//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995. // // File: mapper.c // // Contents: Implements the DS Mapping Layer // // Classes: // // Functions: // // History: 10-15-96 RichardW Created // // Notes: The code here has two forks. One, the direct path, for when // the DLL is running on a DC, and the second, for when we're // running elsewhere and remoting through the generic channel // to the DC. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "sslp.h" #include <crypt.h> #include <lmcons.h> #include <ntsam.h> #include <samrpc.h> #include <samisrv.h> #include <lsarpc.h> #include <lsaisrv.h> #include <dnsapi.h> #include <certmap.h> #include <align.h> #include <ntmsv1_0.h> #include <ntdsapi.h> #include <ntdsapip.h> #include "mapsam.h" #include "wincrypt.h" #include <msaudite.h> LONG WINAPI SslLocalRefMapper( PHMAPPER Mapper); LONG WINAPI SslLocalDerefMapper( PHMAPPER Mapper); DWORD WINAPI SslLocalGetIssuerList( IN PHMAPPER Mapper, IN PVOID Reserved, OUT PBYTE pIssuerList, OUT PDWORD IssuerListLength); DWORD WINAPI SslLocalGetChallenge( IN PHMAPPER Mapper, IN PUCHAR AuthenticatorId, IN DWORD AuthenticatorIdLength, OUT PUCHAR Challenge, OUT DWORD * ChallengeLength); DWORD WINAPI SslLocalMapCredential( IN PHMAPPER Mapper, IN DWORD CredentialType, VOID const *pCredential, VOID const *pAuthority, OUT HLOCATOR * phLocator); DWORD WINAPI SslRemoteMapCredential( IN PHMAPPER Mapper, IN DWORD CredentialType, VOID const *pCredential, VOID const *pAuthority, OUT HLOCATOR * phLocator); DWORD WINAPI SslLocalCloseLocator( IN PHMAPPER Mapper, IN HLOCATOR Locator); DWORD WINAPI SslLocalGetAccessToken( IN PHMAPPER Mapper, IN HLOCATOR Locator, OUT HANDLE *Token); MAPPER_VTABLE SslLocalTable = { SslLocalRefMapper, SslLocalDerefMapper, SslLocalGetIssuerList, SslLocalGetChallenge, SslLocalMapCredential, SslLocalGetAccessToken, SslLocalCloseLocator }; MAPPER_VTABLE SslRemoteTable = {SslLocalRefMapper, SslLocalDerefMapper, SslLocalGetIssuerList, SslLocalGetChallenge, SslRemoteMapCredential, SslLocalGetAccessToken, SslLocalCloseLocator }; MAPPER_VTABLE SslUserModeTable = { SslLocalRefMapper, SslLocalDerefMapper, NULL, NULL, NULL, SslLocalGetAccessToken, SslLocalCloseLocator }; typedef struct _SSL_MAPPER_CONTEXT { HMAPPER Mapper ; LONG Ref ; } SSL_MAPPER_CONTEXT, * PSSL_MAPPER_CONTEXT ; NTSTATUS WINAPI SslBuildCertLogonRequest( PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT pChainContext, DWORD dwMethods, PSSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ *ppRequest, PDWORD pcbRequest); NTSTATUS WINAPI SslMapCertAtDC( PUNICODE_STRING DomainName, VOID const *pCredential, DWORD cbCredential, PMSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_RESPONSE * DcResponse ); PWSTR SslDnsDomainName ; SECURITY_STRING SslNullString = { 0, sizeof( WCHAR ), L"" }; PHMAPPER SslGetMapper( BOOL Ignored ) { PSSL_MAPPER_CONTEXT Context ; NTSTATUS Status ; NT_PRODUCT_TYPE ProductType ; BOOL DC ; if ( RtlGetNtProductType( &ProductType ) ) { DC = (ProductType == NtProductLanManNt ); } else { return NULL ; } Context = (PSSL_MAPPER_CONTEXT) SPExternalAlloc( sizeof( SSL_MAPPER_CONTEXT ) ); if ( Context ) { Context->Mapper.m_dwMapperVersion = MAPPER_INTERFACE_VER ; Context->Mapper.m_dwFlags = SCH_FLAG_SYSTEM_MAPPER ; Context->Mapper.m_Reserved1 = NULL ; Context->Ref = 0; if ( DC ) { Context->Mapper.m_vtable = &SslLocalTable ; } else { Context->Mapper.m_vtable = &SslRemoteTable ; } return &Context->Mapper ; } else { return NULL ; } } LONG WINAPI SslLocalRefMapper( PHMAPPER Mapper ) { PSSL_MAPPER_CONTEXT Context ; Context = (PSSL_MAPPER_CONTEXT) Mapper ; if ( Context == NULL ) { return( -1 ); } DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Ref of Context %x\n", Mapper )); return( InterlockedIncrement( &Context->Ref ) ); } LONG WINAPI SslLocalDerefMapper( PHMAPPER Mapper ) { PSSL_MAPPER_CONTEXT Context ; DWORD RefCount; Context = (PSSL_MAPPER_CONTEXT) Mapper ; if ( Context == NULL ) { return( -1 ); } DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Deref of Context %x\n", Mapper )); RefCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Context->Ref ); if(RefCount == 0) { SPExternalFree(Context); } return RefCount; } DWORD WINAPI SslLocalGetIssuerList( IN PHMAPPER Mapper, IN PVOID Reserved, OUT PBYTE pIssuerList, OUT PDWORD IssuerListLength ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "GetIssuerList, context %x\n", Mapper )); return( GetDefaultIssuers(pIssuerList, IssuerListLength) ); } DWORD WINAPI SslLocalGetChallenge( IN PHMAPPER Mapper, IN PUCHAR AuthenticatorId, IN DWORD AuthenticatorIdLength, OUT PUCHAR Challenge, OUT DWORD * ChallengeLength ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "GetChallenge, context %x\n", Mapper )); return SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION; } SECURITY_STATUS SslCreateTokenFromPac( PUCHAR AuthInfo, ULONG AuthInfoLength, PUNICODE_STRING Domain, PLUID NewLogonId, PHANDLE NewToken ) { NTSTATUS Status ; PVOID TokenInfo ; LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE TokenInfoType ; PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V1 TokenV1 ; PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_NULL TokenNull ; LUID LogonId ; HANDLE TokenHandle ; NTSTATUS SubStatus ; SECURITY_STRING PacUserName ; // // Get the marshalled blob into a more useful form: // PacUserName.Buffer = NULL ; Status = LsaTable->ConvertAuthDataToToken( AuthInfo, AuthInfoLength, SecurityImpersonation, &SslTokenSource, Network, Domain, &TokenHandle, &LogonId, &PacUserName, &SubStatus ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { LsaTable->AuditLogon( STATUS_SUCCESS, STATUS_SUCCESS, &PacUserName, Domain, NULL, NULL, Network, &SslTokenSource, &LogonId ); } else { LsaTable->AuditLogon( Status, Status, &SslNullString, &SslNullString, NULL, NULL, Network, &SslTokenSource, &LogonId ); } if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status ; } *NewToken = TokenHandle ; *NewLogonId = LogonId ; if ( PacUserName.Buffer ) { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( PacUserName.Buffer ); } return Status ; } #define ISSUER_HEADER L"<I>" #define CCH_ISSUER_HEADER 3 #define SUBJECT_HEADER L"<S>" #define CCH_SUBJECT_HEADER 3 