/*++ Copyright (c) 1994-2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name : wvdir.cpp Abstract: WWW Directory Properties Page Author: Ronald Meijer (ronaldm) Sergei Antonov (sergeia) Project: Internet Services Manager Revision History: 11/15/2000 sergeia Added the mess of application pools for iis6 03/01/2001 sergeia Split dialog for file system objects. Now this source works for sites and vdirs only --*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "common.h" #include "inetprop.h" #include "InetMgrApp.h" #include "supdlgs.h" #include "shts.h" #include "w3sht.h" #include "wvdir.h" #include "dirbrows.h" #include "iisobj.h" #include #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif // // Directory Properties Page // // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< LPCTSTR CvtPathToDosStyle(CString & strPath) { // // Get a pointer to the string data without increasing the buffer // for (LPTSTR lp = strPath.GetBuffer(1); *lp; ++lp) { if (*lp == _T('/')) { *lp = _T('\\'); } } strPath.ReleaseBuffer(); return strPath; } IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CW3DirectoryPage, CInetPropertyPage) CW3DirectoryPage::CW3DirectoryPage( CInetPropertySheet * pSheet, BOOL fHome, DWORD dwAttributes ) /*++ Routine Description: Constructor for directory property page Arguments: CInetPropertySheet * pSheet : Sheet pointer BOOL fHome : TRUE if this is a home directory DWORD dwAttributes : Attributes of the directory/file/vroot Return Value: N/A --*/ : CInetPropertyPage(CW3DirectoryPage::IDD, pSheet, fHome ? IDS_TAB_HOME_DIRECTORY : IDS_TAB_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY), // // Assign the range of bits in m_dwAccessPermissions that // we manage. This is important, because another page // manages other bits, and we don't want to screw up // the master value bits when our changes collide (it // will mark the original bits as dirty, because we're not // notified when the change is made... // m_dwBitRangePermissions(MD_ACCESS_EXECUTE | MD_ACCESS_SCRIPT | MD_ACCESS_WRITE | MD_ACCESS_SOURCE | MD_ACCESS_READ), m_dwBitRangeDirBrowsing(MD_DIRBROW_ENABLED), m_fHome(fHome), m_fRecordChanges(TRUE), m_strMetaRoot(), m_pApplication(NULL), m_fOriginallyUNC(FALSE), m_fCompatibilityMode(FALSE) { VERIFY(m_strPrompt[RADIO_DIRECTORY].LoadString(IDS_PROMPT_DIR)); VERIFY(m_strPrompt[RADIO_NETDIRECTORY].LoadString(IDS_PROMPT_UNC)); VERIFY(m_strPrompt[RADIO_REDIRECT].LoadString(IDS_PROMPT_REDIRECT)); VERIFY(m_strRemove.LoadString(IDS_BUTTON_REMOVE)); VERIFY(m_strCreate.LoadString(IDS_BUTTON_CREATE)); VERIFY(m_strEnable.LoadString(IDS_BUTTON_ENABLE)); VERIFY(m_strDisable.LoadString(IDS_BUTTON_DISABLE)); VERIFY(m_strWebFmt.LoadString(IDS_APPROOT_FMT)); } CW3DirectoryPage::~CW3DirectoryPage() { SAFE_DELETE(m_pApplication); } void CW3DirectoryPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange * pDX) { CInetPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CW3DirectoryPage) DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_RADIO_DIR, m_nPathType); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_DIR, m_radio_Dir); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_REDIRECT, m_radio_Redirect); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_UNC, m_radio_Unc); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_PATH, m_edit_Path); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_BROWSE, m_button_Browse); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_AUTHOR, m_fAuthor); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_AUTHOR, m_check_Author); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_READ, m_fRead); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_READ, m_check_Read); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