/****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: main.cpp Abstract: This file contains the implementation of WinMain Revision History: Seong Kook Khang (skkhang) 06/07/99 created Seong Kook Khang (skkhang) 05/10/00 Restructured and cleaned up for Whistler ******************************************************************************/ // Note: Proxy/Stub Information // To build a separate proxy/stub DLL, // run nmake -f PCHealthps.mk in the project directory. #include "stdwin.h" #include "resource.h" // resource include for this module #include "rstrpriv.h" #include "rstrerr.h" #include "rstrmgr.h" #include "extwrap.h" #include "rstrmap.h" #include "FrmBase.h" #include #include #include "srrpcapi.h" #include "NTServMsg.h" // generated from the MC message compiler #define RSTRUI_RETURN_CODE_SR_DISABLED 1 #define RSTRUI_RETURN_CODE_NO_DISK_SPACE 3 #define RSTRUI_RETURN_CODE_SMFROZEN 4 #define RSTRUI_RETURN_CODE_SMGR_NOT_ALIVE 5 #define SMGR_INIT_TIMEOUT 2000 // 2 seconds to wait after starting Stmgr to let it initialize itself // try thrice enum { CMDPARAM_INVALID = 0, // invalid parameter... // initiating phase CMDPARAM_NORMAL, // normal UI without any parameter CMDPARAM_REGSERVER, // register COM server CMDPARAM_UNREGSERVER, // unregister COM server CMDPARAM_SILENT, // Silent Restore // after-boot phase CMDPARAM_CHECK, // check log file and show result page (normal) CMDPARAM_INTERRUPTED, // abnormal shutdown, initiate undo CMDPARAM_HIDERESULT, // do not show success result page for Silent Restore // commands for debug CMDPARAM_RESULT_S, // show success result page CMDPARAM_RESULT_F, // show failure result page CMDPARAM_RESULT_LD, // show low disk result page CMDPARAM_SENTINEL }; // Forward declarations for file static functions DWORD ParseCommandParameter( DWORD *pdwRP ); void ShowErrorMessage(HRESULT hr); BOOL IsFreeSpaceOnWindowsDrive( void ); extern BOOL CheckWininitErr(); extern BOOL ValidateLogFile( BOOL *pfSilent, BOOL *pfUndo ); // Application Instance HINSTANCE g_hInst = NULL; // External Wrapper Instance ISRExternalWrapper *g_pExternal = NULL; // Main Frame Instance ISRFrameBase *g_pMainFrm = NULL; // Restore Manager Instance CRestoreManager *g_pRstrMgr = NULL; CSRClientLoader g_CSRClientLoader; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CancelRestorePoint() { TraceFunctEnter("CancelRestorePoint"); BOOL fRet = TRUE; int nUsedRP; nUsedRP = g_pRstrMgr->GetNewRP(); if (nUsedRP == -1) // not initialized, see if it's the current one { CRestorePoint rp; GetCurrentRestorePoint (rp); if (rp.GetType() == RESTORE) nUsedRP = rp.GetNum(); } DebugTrace(0, "Deleting RP %d", nUsedRP); if ( nUsedRP > 0 ) fRet = g_pExternal->RemoveRestorePoint( nUsedRP ); TraceFunctLeave(); return( fRet ); } DWORD ProductFeedback (LPWSTR pszString) { TraceFunctEnter("Product Feedback"); HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFOW si; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD cbWritten = 0; const int MAX_STR = 1024; WCHAR wcsSystem[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wcsBuffer[MAX_STR]; WCHAR wcsDataFile[MAX_PATH]; const WCHAR c_wcsCommand[] = L"%s\\dwwin.exe -d %s\\%s"; const WCHAR c_wcsManifest[] = L"restore\\rstrdw.txt"; const WCHAR c_wcsData[] = L"restore\\srpfdata.txt"; if (0 == GetSystemDirectoryW (wcsSystem, MAX_PATH)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto Err; } // construct the data file to be uploaded wsprintf (wcsDataFile, L"%s\\%s", wcsSystem, c_wcsData); hFile = CreateFileW ( wcsDataFile, // file name GENERIC_WRITE, // file access 0, // share mode NULL, // SD CREATE_ALWAYS, // how to create 0, // file attributes NULL); // handle to template file if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwErr = GetLastError(); trace(0, "! CreateFile : %ld", dwErr); goto Err; } if (FALSE == WriteFile (hFile, (BYTE *) pszString, lstrlenW(pszString)*sizeof(WCHAR), &cbWritten, NULL)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); trace(0, "! WriteFile : %ld", dwErr); goto Err; } CloseHandle (hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; wsprintf (wcsBuffer, L"%s\\%s", wcsSystem, c_wcsManifest); hFile = CreateFileW ( wcsBuffer, // file name GENERIC_WRITE, // file access 0, // share mode NULL, // SD CREATE_ALWAYS, // how to create 0, // file attributes NULL); // handle to template file if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwErr = GetLastError(); trace(0, "! CreateFile : %ld", dwErr); goto Err; } PCHLoadString(IDS_PRODUCTFEEDBACK, wcsBuffer, MAX_STR-1); lstrcat(wcsBuffer, L"DataFiles="); lstrcat(wcsBuffer, wcsDataFile); if (FALSE == WriteFile (hFile, (BYTE *) wcsBuffer, lstrlenW(wcsBuffer)*sizeof(WCHAR), &cbWritten, NULL)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); trace(0, "! WriteFile : %ld", dwErr); goto Err; } CloseHandle (hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; wsprintf (wcsBuffer, c_wcsCommand, wcsSystem, wcsSystem, c_wcsManifest); ZeroMemory (&pi, sizeof(pi)); ZeroMemory (&si, sizeof(si)); if (CreateProcessW (NULL, wcsBuffer, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE | NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, wcsSystem, &si, &pi)) { CloseHandle (pi.hThread); CloseHandle (pi.hProcess); } Err: if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hFile); TraceFunctLeave(); return dwErr; } DWORD RestoreHTCKey () { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hKey = NULL; WCHAR wszValue[] = L"text/x-component"; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L".htc", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey)) { dwErr = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L".htc", &hKey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { dwErr = RegSetValueEx ( hKey, L"Content Type", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *) wszValue, sizeof(wszValue)); RegCloseKey (hKey); } } return dwErr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // extern "C" int WINAPI wWinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/, LPSTR /*lpCmdLine*/, int /*nShowCmd*/ ) { HRESULT hr; int nRet = 0; DWORD dwRet=0; LPWSTR szCmdLine; LPCWSTR szToken; const WCHAR cszPrefix[] = L"-/"; int nStartMode = SRASM_NORMAL; BOOL fLoadRes = FALSE; int nTries = 0; BOOL fRebootSystem = FALSE; DWORD dwCmd; DWORD dwRP = 0xFFFFFFFF; BOOL fWasSilent = FALSE; BOOL fWasUndo = FALSE; DWORD dwEventID = 0; DWORD dwDisable = 0; BOOL fSendFeedback = FALSE; WCHAR szPFString[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwPFID = 0; #if !NOTRACE InitAsyncTrace(); #endif TraceFunctEnter("_tWinMain"); g_hInst = hInstance; // Load SRClient g_CSRClientLoader.LoadSrClient(); //szCmdLine = ::GetCommandLine(); //this line necessary for _ATL_MIN_CRT //szToken = ::PathGetArgs( szCmdLine ); // Check credential and set necessary privileges if ( !::CheckPrivilegesForRestore() ) { ::ShowSRErrDlg( IDS_ERR_LOW_PRIVILEGE ); goto Exit; } // Parse command line parameter dwCmd = ParseCommandParameter( &dwRP ); // Initialize class objects if ( !::CreateSRExternalWrapper( FALSE, &g_pExternal ) ) goto Exit; if ( !::CreateSRFrameInstance( &g_pMainFrm ) ) goto Exit; if ( !g_pMainFrm->InitInstance( hInstance ) ) goto Exit; if ( !::CreateRestoreManagerInstance( &g_pRstrMgr ) ) goto Exit; // if the registry says that SR is enabled, make sure we are // enabled correctly (service is started, startup mode is correct) // if registry says we are enabled, but service start type is disabled // disable us now if (::SRGetRegDword( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszSRRegKey, s_cszDisableSR, &dwDisable ) ) { DWORD dwStart; if (0 == dwDisable) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == GetServiceStartup(s_cszServiceName, &dwStart) && (dwStart == SERVICE_DISABLED || dwStart == SERVICE_DEMAND_START)) { EnableSR(NULL); DisableSR(NULL); } else { EnableSR(NULL); } } } switch ( dwCmd ) { case CMDPARAM_NORMAL : break; case CMDPARAM_REGSERVER : dwRet = g_pMainFrm->RegisterServer(); #if DBG==1 if ( dwRet == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ) ::MessageBox(NULL, L"/RegServer is not supported...", L"CommandLine Options", MB_OK); #endif goto Exit; case CMDPARAM_UNREGSERVER : dwRet = g_pMainFrm->UnregisterServer(); #if DBG==1 if ( dwRet == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ) ::MessageBox(NULL, L"/UnregServer is not supported", L"CommandLine Options", MB_OK); #endif goto Exit; case CMDPARAM_SILENT : g_pRstrMgr->SilentRestore( dwRP ); goto Exit; case CMDPARAM_CHECK : case CMDPARAM_HIDERESULT : // check result of MoveFileEx, if it's possible... if ( ValidateLogFile( &fWasSilent, &fWasUndo ) ) { nStartMode = SRASM_SUCCESS; } else { // Cancel restore point of "Restore" type ::CancelRestorePoint(); nStartMode = SRASM_FAIL; } g_pRstrMgr->SetIsUndo(fWasUndo); break; case CMDPARAM_INTERRUPTED : // read the log file to get the new restore point if (ValidateLogFile( &fWasSilent, &fWasUndo )) { nStartMode = SRASM_FAIL; } else { nStartMode = SRASM_FAIL; } g_pRstrMgr->SetIsUndo(fWasUndo); break; case CMDPARAM_RESULT_S : // read the log file, but ignore the result ValidateLogFile( NULL, &fWasUndo ); nStartMode = SRASM_SUCCESS; g_pRstrMgr->SetIsUndo(fWasUndo); break; case CMDPARAM_RESULT_F : // read the log file, but ignore the result ValidateLogFile( NULL, &fWasUndo ); nStartMode = SRASM_FAIL; g_pRstrMgr->SetIsUndo(fWasUndo); ::CancelRestorePoint(); break; case CMDPARAM_RESULT_LD : // read the log file, but ignore the result ValidateLogFile( NULL, &fWasUndo ); nStartMode = SRASM_FAILLOWDISK; g_pRstrMgr->SetIsUndo(fWasUndo); ::CancelRestorePoint(); break; default : // Invalid Parameter, simply invoke regular UI #if DBG==1 ::MessageBox(NULL, L"Unknown Option", L"CommandLine Options", MB_OK); #endif break; } // also check to see if the Winlogon key to call restore has been // removed. In normal circumstances, this key should have been // deleted during the restore but if the machine was not shutdown // cleanly, this key can remain causing the machine to again // initiate restore on the next