/* * OPOS.H * * * */ // BUGBUG !!! need to make all GUIDs genuine !!! /* * These GUIDs identify the HID OPOS server and it's interface * */ DEFINE_GUID( GUID_HID_OPOS_SERVER, 0x4AFA3D51L, 0x74A7, 0x11d0, 0xbe, 0x5e, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC0, 0x06, 0x28, 0x60 ); DEFINE_OLEGUID( IID_HID_OPOS_SERVER, 0x000000a1, 0, 0); // BUGBUG /* * These GUIDs identify the generic OPOS control and it's interface. * */ DEFINE_OLEGUID( IID_OPOS_GENERIC_CONTROL, 0x000000a2, 0, 0); // BUGBUG /* * Interface declaration for HID OPOS Server */ DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSService, IClassFactory) { /* * IUnknown methods */ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) = 0; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(void) = 0; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(void) = 0; /* * IClassFactory methods */ STDMETHOD(CreateInstance)(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) = 0; STDMETHOD(LockServer)(int lock) = 0; /* * IOPOSService methods */ STDMETHOD_(LONG, CheckHealth)(LONG Level) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, Claim)(LONG Timeout) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ClearInput)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ClearOutput)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, Close)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, COFreezeEvents)(BOOL Freeze) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, DirectIO)(LONG Command, LONG* pData, BSTR* pString) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, OpenService)(BSTR DeviceClass, BSTR DeviceName, LPDISPATCH pDispatch) = 0; // STDMETHOD_(LONG, Release)() = 0; // BUGBUG - override IUnknown ? STDMETHOD_(LONG, GetPropertyNumber)(LONG PropIndex) = 0; STDMETHOD_(BSTR, GetPropertyString)(LONG PropIndex) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, SetPropertyNumber)(LONG PropIndex, LONG Number) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, SetPropertyString)(LONG PropIndex, BSTR String) = 0; // BUGBUG - + Get/Set type methods // BUGBUG - + events }; /* * Interface declaration for generic HID OPOS Control */ DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSControl, IClassFactory) { /* * IUnknown methods */ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) = 0; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(void) = 0; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(void) = 0; /* * IClassFactory methods */ STDMETHOD(CreateInstance)(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) = 0; STDMETHOD(LockServer)(int lock) = 0; /* * IOPOSControl methods */ STDMETHOD_(LONG, Open)(BSTR DeviceName) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, Close)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, CheckHealth)(LONG Level) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, Claim)(LONG Timeout) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ClearInput)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ClearOutput)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, DirectIO)(LONG Command, LONG* pData, BSTR* pString) = 0; // STDMETHOD_(LONG, Release)() = 0; // BUGBUG overrides IUnknown ? STDMETHOD_(void, SOData)(LONG Status) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, SODirectIO)(LONG EventNumber, LONG* pData, BSTR* pString) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, DirectIOEvent)(LONG EventNumber, LONG* pData, BSTR* pString) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, SOError)(LONG ResultCode, LONG ResultCodeExtended, LONG ErrorLocus, LONG* pErrorResponse) = 0; // BUGBUG - moved to sub-ifaces STDMETHOD_(void, ErrorEvent)(LONG ResultCode, LONG ResultCodeExtended, LONG ErrorLocus, LONG* pErrorResponse) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, SOOutputComplete)(LONG OutputID) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, OutputCompleteEvent)(LONG OutputID) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, SOStatusUpdate)(LONG Data) = 0; // BUGBUG - moved to sub-ifaces STDMETHOD_(void, StatusUpdateEvent)(LONG Data) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SOProcessID)() = 0; }; /* * Interface declaration for specific control classes. * Each inherits from the generic control interface class. */ DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSBumpBar, IOPOSControl) { STDMETHOD_(LONG, BumpBarSound)(LONG Units, LONG Frequency, LONG Duration, LONG NumberOfCycles, LONG InterSoundWait) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetKeyTranslation)(LONG Units, LONG ScanCode, LONG LogicalKey) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSCashChanger, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, DispenseCash)(BSTR CashCounts) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, DispenseChange)(LONG Amount) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ReadCashCounts)(BSTR* pCashCounts, BOOL* pDiscrepancy) = 0; // events STDMETHOD_(void, StatusUpdateEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSCashDrawer, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, OpenDrawer)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, WaitForDrawerClose)(LONG BeepTimeout, LONG BeepFrequency, LONG BeepDuration, LONG BeepDelay) = 0; // events STDMETHOD_(void, StatusUpdateEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSCoinDispenser, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, DispenseChange)(LONG Amount) = 0; // events STDMETHOD_(void, StatusUpdateEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSFiscalPrinter, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginFiscalDocument)(LONG DocumentAmount) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginFiscalReceipt)(BOOL PrintHeader) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginFixedOutput)(LONG Station, LONG DocumentType) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginInsertion)(LONG Timeout) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginItemList)(LONG