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SslGetNameFromCertificate // // Synopsis: Extracts the UPN name from the certificate // // Arguments: [pCert] -- // [ppszName] -- // [pfMachineCert] -- // // History: 8-8-2000 jbanes Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS SslGetNameFromCertificate( PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert, PWSTR * ppszName, BOOL * pfMachineCert) { ULONG ExtensionIndex; PWSTR pszName; DWORD cbName; *pfMachineCert = FALSE; // // See if cert has UPN in AltSubjectName->otherName // pszName = NULL; for(ExtensionIndex = 0; ExtensionIndex < pCert->pCertInfo->cExtension; ExtensionIndex++) { if(strcmp(pCert->pCertInfo->rgExtension[ExtensionIndex].pszObjId, szOID_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME2) == 0) { PCERT_ALT_NAME_INFO AltName = NULL; DWORD AltNameStructSize = 0; ULONG CertAltNameIndex = 0; if(CryptDecodeObjectEx(pCert->dwCertEncodingType, X509_ALTERNATE_NAME, pCert->pCertInfo->rgExtension[ExtensionIndex].Value.pbData, pCert->pCertInfo->rgExtension[ExtensionIndex].Value.cbData, CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, (PVOID)&AltName, &AltNameStructSize)) { for(CertAltNameIndex = 0; CertAltNameIndex < AltName->cAltEntry; CertAltNameIndex++) { PCERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY AltNameEntry = &AltName->rgAltEntry[CertAltNameIndex]; if((CERT_ALT_NAME_OTHER_NAME == AltNameEntry->dwAltNameChoice) && (NULL != AltNameEntry->pOtherName) && (0 == strcmp(szOID_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME, AltNameEntry->pOtherName->pszObjId))) { PCERT_NAME_VALUE PrincipalNameBlob = NULL; DWORD PrincipalNameBlobSize = 0; // We found a UPN! if(CryptDecodeObjectEx(pCert->dwCertEncodingType, X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING, AltNameEntry->pOtherName->Value.pbData, AltNameEntry->pOtherName->Value.cbData, CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, (PVOID)&PrincipalNameBlob, &PrincipalNameBlobSize)) { pszName = LocalAlloc(LPTR, PrincipalNameBlob->Value.cbData + sizeof(WCHAR)); if(pszName != NULL) { CopyMemory(pszName, PrincipalNameBlob->Value.pbData, PrincipalNameBlob->Value.cbData); } LocalFree(PrincipalNameBlob); PrincipalNameBlob = NULL; if(pszName == NULL) { LocalFree(AltName); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } if(pszName) { break; } } } LocalFree(AltName); AltName = NULL; if(pszName) { break; } } } } // // See if cert has DNS in AltSubjectName->pwszDNSName // if(pszName == NULL) { for(ExtensionIndex = 0; ExtensionIndex < pCert->pCertInfo->cExtension; ExtensionIndex++) { if(strcmp(pCert->pCertInfo->rgExtension[ExtensionIndex].pszObjId, szOID_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME2) == 0) { PCERT_ALT_NAME_INFO AltName = NULL; DWORD AltNameStructSize = 0; ULONG CertAltNameIndex = 0; if(CryptDecodeObjectEx(pCert->dwCertEncodingType, X509_ALTERNATE_NAME, pCert->pCertInfo->rgExtension[ExtensionIndex].Value.pbData, pCert->pCertInfo->rgExtension[ExtensionIndex].Value.cbData, CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, (PVOID)&AltName, &AltNameStructSize)) { for(CertAltNameIndex = 0; CertAltNameIndex < AltName->cAltEntry; CertAltNameIndex++) { PCERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY AltNameEntry = &AltName->rgAltEntry[CertAltNameIndex]; if((CERT_ALT_NAME_DNS_NAME == AltNameEntry->dwAltNameChoice) && (NULL != AltNameEntry->pwszDNSName)) { PCERT_NAME_VALUE PrincipalNameBlob = NULL; DWORD PrincipalNameBlobSize = 0; // We found a DNS! cbName = (wcslen(AltNameEntry->pwszDNSName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pszName = LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbName); if(pszName == NULL) { LocalFree(AltName); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } CopyMemory(pszName, AltNameEntry->pwszDNSName, cbName); *pfMachineCert = TRUE; break; } } LocalFree(AltName); AltName = NULL; if(pszName) { break; } } } } } // // There was no UPN in the AltSubjectName, so look for // one in the Subject Name, in case this is a B3 compatability // cert. // if(pszName == NULL) { ULONG Length; Length = CertGetNameString( pCert, CERT_NAME_ATTR_TYPE, 0, szOID_COMMON_NAME, NULL, 0 ); if(Length) { pszName = LocalAlloc(LPTR, Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); if(!pszName) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; } if ( !CertGetNameStringW(pCert, CERT_NAME_ATTR_TYPE, 0, szOID_COMMON_NAME, pszName, Length)) { return GetLastError(); } } } if(pszName) { *ppszName = pszName; } else { return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SslTryUpn // // Synopsis: Tries to find the user by UPN encoded in Cert // // Arguments: [User] -- // [AuthData] -- // [AuthDataLen] -- // // History: 5-11-98 RichardW Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS SslTryUpn( PCCERT_CONTEXT User, PUCHAR * AuthData, PULONG AuthDataLen, PWSTR * ReferencedDomain ) { NTSTATUS Status ; UNICODE_STRING Upn = {0, 0, NULL}; UNICODE_STRING Cracked = {0}; UNICODE_STRING DnsDomain = {0}; UNICODE_STRING FlatName = { 0 }; ULONG SubStatus ; BOOL fMachineCert; PWSTR pszName = NULL; *ReferencedDomain = NULL ; // // Get the client name from the cert // Status = SslGetNameFromCertificate(User, &pszName, &fMachineCert); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } // // now, try and find this guy: // if(fMachineCert) { Status = STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } else { // Search for "username@foo.com". Upn.Buffer = pszName; Upn.Length = wcslen(Upn.Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR); Upn.MaximumLength = Upn.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Looking for UPN name %ws\n", Upn.Buffer )); Status = LsaTable->GetAuthDataForUser( &Upn, SecNameFlat, NULL, AuthData, AuthDataLen, &FlatName ); if ( FlatName.Length ) { LsaTable->AuditAccountLogon( SE_AUDITID_ACCOUNT_MAPPED, (BOOLEAN) NT_SUCCESS( Status ), &SslPackageName, &Upn, &FlatName, Status ); LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( FlatName.Buffer ); } } if ( Status == STATUS_NOT_FOUND ) { // // Do the hacky check of seeing if this is our own domain, and // if so, try opening the user as a flat, SAM name. // if(fMachineCert) { PWSTR pPeriod; WCHAR ch; pPeriod = wcschr( pszName, L'.' ); if(pPeriod) { if ( DnsNameCompare_W( (pPeriod+1), SslDnsDomainName ) ) { ch = *(pPeriod + 1); *pPeriod = L'$'; *(pPeriod + 1) = L'\0'; Upn.Buffer = pszName; Upn.Length = wcslen( Upn.Buffer ) * sizeof( WCHAR ); Upn.MaximumLength = Upn.