo[MAX_PATH]; //if we don't already know the source sid then find it wcscpy(txtSid, (WCHAR*)sSid); if (!wcscmp(txtSid, L"")) { //get the sid for this domain if ( sDomainName[0] != L'\\' ) { rc = NetGetDCName(NULL,(WCHAR*)sDomainName,(LPBYTE*)&domctrl); } if ( rc ) return hr; rc = GetDomainSid(domctrl,&pSid); NetApiBufferFree(domctrl); if ( !GetTextualSid(pSid,txtSid,&lenTxt) ) { if (pSid) FreeSid(pSid); return hr; } if (pSid) FreeSid(pSid); } //save the sid in a variant _variant_t vName = txtSid; //find each entry in the MigratedObjects table from this source domain //and store the source domain sid in that column wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"Select * from MigratedObjects where SourceDomain=\"%s\"", (WCHAR*)sDomainName); vtSource = _bstr_t(sActionInfo); pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if (pRs->GetRecordCount() > 0) { pRs->MoveFirst(); while ( !pRs->EndOfFile ) { pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomainSid")->Value = vName; pRs->MoveNext(); } } *pbPopulated = VARIANT_TRUE; //set flag since populated } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //END PopulateSrcSidColumnByDomain /********************************************************************* * * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 26 SEPT 2000 * * * * This protected member function of the CIManageDB checks to see* * if the new Account SID column is in the Account References table. * * * *********************************************************************/ //BEGIN SidColumnInARTable STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::SidColumnInARTable(VARIANT_BOOL *pbFound) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; *pbFound = VARIANT_FALSE; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"AccountRefs"; long numColumns; long ndx = 0; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); //get the number of columns numColumns = pRs->Fields->GetCount(); //look for new column's name in each column header while ((ndx < numColumns) && (*pbFound == VARIANT_FALSE)) { //get the column name _variant_t var(ndx); _bstr_t columnName = pRs->Fields->GetItem(var)->Name; //if this is the Src Sid column then set return value flag to true if (!_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)columnName, L"AccountSid")) *pbFound = VARIANT_TRUE; ndx++; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //END SidColumnInARTable /********************************************************************* * * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 26 SEPT 2000 * * * * This protected member function of the CIManageDB adds the * * SID column to the Account Reference table, if it is not already * * there. * * * *********************************************************************/ //BEGIN CreateSidColumnInAR STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::CreateSidColumnInAR() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) /* local constants */ const long COLUMN_MAX_CHARS = 255; /* local variables */ HRESULT hr = S_OK; /* function body */ try { ADOX::_CatalogPtr m_pCatalog(__uuidof(ADOX::Catalog)); ADOX::_TablePtr m_pTable = NULL; WCHAR sConnect[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sDir[MAX_PATH]; // Get the path to the MDB file from the registry TRegKey key; DWORD rc = key.Open(sKeyBase); if ( !rc ) rc = key.ValueGetStr(L"Directory", sDir, MAX_PATH); if ( rc != 0 ) wcscpy(sDir, L""); // Now build the connect string. wsprintf(sConnect, L"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%sprotar.mdb;", sDir); //Open the catalog m_pCatalog->PutActiveConnection(sConnect); //get a pointer to the database's MigratedObjects Table m_pTable = m_pCatalog->Tables->Item[L"AccountRefs"]; //append a new column to the end of the MOT m_pTable->Columns->Append(L"AccountSid", adVarWChar, COLUMN_MAX_CHARS); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //END CreateSidColumnInAR //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UpgradeDatabase // // Upgrades Protar.mdb database from version 3.x to 4.x. Version 4.x adds // UNICODE support. // // 2001-02-13 Mark Oluper - initial //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CIManageDB::UpgradeDatabase(LPCTSTR pszFolder) { try { _bstr_t strFolder = pszFolder; _bstr_t strDatabase = strFolder + _T("Protar.mdb"); _bstr_t strDatabase3x = strFolder + _T("Protar3x.mdb"); _bstr_t strDatabase4x = strFolder + _T("Protar4x.mdb"); _bstr_t strConnectionPrefix = _T("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="); _bstr_t strSourceConnection = strConnectionPrefix + strDatabase; _bstr_t strTargetConnection = strConnectionPrefix + strDatabase4x + _T(";Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5"); IJetEnginePtr spJetEngine(__uuidof(JetEngine)); HRESULT hr = spJetEngine->raw_CompactDatabase(strSourceConnection, strTargetConnection); if (FAILED(hr)) { AdmtThrowError( hr, _Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_E_UPGRADE_TO_TEMPORARY, (LPCTSTR)strDatabase, (LPCTSTR)strDatabase4x ); } if (!MoveFileEx(strDatabase, strDatabase3x, MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH)) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); DeleteFile(strDatabase4x); AdmtThrowError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError), _Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_E_UPGRADE_RENAME_ORIGINAL, (LPCTSTR)strDatabase, (LPCTSTR)strDatabase3x ); } if (!MoveFileEx(strDatabase4x, strDatabase, MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH)) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); MoveFileEx(strDatabase3x, strDatabase, MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH); DeleteFile(strDatabase4x); AdmtThrowError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError), _Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_E_UPGRADE_RENAME_UPGRADED, (LPCTSTR)strDatabase4x, (LPCTSTR)strDatabase ); } } catch (_com_error& ce) { AdmtThrowError(ce, _Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_E_UPGRADE_TO_4X); } catch (...) { AdmtThrowError(E_FAIL, _Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_E_UPGRADE_TO_4X); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetMigratedObjectByType : Given the type of object this function retrieves info about // all previously migrated objects of this type. The scope of the // search can be limited by optional ActionID (not -1) or optional // source domain (not empty). //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetMigratedObjectByType(long lActionID, BSTR sSrcDomain, BSTR sType, IUnknown **ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"MigratedObjects"; IVarSetPtr pVs = *ppUnk; WCHAR sActionInfo[LEN_Path]; long lCnt = 0; _bstr_t sName; // If the type parameter is not correct then we need to return an error if (wcslen((WCHAR*)sType) == 0) _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); // If a valid ActionID is specified then we only return the data for that one. // but if -1 is passed in then we return all migrated objects of the specified type. if ( lActionID != -1 ) { wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"Select * from MigratedObjects where ActionID = %d AND Type=\"%s\" Order by Time", lActionID, sType); } //else if source domain specified, get objects of the specified type from that domain else if (wcslen((WCHAR*)sSrcDomain) != 0) { wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"Select * from MigratedObjects where SourceDomain=\"%s\" AND Type=\"%s\" Order by Time", sSrcDomain, sType); } else //else get all objects of the specified type { wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"Select * from MigratedObjects where Type=\"%s\" Order by Time", sType); } vtSource = _bstr_t(sActionInfo); pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if (pRs->GetRecordCount() > 0) { pRs->MoveFirst(); while ( !pRs->EndOfFile ) { wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_ActionID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_Time)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Time")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_status)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"status")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_Type)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Type")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_GUID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"GUID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_TargetRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s", lCnt, GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomainSid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomainSid")->Value); pRs->MoveNext(); lCnt++; } pVs->put(L"MigratedObjects", lCnt); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetAMigratedObjectBySidAndRid : Given a source domain Sid and account Rid this function // retrieves info about that migrated object, if any. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CIManageDB::GetAMigratedObjectBySidAndRid(BSTR sSrcDomainSid, BSTR sRid, IUnknown **ppUnk) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource = L"MigratedObjects"; IVarSetPtr pVs = *ppUnk; WCHAR sActionInfo[LEN_Path]; // If the type parameter is not correct then we need to return an error if ((wcslen((WCHAR*)sSrcDomainSid) == 0) || (wcslen((WCHAR*)sRid) == 0)) _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); int nRid = _wtoi(sRid); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"Select * from MigratedObjects where SourceDomainSid=\"%s\" AND SourceRid=%d Order by Time", sSrcDomainSid, nRid); vtSource = _bstr_t(sActionInfo); pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText); if (pRs->GetRecordCount() > 0) { // We want the