#if version >= 3 CLASS MACHINE CATEGORY !!SystemOnly POLICY !!SystemOnlyPolicyFileWinnt KEYNAME "Software\Policies" EXPLAIN !!SystemOnlyPolicyFileWinnt_Help PART !!SystemOnly_TipFW1 TEXT END PART PART !!SystemOnly_TipFW2 TEXT END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CLASS USER CATEGORY !!SystemOnly POLICY !!SystemOnlyPolicyFileWinnt KEYNAME "Software\Policies" EXPLAIN !!SystemOnlyPolicyFileWinnt_Help PART !!SystemOnly_TipFW1 TEXT END PART PART !!SystemOnly_TipFW2 TEXT END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY #endif #if version <= 2 CLASS MACHINE CATEGORY !!Network CATEGORY !!Sharing KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters POLICY !!WorkstationShareAutoCreate VALUENAME "AutoShareWks" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 PART !!ShareWks_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!ShareWks_Tip2 TEXT END PART END POLICY POLICY !!ServerShareAutoCreate VALUENAME "AutoShareServer" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 PART !!ShareServer_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!ShareServer_Tip2 TEXT END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Sharing END CATEGORY ; Network CATEGORY !!Printers KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print POLICY !!PrintManager_Browser_Restrict VALUENAME DisableServerThread PART !!Disable_Server_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!Disable_Server_Tip2 TEXT END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Scheduler_Thread_Priority PART !!Scheduler_Priority DROPDOWNLIST VALUENAME SchedulerThreadPriority ITEMLIST NAME "Above Normal" VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME "Normal" VALUE NUMERIC 0 NAME "Below Normal" VALUE NUMERIC 4294967295 END ITEMLIST END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Beep_Enabled VALUENAME BeepEnabled VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 PART !!Beep_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!Beep_Tip2 TEXT END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!RemoteAccess KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\Parameters POLICY !!MaximumRetries PART !!RAS_Length NUMERIC REQUIRED MIN 1 MAX 10 DEFAULT 2 VALUENAME AuthenticateRetries END PART END POLICY POLICY !!MaximumTime PART !!RAS_Time NUMERIC REQUIRED MIN 20 MAX 600 DEFAULT 120 VALUENAME AuthenticateTime END PART END POLICY POLICY !!CallBackTime PART !!INT_Time NUMERIC REQUIRED MIN 2 MAX 12 DEFAULT 2 VALUENAME CallbackTime END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Auto_Disconnect PART !!Autodisconnect_Time NUMERIC REQUIRED MIN 0 DEFAULT 20 VALUENAME AutoDisconnect END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Shell CATEGORY !!CustomSharedFolders KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" POLICY !!CustomFolders_SharedPrograms PART !!CustomFolders_SharedProgramsPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED EXPANDABLETEXT DEFAULT !!CustomFolders_SharedProgramsDefault VALUENAME "Common Programs" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!CustomFolders_SharedDesktop PART !!CustomFolders_SharedDesktopPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED EXPANDABLETEXT DEFAULT !!CustomFolders_SharedDesktopDefault VALUENAME "Common Desktop" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!CustomFolders_SharedStartMenu PART !!CustomFolders_SharedStartMenuPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED EXPANDABLETEXT DEFAULT !!CustomFolders_SharedStartMenuDefault VALUENAME "Common Start Menu" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!CustomFolders_SharedStartup PART !!CustomFolders_SharedStartupPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED EXPANDABLETEXT DEFAULT !!CustomFolders_SharedStartupDefault VALUENAME "Common Startup" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY ; Shell CATEGORY !!System CATEGORY !!Login_Policies