_WRITE, m_fWrite); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_WRITE, m_check_Write); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_DIRECTORY_BROWSING_ALLOWED, m_fBrowsingAllowed); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_DIRECTORY_BROWSING_ALLOWED, m_check_DirBrowse); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_LOG_ACCESS, m_fLogAccess); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_INDEX, m_fIndexed); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_INDEX, m_check_Index); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_REDIRECT, m_edit_Redirect); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_CONNECT_AS, m_button_ConnectAs); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_CHILD, m_fChild); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_CHILD, m_check_Child); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_EXACT, m_fExact); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_PERMANENT, m_fPermanent); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_PATH_PROMPT, m_static_PathPrompt); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_PERMISSIONS, m_static_PermissionsPrompt); DDX_CBIndex(pDX, IDC_COMBO_PERMISSIONS, m_nPermissions); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_PERMISSIONS, m_combo_Permissions); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_APP_PROMPT, m_static_AppPrompt); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_APPLICATION, m_strAppFriendlyName); DDV_MinMaxChars(pDX, m_strAppFriendlyName, 0, MAX_PATH); /// ? DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_APPLICATION, m_edit_AppFriendlyName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_STARTING_POINT, m_static_StartingPoint); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_PROTECTION, m_static_ProtectionPrompt); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_UNLOAD_APP, m_button_Unload); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_CREATE_REMOVE_APP, m_button_CreateRemove); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_APP_CONFIGURATION, m_button_Configuration); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_PROCESS, m_combo_Process); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP if (pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) { // // Make sure all field names are correct // if (m_nPathType == RADIO_NETDIRECTORY) { DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_PATH, m_strPath); m_strPath.TrimLeft(); DDV_MinMaxChars(pDX, m_strPath, 0, MAX_PATH); if (!PathIsValid(m_strPath) || !PathIsUNC(m_strPath)) { ::AfxMessageBox(IDS_BAD_UNC_PATH); pDX->PrepareEditCtrl(IDS_BAD_UNC_PATH); pDX->Fail(); } m_strRedirectPath.Empty(); /* ISSUE: Don't need username/password? if (m_strUserName.IsEmpty()) { ::AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_NO_USERNAME); if (!BrowseUser()) { pDX->Fail(); } } */ } else if (m_nPathType == RADIO_REDIRECT) { DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_REDIRECT, m_strRedirectPath); m_strRedirectPath.TrimLeft(); DDV_MinMaxChars(pDX, m_strRedirectPath, 0, 2 * MAX_PATH); if (!IsRelURLPath(m_strRedirectPath) && !IsWildcardedRedirectPath(m_strRedirectPath) && !IsURLName(m_strRedirectPath)) { ::AfxMessageBox(IDS_BAD_URL_PATH); pDX->Fail(); } } else // Local directory { ASSERT(m_nPathType == RADIO_DIRECTORY); m_strRedirectPath.Empty(); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_PATH, m_strPath); m_strPath.TrimLeft(); if (!IsMasterInstance()) { DDV_MinMaxChars(pDX, m_strPath, 1, MAX_PATH); } else { if (m_strPath.IsEmpty()) { // // No additional validation necc. on master // instance. // return; } } if ( !PathIsValid(m_strPath) || (PathIsRelative(m_strPath) && !IsDevicePath(m_strPath)) ) { ::AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_INVALID_PATH); pDX->PrepareEditCtrl(IDC_EDIT_PATH); pDX->Fail(); } if (IsLocal()) { if (!PathIsDirectory(m_strPath)) { ::AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); pDX->PrepareEditCtrl(IDC_EDIT_PATH); pDX->Fail(); } } } } else { DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_REDIRECT, m_strRedirectPath); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_PATH, m_strPath); DDV_MinMaxChars(pDX, m_strPath, 0, MAX_PATH); } } // // Message Map // BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CW3DirectoryPage, CInetPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CW3DirectoryPage) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_AUTHOR, OnCheckAuthor) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_READ, OnCheckRead) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_WRITE, OnCheckWrite) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RADIO_DIR, OnRadioDir) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RADIO_REDIRECT, OnRadioRedirect) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RADIO_UNC, OnRadioUnc) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_BROWSE, OnButtonBrowse) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_CONNECT_AS, OnButtonConnectAs) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_CREATE_REMOVE_APP, OnButtonCreateRemoveApp) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_UNLOAD_APP, OnButtonUnloadApp) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_APP_CONFIGURATION, OnButtonConfiguration) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO_PERMISSIONS, OnSelchangeComboPermissions) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO_PROCESS, OnSelchangeComboProcess) ON_WM_DESTROY() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_PATH, OnItemChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_REDIRECT, OnItemChanged) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_APPLICATION, OnItemChanged) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_DIRECTORY_BROWSING_ALLOWED, OnItemChanged) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_LOG_ACCESS, OnItemChanged) // ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_SCRIPT, OnItemChanged) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_CHILD, OnItemChanged) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_EXACT, OnItemChanged) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_PERMANENT, OnItemChanged) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_INDEX, OnItemChanged) END_MESSAGE_MAP() void CW3DirectoryPage::RefreshAppState() /*++ Routine Description: Refresh app state parameters Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { ASSERT(m_pApplication != NULL); CError err(m_pApplication->RefreshAppState()); if (err.Failed()) { m_dwAppState = APPSTATUS_NOTDEFINED; if (err.Win32Error() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { // // Ignore this error, it really just means the path // doesn't exist in the metabase, which is true for most // file and directory properties, and not an error // condition. // err.Reset(); } } else { m_dwAppState = m_pApplication->QueryAppState(); } if (err.Succeeded()) { // // Get metabase information // m_strAppRoot = m_pApplication->m_strAppRoot; m_dwAppProtection = m_pApplication->m_dwProcessProtection; m_strAppFriendlyName = m_pApplication->m_strFriendlyName; m_fIsAppRoot = m_strMetaRoot.CompareNoCase( CMetabasePath::CleanMetaPath(m_strAppRoot)) == 0; } else { // // Display error information // err.MessageBoxFormat(IDS_ERR_APP, MB_OK, NO_HELP_CONTEXT); } } CString & CW3DirectoryPage::FriendlyAppRoot(LPCTSTR lpAppRoot, CString & strFriendly) /*++ Routine Description: Convert the metabase app root path to a friendly