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Looking for machine name %ws\n", Upn.Buffer )); // Search for "computer$". Status = LsaTable->GetAuthDataForUser( &Upn, SecNameSamCompatible, NULL, AuthData, AuthDataLen, NULL ); *pPeriod = L'.'; *(pPeriod + 1) = ch; } } } else { PWSTR AtSign; AtSign = wcschr( pszName, L'@' ); if ( AtSign ) { if ( DnsNameCompare_W( (AtSign+1), SslDnsDomainName ) ) { *AtSign = L'\0'; Upn.Buffer = pszName; Upn.Length = wcslen( Upn.Buffer ) * sizeof( WCHAR ); Upn.MaximumLength = Upn.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Looking for user name %ws\n", Upn.Buffer )); // Search for "username". Status = LsaTable->GetAuthDataForUser( &Upn, SecNameSamCompatible, NULL, AuthData, AuthDataLen, NULL ); *AtSign = L'@'; } } } if (Status == STATUS_NOT_FOUND ) { Upn.Buffer = pszName; Upn.Length = wcslen(Upn.Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR); Upn.MaximumLength = Upn.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Cracking name %ws at GC\n", Upn.Buffer )); Status = LsaTable->CrackSingleName( DS_USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME, TRUE, &Upn, NULL, DS_NT4_ACCOUNT_NAME, &Cracked, &DnsDomain, &SubStatus ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { if ( SubStatus == 0 ) { *ReferencedDomain = DnsDomain.Buffer ; DnsDomain.Buffer = NULL; } if(Cracked.Buffer != NULL) { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( Cracked.Buffer ); } if(DnsDomain.Buffer != NULL) { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( DnsDomain.Buffer ); } Status = STATUS_NOT_FOUND ; } } } if(pszName) { LocalFree(pszName); } return Status ; } void ConvertNameString(UNICODE_STRING *Name) { PWSTR Comma1, Comma2; // // Scan through the name, converting "\r\n" to ",". This should be // done by the CertNameToStr APIs, but that won't happen for a while. // Comma1 = Comma2 = Name->Buffer ; while ( *Comma2 ) { *Comma1 = *Comma2 ; if ( *Comma2 == L'\r' ) { if ( *(Comma2 + 1) == L'\n' ) { *Comma1 = L','; Comma2++ ; } } Comma1++; Comma2++; } *Comma1 = L'\0'; Name->Length = wcslen( Name->Buffer ) * sizeof( WCHAR ); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SslTryCompoundName // // Synopsis: Tries to find the user by concatenating the issuer and subject // names, and looking for an AlternateSecurityId. // // Arguments: [User] -- // [AuthData] -- // [AuthDataLen] -- // // History: 5-11-98 RichardW Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS SslTryCompoundName( PCCERT_CONTEXT User, PUCHAR * AuthData, PULONG AuthDataLen, PWSTR * ReferencedDomain ) { UNICODE_STRING CompoundName ; ULONG Length ; ULONG IssuerLength ; NTSTATUS Status ; PWSTR Current ; PWSTR Comma1, Comma2 ; UNICODE_STRING Cracked = {0}; UNICODE_STRING DnsDomain = {0}; UNICODE_STRING FlatName = { 0 }; ULONG SubStatus ; const DWORD dwNameToStrFlags = CERT_X500_NAME_STR | CERT_NAME_STR_NO_PLUS_FLAG | CERT_NAME_STR_CRLF_FLAG; *ReferencedDomain = NULL ; IssuerLength = CertNameToStr( User->dwCertEncodingType, &User->pCertInfo->Issuer, dwNameToStrFlags, NULL, 0 ); Length = CertNameToStr( User->dwCertEncodingType, &User->pCertInfo->Subject, dwNameToStrFlags, NULL, 0 ); if ( ( IssuerLength == 0 ) || ( Length == 0 ) ) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; } CompoundName.MaximumLength = (USHORT) (Length + IssuerLength + CCH_ISSUER_HEADER + CCH_SUBJECT_HEADER) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ; CompoundName.Buffer = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, CompoundName.MaximumLength ); if ( CompoundName.Buffer ) { wcscpy( CompoundName.Buffer, ISSUER_HEADER ); Current = CompoundName.Buffer + CCH_ISSUER_HEADER ; IssuerLength = CertNameToStrW( User->dwCertEncodingType, &User->pCertInfo->Issuer, dwNameToStrFlags, Current, IssuerLength ); Current += IssuerLength - 1 ; wcscpy( Current, SUBJECT_HEADER ); Current += CCH_SUBJECT_HEADER ; Length = CertNameToStrW( User->dwCertEncodingType, &User->pCertInfo->Subject, dwNameToStrFlags, Current, Length ); ConvertNameString(&CompoundName); Status = LsaTable->GetAuthDataForUser( &CompoundName, SecNameAlternateId, &SslNamePrefix, AuthData, AuthDataLen, &FlatName ); if ( FlatName.Length ) { LsaTable->AuditAccountLogon( SE_AUDITID_ACCOUNT_MAPPED, (BOOLEAN) NT_SUCCESS( Status ), &SslPackageName, &CompoundName, &FlatName, Status ); LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( FlatName.Buffer ); } if ( Status == STATUS_NOT_FOUND ) { Status = LsaTable->CrackSingleName( DS_ALT_SECURITY_IDENTITIES_NAME, TRUE, &CompoundName, &SslNamePrefix, DS_NT4_ACCOUNT_NAME, &Cracked, &DnsDomain, &SubStatus ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { if ( SubStatus == 0 ) { *ReferencedDomain = DnsDomain.Buffer ; DnsDomain.Buffer = NULL; } if(Cracked.Buffer != NULL) { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( Cracked.Buffer ); } if(DnsDomain.Buffer != NULL) { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( DnsDomain.Buffer ); } Status = STATUS_NOT_FOUND ; } } LocalFree( CompoundName.Buffer ); } else { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; } return Status ; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SslTryIssuer // // Synopsis: Tries to find a user that has an issuer mapped to it. // // Arguments: [User] -- // [AuthData] -- // [AuthDataLen] -- // // History: 5-11-98 RichardW Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS SslTryIssuer( PBYTE pIssuer, DWORD cbIssuer, PUCHAR * AuthData, PULONG AuthDataLen, PWSTR * ReferencedDomain ) { UNICODE_STRING IssuerName ; ULONG IssuerLength ; NTSTATUS Status ; UNICODE_STRING Cracked = { 0 }; UNICODE_STRING DnsDomain = { 0 }; UNICODE_STRING FlatName = { 0 }; ULONG SubStatus ; const DWORD dwNameToStrFlags = CERT_X500_NAME_STR | CERT_NAME_STR_NO_PLUS_FLAG | CERT_NAME_STR_CRLF_FLAG; CERT_NAME_BLOB Issuer; *ReferencedDomain = NULL ; Issuer.pbData = pIssuer; Issuer.cbData = cbIssuer; IssuerLength = CertNameToStr( CRYPT_ASN_ENCODING, &Issuer, dwNameToStrFlags, NULL, 