POLICY !!LogonBanner KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" PART !!LogonBanner_Caption EDITTEXT VALUENAME "LegalNoticeCaption" MAXLEN 255 DEFAULT !!LogonBanner_DefCaption END PART PART !!LogonBanner_Text EDITTEXT VALUENAME "LegalNoticeText" MAXLEN 1024 DEFAULT !!LogonBanner_DefText END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Shutdown_Restrict KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" VALUENAME ShutdownWithoutLogon VALUEON "1" VALUEOFF "0" PART !!Shutd_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!Shutd_Tip2 TEXT END PART PART !!Shutd_Tip3 TEXT END PART END POLICY POLICY !!LastUserName_Restrict KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" VALUENAME DontDisplayLastUserName VALUEON "1" VALUEOFF "0" PART !!Dont_Display_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!Dont_Display_Tip2 TEXT END PART PART !!Dont_Display_Tip3 TEXT END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Run_Logon_Script_Sync KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" VALUENAME RunLogonScriptSync VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END POLICY END CATEGORY ; Login Policies CATEGORY !!FileSystem KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem POLICY !!Disable8dot3Names VALUENAME "NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation" END POLICY POLICY !!AllowExtCharsIn8dot3 VALUENAME "NtfsAllowExtendedCharacterIn8dot3Name" PART !!ExtChars_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!ExtChars_Tip2 TEXT END PART END POLICY POLICY !!DisableLastUpdate VALUENAME "NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate" PART !!LastAccess_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!LastAccess_Tip2 TEXT END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY ; File system END CATEGORY ; System CATEGORY !!UserProfiles KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\winlogon" POLICY !!DeleteRoamingCachedProfiles VALUENAME "DeleteRoamingCache" PART !!DeleteCache_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!DeleteCache_Tip2 TEXT END PART END POLICY POLICY !!EnableSlowLinkDetect VALUENAME "SlowLinkDetectEnabled" END POLICY POLICY !!SlowLinkTimeOut PART !!SlowLinkWaitInterval NUMERIC REQUIRED MIN 1 MAX 20000 DEFAULT 2000 VALUENAME SlowLinkTimeOut END PART END POLICY POLICY !!SlowLinkDefault PART !!DefaultOperation DROPDOWNLIST REQUIRED VALUENAME "SlowLinkProfileDefault" ITEMLIST NAME !!PD_DOWNLOAD VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!PD_USELOCAL VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST END PART END POLICY POLICY !!ChooseProfileDefault PART !!DefaultOperation DROPDOWNLIST REQUIRED VALUENAME "ChooseProfileDefault" ITEMLIST NAME !!PD_DOWNLOAD VALUE NUMERIC 1 NAME !!PD_USELOCAL VALUE NUMERIC 0 END ITEMLIST END PART END POLICY POLICY !!ProfileDlgTimeOut PART !!ProfileDlgWaitInterval NUMERIC REQUIRED MIN 0 MAX 600 DEFAULT 30 VALUENAME ProfileDlgTimeOut END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CLASS USER CATEGORY !!Shell CATEGORY !!CustomShell KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" POLICY !!ShellName PART !!ShellNameInst EDITTEXT REQUIRED VALUENAME "Shell" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!CustomFolders KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" POLICY !!CustomFolders_Programs PART !!CustomFolders_ProgramsPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED EXPANDABLETEXT DEFAULT !!CustomFolders_ProgramsDefault VALUENAME "Programs" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!CustomFolders_Desktop PART !!CustomFolders_DesktopPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED EXPANDABLETEXT DEFAULT !!CustomFolders_DesktopDefault VALUENAME "Desktop" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!HideStartMenuSubfolders KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer VALUENAME NoStartMenuSubFolders PART !!HideStartMenuSubfolders_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!HideStartMenuSubfolders_Tip2 TEXT END PART END POLICY POLICY !!CustomFolders_Startup PART !!CustomFolders_StartupPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED EXPANDABLETEXT DEFAULT !!CustomFolders_StartupDefault VALUENAME "Startup" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!CustomFolders_NetHood PART !!CustomFolders_NetHoodPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED EXPANDABLETEXT DEFAULT !!CustomFolders_NetHoodDefault VALUENAME "NetHood" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!CustomFolders_StartMenu PART !!CustomFolders_StartMenuPath EDITTEXT REQUIRED EXPANDABLETEXT DEFAULT !!CustomFolders_StartMenuDefault VALUENAME "Start Menu" END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!Restrictions KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer POLICY !!ApprovedShellExt VALUENAME "EnforceShellExtensionSecurity" END POLICY POLICY !!NoOptions VALUENAME "NoOptions" END POLICY POLICY !!NoGoTo VALUENAME "NoGoTo" END POLICY POLICY !!NoFileMenu VALUENAME "NoFileMenu" END POLICY POLICY !!NoCommonGroups VALUENAME "NoCommonGroups" END POLICY POLICY !!NoTrayContextMenu VALUENAME "NoTrayContextMenu" END POLICY POLICY !!NoViewContextMenu VALUENAME "NoViewContextMenu" END POLICY POLICY !!NoNetConnectDisconnect VALUENAME "NoNetConnectDisconnect" END POLICY POLICY !!DisableLinkTracking VALUENAME "LinkResolveIgnoreLinkInfo" END POLICY POLICY !!NoNtSecurityMenu VALUENAME "NoNTSecurity" END POLICY POLICY !!NoDisconnectMenu VALUENAME "NoDisconnect" END POLICY POLICY !!NoFileAssociate VALUENAME "NoFileAssociate" END POLICY END CATEGORY END CATEGORY ; Shell CATEGORY !!System POLICY !!Parse_Autoexec KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" VALUENAME ParseAutoexec VALUEON "1" VALUEOFF "0" PART !!Parse_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!Parse_Tip2 TEXT END PART END POLICY POLICY !!Run_Logon_Script_Sync KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" VALUENAME RunLogonScriptSync END POLICY POLICY !!DisableLogoff KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer VALUENAME "NoLogoff" END POLICY POLICY !!DisableTaskMgr KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System VALUENAME "DisableTaskMgr" END POLICY POLICY !!DisableLockWorkstation KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System VALUENAME "DisableLockWorkstation" END POLICY POLICY !!DisableChangePassword KEYNAME Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System VALUENAME "DisableChangePassword" END POLICY POLICY !!ShowWelcome KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Tips" VALUENAME "Show" VALUEON NUMERIC 1 VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0 END POLICY END CATEGORY CATEGORY !!UserProfiles POLICY !!LimitSize KEYNAME "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" VALUENAME EnableProfileQuota PART !!SizeMessage EDITTEXT DEFAULT !!DefaultSizeMessage VALUENAME "ProfileQuotaMessage" END PART PART !!ProfileSize NUMERIC REQUIRED SPIN 100 DEFAULT 30000 MAX 30000 MIN 300 VALUENAME "MaxProfileSize" END PART PART !!IncludeRegInProQuota CHECKBOX VALUENAME "IncludeRegInProQuota" END PART PART !!WarnUser CHECKBOX VALUENAME "WarnUser" END PART PART !!WarnUserTimeout NUMERIC REQUIRED SPIN 5 DEFAULT 15 MIN 0 VALUENAME "WarnUserTimeout" END PART END POLICY POLICY !!ExcludeDirectories KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System" PART !!ExcludeMessage EDITTEXT DEFAULT !!DefaultExcludeMessage VALUENAME "ExcludeProfileDirs" END PART PART !!Exclude_Tip1 TEXT END PART PART !!Exclude_Tip2 TEXT END PART END POLICY END CATEGORY #endif [strings] Network="Windows NT Network" Sharing="Sharing" WorkstationShareAutoCreate="Create hidden drive shares (workstation)" ServerShareAutoCreate="Create hidden drive shares (server)" ShareWks_Tip1=Automatically create $ and Admin$ shares ShareWks_Tip2=when