display name format. Arguments: LPCTSTR lpAppRoot : App root CString & strFriendly : Output friendly app root format Return Value: Reference to the output string Notes: App root must have been cleaned from WAM format prior to calling this function (see first ASSERT below) --*/ { if (lpAppRoot != NULL && *lpAppRoot != 0) { // // Make sure we cleaned up WAM format // ASSERT(*lpAppRoot != _T('/')); strFriendly.Empty(); CInstanceProps prop(QueryAuthInfo(), lpAppRoot); HRESULT hr = prop.LoadData(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CString root, tail; strFriendly.Format( m_strWebFmt, prop.GetDisplayText(root) ); CMetabasePath::GetRootPath(lpAppRoot, root, &tail); if (!tail.IsEmpty()) { // // Add rest of dir path // strFriendly += _T("/"); strFriendly += tail; } // // Now change forward slashes in the path to backward slashes // CvtPathToDosStyle(strFriendly); return strFriendly; } } // // Bogus // VERIFY(strFriendly.LoadString(IDS_APPROOT_UNKNOWN)); return strFriendly; } int CW3DirectoryPage::SetComboSelectionFromAppState(DWORD dwAppState) /*++ Routine Description: Set the protection combo box current selection from the app state DWORD Arguments: DWORD dwAppState : Application State Return Value: Combo selection ID --*/ { int nSel = -1; switch(dwAppState) { case CWamInterface::APP_INPROC: nSel = m_nSelInProc; break; case CWamInterface::APP_POOLEDPROC: ASSERT(m_pApplication->SupportsPooledProc()); nSel = m_nSelPooledProc; break; case CWamInterface::APP_OUTOFPROC: nSel = m_nSelOutOfProc; break; default: ASSERT("Bogus app protection level"); } ASSERT(nSel >= 0); m_combo_Process.SetCurSel(nSel); return nSel; } DWORD CW3DirectoryPage::GetAppStateFromComboSelection() const /*++ Routine Description: Get the app state DWORD that coresponds to the current combo box list selection Arguments: None Return Value: App state DWORD or 0xffffffff; --*/ { int nSel = m_combo_Process.GetCurSel(); if (nSel == m_nSelOutOfProc) { return CWamInterface::APP_OUTOFPROC; } if (nSel == m_nSelPooledProc) { ASSERT(m_pApplication->SupportsPooledProc()); return CWamInterface::APP_POOLEDPROC; } if (nSel == m_nSelInProc) { return CWamInterface::APP_INPROC; } ASSERT(FALSE && "Invalid application state"); return 0xffffffff; } void CW3DirectoryPage::SetApplicationState() /*++ Routine Description: Set application control state Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { // // SetWindowText causes a dirty marker // BOOL fOld = m_fRecordChanges; m_fRecordChanges = FALSE; m_fParentEnabled = !m_strAppRoot.IsEmpty(); m_fAppEnabled = FALSE; if (m_pApplication != NULL) { m_pApplication->RefreshAppState(); m_fAppEnabled = m_fIsAppRoot && m_pApplication->IsEnabledApplication(); } BOOL fVisible = ( m_nPathType == RADIO_DIRECTORY || m_nPathType == RADIO_NETDIRECTORY); m_button_CreateRemove.EnableWindow(fVisible && !IsMasterInstance() && HasAdminAccess()); m_button_CreateRemove.SetWindowText(m_fAppEnabled ? m_strRemove : m_strCreate); m_static_ProtectionPrompt.EnableWindow(fVisible && m_fAppEnabled && !IsMasterInstance() && HasAdminAccess()); // // Set selection in combo box to match current app state // if (m_fCompatibilityMode) { SetComboSelectionFromAppState(m_dwAppProtection); } m_combo_Process.EnableWindow(fVisible && m_fAppEnabled && !IsMasterInstance() && HasAdminAccess()); m_static_PermissionsPrompt.EnableWindow(fVisible && HasAdminAccess()); m_combo_Permissions.EnableWindow(fVisible && HasAdminAccess()); m_static_AppPrompt.EnableWindow(fVisible && m_fIsAppRoot && HasAdminAccess()); m_edit_AppFriendlyName.EnableWindow(fVisible && m_fIsAppRoot && HasAdminAccess()); m_button_Configuration.EnableWindow(fVisible && (m_fAppEnabled || IsMasterInstance())); // // Write out the verbose starting point. // CString str; if (IsMasterInstance()) { VERIFY(str.LoadString(IDS_WEB_MASTER)); } else { FriendlyAppRoot(m_strAppRoot, str); } FitPathToControl(m_static_StartingPoint, str); m_edit_AppFriendlyName.SetWindowText(m_strAppFriendlyName); m_button_Unload.EnableWindow(fVisible && m_dwAppState == APPSTATUS_RUNNING); // // Restore (see note on top) // m_fRecordChanges = fOld; } void CW3DirectoryPage::ChangeTypeTo(int nNewType) /*++ Routine Description Change the directory type Arguments: int nNewType : New radio value Return Value: None --*/ { int nOldType = m_nPathType; m_nPathType = nNewType; if (nOldType == m_nPathType) { return; } OnItemChanged(); SetStateByType(); int nID = -1; CEdit * pPath = NULL; LPCTSTR lpKeepPath = NULL; switch(m_nPathType) { case RADIO_DIRECTORY: if (!PathIsUNC(m_strPath) && (!PathIsRelative(m_strPath) || IsDevicePath(m_strPath))) { // // The old path info is acceptable, propose it // as a default // lpKeepPath = m_strPath; } nID = IDS_DIRECTORY_MASK; pPath = &m_edit_Path; break; case RADIO_NETDIRECTORY: if (PathIsUNC(m_strPath)) { // // The old path info is acceptable, propose it // as a default // lpKeepPath = m_strPath; } nID = IDS_UNC_MASK; pPath = &m_edit_Path; break; case RADIO_REDIRECT: if (!m_strRedirectPath.IsEmpty()) { // // The old path info is acceptable, propose it // as a default // lpKeepPath = m_strRedirectPath; } nID = IDS_REDIRECT_MASK; pPath = &m_edit_Redirect; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); return; } // // Load mask resource, and display // this in the directory // if (pPath != NULL) { if (lpKeepPath != NULL) { pPath->SetWindowText(lpKeepPath); } else { CString str; VERIFY(str.LoadString(nID)); pPath->SetWindowText(str); } pPath->SetSel(0,-1); pPath->SetFocus(); } } void CW3DirectoryPage::ShowControl(CWnd * pWnd, BOOL fShow) { ASSERT(pWnd != NULL); pWnd->EnableWindow(fShow); pWnd->ShowWindow(fShow ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); } int CW3DirectoryPage::AddStringToComboBox(CComboBox & combo, UINT nID) { CString str; VERIFY(str.LoadString(nID)); return combo.AddString(str); } void CW3DirectoryPage::SetStateByType() { BOOL fShowDirFlags; BOOL fShowLargeDirGroup; BOOL fShowRedirectFlags; BOOL fShowApp; BOOL fShowIndex; BOOL fShowDirBrowse; BOOL fShowDAV; BOOL fEnableChild; BOOL fEnableBrowse; switch(m_nPathType) { case RADIO_DIRECTORY: ShowControl(&m_button_ConnectAs, FALSE); ShowControl(&m_button_Browse, TRUE); ShowControl(&m_edit_Path, TRUE); ShowControl(&m_edit_Redirect, FALSE); fShowDirFlags = TRUE; fShowLargeDirGroup = TRUE; fShowRedirectFlags = FALSE; fShowApp = TRUE; fShowIndex = TRUE; fShowDirBrowse = TRUE; fShowDAV = TRUE; fEnableChild = FALSE; fEnableBrowse = IsLocal() && !IsMasterInstance() && HasAdminAccess(); break; case RADIO_NETDIRECTORY: ShowControl(&m_button_ConnectAs, TRUE); ShowControl(&m_button_Browse, FALSE); ShowControl(&m_edit_Path, TRUE); ShowControl(&m_edit_Redirect, FALSE); fShowDirFlags = TRUE; fShowLargeDirGroup = TRUE; fShowRedirectFlags = FALSE; fShowApp = TRUE; fShowIndex = TRUE; fShowDirBrowse = TRUE; fShowDAV = TRUE; fEnableChild = FALSE; fEnableBrowse = FALSE; break; case RADIO_REDIRECT: ShowControl(&m_button_ConnectAs, FALSE); ShowControl(&m_button_Browse, FALSE); ShowControl(&m_edit_Path, FALSE); ShowControl(&m_edit_Redirect, TRUE); fShowDirFlags = FALSE; fShowRedirectFlags = TRUE; fShowApp = FALSE; fShowDAV = FALSE; fShowIndex = FALSE; fShowDirBrowse = FALSE; fEnableChild = TRUE; fEnableBrowse = FALSE; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE && "Invalid