reboot. ::SHDeleteValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszSRRegKey,s_cszRestoreInProgress); // if start mode is SRASM_FAIL, check to see if we failed becuase // of low disk space. If this is the case, show the low disk // space message. Else check for the interrupted case. if (nStartMode == SRASM_FAIL) { DWORD dwRestoreStatus = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; ::SRGetRegDword( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszSRRegKey, s_cszRestoreStatus, &dwRestoreStatus ); if (dwRestoreStatus != 0) // interrupted { nStartMode = SRASM_FAILINTERRUPTED; } else // Cancel restore point of "Restore" type { if (TRUE == CheckForDiskSpaceError()) { nStartMode = SRASM_FAILLOWDISK; } ::CancelRestorePoint(); } } switch ( nStartMode ) { case SRASM_FAIL: dwEventID = EVMSG_RESTORE_FAILED; dwPFID = IDS_PFFAILED; break; case SRASM_FAILLOWDISK: dwEventID = EVMSG_RESTORE_FAILED; dwPFID = IDS_PFFAILEDLOWDISK; break; case SRASM_FAILINTERRUPTED: dwEventID = EVMSG_RESTORE_INTERRUPTED; dwPFID = IDS_PFINTERRUPTED; break; case SRASM_SUCCESS: dwEventID = EVMSG_RESTORE_SUCCESS; dwPFID = IDS_PFSUCCESS; break; default: break; } if (dwEventID != 0) { WCHAR szUnknownRP [MAX_PATH]; const WCHAR *pwszUsedName = g_pRstrMgr->GetUsedName(); HANDLE hEventSource = RegisterEventSource(NULL, s_cszServiceName); DWORD dwType = g_pRstrMgr->GetUsedType() + 1; WCHAR szRPType[100], szTime1[50], szTime2[50]; if (NULL == pwszUsedName) { PCHLoadString(IDS_UNKNOWN_RP, szUnknownRP, MAX_PATH-1); pwszUsedName = szUnknownRP; } if (hEventSource != NULL) { SRLogEvent (hEventSource, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, dwEventID, NULL, 0, pwszUsedName, NULL, NULL); DeregisterEventSource(hEventSource); } // construct a string for PF if (! fWasSilent) { PCHLoadString(IDS_UNKNOWN_RP + dwType, szRPType, sizeof(szRPType)/sizeof(WCHAR)); GetDateFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, szTime1, sizeof(szTime1)/sizeof(WCHAR)); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, TIME_NOSECONDS, NULL, NULL, szTime2, sizeof(szTime2)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if (SRFormatMessage(szPFString, dwPFID, szTime1, szTime2, pwszUsedName, szRPType, g_pRstrMgr->GetUsedType(), dwPFID-IDS_PFFAILED)) { fSendFeedback = TRUE; } else { trace(0, "! SRFormatMessage"); } } { WCHAR szWMIRepository [MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory (szWMIRepository, MAX_PATH); lstrcatW (szWMIRepository, L"\\Wbem\\Repository.bak"); Delnode_Recurse (szWMIRepository, TRUE, NULL); } } // // Before this, perform any necessary bookeeping operations those // are necessary for both of Normal & Silent Restore // if ( fWasSilent ) goto Exit; // Maybe explicit registration is not really necessary... Doing it here always // if UI is going to be displayed. RestoreHTCKey(); g_pMainFrm->RegisterServer(); // Check if SR is frozen or disabled. if ( nStartMode == SRASM_NORMAL ) if ( !g_pRstrMgr->CanRunRestore( TRUE ) ) goto Exit; HWND hwnd; TCHAR szMainWndTitle[MAX_PATH+1]; PCHLoadString(IDS_RESTOREUI_TITLE, szMainWndTitle, MAX_PATH); // Find Previous Instance. hwnd = ::FindWindow(CLSNAME_RSTRSHELL, szMainWndTitle); if (hwnd != NULL) { // If exist, activate it. ::ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); ::SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); } else { if ( g_pMainFrm != NULL ) { nRet = g_pMainFrm->RunUI( szMainWndTitle, nStartMode ); } } Exit: //if (fSendFeedback) // ProductFeedback(szPFString); if ( g_pRstrMgr != NULL ) { fRebootSystem = g_pRstrMgr->NeedReboot(); g_pRstrMgr->Release(); g_pRstrMgr = NULL; } if ( g_pMainFrm != NULL ) { g_pMainFrm->ExitInstance(); g_pMainFrm->Release(); g_pMainFrm = NULL; } if ( g_pExternal != NULL ) { if ( !fRebootSystem ) { // // Since FIFO has been disabled in the UI, if for any reason the UI crashes or // something bad happens we will come here and give FIFO a chance to resume // if ( g_pExternal->EnableFIFO() != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "EnableFIFO() failed"); } } g_pExternal->Release(); } DebugTrace(0, "Closing rstrui.exe..."); TraceFunctLeave(); #if !NOTRACE TermAsyncTrace(); #endif if ( fRebootSystem ) { ::ExitWindowsEx( EWX_REBOOT | EWX_FORCE, 0 ); } return(nRet); } /******************************************************************************/ #if HANDLE_FIRST_RP #define FIRSTRUN_MAX_RETRY 5 #define FIRSTRUN_SLEEP_LEN 2000 BOOL CreateFirstRestorePoint() { TraceFunctEnter("CreateFirstRestorePoint"); BOOL fRet = FALSE; DWORD dwRes; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwType; char szData[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwDelay; DWORD cbData; BOOL fDelayDeleted = FALSE; int i; RESTOREPOINTINFO sRPInfo; STATEMGRSTATUS sSmgrStatus; dwRes = ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszIDSVXDKEY, 0, NULL, &hKey ); if ( dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "RegOpenKeyEx('%s') failed, ret=%u", s_cszIDSVXDKEY, dwRes ); goto Exit; } // Check DelayFirstRstpt registry key and delete it if exists dwType = REG_DWORD; cbData = sizeof(DWORD); dwRes = ::RegQueryValueEx( hKey, s_cszIDSDelayFirstRstpt, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwDelay, &cbData ); if ( dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_DWORD || cbData == 0 ) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ID, "DelayFirstRstpt flag does not exist"); goto Ignored; } if ( dwDelay != 1 ) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ID, "DelayFirstRstpt flag is '%d'", dwDelay); goto Ignored; } // Check OOBEInProgress registry key and do nothing if it exists dwType = REG_SZ; cbData = MAX_PATH; dwRes = ::RegQueryValueEx( hKey, s_cszIDSOOBEInProgress, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData ); if ( dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ID, "OOBEInProgress flag exists"); goto Ignored; } // This should be before deleting DelayFirstRstpt because of the logic of // SRSetRestorePoint API. EnsureStateMgr(); // Delete DelayFirstRstpt flag dwRes = ::RegDeleteValue( hKey, s_cszIDSDelayFirstRstpt ); if ( dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS ) fDelayDeleted = TRUE; else ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "RegSetValueEx('%s') failed, ret=%u", s_cszIDSDelayFirstRstpt, dwRes ); // Now set FirstRun restore point ::ZeroMemory( &sRPInfo, sizeof(sRPInfo) ); sRPInfo.dwEventType = BEGIN_SYSTEM_CHANGE; sRPInfo.dwRestorePtType = FIRSTRUN; ::lstrcpy( sRPInfo.szDescription, "CHECKPOINT" ); for ( i = 0; i < FIRSTRUN_MAX_RETRY; i++ ) { if ( i > 0 ) ::Sleep( FIRSTRUN_SLEEP_LEN ); if ( ::SRSetRestorePoint( &sRPInfo, &sSmgrStatus ) ) { DebugTrace(TRACE_ID, "FirstRun restore point has been created!!!"); break; } DebugTrace(TRACE_ID, "SRSetRestorePoint