Windows NT Workstation starts. ShareServer_Tip1=Automatically create $ and Admin$ shares ShareServer_Tip2=when Windows NT Server starts. System="Windows NT System" Login_Policies="Logon" LogonBanner="Logon banner" LogonBanner_Caption="Caption" LogonBanner_Text="Text" LogonBanner_DefCaption="Important Notice:" LogonBanner_DefText="Do not attempt to log on unless you are an authorized user." Shutdown_Restrict="Enable shutdown from Authentication dialog box" Shutd_Tip1="When this box is checked, you can click Shut Down" Shutd_Tip2="in the Authentication dialog box to select options." Shutd_Tip3="Default: NT Server = Off, NT Workstation = On" LastUserName_Restrict="Do not display last logged on user name" Dont_Display_Tip1="When this box is checked, Windows NT does not" Dont_Display_Tip2="automatically display the user name of the last person" Dont_Display_Tip3="to log on in the Authentication dialog box." Printers="Windows NT Printers" PrintManager_Browser_Restrict="Disable browse thread on this computer" Disable_Server_Tip1="When this box is checked, the print spooler does not" Disable_Server_Tip2="send shared printer information to other print servers." Scheduler_Thread_Priority="Scheduler priority" Scheduler_Priority="Priority" Thread_Priority_Above_Normal="Scheduler priority above normal" Thread_Priority_Below_Normal="Scheduler priority below normal" Thread_Priority_Normal="Scheduler priority normal" Beep_Enabled="Beep for error enabled" Beep_Tip1="A check in this box enables beeping (every 10 seconds) when a remote" Beep_Tip2="job error occurs on a print server." RemoteAccess="Windows NT Remote Access" MaximumRetries="Max number of unsuccessful authentication retries" RAS_Length="Number of retries" MaximumTime="Max time limit for authentication" RAS_Time="Length in seconds" CallBackTime="Wait interval for callback" INT_Time="Length in seconds" Auto_Disconnect="Auto Disconnect" Autodisconnect_Time="Disconnect after (minutes)" UserProfiles="Windows NT User Profiles" DeleteRoamingCachedProfiles="Delete cached copies of roaming profiles" DeleteCache_Tip1="When users with roaming profiles log off," DeleteCache_Tip2="delete the locally cached profile (to save disk space)." EnableSlowLinkDetect="Automatically detect slow network connections" SlowLinkTimeOut="Slow network connection timeout" SlowLinkWaitInterval="Time (milliseconds)" ProfileDlgTimeOut="Timeout for dialog boxes" ProfileDlgWaitInterval="Time (seconds)" Parse_Autoexec="Parse Autoexec.bat" Parse_Tip1="When this box is checked, environment variables declared" Parse_Tip2="in autoexec.bat are included in the users environment." Shell="Windows NT Shell" CustomFolders="Custom folders" CustomFolders_Programs="Custom Programs folder" CustomFolders_ProgramsPath="Path to location of Programs items" CustomFolders_ProgramsDefault="%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs" CustomFolders_Desktop="Custom desktop icons" CustomFolders_DesktopPath="Path to location of desktop icons" CustomFolders_DesktopDefault="%USERPROFILE%\Desktop" HideStartMenuSubfolders="Hide Start menu subfolders" HideStartMenuSubfolders_Tip1="Check this if you use a custom Programs folder" HideStartMenuSubfolders_Tip2="or custom desktop icons." CustomFolders_Startup="Custom Startup folder" CustomFolders_StartupPath="Path to location of Startup items" CustomFolders_StartupDefault="%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" CustomFolders_NetHood="Custom Network Neighborhood" CustomFolders_NetHoodPath="Path to location of Network Neighborhood items" CustomFolders_NetHoodDefault="%USERPROFILE%\NetHood" CustomFolders_StartMenu="Custom Start menu" CustomFolders_StartMenuPath="Path to location of Start menu items" CustomFolders_StartMenuDefault="%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu" CustomSharedFolders="Custom shared folders" CustomFolders_SharedPrograms="Custom shared Programs