VatID) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginNonFiscal)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginRemoval)(LONG Timeout) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginTraining)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ClearError)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndFiscalDocument)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndFiscalReceipt)(BOOL PrintHeader) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndFixedOutput)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndInsertion)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndItemList)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndNonFiscal)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndRemoval)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndTraining)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, GetData)(LONG DataItem, LONG* OptArgs, BSTR* Data) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, GetDate)(BSTR* Date) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, GetTotalizer)(LONG VatID, LONG OptArgs, BSTR* Data) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, GetVatEntry)(LONG VatID, LONG OptArgs, LONG* VatRate) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintDuplicateReceipt)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintFiscalDocumentLine)(BSTR DocumentLine) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintFixedOutput)(LONG DocumentType, LONG LineNumber, BSTR Data) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintNormal)(LONG Station, BSTR Data) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintPeriodicTotalsReport)(BSTR Date1, BSTR Date2) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintPowerLossReport)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintRecItem)(BSTR Description, CURRENCY Price, LONG Quantity, LONG VatInfo, CURRENCY OptUnitPrice, BSTR UnitName) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintRecItemAdjustment)(LONG AdjustmentType, BSTR Description, CURRENCY Amount, LONG VatInfo) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintRecMessage)(BSTR Message) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintRecNotPaid)(BSTR Description, CURRENCY Amount) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintRecRefund)(BSTR Description, CURRENCY Amount, LONG VatInfo) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintRecSubtotal)(CURRENCY Amount) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintRecSubtotalAdjustment)(LONG AdjustmentType, BSTR Description, CURRENCY Amount) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintRecTotal)(CURRENCY Total, CURRENCY Payment, BSTR Description) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintRecVoid)(BSTR Description) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintRecVoidItem)(BSTR Description, CURRENCY Amount, LONG Quantity, LONG AdjustmentType, CURRENCY Adjustment, LONG VatInfo) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintReport)(LONG ReportType, BSTR StartNum, BSTR EndNum) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintXReport)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintZReport)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ResetPrinter)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetDate)(BSTR Date) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetHeaderLine)(LONG LineNumber, BSTR Text, BOOL DoubleWidth) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetPOSID)(BSTR POSID, BSTR CashierID) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetStoreFiscalID)(BSTR ID) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetTrailerLine)(LONG LineNumber, BSTR Text, BOOL DoubleWidth) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetVatTable)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetVatValue)(LONG VatID, BSTR VatValue) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, VerifyItem)(BSTR ItemName, LONG VatID) = 0; // events STDMETHOD_(void, ErrorEvent)(LONG ResultCode, LONG ResultCodeExtended, LONG ErrorLocus, LONG* pErrorResponse) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, StatusUpdateEvent)(LONG Data) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSHardTotals, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginTrans)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ClaimFile)(LONG HTotalsFile, LONG Timeout) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, CommitTrans)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, Create)(BSTR FileName, LONG* pHTotalsFile, LONG Size, BOOL ErrorDetection) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, Delete)(BSTR FileName) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, Find)(BSTR FileName, LONG* pHTotalsFile, LONG* pSize) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, FindByIndex)(LONG Index, BSTR* pFileName) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, Read)(LONG HTotalsFile, BSTR* pData, LONG Offset, LONG Count) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, RecalculateValidationData)(LONG HTotalsFile) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ReleaseFile)(LONG HTotalsFile) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, Rename)(LONG HTotalsFile, BSTR FileName) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, Rollback)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetAll)(LONG HTotalsFile, LONG Value) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ValidateData)(LONG HTotalsFile) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, Write)(LONG HTotalsFile, BSTR Data, LONG Offset, LONG Count) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSKeyLock, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, WaitForKeylockChange)(LONG KeyPosition, LONG Timeout) = 0; // events STDMETHOD_(void, StatusUpdateEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSLineDisplay, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, ClearDescriptors)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ClearText)() = 