0 ); if ( IssuerLength == 0 ) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; } IssuerName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(CCH_ISSUER_HEADER + IssuerLength) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ; IssuerName.Buffer = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, IssuerName.MaximumLength ); if ( IssuerName.Buffer ) { wcscpy( IssuerName.Buffer, ISSUER_HEADER ); IssuerLength = CertNameToStrW(CRYPT_ASN_ENCODING, &Issuer, dwNameToStrFlags, IssuerName.Buffer + CCH_ISSUER_HEADER, IssuerLength ); ConvertNameString(&IssuerName); Status = LsaTable->GetAuthDataForUser( &IssuerName, SecNameAlternateId, &SslNamePrefix, AuthData, AuthDataLen, &FlatName ); if ( FlatName.Length ) { LsaTable->AuditAccountLogon( SE_AUDITID_ACCOUNT_MAPPED, (BOOLEAN) NT_SUCCESS( Status ), &SslPackageName, &IssuerName, &FlatName, Status ); LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( FlatName.Buffer ); } if ( Status == STATUS_NOT_FOUND ) { Status = LsaTable->CrackSingleName( DS_ALT_SECURITY_IDENTITIES_NAME, TRUE, &IssuerName, &SslNamePrefix, DS_NT4_ACCOUNT_NAME, &Cracked, &DnsDomain, &SubStatus ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { if ( SubStatus == 0 ) { *ReferencedDomain = DnsDomain.Buffer ; DnsDomain.Buffer = NULL; } if(Cracked.Buffer != NULL) { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( Cracked.Buffer ); } if(DnsDomain.Buffer != NULL) { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( DnsDomain.Buffer ); } Status = STATUS_NOT_FOUND ; } } LocalFree(IssuerName.Buffer); } else { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; } return Status ; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SslMapCertToUserPac // // Synopsis: Maps a certificate to a user (hopefully) and the PAC, // // Arguments: [Request] -- // [UserPac] -- // [UserPacLen] -- // // History: 5-11-98 RichardW Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS SslMapCertToUserPac( IN PSSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ Request, OUT PUCHAR * UserPac, OUT PULONG UserPacLen, OUT PWSTR * ReferencedDomain ) { PCCERT_CONTEXT User ; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE; NTSTATUS SubStatus = STATUS_NOT_FOUND; UNICODE_STRING UserName ; HANDLE UserHandle ; ULONG i; *ReferencedDomain = NULL; DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "SslMapCertToUserPac called\n" )); User = CertCreateCertificateContext( X509_ASN_ENCODING, (PBYTE)Request + Request->OffsetCertificate, Request->CertLength ); if ( !User ) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; goto Cleanup ; } // // First, try the UPN // if(Request->Flags & REQ_UPN_MAPPING) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Trying UPN mapping\n" )); Status = SslTryUpn( User, UserPac, UserPacLen, ReferencedDomain ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) || ( *ReferencedDomain ) ) { goto Cleanup; } DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Failed with error 0x%x\n", Status )); } // // Swing and a miss. Try the constructed issuer+subject name // if(Request->Flags & REQ_SUBJECT_MAPPING) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Trying Subject mapping\n" )); Status = SslTryCompoundName( User, UserPac, UserPacLen, ReferencedDomain ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) || ( *ReferencedDomain ) ) { goto Cleanup; } DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Failed with error 0x%x\n", Status )); // Return error code from issuer+subject name mapping // in preference to the error code from many-to-one mapping. SubStatus = Status; } // // Strike two. Try the issuer for a many-to-one mapping: // if(Request->Flags & REQ_ISSUER_MAPPING) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Trying issuer mapping\n" )); if(Request->Flags & REQ_ISSUER_CHAIN_MAPPING) { // Loop through each issuer in the certificate chain. for(i = 0; i < Request->CertCount; i++) { Status = SslTryIssuer( (PBYTE)Request + Request->NameInfo[i].IssuerOffset, Request->NameInfo[i].IssuerLength, UserPac, UserPacLen, ReferencedDomain ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) || ( *ReferencedDomain ) ) { goto Cleanup; } } } else { // Extract the issuer name from the certificate and try // to map it. Status = SslTryIssuer( User->pCertInfo->Issuer.pbData, User->pCertInfo->Issuer.cbData, UserPac, UserPacLen, ReferencedDomain ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) || ( *ReferencedDomain ) ) { goto Cleanup; } } DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Failed with error 0x%x\n", Status )); } // // Certificate mapping failed. Decide what error code to return. // if(Status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION || SubStatus == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION) { Status = SEC_E_MULTIPLE_ACCOUNTS; } else if(Status != STATUS_NO_MEMORY) { Status = STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE ; } Cleanup: if ( User ) { CertFreeCertificateContext( User ); } DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "SslMapCertToUserPac returned 0x%x\n", Status )); return Status ; } DWORD WINAPI MapperVerifyClientChain( PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext, DWORD dwMapperFlags, DWORD * pdwMethods, NTSTATUS * pVerifyStatus, PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT *ppChainContext) // optional { DWORD dwCertFlags = 0; DWORD dwIgnoreErrors = 0; NTSTATUS Status; *pdwMethods = 0; *pVerifyStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Checking to see if cert is verified.