latest move. pRs->MoveLast(); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_ActionID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"ActionID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_Time)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Time")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetDomain)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetDomain")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetAdsPath)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetAdsPath")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_status)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"status")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetSamName)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetSamName")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_Type)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"Type")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_GUID)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"GUID")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_TargetRid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"TargetRid")->Value); wsprintf(sActionInfo, L"MigratedObjects.%s", GET_STRING(DB_SourceDomainSid)); pVs->put(sActionInfo, pRs->Fields->GetItem(L"SourceDomainSid")->Value); } else { hr = S_FALSE; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } /********************************************************************* * * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 22 MAR 2001 * * * * This private member function of the CIManageDB checks to see * * if the "Description" column in the Source Accounts table has been * * changed to "RDN". If so, then we have modified both the Source * * and Target Accounts tables for the new form of the "Name Conflict"* * report. * * * *********************************************************************/ //BEGIN NCTablesColumnsChanged BOOL CIManageDB::NCTablesColumnsChanged(BOOL bSource) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bFound = FALSE; try { _RecordsetPtr pRs(__uuidof(Recordset)); _variant_t vtSource; long numColumns; long ndx = 0; if (bSource) vtSource = L"SourceAccounts"; else vtSource = L"TargetAccounts"; pRs->Open(vtSource, m_vtConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable); //get the number of columns numColumns = pRs->Fields->GetCount(); //look for new column's name in each column header while ((ndx < numColumns) && (bFound == FALSE)) { //get the column name _variant_t var(ndx); _bstr_t columnName = pRs->Fields->GetItem(var)->Name; //if this is the Src Sid column then set return value flag to true if (!_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)columnName, L"RDN")) bFound = TRUE; ndx++; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return bFound; } //END NCTablesColumnsChanged /********************************************************************* * * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 22 MAR 2001 * * * * This private member function of the CIManageDB modifies * * several of the columns in the Source and Target Accounts tables. * * It changes several column names and one column type to support new* * changes to the "Name Conflict" report. * * * *********************************************************************/ //BEGIN ChangeNCTableColumns HRESULT CIManageDB::ChangeNCTableColumns(BOOL bSource) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) /* local constants */ const long COLUMN_MAX_CHARS = 255; /* local variables */ HRESULT hr = S_OK; /* function body */ try { ADOX::_CatalogPtr m_pCatalog(__uuidof(ADOX::Catalog)); ADOX::_TablePtr m_pTable = NULL; WCHAR sConnect[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sDir[MAX_PATH]; // Get the path to the MDB file from the registry TRegKey key; DWORD rc = key.Open(sKeyBase); if ( !rc ) rc = key.ValueGetStr(L"Directory", sDir, MAX_PATH); if ( rc != 0 ) wcscpy(sDir, L""); // Now build the connect string. wsprintf(sConnect, L"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%sprotar.mdb;", sDir); //Open the catalog m_pCatalog->PutActiveConnection(sConnect); //get a pointer to the database's Source or Target Accounts Table if (bSource) m_pTable = m_pCatalog->Tables->Item[L"SourceAccounts"]; else m_pTable = m_pCatalog->Tables->Item[L"TargetAccounts"]; if (m_pTable) { //remove the old Description column m_pTable->Columns->Delete(L"Description"); //remove the old FullName column m_pTable->Columns->Delete(L"FullName"); //append the RDN column to the end of the Table m_pTable->Columns->Append(L"RDN", adVarWChar, COLUMN_MAX_CHARS); //append the Canonical Name column to the end of the Table m_pTable->Columns->Append(L"Canonical Name", adLongVarWChar, COLUMN_MAX_CHARS); } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = ce.Error(); } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; } //END ChangeNCTableColumns