0; // BUGBUG conflict ??? STDMETHOD_(LONG, CreateWindow)(LONG ViewportRow, LONG ViewportColumn, LONG ViewportHeight, LONG ViewportWidth, LONG WindowHeight, LONG WindowWidth) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, DestroyWindow)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, DisplayText)(BSTR Data, LONG Attribute) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, DisplayTextAt)(LONG Row, LONG Column, BSTR Data, LONG Attribute) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, RefreshWindow)(LONG Window) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ScrollText)(LONG Direction, LONG Units) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetDescriptor)(LONG Descriptor, LONG Attribute) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSMICR, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginInsertion)(LONG Timeout) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginRemoval)(LONG Timeout) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndInsertion)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndRemoval)() = 0; // events STDMETHOD_(void, DataEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, ErrorEvent)(LONG ResultCode, LONG ResultCodeExtended, LONG ErrorLocus, LONG* pErrorResponse) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSMSR, IOPOSControl) { // events STDMETHOD_(void, DataEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, ErrorEvent)(LONG ResultCode, LONG ResultCodeExtended, LONG ErrorLocus, LONG* pErrorResponse) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSPinPad, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginEFTTransaction)(BSTR PINPadSystem, LONG TransactionHost) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ComputeMAC)(BSTR InMsg, BSTR* pOutMsg) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EnablePINEntry)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndEFTTransaction)(LONG CompletionCode) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, UpdateKey)(LONG KeyNum, BSTR Key) = 0; STDMETHOD_(BOOL, VerifyMAC)(BSTR Message) = 0; // events STDMETHOD_(void, DataEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, ErrorEvent)(LONG ResultCode, LONG ResultCodeExtended, LONG ErrorLocus, LONG* pErrorResponse) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSKeyboard, IOPOSControl) { // events STDMETHOD_(void, DataEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, ErrorEvent)(LONG ResultCode, LONG ResultCodeExtended, LONG ErrorLocus, LONG* pErrorResponse) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSPrinter, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginInsertion)(LONG Timeout) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginRemoval)(LONG Timeout) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, CutPaper)(LONG Percentage) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndInsertion)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndRemoval)() = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintBarCode)(LONG Station, BSTR Data, LONG Symbology, LONG Height, LONG Width, LONG Alignment, LONG TextPosition) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintBitmap)(LONG Station, BSTR FileName, LONG Width, LONG Alignment) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintImmediate)(LONG Station, BSTR Data) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintNormal)(LONG Station, BSTR Data) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, PrintTwoNormal)(LONG Stations, BSTR Data1, BSTR Data2) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, RotatePrint)(LONG Station, LONG Rotation) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetBitmap)(LONG BitmapNumber, LONG Station, BSTR FileName, LONG Width, LONG Alignment) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetLogo)(LONG Location, BSTR Data) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, TransactionPrint)(LONG Station, LONG Control) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ValidateData)(LONG Station, BSTR Data) = 0; // events STDMETHOD_(void, ErrorEvent)(LONG ResultCode, LONG ResultCodeExtended, LONG ErrorLocus, LONG* pErrorResponse) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, StatusUpdateEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSRemoteOrderDisplay, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, ClearVideo)(LONG Units, LONG Attribute) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ClearVideoRegion)(LONG Units, LONG Row, LONG Column, LONG Height, LONG Width, LONG Attribute) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ControlClock)(LONG Units, LONG Function, LONG ClockId, LONG Hour, LONG Min, LONG Sec, LONG Row, LONG Column, LONG Attribute, LONG Mode) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ControlCursor)(LONG Units, LONG Function) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, CopyVideoRegion)(LONG Units, LONG Row, LONG Column, LONG Height, LONG Width, LONG TargetRow, LONG TargetColumn) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, DisplayData)(LONG Units, LONG Row, LONG Column, LONG Attribute, BSTR Data) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, DrawBox)(LONG Units, LONG Row, LONG Column, LONG Height, LONG Width, LONG Attribute, LONG BorderType) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, FreeVideoRegion)(LONG Units, LONG BufferId) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ResetVideo)(LONG Units) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, RestoreVideoRegion)(LONG Units, LONG TargetRow, LONG TargetColumn, LONG BufferId) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SaveVideoRegion)(LONG Units, LONG Row, LONG Column, LONG Height, LONG Width, LONG BufferId) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SelectChararacterSet)(LONG Units, LONG CharacterSet) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SetCursor)(LONG Units, LONG Row, LONG Column) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, TransactionDisplay)(LONG