\n" )); if(dwMapperFlags & SCH_FLAG_REVCHECK_END_CERT) dwCertFlags |= CERT_CHAIN_REVOCATION_CHECK_END_CERT; if(dwMapperFlags & SCH_FLAG_REVCHECK_CHAIN) dwCertFlags |= CERT_CHAIN_REVOCATION_CHECK_CHAIN; if(dwMapperFlags & SCH_FLAG_REVCHECK_CHAIN_EXCLUDE_ROOT) dwCertFlags |= CERT_CHAIN_REVOCATION_CHECK_CHAIN_EXCLUDE_ROOT; if(dwMapperFlags & SCH_FLAG_IGNORE_NO_REVOCATION_CHECK) dwIgnoreErrors |= CRED_FLAG_IGNORE_NO_REVOCATION_CHECK; if(dwMapperFlags & SCH_FLAG_IGNORE_REVOCATION_OFFLINE) dwIgnoreErrors |= CRED_FLAG_IGNORE_REVOCATION_OFFLINE; // Check to see if the certificate chain is properly signed all the way // up and that we trust the issuer of the root certificate. Status = VerifyClientCertificate(pCertContext, dwCertFlags, dwIgnoreErrors, CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_SSL, ppChainContext); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "Client certificate failed to verify with SSL policy (0x%x)\n", Status)); LogBogusClientCertEvent(pCertContext, Status); return Status; } // Turn on Subject and Issuer mapping. *pdwMethods |= REQ_SUBJECT_MAPPING | REQ_ISSUER_MAPPING; // Check to see if the certificate chain is valid for UPN mapping. Status = VerifyClientCertificate(pCertContext, dwCertFlags, dwIgnoreErrors, CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_NT_AUTH, NULL); if(NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // Turn on UPN mapping. *pdwMethods |= REQ_UPN_MAPPING; } else { DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "Client certificate failed to verify with NT_AUTH policy (0x%x)\n", Status)); LogFastMappingFailureEvent(pCertContext, Status); *pVerifyStatus = Status; } DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Client certificate verified with methods: 0x%x\n", *pdwMethods)); return SEC_E_OK; } DWORD WINAPI SslLocalMapCredential( IN PHMAPPER Mapper, IN DWORD CredentialType, VOID const *pCredential, VOID const *pAuthority, OUT HLOCATOR * phLocator ) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert = (PCERT_CONTEXT)pCredential; PMSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_RESPONSE Response = NULL ; PSSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ pRequest = NULL; PSSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP CertResp ; DWORD cbRequest; PUCHAR Pac = NULL ; ULONG PacLength ; PUCHAR ExpandedPac = NULL ; ULONG ExpandedPacLength ; NTSTATUS Status ; NTSTATUS VerifyStatus ; HANDLE Token ; LUID LogonId ; DWORD dwMethods ; PWSTR ReferencedDomain ; UNICODE_STRING DomainName ; UNICODE_STRING AccountDomain = { 0 }; PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT pChainContext = NULL; DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "SslLocalMapCredential, context %x\n", Mapper )); if ( CredentialType != X509_ASN_CHAIN ) { return( SEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS ); } // // Validate client certificate, and obtain pointer to // entire certificate chain. // Status = MapperVerifyClientChain(pCert, Mapper->m_dwFlags, &dwMethods, &VerifyStatus, &pChainContext); if(FAILED(Status)) { return Status; } // // Build the logon request. // Status = SslBuildCertLogonRequest(pChainContext, dwMethods, &pRequest, &cbRequest); CertFreeCertificateChain(pChainContext); pChainContext = NULL; if(FAILED(Status)) { return Status; } Status = SslMapCertToUserPac( pRequest, &Pac, &PacLength, &ReferencedDomain ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) && ( ReferencedDomain != NULL ) ) { // // Didn't find it at this DC, but another domain appears to // have the mapping. Forward it there: // RtlInitUnicodeString( &DomainName, ReferencedDomain ); Status = SslMapCertAtDC( &DomainName, pRequest, pRequest->Length, &Response ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { CertResp = (PSSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP) Response->ValidationData ; Pac = (((PUCHAR) CertResp) + CertResp->OffsetAuthData); PacLength = CertResp->AuthDataLength ; // // older servers (pre 2010 or so) won't return the full structure, // so we need to examine it carefully. if ( CertResp->Length - CertResp->AuthDataLength <= sizeof( SSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP )) { AccountDomain = SslDomainName ; } else { if ( CertResp->DomainLength < 65536 ) { AccountDomain.Length = (USHORT) CertResp->DomainLength ; AccountDomain.MaximumLength = AccountDomain.Length ; AccountDomain.Buffer = (PWSTR) (((PUCHAR) CertResp) + CertResp->OffsetDomain ); } else { AccountDomain = SslDomainName ; } } } LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( ReferencedDomain ); } else { AccountDomain = SslDomainName ; } if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { Status = LsaTable->ExpandAuthDataForDomain( Pac, PacLength, NULL, &ExpandedPac, &ExpandedPacLength ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { // // Since we're about to replace the PAC // pointer, determine if we got it indirectly // (in the response from a remote server) // or directly from this DC // if ( Response == NULL ) { // // This is a direct one. Free the old // copy // LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( Pac ); } Pac = ExpandedPac ; PacLength = ExpandedPacLength ; if ( Response == NULL ) { // // If we don't have a response, then the pac // will get freed. If it is out of the response // then leave it set, and it will be caught in // the cleanup. // ExpandedPac = NULL ; } } } if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { VerifyStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; Status = SslCreateTokenFromPac( Pac, PacLength, &AccountDomain, &LogonId, &Token ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { *phLocator = (HLOCATOR) Token ; } } if(pRequest) { LocalFree(pRequest); } if ( Response ) { LsaTable->FreeReturnBuffer( Response ); } else { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( Pac ); } if ( ExpandedPac ) { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( ExpandedPac ); } if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DebugLog((DEB_WARN, "Certificate mapping failed (0x%x)\n", Status)); LogCertMappingFailureEvent(Status); if(!NT_SUCCESS(VerifyStatus)) { // Return certificate validation error code, unless the mapper // error has already been mapped to a proper sspi error code. if(HRESULT_FACILITY(Status) != FACILITY_SECURITY) { Status = VerifyStatus; } } } return ( Status ); } NTSTATUS NTAPI SslDoClientRequest( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLen, OUT PVOID * ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus ) { NTSTATUS Status ; PSSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ Request ; PSSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP Response, IndirectResponse ; PUCHAR Pac = NULL ; PUCHAR ExpandedPac = NULL ; ULONG PacLength ; ULONG ExpandedPacLength ; PWSTR ReferencedDomain = NULL; PWSTR FirstDot ; UNICODE_STRING DomainName = { 0 }; PMSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_RESPONSE MsvResponse = NULL ; DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Handling request to do mapping\n" )); if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ProtocolReturnBuffer ) ) { *ProtocolReturnBuffer = NULL ; } // // Attempt to map the certificate locally. // Request = (PSSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ) ProtocolSubmitBuffer ; Status = SslMapCertToUserPac( Request, &Pac, &PacLength, &ReferencedDomain ); DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Local lookup returns %x\n", Status )); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) && ( ReferencedDomain != NULL ) ) { // // Didn't find it at this DC, but another domain appears to // have the mapping. Forward it there: // RtlInitUnicodeString( &DomainName, ReferencedDomain ); DsysAssert( !DnsNameCompare_W( ReferencedDomain, SslDnsDomainName ) ); DsysAssert( !RtlEqualUnicodeString( &DomainName, &SslDomainName, TRUE ) ); if ( DnsNameCompare_W( ReferencedDomain, SslDnsDomainName ) || RtlEqualUnicodeString( &DomainName, &SslDomainName, TRUE ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "GC is out of sync, bailing on this user\n" )); Status = STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE ; } else { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Mapping certificate at DC for domain %ws\n", ReferencedDomain )); Status = SslMapCertAtDC( &DomainName, Request, Request->Length, &MsvResponse ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { IndirectResponse = (PSSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP) MsvResponse->ValidationData ; Pac = (((PUCHAR) IndirectResponse) + IndirectResponse->OffsetAuthData); PacLength = IndirectResponse->AuthDataLength ; FirstDot = wcschr( ReferencedDomain, L'.' ); if ( FirstDot ) { *FirstDot = L'\0'; RtlInitUnicodeString( &DomainName, ReferencedDomain ); } if ( IndirectResponse->Length - IndirectResponse->AuthDataLength <= sizeof( SSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP )) { // // use the first token from the referenced domain // NOTHING ; } else { if ( IndirectResponse->DomainLength < 65536 ) { DomainName.Length = (USHORT) IndirectResponse->DomainLength ; DomainName.MaximumLength = DomainName.Length ; DomainName.Buffer = (PWSTR) (((PUCHAR) IndirectResponse) + IndirectResponse->OffsetDomain ); } else { NOTHING ; } } } } } else { DomainName = SslDomainName ; } if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { // // expand resource groups // Status = LsaTable->ExpandAuthDataForDomain( Pac, PacLength, NULL, &ExpandedPac, &ExpandedPacLength ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { // // Careful manipulation of pointers to handle // the free cases in the cleanup. This is // better explained up one function where // the expand call is also made. // if ( MsvResponse == NULL ) { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( Pac ); } Pac = ExpandedPac ; PacLength = ExpandedPacLength ; if ( MsvResponse == NULL ) { ExpandedPac = NULL ; } } } if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { *ReturnBufferLength = 0; *ProtocolStatus = Status ; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; goto Cleanup ; } // // Construct the response blob: // Response = VirtualAlloc( NULL, sizeof( SSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP ) + PacLength + DomainName.Length, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ); if ( Response ) { Response->MessageType = SSL_LOOKUP_CERT_MESSAGE; Response->Length = sizeof( SSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP ) + PacLength + DomainName.Length ; Response->OffsetAuthData = sizeof( SSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP ); Response->AuthDataLength = PacLength ; RtlCopyMemory( ( Response + 1 ), Pac, PacLength ); Response->OffsetDomain = sizeof( SSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP ) + PacLength ; Response->DomainLength = DomainName.Length ; RtlCopyMemory( (PUCHAR) Response + Response->OffsetDomain, DomainName.Buffer, DomainName.Length ); *ProtocolReturnBuffer = Response ; *ReturnBufferLength = Response->Length ; *ProtocolStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS ; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; } else { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; } Cleanup: if ( MsvResponse == NULL ) { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( Pac ); } else { LsaTable->FreeReturnBuffer( MsvResponse ); } if ( ExpandedPac ) { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( ExpandedPac ); } if ( ReferencedDomain ) { LsaTable->FreeLsaHeap( ReferencedDomain ); } return Status ; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SslBuildCertLogonRequest // // Synopsis: Builds a certificate logon request to send to the server. // // Arguments: [pChainContext] -- // [dwMethods] -- // [ppRequest] -- // [pcbRequest] -- // // History: 2-26-2001 Jbanes Created // // Notes: The certificate data that this function builds // looks something like this: // // typedef struct _SSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ { // ULONG MessageType ; // ULONG Length ; // ULONG OffsetCertficate ; // ULONG CertLength ; // ULONG Flags; // ULONG CertCount; // SSL_CERT_NAME_INFO NameInfo[1]; // } SSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ, * PSSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ ; // // <client certificate> // <issuer #1 name> // <issuer #2 name> // ... // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS WINAPI SslBuildCertLogonRequest( PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT pChainContext, DWORD dwMethods, PSSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ *ppRequest, PDWORD pcbRequest) { PCERT_SIMPLE_CHAIN pSimpleChain; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCurrentCert; PSSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ pCertReq = NULL; DWORD Size; DWORD Offset; DWORD CertCount; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG i; // // Compute the request size. // pSimpleChain = pChainContext->rgpChain[0]; pCert = pSimpleChain->rgpElement[0]->pCertContext; Size = sizeof(SSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ) + pCert->cbCertEncoded; CertCount = 0; for(i = 0; i < pSimpleChain->cElement; i++) { pCurrentCert = pSimpleChain->rgpElement[i]->pCertContext; if(i > 0) { // Verify that this is not a root certificate. if(CertCompareCertificateName(pCurrentCert->dwCertEncodingType, &pCurrentCert->pCertInfo->Issuer, &pCurrentCert->pCertInfo->Subject)) { break; } Size += sizeof(SSL_CERT_NAME_INFO); } Size += pCurrentCert->pCertInfo->Issuer.cbData; CertCount++; } Size = ROUND_UP_COUNT( Size, ALIGN_DWORD ); // // Build the request. // pCertReq = (PSSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ)LocalAlloc(LPTR, Size); if ( !pCertReq ) { return SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ; } Offset = sizeof(SSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ) + (CertCount - 1) * sizeof(SSL_CERT_NAME_INFO); pCertReq->MessageType = SSL_LOOKUP_CERT_MESSAGE; pCertReq->Length = Size; pCertReq->OffsetCertificate = Offset; pCertReq->CertLength = pCert->cbCertEncoded; pCertReq->Flags = dwMethods | REQ_ISSUER_CHAIN_MAPPING; RtlCopyMemory((PBYTE)pCertReq + Offset, pCert->pbCertEncoded, pCert->cbCertEncoded); Offset += pCert->cbCertEncoded; pCertReq->CertCount = CertCount; for(i = 0; i < CertCount; i++) { pCurrentCert = pSimpleChain->rgpElement[i]->pCertContext; pCertReq->NameInfo[i].IssuerOffset = Offset; pCertReq->NameInfo[i].IssuerLength = pCurrentCert->pCertInfo->Issuer.cbData; RtlCopyMemory((PBYTE)pCertReq + Offset, pCurrentCert->pCertInfo->Issuer.pbData, pCurrentCert->pCertInfo->Issuer.cbData); Offset += pCurrentCert->pCertInfo->Issuer.cbData; } Offset = ROUND_UP_COUNT( Offset, ALIGN_DWORD ); #if DBG DsysAssert(Offset == Size); #endif // // Return completed request. // *ppRequest = pCertReq; *pcbRequest = Size; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SslMapCertAtDC // // Synopsis: Maps a certificate to a user (hopefully) and the PAC, // // Arguments: [DomainName] -- // [pCredential] -- // [cbCredential] -- // [DcResponse] -- // // History: 5-11-1998 RichardW Created // 2-26-2001 Jbanes Added certificate chaining support. // // Notes: The request that gets sent to the DC looks something // like this: // // typedef struct _MSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_REQUEST { // MSV1_0_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE MessageType; // UNICODE_STRING DomainName; // UNICODE_STRING PackageName; // ULONG DataLength; // PUCHAR LogonData; // ULONG Pad ; // } MSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_REQUEST, *PMSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_REQUEST; // // <domain name> // <package name> // [ padding ] // // <credential> // [ padding ] // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTSTATUS WINAPI SslMapCertAtDC( PUNICODE_STRING DomainName, VOID const *pCredential, DWORD cbCredential, PMSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_RESPONSE * DcResponse ) { PUCHAR Pac ; ULONG PacLength ; NTSTATUS Status ; PMSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_REQUEST Request ; PMSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_RESPONSE Response ; DWORD Size ; DWORD RequestSize ; DWORD ResponseSize ; PUCHAR Where ; NTSTATUS SubStatus ; #if DBG DWORD CheckSize2 ; #endif DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "Remote call to DC to do the mapping\n" )); // Reality check size of certificate. if(cbCredential > 0x4000) { return SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE; } Size = cbCredential; Size = ROUND_UP_COUNT( Size, ALIGN_DWORD ); RequestSize = DomainName->Length + SslPackageName.Length ; RequestSize = ROUND_UP_COUNT( RequestSize, ALIGN_DWORD ); #if DBG CheckSize2 = RequestSize ; #endif RequestSize += sizeof( MSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_REQUEST ) + Size ; Request = (PMSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_REQUEST) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, RequestSize ); if ( !Request ) { return SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ; } Where = (PUCHAR) (Request + 1); Request->MessageType = MsV1_0GenericPassthrough ; Request->DomainName = *DomainName ; Request->DomainName.Buffer = (LPWSTR) Where ; RtlCopyMemory( Where, DomainName->Buffer, DomainName->Length ); Where += DomainName->Length ; Request->PackageName = SslPackageName ; Request->PackageName.Buffer = (LPWSTR) Where ; RtlCopyMemory( Where, SslPackageName.Buffer, SslPackageName.Length ); Where += SslPackageName.Length ; Where = ROUND_UP_POINTER( Where, ALIGN_DWORD ); #if DBG DsysAssert( (((PUCHAR) Request) + CheckSize2 + sizeof( MSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_REQUEST ) ) == (PUCHAR) Where ); #endif Request->LogonData = Where ; Request->DataLength = Size ; RtlCopyMemory( Request->LogonData, pCredential, cbCredential ); // // Now, call through to our DC: // Status = LsaTable->CallPackage( &SslMsvName, Request, RequestSize, &Response, &ResponseSize, &SubStatus ); LocalFree( Request ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "SslMapCertAtDC returned status 0x%x\n", Status )); return Status ; } if ( !NT_SUCCESS( SubStatus ) ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "SslMapCertAtDC returned sub-status 0x%x\n", SubStatus )); return SubStatus ; } *DcResponse = Response ; DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "SslMapCertAtDC returned 0x%x\n", STATUS_SUCCESS )); return STATUS_SUCCESS ; } NTSTATUS NTAPI SslMapExternalCredential( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLen, OUT PVOID * ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus ) { PSSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_REQ Request; PSSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_RESP Response; NT_PRODUCT_TYPE ProductType; BOOL DC; HMAPPER Mapper; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE hUserToken = NULL; DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "SslMapExternalCredential\n" )); // // Validate the input parameters. // if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ProtocolReturnBuffer ) ) { *ProtocolReturnBuffer = NULL ; } Request = (PSSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_REQ) ProtocolSubmitBuffer ; if(Request->Length != sizeof(SSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_REQ)) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Attempt to map the certificate. // if(RtlGetNtProductType(&ProductType)) { DC = (ProductType == NtProductLanManNt); } else { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; } memset(&Mapper, 0, sizeof(Mapper)); Mapper.m_dwFlags = SCH_FLAG_SYSTEM_MAPPER | Request->Flags; if(DC) { Status = SslLocalMapCredential( &Mapper, Request->CredentialType, Request->Credential, NULL, (PHLOCATOR)&hUserToken); } else { Status = SslRemoteMapCredential(&Mapper, Request->CredentialType, Request->Credential, NULL, (PHLOCATOR)&hUserToken); } if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *ReturnBufferLength = 0; *ProtocolStatus = Status; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } // // Build the response. // Response = VirtualAlloc( NULL, sizeof(SSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_RESP), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if ( Response ) { Response->MessageType = SSL_LOOKUP_EXTERNAL_CERT_MESSAGE; Response->Length = sizeof(SSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_RESP); Response->UserToken = hUserToken; Response->Flags = 0; *ProtocolReturnBuffer = Response; *ReturnBufferLength = Response->Length; *ProtocolStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; hUserToken = NULL; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } cleanup: if(hUserToken) { CloseHandle(hUserToken); } return Status; } DWORD WINAPI SslRemoteMapCredential( IN PHMAPPER Mapper, IN DWORD CredentialType, VOID const *pCredential, VOID const *pAuthority, OUT HLOCATOR * phLocator ) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert = (PCERT_CONTEXT)pCredential; PUCHAR Pac ; ULONG PacLength ; NTSTATUS Status ; NTSTATUS VerifyStatus ; HANDLE Token ; LUID LogonId = { 0 }; PMSV1_0_PASSTHROUGH_RESPONSE Response ; PSSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP CertResp ; UNICODE_STRING AccountDomain ; DWORD dwMethods; PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT pChainContext = NULL; PSSL_CERT_LOGON_REQ pRequest = NULL; DWORD cbRequest; DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "SslRemoteMapCredential, context %x\n", Mapper )); if ( CredentialType != X509_ASN_CHAIN ) { return( SEC_E_UNKNOWN_CREDENTIALS ); } // // Validate client certificate, and obtain pointer to // entire certificate chain. // Status = MapperVerifyClientChain(pCert, Mapper->m_dwFlags, &dwMethods, &VerifyStatus, &pChainContext); if(FAILED(Status)) { return Status; } // // Build the logon request. // Status = SslBuildCertLogonRequest(pChainContext, dwMethods, &pRequest, &cbRequest); CertFreeCertificateChain(pChainContext); pChainContext = NULL; if(FAILED(Status)) { return Status; } // // Send the request to the DC. // Status = SslMapCertAtDC( &SslDomainName, pRequest, cbRequest, &Response ); LocalFree(pRequest); pRequest = NULL; if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { LsaTable->AuditLogon( Status, VerifyStatus, &SslNullString, &SslNullString, NULL, NULL, Network, &SslTokenSource, &LogonId ); LogCertMappingFailureEvent(Status); if(!NT_SUCCESS(VerifyStatus)) { // Return certificate validation error code, unless the mapper // error has already been mapped to a proper sspi error code. if(HRESULT_FACILITY(Status) != FACILITY_SECURITY) { Status = VerifyStatus; } } return Status ; } // // Ok, we got mapping data. Try to use it: // CertResp = (PSSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP) Response->ValidationData ; // // older servers (pre 2010 or so) won't return the full structure, // so we need to examine it carefully. if ( CertResp->Length - CertResp->AuthDataLength <= sizeof( SSL_CERT_LOGON_RESP )) { AccountDomain = SslDomainName ; } else { if ( CertResp->DomainLength < 65536 ) { AccountDomain.Length = (USHORT) CertResp->DomainLength ; AccountDomain.MaximumLength = AccountDomain.Length ; AccountDomain.Buffer = (PWSTR) (((PUCHAR) CertResp) + CertResp->OffsetDomain ); } else { AccountDomain = SslDomainName ; } } Status = SslCreateTokenFromPac( (((PUCHAR) CertResp) + CertResp->OffsetAuthData), CertResp->AuthDataLength, &AccountDomain, &LogonId, &Token ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { *phLocator = (HLOCATOR) Token ; } else { LogCertMappingFailureEvent(Status); } LsaTable->FreeReturnBuffer( Response ); return ( Status ); } DWORD WINAPI SslLocalCloseLocator( IN PHMAPPER Mapper, IN HLOCATOR Locator ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "CloseLocator, context %x\n", Mapper )); NtClose( (HANDLE) Locator ); return( SEC_E_OK ); } DWORD WINAPI SslLocalGetAccessToken( IN PHMAPPER Mapper, IN HLOCATOR Locator, OUT HANDLE *Token ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_MAPPER, "GetAccessToken, context %x\n", Mapper )); *Token = (HANDLE) Locator ; return( SEC_E_OK ); } BOOL SslRelocateToken( IN HLOCATOR Locator, OUT HLOCATOR * NewLocator) { NTSTATUS Status ; Status = LsaTable->DuplicateHandle( (HANDLE) Locator, (PHANDLE) NewLocator ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return( TRUE ); } return( FALSE ); } #if 0 DWORD TestExternalMapper( PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext) { NTSTATUS Status; NTSTATUS AuthPackageStatus; SSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_REQ Request; PSSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_RESP pResponse; ULONG ResponseLength; UNICODE_STRING PackageName; // // Build request. // memset(&Request, 0, sizeof(SSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_REQ)); Request.MessageType = SSL_LOOKUP_EXTERNAL_CERT_MESSAGE; Request.Length = sizeof(SSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_REQ); Request.CredentialType = X509_ASN_CHAIN; Request.Credential = (PVOID)pCertContext; // // Call security package (must make call as local system). // RtlInitUnicodeString(&PackageName, L"Schannel"); Status = LsaICallPackage( &PackageName, &Request, Request.Length, (PVOID *)&pResponse, &ResponseLength, &AuthPackageStatus ); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } if(NT_SUCCESS(AuthPackageStatus)) { // // Mapping was successful. // } LsaIFreeReturnBuffer( pResponse ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } #endif