//============================================================================= // Contains the string resources for MSInfo5Category and MSInfo4Category //============================================================================= #include "filestuff.h" STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TIME_FORMAT "System Information report written at: %x %X\r\n" IDS_LEFTBRACKET "[" IDS_RIGHTBRACKET "]" IDS_CATEGORYHEADING "[ Following are sub-categories of this main category ]" IDS_PRINT_LINESPACING "1.2" IDS_MSI_REG_BASE "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Shared Tools\\MSInfo" IDS_CAB_DIR_NAME "~msicabs" IDS_SYSTEMNAME "System Name: " END //for printing STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_HEADER_MARGIN "300" IDS_FOOTER_MARGIN "300" IDS_PRINT_FTR_CTR "Page %d" IDS_PRINTING_DOCNAME "MSInfo6" IDS_PRINT_FONT_HEIGHT "10" IDS_PRINT_FONT_WEIGHT "400" IDS_PRINT_FONT_CHARSET "1" IDS_PRINT_FONT_PITCHANDFAMILY "0" IDS_PRINT_FONT_FACENAME "Courier New" IDS_PRINT_HDR_LEFT "System Information" IDS_PRINT_HDR_RIGHT_CURRENT "System Information" IDS_PRINT_GENERIC "Unknown error printing report. Check that your printer is working properly and retry the operation." IDS_PRINT_NOMEMORY "Out of memory printing report. Close unnecessary applications and retry." IDS_PRINT_NODISK "Out of disk space printing report. Remove unneccesary files and retry." IDS_PRINT_APPABORTED "Print job aborted by Windows." IDS_PRINT_USERABORTED "Print job canceled by user." IDS_FILESAVEERROR_UNKNOWN "An unknown error occured while attempting to save a file. Check to see that the disk is not full or write protected." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CODEC_DESC "Audio or Video Codec" IDS_COMPUTERSYSTEM_DESC "Computer System" IDS_LOGICALMEMEORY_DESC "Memory" IDS_LOGICALDISK_DESC "Disk" IDS_IRQRESOURCE_DESC "IRQ" IDS_DRIVERVXD_DESC "Driver" IDS_DMACHANNEL_DESC "DMA Channel" IDS_DEVICEMEMORYADDRESS_DESC "Device Memory Address" IDS_NETWORKPROTOCOL_DESC "Network Protocol" IDS_OPERATINGSYSTEM_DESC "Operating System" IDS_PNPALLOCATEDRESOURCE_DESC "PNP Allocated Resource" IDS_PNPENTITY_DESC "Plug and Play Device" IDS_PORTRESOURCE_DESC "Port Resource" IDS_PRINTER_DESC "Printer" IDS_PROGRAMGROUP_DESC "Program Group" IDS_STARTUPCOMMAND_DESC "Startup Programs" IDS_BADNFOFILE "System Information cannot open this NFO file. It might be corrupted or an unrecognized version." IDS_NOHISTORY_AVAILABLE "No History Available" IDS_OLDNFOSHARINGVIOLATION "This file cannot be opened because it is in use." END