/*++ Copyright (c) 1991-2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: LABEL Abstract: Label is a DOS-5 compatible volume label changing utility Author: Norbert Kluster (norbertk) 18-Apr-1991 Notes: Revision History: --*/ #define _NTAPI_ULIB_ #include "ulib.hxx" #include "arg.hxx" #include "array.hxx" #include "smsg.hxx" #include "rtmsg.h" #include "wstring.hxx" #include "path.hxx" #include "substrng.hxx" #include "system.hxx" #include "ifssys.hxx" #include "ulibcl.hxx" extern "C" { #include "ntioapi.h" } CONST MaxLabelLength = 1024; VOID DisplayLabelUsage( IN OUT PMESSAGE Message ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine displays the usage for the dos 5 label program. Arguments: Message - Supplies an outlet for the messages. Return Value: None. --*/ { Message->Set(MSG_LBL_INFO); Message->Display(""); Message->Set(MSG_LBL_USAGE); Message->Display(""); } BOOLEAN OpenDrive( IN PCWSTRING Drive, OUT PHANDLE Handle, OUT PNTSTATUS Status ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine opens an NT handle to for the given dos drive name. Arguments: Drive - Supplies a dos drive name. Handle - Returns an NT handle to the drive. Status - Receives the status code if the function returns FALSE Return Value: FALSE - Failure. TRUE - Success. --*/ { DSTRING ntdrive; UNICODE_STRING string; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa; IO_STATUS_BLOCK status_block; if (!IFS_SYSTEM::DosDriveNameToNtDriveName(Drive, &ntdrive)) { *Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return FALSE; } if (!(string.Buffer = ntdrive.QueryWSTR())) { *Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return FALSE; } string.Length = (USHORT) (ntdrive.QueryChCount()*sizeof(WCHAR)); string.MaximumLength = string.Length; InitializeObjectAttributes( &oa, &string, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, 0 ); *Status = NtOpenFile(Handle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, &oa, &status_block, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT | FILE_WRITE_THROUGH); return (BOOLEAN) NT_SUCCESS(*Status); } BOOLEAN OpenReadOnlyDrive( IN PCWSTRING Drive, OUT PHANDLE Handle ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine opens an NT handle to for the given dos drive name. Arguments: Drive - Supplies a dos drive name. Handle - Returns an NT handle to the drive. Return Value: FALSE - Failure. TRUE - Success. --*/ { DSTRING ntdrive; UNICODE_STRING string; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa; IO_STATUS_BLOCK status_block; DSTRING backslash; NTSTATUS Status; if (!IFS_SYSTEM::DosDriveNameToNtDriveName(Drive, &ntdrive) || !backslash.Initialize("\\") || !ntdrive.Strcat(&backslash)) { return FALSE; } if (!(string.Buffer = ntdrive.QueryWSTR())) { return FALSE; } string.Length = (USHORT) (ntdrive.QueryChCount()*sizeof(WCHAR)); string.MaximumLength = string.Length; InitializeObjectAttributes( &oa, &string, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, 0 ); Status = NtOpenFile(Handle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA, &oa, &status_block, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT); return (BOOLEAN) NT_SUCCESS(Status); } BOOLEAN GetLabelInput( IN PCWSTRING DisplayDriveName, IN PCWSTRING Drive, OUT PBOOLEAN LabelExists, OUT PWSTRING Label, IN OUT PMESSAGE Message ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine prints the current label, if any, and the current serial number. Then a new label is queried from the user. Arguments: DisplayDriveName - The dos stype name to be displayed to the user Drive - The dos style drive name. LabelExists - Returns whether or not a label currently exists on the volume. Label - Returns the inputted label. Message - Supplies an outlet for messages. Return Value: FALSE - Failure. TRUE - Success. --*/ { CONST length = sizeof(FILE_FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION) + MaxLabelLength; CONST max_fsname = 40; // The buffer for FileFsVolumeInformation must be quadword-aligned. LONGLONG info_buf[length/sizeof(LONGLONG) + 1]; PFILE_FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION info; IO_STATUS_BLOCK status_block; PUSHORT p; DSTRING current_label; HANDLE Handle; WCHAR file_system[max_fsname]; MSGID label_prompt_msg; DSTRING root_dir; DSTRING slash; PWSTR proot_dir; DSTRING fsname; DSTRING ntfs; if (!OpenReadOnlyDrive(Drive, &Handle)) { Message->Set(MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMETERS); Message->Display(); return FALSE; } info = (PFILE_FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION) info_buf; if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryVolumeInformationFile(Handle, &status_block, info, length, FileFsVolumeInformation))) { NtClose(Handle); return FALSE; } NtClose(Handle); info->VolumeLabel[info->VolumeLabelLength/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0; if (!current_label.Initialize(info->VolumeLabel)) { return FALSE; } if (info->VolumeLabelLength) { Message->Set(MSG_LBL_THE_LABEL); Message->Display("%W%W", DisplayDriveName, ¤t_label); *LabelExists = TRUE; } else { Message->Set(MSG_LBL_NO_LABEL); Message->Display("%W", DisplayDriveName); *LabelExists = FALSE; } p = (PUSHORT) &info->VolumeSerialNumber; if (p[1] || p[0]) { Message->Set(MSG_VOLUME_SERIAL_NUMBER); Message->Display("%04X%04X", p[1], p[0]); } // Figure out which label prompt message to use. label_prompt_msg = MSG_VOLUME_LABEL_PROMPT; if (slash.Initialize("\\") && root_dir.Initialize(Drive) && root_dir.Strcat(&slash) && ntfs.Initialize("NTFS") && (proot_dir = root_dir.QueryWSTR())) { if (GetVolumeInformation(proot_dir, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, file_system, max_fsname) && fsname.Initialize(file_system) && !fsname.Stricmp(&ntfs)) { label_prompt_msg = MSG_VOLUME_LABEL_NO_MAX; } DELETE(proot_dir); } Message->Set(label_prompt_msg, ERROR_MESSAGE); Message->Display(); return Message->QueryStringInput(Label); } BOOLEAN SetLabel( IN PCWSTRING Drive, IN PCWSTRING Label, IN OUT PMESSAGE Message ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine sets the supplied label on the supplied drive. Arguments: Drive - Supplies the dos drive name. Label - Supplies a label. Message - Supplies an outlet for messages. Return Value: FALSE - Failure. TRUE - Success. --*/ { CONST length = sizeof(FILE_FS_LABEL_INFORMATION) + MaxLabelLength; PFILE_FS_LABEL_INFORMATION info; STR info_buf[length]; IO_STATUS_BLOCK status_block; NTSTATUS nts; DSTRING uppercase_label; HANDLE Handle; NTSTATUS status; if (!OpenDrive(Drive, &Handle, &status)) { if( status == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED ) { Message->Set(MSG_DASD_ACCESS_DENIED); Message->Display(""); } else { Message->Set(MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMETERS); Message->Display(""); } return FALSE; } if (!uppercase_label.Initialize(Label)) { return FALSE; } info = (PFILE_FS_LABEL_INFORMATION) info_buf; if (!uppercase_label.QueryWSTR(0, TO_END, info->VolumeLabel, (length - sizeof(ULONG))/sizeof(WCHAR))) { Message->Set(MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMETERS); Message->Display(); return FALSE; } info->VolumeLabelLength = uppercase_label.QueryChCount()*sizeof(WCHAR); nts = NtSetVolumeInformationFile(Handle, &status_block, info, length, FileFsLabelInformation); if (!NT_SUCCESS(nts)) { switch (nts) { case STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED: Message->Set(MSG_DASD_ACCESS_DENIED); Message->Display(); break; case STATUS_INVALID_VOLUME_LABEL: Message->Set(MSG_INVALID_LABEL); Message->Display(); break; case STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: case STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST: Message->Set(MSG_LBL_NOT_SUPPORTED); Message->Display(); break; case STATUS_DISK_FULL: Message->Set(MSG_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE); Message->Display(); break; case STATUS_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED: Message->Set(MSG_LBL_WRITE_PROTECTED_MEDIA); Message->Display(); break; case STATUS_CANNOT_MAKE: Message->Set(MSG_LBL_ROOT_DIRECTORY_FULL); Message->Display(); break; case STATUS_REQUEST_ABORTED: Message->Set(MSG_LBL_CHANGE_CANCEL); Message->Display(); break; default: Message->Set(MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMETERS); Message->Display(); break; } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } INT __cdecl main( ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine emulates the dos 5 label command for NT. Arguments: None. Return Value: 1 - An error occured. 