# Define functions used for logging # TraceLog(,,ID,GRP,MSG,ARG) # ID - indicates where we should look for ID (required) # GRP - indicates what group this message belongs to (optional. Default 1) # MSG - what message needs to be used (optional. Default="ID(args)") # ARG - list of arguments (optional. Default = "no args") DFS_TRACE_HIGH(,MSG,ARG); DFS_TRACE_NORM(,MSG,ARG); DFS_TRACE_LOW(,MSG,ARG); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(,,MSG,ARG); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_NORM(,,MSG,ARG); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(,,MSG,ARG); DEFINE_CPLX_TYPE(WSTR_CHK, LOGWSTR_CHK, LPCWSTR, ItemWString, "s", s, 0); DEFINE_CPLX_TYPE(ASTR_CHK, LOGASTR_CHK, LPCSTR, ItemAString, "s", s, 0);