Units, LONG Function) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, UpdateVideoRegionAttribute)(LONG Units, LONG Function, LONG Row, LONG Column, LONG Height, LONG Width, LONG Attribute) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, VideoSound)(LONG Units, LONG Frequency, LONG Duration, LONG NumberOfCycles, LONG InterSoundWait) = 0; // events STDMETHOD_(void, DataEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; // BUGBUG - override ? STDMETHOD_(void, OutputCompleteEvent)(LONG OutputID) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, StatusUpdateEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, ErrorEvent)(LONG ResultCode, LONG ResultCodeExtended, LONG ErrorLocus, LONG* pErrorResponse) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSScale, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, DisplayText)(BSTR Data) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ReadWeight)(LONG* pWeightData, LONG Timeout) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, ZeroScale)() = 0; // events STDMETHOD_(void, DataEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, ErrorEvent)(LONG ResultCode, LONG ResultCodeExtended, LONG ErrorLocus, LONG* pErrorResponse) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSScanner, IOPOSControl) { // events STDMETHOD_(void, DataEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, ErrorEvent)(LONG ResultCode, LONG ResultCodeExtended, LONG ErrorLocus, LONG* pErrorResponse) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSSignatureCapture, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, BeginCapture)(BSTR FormName) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, EndCapture)() = 0; // events STDMETHOD_(void, DataEvent)(LONG Status) = 0; STDMETHOD_(void, ErrorEvent)(LONG ResultCode, LONG ResultCodeExtended, LONG ErrorLocus, LONG* pErrorResponse) = 0; }; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IOPOSToneIndicator, IOPOSControl) { // methods STDMETHOD_(LONG, Sound)(LONG NumberOfCycles, LONG InterSoundWait) = 0; STDMETHOD_(LONG, SoundImmediate)() = 0; }; /* * OPOS status values */ #define OPOS_SUCCESS 0 #define OPOS_E_CLOSED 101 #define OPOS_E_CLAIMED 102 #define OPOS_E_NOTCLAIMED 103 #define OPOS_E_NOSERVICE 104 #define OPOS_E_DISABLED 105 #define OPOS_E_ILLEGAL 106 #define OPOS_E_NOHARDWARE 107 #define OPOS_E_OFFLINE 108 #define OPOS_E_NOEXIST 109 #define OPOS_E_EXISTS 110 #define OPOS_E_FAILURE 111 #define OPOS_E_TIMEOUT 112 #define OPOS_E_BUSY 113 #define OPOS_E_EXTENDED 114 #define OPOSERREXT 200 /* * OPOS state values */ #define OPOS_S_CLOSED 1 #define OPOS_S_IDLE 2 #define OPOS_S_BUSY 3 #define OPOS_S_ERROR 4 /* * OPOS "BinaryConversion" Property Constants */ #define OPOS_BC_NONE 0 #define OPOS_BC_NIBBLE 1 #define OPOS_BC_DECIMAL 2 /* * "CheckHealth" Method: "Level" Parameter Constants */ #define OPOS_CH_INTERNAL 1 #define OPOS_CH_EXTERNAL 2 #define OPOS_CH_INTERACTIVE 3 /* * OPOS "CapPowerReporting", "PowerState", "PowerNotify" Property */ #define OPOS_PR_NONE 0 #define OPOS_PR_STANDARD 1 #define OPOS_PR_ADVANCED 2 #define OPOS_PN_DISABLED 0 #define OPOS_PN_ENABLED 1 #define OPOS_PS_UNKNOWN 2000 #define OPOS_PS_ONLINE 2001 #define OPOS_PS_OFF 2002 #define OPOS_PS_OFFLINE 2003 #define OPOS_PS_OFF_OFFLINE 2004 /* * "ErrorEvent" Event: "ErrorLocus" Parameter Constants */ #define OPOS_EL_OUTPUT 1 #define OPOS_EL_INPUT 2 #define OPOS_EL_INPUT_DATA 3 /* * "ErrorEvent" Event: "ErrorResponse" Constants */ #define OPOS_ER_RETRY 11 #define OPOS_ER_CLEAR 12 #define OPOS_ER_CONTINUEINPUT 13 /* * "StatusUpdateEvent" Event: Common "Status" Constants */ #define OPOS_SUE_POWER_ONLINE 2001 #define OPOS_SUE_POWER_OFF 2002 #define OPOS_SUE_POWER_OFFLINE 2003 #define OPOS_SUE_POWER_OFF_OFFLINE 2004 /* * General Constants */ #define OPOS_FOREVER -1 /* ********************************************************************** * * BUMP BAR header section * ********************************************************************** */ #define BB_UID_1 (1 << 0) #define BB_UID_2 (1 << 1) #define BB_UID_3 (1 << 2) #define BB_UID_4 (1 << 3) #define BB_UID_5 (1 << 4) #define BB_UID_6 (1 << 5) #define BB_UID_7 (1 << 6) #define BB_UID_8 (1 << 7) #define BB_UID_9 (1 << 8) #define BB_UID_10 (1 << 9) #define BB_UID_11 (1 << 10) #define BB_UID_12 (1 << 11) #define BB_UID_13 (1 << 12) #define BB_UID_14 (1 << 13) #define BB_UID_15 (1 << 14) #define BB_UID_16 (1 << 15) #define BB_UID_17 (1 << 16) #define BB_UID_18 (1 << 17) #define BB_UID_19 (1 << 18) #define BB_UID_20 (1 << 19) #define BB_UID_21 (1 << 20) #define BB_UID_22 (1 << 21) #define BB_UID_23 (1 << 22) #define BB_UID_24 (1 << 23) #define BB_UID_25 (1 << 24) #define BB_UID_26 (1 << 25) #define BB_UID_27 (1 << 26) #define BB_UID_28 (1 << 27) #define BB_UID_29 (1 << 28) #define BB_UID_30 (1 << 29) #define BB_UID_31 (1 << 30) #define BB_UID_32 (1 << 31) /* * "DataEvent" Event: "Status" Parameter Constants */ #define BB_DE_KEY 0x01 /* ********************************************************************** * * CASH DRAWER header section * ********************************************************************** */ #define CASH_SUE_DRAWERCLOSED 0 #define CASH_SUE_DRAWEROPEN 1 /* ********************************************************************** * * CASH CHANGER header section * ********************************************************************** */ #define CHAN_STATUS_OK 0 // DeviceStatus, FullStatus #define CHAN_STATUS_EMPTY 11 // DeviceStatus, StatusUpdateEvent #define CHAN_STATUS_NEAREMPTY 12 // DeviceStatus, StatusUpdateEvent #define CHAN_STATUS_EMPTYOK 13 // StatusUpdateEvent #define CHAN_STATUS_FULL 21 // FullStatus, StatusUpdateEvent #define CHAN_STATUS_NEARFULL 22 // FullStatus, StatusUpdateEvent #define CHAN_STATUS_FULLOK 23 // StatusUpdateEvent #define CHAN_STATUS_JAM 31 // DeviceStatus, StatusUpdateEvent #define CHAN_STATUS_JAMOK 32 // StatusUpdateEvent #define CHAN_STATUS_ASYNC 91 // StatusUpdateEvent /* * "ResultCodeExtended" Property