0 - Success. --*/ { STREAM_MESSAGE msg; ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER arglex; ARRAY lex_array; ARRAY arg_array; STRING_ARGUMENT progname; REST_OF_LINE_ARGUMENT other_arg; FLAG_ARGUMENT help_arg; FLAG_ARGUMENT mp_arg; DSTRING label_string; DSTRING drive_string; BOOLEAN label_exists; PWSTRING p; PATH path; PATH fullpath; DSTRING drive_path_string; CHNUM position; PATH_ANALYZE_CODE rst; DSTRING DisplayDriveName; if (!msg.Initialize(Get_Standard_Output_Stream(), Get_Standard_Input_Stream(), Get_Standard_Error_Stream())) { return 1; } if (!lex_array.Initialize() || !arg_array.Initialize()) { return 1; } if (!arglex.Initialize(&lex_array)) { return 1; } arglex.SetCaseSensitive(FALSE); if (!arglex.PrepareToParse()) { return 1; } if (!progname.Initialize("*") || !help_arg.Initialize("/?") || !mp_arg.Initialize("/MP") || !other_arg.Initialize()) { return 1; } if (!arg_array.Put(&progname) || !arg_array.Put(&help_arg) || !arg_array.Put(&mp_arg) || !arg_array.Put(&other_arg)) { return 1; } if (!arglex.DoParsing(&arg_array)) { msg.Set(MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER); msg.Display("%W", p = arglex.QueryInvalidArgument()); return 1; } if (help_arg.QueryFlag()) { DisplayLabelUsage(&msg); return 0; } // // Figure out what kind of combination of drive and label // if (!label_string.Initialize()) return 1; if (other_arg.IsValueSet()) { if (!drive_string.Initialize(other_arg.GetRestOfLine()) || !path.Initialize(other_arg.GetRestOfLine())) { return 1; } if (mp_arg.IsValueSet()) { // treat like 'label /mp [] [label]' // note that the mount point or guid volume name is not optional if (drive_string.QueryChAt(1) == (WCHAR)':' || path.IsGuidVolName()) { position = drive_string.Strchr(L' '); if (position != INVALID_CHNUM) { // split up the string into drive string and label string if (!label_string.Initialize(&drive_string, position)) return 1; drive_string.DeleteChAt(position, TO_END); // get rid of spaces at the beginning while (label_string.QueryChAt(0) == (WCHAR)' ') label_string.DeleteChAt(0); } } else { if (!label_string.Initialize(&drive_string) || !drive_string.Initialize(L".")) return 1; } } else { // treat like 'label [:][...label...] // note that the drive letter is optional if (drive_string.QueryChAt(1) == (WCHAR)':') { if (!label_string.Initialize(&drive_string, 2)) return 1; drive_string.DeleteChAt(2, TO_END); // get rid of spaces at the beginning while (label_string.QueryChAt(0) == (WCHAR)' ') label_string.DeleteChAt(0); } else if (path.IsGuidVolName()) { position = drive_string.Strchr(L' '); if (position != INVALID_CHNUM) { // split up the string into drive string and label string if (!label_string.Initialize(&drive_string, position)) return 1; drive_string.DeleteChAt(position, TO_END); // get rid of spaces at the beginning while (label_string.QueryChAt(0) == (WCHAR)' ') label_string.DeleteChAt(0); } } else { if (!label_string.Initialize(&drive_string) || !SYSTEM::QueryCurrentDosDriveName(&drive_string)) { return 1; } } } } else { if (mp_arg.IsValueSet()) { if (!drive_string.Initialize(L".")) return 1; } else { if (!SYSTEM::QueryCurrentDosDriveName(&drive_string)) { return 1; } } } if (!path.Initialize(&drive_string)) return 1; rst = path.AnalyzePath(&drive_string, &fullpath, &drive_path_string); switch (rst) { case PATH_OK: case PATH_COULD_BE_FLOPPY: if (drive_path_string.QueryChCount() != 0) { msg.Set(MSG_FMT_INVALID_DRIVE_SPEC); msg.Display(); return 1; } if (path.IsGuidVolName()) { if (!DisplayDriveName.Initialize(&drive_string)) return 1; } else { if (!DisplayDriveName.Initialize(fullpath.GetPathString())) return 1; } if (fullpath.GetPathString()->QueryChCount() == 2 && fullpath.GetPathString()->QueryChAt(1) == (WCHAR)':') { if (!drive_string.Initialize(fullpath.GetPathString())) return 1; } break; case PATH_OUT_OF_MEMORY: DebugPrint("Out of memory.\n"); return 1; case PATH_NO_MOUNT_POINT_FOR_VOLUME_NAME_PATH: msg.Set(MSG_LBL_NO_MOUNT_POINT_FOR_GUID_VOLNAME_PATH); msg.Display(); return 1; default: msg.Set(MSG_LBL_INVALID_DRIVE_SPEC); msg.Display(); return 1; } if (label_string.QueryChCount() == 0) { if (!GetLabelInput(&DisplayDriveName, &drive_string, &label_exists, &label_string, &msg)) { return 1; } } if (!label_string.QueryChCount()) { if (label_exists) { msg.Set(MSG_LBL_DELETE_LABEL); msg.Display(""); if (!msg.IsYesResponse(FALSE)) { return 0; } } else { return 0; } } return SetLabel(&drive_string, &label_string, &msg) ? 0 : 1; }