/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1992 **/ /**********************************************************************/ #ifndef _MPRMISC_HXX_ #define _MPRMISC_HXX_ /* MPRMisc.hxx This file contains class defination used by mprmisc.cxx. FILE HISTORY: Congpay 25-Oct-1992 Created */ /******************************************************************* NAME: ERROR_DIALOG class SYNOPSIS: Used by ErrorDialog function. PARENT: DIALOG_WINDOW. Public: ERROR_DIALOG (constructor) NOTES: HISTORY: congpay 14-Oct-1992 Created. ********************************************************************/ class ERROR_DIALOG : public DIALOG_WINDOW { private: SLT _sltText1; SLT _sltText2; SLT _sltText3; CHECKBOX _chkCancelConnection; CHECKBOX *_pchkHideErrors; BOOL *_pfDisconnect; BOOL *_pfHideErrors; BOOL _fAllowCancel; protected: virtual BOOL OnCancel(); virtual BOOL OnOK(); virtual ULONG QueryHelpContext(); public: ERROR_DIALOG (HWND hwndParent, const TCHAR *pchText1, const TCHAR *pchText2, const TCHAR *pchText3, BOOL *pfDisconnect, BOOL fAllowCancel, BOOL *pfHideErrors); ~ERROR_DIALOG(); }; /******************************************************************* NAME: RECONNECT_INFO_WINDOW class SYNOPSIS: Used by ShowReconnectDialog function. PARENT: DIALOG_WINDOW. Public: RECONNECT_INFO_WINDOW (constructor) NOTES: HISTORY: congpay 14-Oct-1992 Created. ********************************************************************/ class RECONNECT_INFO_WINDOW : public DIALOG_WINDOW { private: SLT _sltTarget; BOOL * _pfCancel; protected: VOID SetText (TCHAR *pszResource); virtual BOOL OnCancel(); virtual BOOL OnUserMessage(const EVENT &event); public: RECONNECT_INFO_WINDOW (HWND hwndParent, const TCHAR *pszResource, CID cidTarget, BOOL * pfCancel); }; /* Puts up a MsgPopup with the information returned by calling * WNetGetLastError. Should be called after a WNet call returns * WN_EXTENDED_ERROR. */ void MsgExtendedError( HWND hwndParent ) ; APIERR GetNetworkDisplayName( const TCHAR *pszProvider, const TCHAR *pszRemoteName, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwAveCharPerLine, NLS_STR *pnls ); #endif // _MPRMISC_HXX_