Constants for Cash Changer */ #define OPOS_ECHAN_OVERDISPENSE (1 + OPOSERREXT) /* ********************************************************************** * * COIN DISPENSER header section * ********************************************************************** */ #define COIN_STATUS_OK 1 #define COIN_STATUS_EMPTY 2 #define COIN_STATUS_NEAREMPTY 3 #define COIN_STATUS_JAM 4 /* ********************************************************************** * * LINE DISPLAY header section * ********************************************************************** */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "CapBlink" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define DISP_CB_NOBLINK 0 #define DISP_CB_BLINKALL 1 #define DISP_CB_BLINKEACH 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "CapCharacterSet" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define DISP_CCS_NUMERIC 0 #define DISP_CCS_ALPHA 1 #define DISP_CCS_ASCII 998 #define DISP_CCS_KANA 10 #define DISP_CCS_KANJI 11 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "CharacterSet" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define DISP_CS_ASCII 998 #define DISP_CS_WINDOWS 999 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "MarqueeType" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define DISP_MT_NONE 0 #define DISP_MT_UP 1 #define DISP_MT_DOWN 2 #define DISP_MT_LEFT 3 #define DISP_MT_RIGHT 4 #define DISP_MT_INIT 5 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "MarqueeFormat" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define DISP_MF_WALK 0 #define DISP_MF_PLACE 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "DisplayText" Method: "Attribute" Property Constants // "DisplayTextAt" Method: "Attribute" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define DISP_DT_NORMAL 0 #define DISP_DT_BLINK 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ScrollText" Method: "Direction" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define DISP_ST_UP 1 #define DISP_ST_DOWN 2 #define DISP_ST_LEFT 3 #define DISP_ST_RIGHT 4 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "SetDescriptor" Method: "Attribute" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define DISP_SD_OFF 0 #define DISP_SD_ON 1 #define DISP_SD_BLINK 2 /* ********************************************************************** * * FISCAL PRINTER header section * ********************************************************************** */ #define FPTR_S_JOURNAL 1 #define FPTR_S_RECEIPT 2 #define FPTR_S_SLIP 4 #define FPTR_S_JOURNAL_RECEIPT (FPTR_S_JOURNAL | FPTR_S_RECEIPT) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "CountryCode" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define FPTR_CC_BRAZIL 1 #define FPTR_CC_GREECE 2 #define FPTR_CC_HUNGARY 3 #define FPTR_CC_ITALY 4 #define FPTR_CC_POLAND 5 #define FPTR_CC_TURKEY 6 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ErrorLevel" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define FPTR_EL_NONE 1 #define FPTR_EL_RECOVERABLE 2 #define FPTR_EL_FATAL 3 #define FPTR_EL_BLOCKED 4 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ErrorState", "PrinterState" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define FPTR_PS_MONITOR 1 #define FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT 2 #define FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT_TOTAL 3 #define FPTR_PS_FISCAL_RECEIPT_ENDING 4 #define FPTR_PS_FISCAL_DOCUMENT 5 #define FPTR_PS_FIXED_OUTPUT 6 #define FPTR_PS_ITEM_LIST 7 #define FPTR_PS_LOCKED 8 #define FPTR_PS_NONFISCAL 9 #define FPTR_PS_REPORT 10 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "SlipSelection" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define FPTR_SS_FULL_LENGTH 1 #define FPTR_SS_VALIDATION 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "GetData" Method Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define FPTR_GD_CURRENT_TOTAL 1 #define FPTR_GD_DAILY_TOTAL 2 #define FPTR_GD_RECEIPT_NUMBER 3 #define FPTR_GD_REFUND 4 #define FPTR_GD_NOT_PAID 5 #define FPTR_GD_MID_VOID 6 #define FPTR_GD_Z_REPORT 7 #define FPTR_GD_GRANDT_TOTAL 8 #define FPTR_GD_PRINTER_ID 9 #define FPTR_GD_FIRMWARE 10 #define FPTR_GD_RESTART 11 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "AdjustmentType" arguments in diverse methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define FPTR_AT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT 1 #define FPTR_AT_AMOUNT_SURCHARGE 2 #define FPTR_AT_PERCENTAGE_DISCOUNT 3 #define FPTR_AT_PERCENTAGE_SURCHARGE 4 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ReportType" argument in "PrintReport" method ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define FPTR_RT_ORDINAL 1 #define FPTR_RT_DATE 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "StatusUpdateEvent" Event: "Data" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define FPTR_SUE_COVER_OPEN 11 #define FPTR_SUE_COVER_OK 12 #define FPTR_SUE_JRN_EMPTY 21 #define FPTR_SUE_JRN_NEAREMPTY 22 #define FPTR_SUE_JRN_PAPEROK 23 #define FPTR_SUE_REC_EMPTY 24 #define FPTR_SUE_REC_NEAREMPTY 25 #define FPTR_SUE_REC_PAPEROK 26 #define FPTR_SUE_SLP_EMPTY 27 #define FPTR_SUE_SLP_NEAREMPTY 28 #define FPTR_SUE_SLP_PAPEROK 29 #define FPTR_SUE_IDLE 1001 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ResultCodeExtended" Property Constants for Fiscal Printer ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define OPOS_EFPTR_COVER_OPEN (1 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_JRN_EMPTY (2 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_REC_EMPTY (3 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_SLP_EMPTY (4 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_SLP_FORM (5 + OPOSERREXT) // EndRemoval #define OPOS_EFPTR_MISSING_DEVICES (6 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_WRONG_STATE (7 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_TECHNICAL_ASSISTANCE (8 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_CLOCK_ERROR (9 