failed, i=%d, nStatus=%d", i, sSmgrStatus.nStatus); } Ignored: fRet = TRUE; Exit: if ( hKey != NULL ) { if ( !fDelayDeleted ) { dwRes = ::RegDeleteValue( hKey, s_cszIDSDelayFirstRstpt ); if ( dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS ) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "RegSetValueEx('%s') failed, ret=%u", s_cszIDSDelayFirstRstpt, dwRes ); } ::RegCloseKey( hKey ); } TraceFunctLeave(); return( fRet ); } #endif //HANDLE_FIRST_RP /******************************************************************************/ // // Note: // ===== // This function loads the error message from resource only dll // If the resource only dll could not be loaded, this function must not be // used to display the error // void ShowErrorMessage( HRESULT hr ) { TraceFunctEnter("ShowErrorMessage"); int nErrorMessageID = FALSE ; TCHAR szErrorTitle[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szErrorMessage[MAX_ERROR_STRING_LENGTH+1]; // display error message and shut down gracefully switch (hr) { default: case E_UNEXPECTED: case E_FAIL: nErrorMessageID = IDS_ERR_RSTR_UNKNOWN; break; case E_OUTOFMEMORY: nErrorMessageID = IDS_ERR_RSTR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; break; case E_RSTR_CANNOT_CREATE_DOMDOC: nErrorMessageID = IDS_ERR_RSTR_CANNOT_CREATE_DOMDOC; break; case E_RSTR_INVALID_CONFIG_FILE: case E_RSTR_NO_PROBLEM_AREAS: case E_RSTR_NO_PROBLEM_AREA_ATTRS: case E_RSTR_NO_REQUIRED_ATTR: nErrorMessageID = IDS_ERR_RSTR_INVALID_CONFIG_FILE; break; } PCHLoadString(IDS_ERR_RSTR_TITLE, szErrorTitle, MAX_PATH); PCHLoadString(nErrorMessageID, szErrorMessage, MAX_ERROR_STRING_LENGTH); // // no owner window (use NULL) // we could use the GetDesktopWindow() and use that as the owner // if necessary // if ( nErrorMessageID ) { ::MessageBox(NULL, szErrorMessage, szErrorTitle, MB_OK); } TraceFunctLeave(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD ParseCommandParameter( DWORD *pdwRP ) { TraceFunctEnter("ParseCommandParameter"); DWORD dwCmd = CMDPARAM_INVALID; LPCWSTR cszCmd; cszCmd = ::PathGetArgs( ::GetCommandLine() ); DebugTrace(0, "Cmd='%ls'", cszCmd); if ( ( cszCmd == NULL ) || ( *cszCmd == L'\0' ) ) { dwCmd = CMDPARAM_NORMAL; goto Exit; } if ( ( *cszCmd == L'-' ) || ( *cszCmd == L'/' ) ) { cszCmd++; DebugTrace(0, "Option='%ls'", cszCmd); if ( *cszCmd != L'\0' ) { if ( ::StrCmpI( cszCmd, L"c" ) == 0 ) dwCmd = CMDPARAM_CHECK; else if ( ::StrCmpI( cszCmd, L"regserver" ) == 0 ) dwCmd = CMDPARAM_REGSERVER; else if ( ::StrCmpI( cszCmd, L"unregserver" ) == 0 ) dwCmd = CMDPARAM_UNREGSERVER; else if ( ::ChrCmpI( *cszCmd, L'v' ) == 0 ) { dwCmd = CMDPARAM_SILENT; cszCmd++; while ( ( *cszCmd != L'\0' ) && ( ( *cszCmd == L' ' ) || ( *cszCmd == L'\t' ) ) ) cszCmd++; if ( *cszCmd >= L'0' && *cszCmd <= L'9' ) *pdwRP = ::StrToInt( cszCmd ); } else if ( ::StrCmpI( cszCmd, L"b" ) == 0 ) dwCmd = CMDPARAM_HIDERESULT; else if ( ::StrCmpNI( cszCmd, L"result:", 7 ) == 0 ) { cszCmd += 7; if ( ::StrCmpIW( cszCmd, L"s" ) == 0 ) dwCmd = CMDPARAM_RESULT_S; else if ( ::StrCmpIW( cszCmd, L"f" ) == 0 ) dwCmd = CMDPARAM_RESULT_F; else if ( ::StrCmpIW( cszCmd, L"ld" ) == 0 ) dwCmd = CMDPARAM_RESULT_LD; } else if ( ::StrCmpI( cszCmd, L"i" ) == 0 ) dwCmd = CMDPARAM_INTERRUPTED; } } Exit: DebugTrace(0, "m_dwCmd=%d, dwRP=%d", dwCmd, *pdwRP); TraceFunctLeave(); return( dwCmd ); } // end of file