folder" CustomFolders_SharedProgramsPath="Path to location of shared Programs items" CustomFolders_SharedProgramsDefault="%SystemRoot%\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs" CustomFolders_SharedDesktop="Custom shared desktop icons" CustomFolders_SharedDesktopPath="Path to location of shared desktop icons" CustomFolders_SharedDesktopDefault="%SystemRoot%\Profiles\All Users\Desktop" CustomFolders_SharedStartMenu="Custom shared Start menu" CustomFolders_SharedStartMenuPath="Path to location of shared Start menu items" CustomFolders_SharedStartMenuDefault="%SystemRoot%\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu" CustomFolders_SharedStartup="Custom shared Startup folder" CustomFolders_SharedStartupPath="Path to location of shared Startup items" CustomFolders_SharedStartupDefault="%SystemRoot%\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" Restrictions="Restrictions" ApprovedShellExt="Only use approved shell extensions" NoOptions="Remove View->Options menu from Explorer" NoGoTo="Remove Tools->GoTo menu from Explorer" NoFileMenu="Remove File menu from Explorer" NoCommonGroups="Remove common program groups from Start menu" FileSystem="File system" Disable8dot3Names="Do not create 8.3 file names for long file names" AllowExtCharsIn8dot3="Allow extended characters in 8.3 file names" ExtChars_Tip1="Short file names with extended characters may not be viewable" ExtChars_Tip2="on computers that do not have same character code page." DisableLastUpdate="Do not update last access time" LastAccess_Tip1="For files that are only being read, do not update the last" LastAccess_Tip2="access time. This will increase the file system's performance." Run_Logon_Script_Sync="Run logon scripts synchronously." NoTrayContextMenu="Disable context menus for the taskbar" NoViewContextMenu="Disable Explorer's default context menu" NoNetConnectDisconnect="Remove the "Map Network Drive" and "Disconnect Network Drive" options" DisableLogoff="Disable Logoff" DisableTaskMgr="Disable Task Manager" DisableLockWorkstation="Disable Lock Workstation" DisableChangePassword="Disable Change Password" DisableLinkTracking="Disable link file tracking" ShowWelcome="Show welcome tips at logon" CustomShell="Custom user interface" ShellName="Custom shell" ShellNameInst="Shell name (eg: explorer.exe)" SlowLinkDefault="Slow network default profile operation" ChooseProfileDefault="Choose profile default operation" DefaultOperation="Default option" PD_DOWNLOAD="Download profile" PD_USELOCAL="Use local profile" NoNtSecurityMenu="Remove NT Security item from Start menu" NoDisconnectMenu="Remove Disconnect item from Start menu" NoFileAssociate="Prevent user from changing file type associations" LimitSize="Limit profile size" SizeMessage="Custom Message" DefaultSizeMessage="You have exceeded your profile storage space. Before you can log off, you need to move some items from your profile to network or local storage." ProfileSize="Max Profile size (KB)" IncludeRegInProQuota="Include registry in file list" WarnUser="Notify user when profile storage space is exceeded." WarnUserTimeout="Remind user every X minutes:" ExcludeDirectories="Exclude directories in roaming profile" ExcludeMessage="Prevent the following directories from roaming with the profile:" DefaultExcludeMessage="Temporary Internet Files;Temp" Exclude_Tip1="You can enter multiple directory names, semi-colon separated," Exclude_Tip2="all relative to the root of the user's profile" SystemOnly="Unsupported Administrative Templates" SystemOnlyPolicyFileWinnt="Winnt.adm" SystemOnlyPolicyFileWinnt_Help="The settings in winnt.adm are intended for use with Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 clients. Their use in Group Policy is not supported." SystemOnly_TipFW1="The settings in the winnt.adm file are supported when" SystemOnly_TipFW2="used with the System Policy Editor (poledit.exe) during migration."