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_FISCAL_MEMORY_FULL (10 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_FISCAL_MEMORY_DISCONNECTED (11 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_FISCAL_TOTALS_ERROR (12 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_BAD_ITEM_QUANTITY (13 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_BAD_ITEM_AMOUNT (14 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_BAD_ITEM_DESCRIPTION (15 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_RECEIPT_TOTAL_OVERFLOW (16 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_BAD_VAT (17 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_BAD_PRICE (18 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_BAD_DATE (19 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_NEGATIVE_TOTAL (20 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EFPTR_WORD_NOT_ALLOWED (21 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) /* ********************************************************************** * * POS KEYBOARD header section * ********************************************************************** */ #define KBD_ET_DOWN 1 #define KBD_ET_DOWN_UP 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "POSKeyEventType" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define KBD_KET_KEYDOWN 1 #define KBD_KET_KEYUP 2 /* ********************************************************************** * * KEYLOCK header section * ********************************************************************** */ #define LOCK_KP_ANY 0 // WaitForKeylockChange Only #define LOCK_KP_LOCK 1 #define LOCK_KP_NORM 2 #define LOCK_KP_SUPR 3 /* ********************************************************************** * * MICR header section * ********************************************************************** */ #define MICR_CT_PERSONAL 1 #define MICR_CT_BUSINESS 2 #define MICR_CT_UNKNOWN 99 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "CountryCode" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MICR_CC_USA 1 #define MICR_CC_CANADA 2 #define MICR_CC_MEXICO 3 #define MICR_CC_UNKNOWN 99 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ResultCodeExtended" Property Constants for MICR ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define OPOS_EMICR_NOCHECK (1 + OPOSERREXT) // EndInsertion #define OPOS_EMICR_CHECK (2 + OPOSERREXT) // EndRemoval /* ********************************************************************** * * MSR header section * ********************************************************************** */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "TracksToRead" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MSR_TR_1 1 #define MSR_TR_2 2 #define MSR_TR_3 4 #define MSR_TR_1_2 (MSR_TR_1 | MSR_TR_2) #define MSR_TR_1_3 (MSR_TR_1 | MSR_TR_3) #define MSR_TR_2_3 (MSR_TR_2 | MSR_TR_3) #define MSR_TR_1_2_3 (MSR_TR_1 | MSR_TR_2 | MSR_TR_3) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ErrorReportingType" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MSR_ERT_CARD 0 #define MSR_ERT_TRACK 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ErrorEvent" Event: "ResultCodeExtended" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define OPOS_EMSR_START (1 + OPOSERREXT) #define OPOS_EMSR_END (2 + OPOSERREXT) #define OPOS_EMSR_PARITY (3 + OPOSERREXT) #define OPOS_EMSR_LRC (4 + OPOSERREXT) /* ********************************************************************** * * PIN PAD header section * ********************************************************************** */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "CapDisplay" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PPAD_DISP_UNRESTRICTED 1 #define PPAD_DISP_PINRESTRICTED 2 #define PPAD_DISP_RESTRICTED_LIST 3 #define PPAD_DISP_RESTRICTED_ORDER 4 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "AvailablePromptsList" and "Prompt" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PPAD_MSG_ENTERPIN 1 #define PPAD_MSG_PLEASEWAIT 2 #define PPAD_MSG_ENTERVALIDPIN 3 #define PPAD_MSG_RETRIESEXCEEDED 4 #define PPAD_MSG_APPROVED 5 #define PPAD_MSG_DECLINED 6 #define PPAD_MSG_CANCELED 7 #define PPAD_MSG_AMOUNTOK 8 #define PPAD_MSG_NOTREADY 9 #define PPAD_MSG_IDLE 10 #define PPAD_MSG_SLIDE_CARD 11 #define PPAD_MSG_INSERTCARD 12 #define PPAD_MSG_SELECTCARDTYPE 13 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "CapLanguage" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PPAD_LANG_NONE 1 #define PPAD_LANG_ONE 2 #define PPAD_LANG_PINRESTRICTED 3 #define PPAD_LANG_UNRESTRICTED 4 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "TransactionType" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PPAD_TRANS_DEBIT 1 #define PPAD_TRANS_CREDIT 2 #define PPAD_TRANS_INQ 3 #define PPAD_TRANS_RECONCILE 4 #define PPAD_TRANS_ADMIN 5 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "EndEFTTransaction" Method Completion Code Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PPAD_EFT_NORMAL 1 #define PPAD_EFT_ABNORMAL 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "DataEvent" Event Status Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PPAD_SUCCESS 1 #define PPAD_CANCEL 2 /* ********************************************************************** * * POS PRINTER header section * ********************************************************************** */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Printer Station Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PTR_S_JOURNAL 1 #define PTR_S_RECEIPT 2 #define PTR_S_SLIP 4 #define PTR_S_JOURNAL_RECEIPT (PTR_S_JOURNAL | PTR_S_RECEIPT ) #define PTR_S_JOURNAL_SLIP (PTR_S_JOURNAL | PTR_S_SLIP ) #define PTR_S_RECEIPT_SLIP (PTR_S_RECEIPT | PTR_S_SLIP ) #define PTR_TWO_RECEIPT_JOURNAL (0x8000 + PTR_S_JOURNAL_RECEIPT ) #define PTR_TWO_SLIP_JOURNAL (0x8000 + PTR_S_JOURNAL_SLIP ) #define PTR_TWO_SLIP_RECEIPT (0x8000 + PTR_S_RECEIPT_SLIP ) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "CapCharacterSet" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PTR_CCS_ALPHA 1 #define PTR_CCS_ASCII 998 #define PTR_CCS_KANA 10 #define PTR_CCS_KANJI 11 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "CharacterSet" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PTR_CS_ASCII 998 #define PTR_CS_WINDOWS 999 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ErrorLevel" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PTR_EL_NONE 1 #define PTR_EL_RECOVERABLE 2 #define PTR_EL_FATAL 3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "MapMode" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PTR_MM_DOTS 1 #define PTR_MM_TWIPS 2 #define PTR_MM_ENGLISH 3 #define PTR_MM_METRIC 4 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "CutPaper" Method Constant ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PTR_CP_FULLCUT 100 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "PrintBarCode" Method Constants: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "Alignment" Parameter // Either the distance from the left-most print column to the start // of the bar code, or one of the following: #define PTR_BC_LEFT -1 #define PTR_BC_CENTER -2 #define PTR_BC_RIGHT -3 // "TextPosition" Parameter #define PTR_BC_TEXT_NONE -11 #define PTR_BC_TEXT_ABOVE -12 #define PTR_BC_TEXT_BELOW -13 // "Symbology" Parameter: // One dimensional symbologies #define PTR_BCS_UPCA 101 // Digits #define PTR_BCS_UPCE 102 // Digits #define PTR_BCS_JAN8 103 // = EAN 8 #define PTR_BCS_EAN8 103 // = JAN 8 (added in 1.2) #define PTR_BCS_JAN13 104 // = EAN 13 #define PTR_BCS_EAN13 104 // = JAN 13 (added in 1.2) #define PTR_BCS_TF 105 // (Discrete 2 of 5) Digits #define PTR_BCS_ITF 106 // (Interleaved 2 of 5) Digits #define PTR_BCS_Codabar 107 // Digits, -, $, :, /, ., +; // 4 start/stop characters // (a, b, c, d) #define PTR_BCS_Code39 108 // Alpha, Digits, Space, -, ., // $, /, +, %; start/stop (*) // Also has Full ASCII feature #define PTR_BCS_Code93 109 // Same characters as Code 39 #define PTR_BCS_Code128 110 // 128 data characters // (The following were added in Release 1.2) #define PTR_BCS_UPCA_S 111 // UPC-A with supplemental // barcode #define PTR_BCS_UPCE_S 112 // UPC-E with supplemental // barcode #define PTR_BCS_UPCD1 113 // UPC-D1 #define PTR_BCS_UPCD2 114 // UPC-D2 #define PTR_BCS_UPCD3 115 // UPC-D3 #define PTR_BCS_UPCD4 116 // UPC-D4 #define PTR_BCS_UPCD5 117 // UPC-D5 #define PTR_BCS_EAN8_S 118 // EAN 8 with supplemental // barcode #define PTR_BCS_EAN13_S 119 // EAN 13 with supplemental // barcode #define PTR_BCS_EAN128 120 // EAN 128 #define PTR_BCS_OCRA 121 // OCR "A" #define PTR_BCS_OCRB 122 // OCR "B" // Two dimensional symbologies #define PTR_BCS_PDF417 201 #define PTR_BCS_MAXICODE 202 // Start of Printer-Specific bar code symbologies #define PTR_BCS_OTHER 501 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "PrintBitmap" Method Constants: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "Width" Parameter // Either bitmap width or: #define PTR_BM_ASIS -11 // One pixel per printer dot // "Alignment" Parameter // Either the distance from the left-most print column to the start // of the bitmap, or one of the following: #define PTR_BM_LEFT -1 #define PTR_BM_CENTER -2 #define PTR_BM_RIGHT -3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "RotatePrint" Method: "Rotation" Parameter Constants // "RotateSpecial" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PTR_RP_NORMAL 0x0001 #define PTR_RP_RIGHT90 0x0101 #define PTR_RP_LEFT90 0x0102 #define PTR_RP_ROTATE180 0x0103 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "SetLogo" Method: "Location" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PTR_L_TOP 1 #define PTR_L_BOTTOM 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "TransactionPrint" Method: "Control" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PTR_TP_TRANSACTION 11 #define PTR_TP_NORMAL 12 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "StatusUpdateEvent" Event: "Data" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PTR_SUE_COVER_OPEN 11 #define PTR_SUE_COVER_OK 12 #define PTR_SUE_JRN_EMPTY 21 #define PTR_SUE_JRN_NEAREMPTY 22 #define PTR_SUE_JRN_PAPEROK 23 #define PTR_SUE_REC_EMPTY 24 #define PTR_SUE_REC_NEAREMPTY 25 #define PTR_SUE_REC_PAPEROK 26 #define PTR_SUE_SLP_EMPTY 27 #define PTR_SUE_SLP_NEAREMPTY 28 #define PTR_SUE_SLP_PAPEROK 29 #define PTR_SUE_IDLE 1001 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ResultCodeExtended" Property Constants for Printer ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define OPOS_EPTR_COVER_OPEN (1 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EPTR_JRN_EMPTY (2 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EPTR_REC_EMPTY (3 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EPTR_SLP_EMPTY (4 + OPOSERREXT) // (Several) #define OPOS_EPTR_SLP_FORM (5 + OPOSERREXT) // EndRemoval #define OPOS_EPTR_TOOBIG (6 + OPOSERREXT) // PrintBitmap #define OPOS_EPTR_BADFORMAT (7 + OPOSERREXT) // PrintBitmap /* ********************************************************************** * * REMOTE ORDER DISPLAY header section * ********************************************************************** */ #define ROD_UID_1 (1 << 0) #define ROD_UID_2 (1 << 1) #define ROD_UID_3 (1 << 2) #define ROD_UID_4 (1 << 3) #define ROD_UID_5 (1 << 4) #define ROD_UID_6 (1 << 5) #define ROD_UID_7 (1 << 6) #define ROD_UID_8 (1 << 7) #define ROD_UID_9 (1 << 8) #define ROD_UID_10 (1 << 9) #define ROD_UID_11 (1 << 10) #define ROD_UID_12 (1 << 11) #define ROD_UID_13 (1 << 12) #define ROD_UID_14 (1 << 13) #define ROD_UID_15 (1 << 14) #define ROD_UID_16 (1 << 15) #define ROD_UID_17 (1 << 16) #define ROD_UID_18 (1 << 17) #define ROD_UID_19 (1 << 18) #define ROD_UID_20 (1 << 19) #define ROD_UID_21 (1 << 20) #define ROD_UID_22 (1 << 21) #define ROD_UID_23 (1 << 22) #define ROD_UID_24 (1 << 23) #define ROD_UID_25 (1 << 24) #define ROD_UID_26 (1 << 25) #define ROD_UID_27 (1 << 26) #define ROD_UID_28 (1 << 27) #define ROD_UID_29 (1 << 28) #define ROD_UID_30 (1 << 29) #define ROD_UID_31 (1 << 30) #define ROD_UID_32 (1 << 31) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Broadcast Methods: "Attribute" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ROD_ATTR_BLINK 0x80 #define ROD_ATTR_BG_BLACK 0x00 #define ROD_ATTR_BG_BLUE 0x10 #define ROD_ATTR_BG_GREEN 0x20 #define ROD_ATTR_BG_CYAN 0x30 #define ROD_ATTR_BG_RED 0x40 #define ROD_ATTR_BG_MAGENTA 0x50 #define ROD_ATTR_BG_BROWN 0x60 #define ROD_ATTR_BG_GRAY 0x70 #define ROD_ATTR_INTENSITY 0x08 #define ROD_ATTR_FG_BLACK 0x00 #define ROD_ATTR_FG_BLUE 0x01 #define ROD_ATTR_FG_GREEN 0x02 #define ROD_ATTR_FG_CYAN 0x03 #define ROD_ATTR_FG_RED 0x04 #define ROD_ATTR_FG_MAGENTA 0x05 #define ROD_ATTR_FG_BROWN 0x06 #define ROD_ATTR_FG_GRAY 0x07 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "DrawBox" Method: "BorderType" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ROD_BDR_SINGLE 1 #define ROD_BDR_DOUBLE 2 #define ROD_BDR_SOLID 3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ControlClock" Method: "Function" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ROD_CLK_START 1 #define ROD_CLK_PAUSE 2 #define ROD_CLK_RESUME 3 #define ROD_CLK_MOVE 4 #define ROD_CLK_STOP 5 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ControlCursor" Method: "Function" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ROD_CRS_LINE 1 #define ROD_CRS_LINE_BLINK 2 #define ROD_CRS_BLOCK 3 #define ROD_CRS_BLOCK_BLINK 4 #define ROD_CRS_OFF 5 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "SelectChararacterSet" Method: "CharacterSet" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ROD_CS_ASCII 998 #define ROD_CS_WINDOWS 999 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "TransactionDisplay" Method: "Function" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ROD_TD_TRANSACTION 11 #define ROD_TD_NORMAL 12 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "UpdateVideoRegionAttribute" Method: "Function" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ROD_UA_SET 1 #define ROD_UA_INTENSITY_ON 2 #define ROD_UA_INTENSITY_OFF 3 #define ROD_UA_REVERSE_ON 4 #define ROD_UA_REVERSE_OFF 5 #define ROD_UA_BLINK_ON 6 #define ROD_UA_BLINK_OFF 7 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "EventTypes" Property and "DataEvent" Event: "Status" Parameter Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ROD_DE_TOUCH_UP 0x01 #define ROD_DE_TOUCH_DOWN 0x02 #define ROD_DE_TOUCH_MOVE 0x04 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ResultCodeExtended" Property Constants for Remote Order Display ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define OPOS_EROD_BADCLK (1 + OPOSERREXT) // ControlClock #define OPOS_EROD_NOCLOCKS (2 + OPOSERREXT) // ControlClock #define OPOS_EROD_NOREGION (3 + OPOSERREXT) // RestoreVideo // Region #define OPOS_EROD_NOBUFFERS (4 + OPOSERREXT) // SaveVideoRegion #define OPOS_EROD_NOROOM (5 + OPOSERREXT) // SaveVideoRegion /* ********************************************************************** * * SCALE DISPLAY header section * ********************************************************************** */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "WeightUnit" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define SCAL_WU_GRAM 1 #define SCAL_WU_KILOGRAM 2 #define SCAL_WU_OUNCE 3 #define SCAL_WU_POUND 4 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ResultCodeExtended" Property Constants for Scale ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define OPOS_ESCAL_OVERWEIGHT (1 + OPOSERREXT) // ReadWeight /* ********************************************************************** * * BAR CODE SCANNER header section * ********************************************************************** */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ScanDataType" Property Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // One dimensional symbologies #define SCAN_SDT_UPCA 101 // Digits #define SCAN_SDT_UPCE 102 // Digits #define SCAN_SDT_JAN8 103 // = EAN 8 #define SCAN_SDT_EAN8 103 // = JAN 8 (added in 1.2) #define SCAN_SDT_JAN13 104 // = EAN 13 #define SCAN_SDT_EAN13 104 // = JAN 13 (added in 1.2) #define SCAN_SDT_TF 105 // (Discrete 2 of 5) Digits #define SCAN_SDT_ITF 106 // (Interleaved 2 of 5) Digits #define SCAN_SDT_Codabar 107 // Digits, -, $, :, /, ., +; // 4 start/stop characters // (a, b, c, d) #define SCAN_SDT_Code39 108 // Alpha, Digits, Space, -, ., // $, /, +, %; start/stop (*) // Also has Full ASCII feature #define SCAN_SDT_Code93 109 // Same characters as Code 39 #define SCAN_SDT_Code128 110 // 128 data characters #define SCAN_SDT_UPCA_S 111 // UPC-A with supplemental // barcode #define SCAN_SDT_UPCE_S 112 // UPC-E with supplemental // barcode #define SCAN_SDT_UPCD1 113 // UPC-D1 #define SCAN_SDT_UPCD2 114 // UPC-D2 #define SCAN_SDT_UPCD3 115 // UPC-D3 #define SCAN_SDT_UPCD4 116 // UPC-D4 #define SCAN_SDT_UPCD5 117 // UPC-D5 #define SCAN_SDT_EAN8_S 118 // EAN 8 with supplemental // barcode #define SCAN_SDT_EAN13_S 119 // EAN 13 with supplemental // barcode #define SCAN_SDT_EAN128 120 // EAN 128 #define SCAN_SDT_OCRA 121 // OCR "A" #define SCAN_SDT_OCRB 122 // OCR "B" // Two dimensional symbologies #define SCAN_SDT_PDF417 201 #define SCAN_SDT_MAXICODE 202 // Special cases #define SCAN_SDT_OTHER 501 // Start of Scanner-Specific bar // code symbologies #define SCAN_SDT_UNKNOWN 0 // Cannot determine the barcode // symbology. /* ********************************************************************** * * SIGNATURE CAPTURE header section * ********************************************************************** */ // (no definitions in this version) /* ********************************************************************** * * TONE INDICATOR header section * ********************************************************************** */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "ResultCodeExtended" Property Constants for Hard Totals ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define OPOS_ETOT_NOROOM (1 + OPOSERREXT) // Create, Write #define OPOS_ETOT_VALIDATION (2 + OPOSERREXT) // Read, Write