Unit Tests for Sticky User Preferences -------------------------------------- this set of unit tests cover the main codepaths of the autologon, autorestore and saveconnections features of winnet. chuckc, 3/7/91 test platforms -------------- win 3.0, win3.1 protect mode only. user preferences are currently not used in realmode. test scenarios -------------- set autologon=YES, nuke restore&save lines in lanman.ini. logoff & start win verify we get logon dialog with no prompt. verify profiles are restored and saved (default==yes). set save=NO make connection (file and print) verify lmuser.ini unchanged set autologon=NO exit win, logoff, start win, verify no prompt. verify if try connect we do get logon prompt set autoconnect=NO, save=YES, autologon=YES make connection verify lmuiser.ini changed exit win, logoff, start win verify get logon prompt verify on logon we dont restore connections