Required: PB 3.0 Final, AOP for PB 3.0, WCEfA v3.0 OEM5 AAK, (desktop buid 2206.2) 1. Setup PB 1.1. Choose Microsoft Windows CE Platform Builder 3.0. 1.2. Mark SH4, x86. 1.3. Do not change directories (leave C:\WINCE300). 1.4. Mark Use Ethernet. 2. Setup AOP 2.1. All defaults. 3. Setup AAK 3.1. All defaults. Note: You must reinstall AAK if PB was reinstalled. 4. Installation of SAPI5. 4.1. Unzip to c:\WINCE300\PUBLIC\SPEECH\ 4.2. Copy c:\WINCE300\PUBLIC\SPEECH\pb\OEM5(OEM6)\apcmax.bat to c:\WINCE300\PUBLIC\APCMAX\apcmax.bat 4.3. Copy c:\WINCE300\PUBLIC\SPEECH\pb\OEM5(OEM6)\cesysgen.bat to c:\WINCE300\PUBLIC\apcmax\oak\misc\cesysgen.bat Note: You may use ...\public\speech\update_AAK_OEM5.bat or ...\public\speech\update_AAK_OEM5.bat to copy these files.(If _WINCEROOT is not set, "C:\WINCE300" assumed) 5 Run PB. 5.1. Remove apcmax.cec from catalog: Go File->Manage Platform Builder components... -> select "apcmax.cec". -> Click Remove. 5.2. Add new version of apcmax to catalog File->Manage Platform Builder components files: -> Import New -> select "c:\wince300\public\speech\pb\apcmax.cec". 5.3. Create new platform: 5.3.1. CEPC_APC: File -> New -> Platform -> Name -> OK -> CEPC_APC -> Next -> mark "Select from all applicable configurations:" -> select "APCMAX" -> Finish. 5.3.2. HRP: File -> New -> Platform -> Name -> OK -> HRP -> Next -> mark "Select from all applicable configurations:" -> select "APCMAX" -> Finish. 5.4. Go Build -> Build Platform. Important: Use Build -> Clean first if you want to rebuild platform.