$end								= the end of file
AcfAllocationUnit					= allocation unit specifications
AcfAllocationUnitList				= allocation unit specifications
AcfAttr								= an acf attribute
AcfAttrs							= acf attributes
AcfBodyElement						= acf type or operation specifications
AcfCallType							= a [local] procedure in the current interface
AcfHandleTypeSpec					= handle type specifications
AcfImplicitHandleSpec				= implicit handle specifications
AcfIncludeList						= list of include file name strings
AcfIncludeName						= list of include file name strings
AcfInterface						= an acf interface header
AcfInterfaceAttr					= an acf interface attribute
AcfInterfaceAttrs					= acf interface attributes
AcfInterfaceName					= an acf interface name
AcfOptionalAttrList					= optional attribute list
AcfOptionalInterfaceBody			= acf type or operation specifications
AcfOptionalParameters				= optional parameter list
AcfParamAttr						= an acf parameter attribute
AcfParamAttrs						= acf parameter attributes
Acfparameter						= a parameter list
AcfPtrSize							= pointer size specification
AcfRepresentType					= represent type name specification
AcfType								= an acf type name
AcfTypeAttr							= an acf type attribute
AcfTypeAttrs						= acf type attributes
AcfTypeNameList						= acf type names
EOI									= an end of file
FuncModifier						= a calling convention
IDENTIFIER							= an identifier
ImplicitHandleIDName				= an implicit handle identifier
KWINTERFACE							= the keyword \"interface\"
NUMERICCONSTANT						= a number
OptFuncModifiers					= a calling convention
TYPENAME							= a user-defined type name