Selection"); return; } ShowControl(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_READ), fShowDirFlags); ShowControl(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_WRITE), fShowDirFlags); ShowControl(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_LOG_ACCESS), fShowDirFlags); ShowControl(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_DIRECTORY_BROWSING_ALLOWED), fShowDirFlags); ShowControl(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_INDEX), fShowDirFlags); ShowControl(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK_AUTHOR), fShowDirFlags); ShowControl(GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_DIRFLAGS_LARGE), fShowDirFlags && fShowLargeDirGroup); ShowControl(GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_DIRFLAGS_SMALL), fShowDirFlags && !fShowLargeDirGroup); ShowControl(IDC_CHECK_EXACT, fShowRedirectFlags); ShowControl(IDC_CHECK_CHILD, fShowRedirectFlags); ShowControl(IDC_CHECK_PERMANENT, fShowRedirectFlags); ShowControl(IDC_STATIC_REDIRECT_PROMPT, fShowRedirectFlags); ShowControl(IDC_STATIC_REDIRFLAGS, fShowRedirectFlags); ShowControl(IDC_STATIC_APPLICATIONS, fShowApp); ShowControl(IDC_STATIC_APP_PROMPT, fShowApp); ShowControl(IDC_EDIT_APPLICATION, fShowApp); ShowControl(IDC_STATIC_STARTING_POINT, fShowApp); ShowControl(IDC_STATIC_SP_PROMPT, fShowApp); ShowControl(IDC_COMBO_PROCESS, fShowApp); ShowControl(IDC_STATIC_PERMISSIONS, fShowApp); ShowControl(IDC_BUTTON_CREATE_REMOVE_APP, fShowApp); ShowControl(IDC_BUTTON_UNLOAD_APP, fShowApp); ShowControl(IDC_APP_CONFIGURATION, fShowApp); ShowControl(IDC_STATIC_APPLICATION_SETTINGS, fShowApp); ShowControl(IDC_COMBO_PERMISSIONS, fShowApp); ShowControl(IDC_STATIC_PROTECTION, fShowApp); ShowControl(&m_check_Author, fShowDAV); ShowControl(&m_check_DirBrowse, fShowDirBrowse); ShowControl(&m_check_Index, fShowIndex); // // Enable/Disable must come after the showcontrols // m_button_Browse.EnableWindow(fEnableBrowse); m_check_Child.EnableWindow(fEnableChild); m_static_PathPrompt.SetWindowText(m_strPrompt[m_nPathType]); SetApplicationState(); } void CW3DirectoryPage::SaveAuthoringState() /*++ Routine Description: Save authoring state Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { if (m_check_Write.m_hWnd) { // // Controls initialized -- store live data // m_fOriginalWrite = m_check_Write.GetCheck() > 0; m_fOriginalRead = m_check_Read.GetCheck() > 0; } else { // // Controls not yet initialized, store original data // m_fOriginalWrite = m_fWrite; m_fOriginalRead = m_fRead; } } void CW3DirectoryPage::RestoreAuthoringState() /*++ Routine Description: Restore the authoring state Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { m_fWrite = m_fOriginalWrite; m_fRead = m_fOriginalRead; } void CW3DirectoryPage::SetAuthoringState( BOOL fAlterReadAndWrite ) /*++ Routine Description: Set authoring state Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { if (fAlterReadAndWrite) { if (m_fAuthor) { // // Remember previous setting to undo // this thing. // SaveAuthoringState(); m_fRead = m_fWrite = TRUE; } else { // // Restore previous defaults // RestoreAuthoringState(); } m_check_Read.SetCheck(m_fRead); m_check_Write.SetCheck(m_fWrite); } m_check_Author.EnableWindow( (m_fRead || m_fWrite) && HasAdminAccess() && HasDAV() ); // m_check_Read.EnableWindow(!m_fAuthor && HasAdminAccess()); // m_check_Write.EnableWindow(!m_fAuthor && HasAdminAccess()); } void CW3DirectoryPage::SetPathType() /*++ Routine Description: Set path type from given path Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { if (!m_strRedirectPath.IsEmpty()) { m_nPathType = RADIO_REDIRECT; m_radio_Dir.SetCheck(0); m_radio_Unc.SetCheck(0); m_radio_Redirect.SetCheck(1); } else { m_radio_Redirect.SetCheck(0); SetPathType(m_strPath); } m_static_PathPrompt.SetWindowText(m_strPrompt[m_nPathType]); } void CW3DirectoryPage::SetPathType(LPCTSTR lpstrPath) /*++ Routine Description: Set path type from given path Arguments: LPCTSTR lpstrPath : Path string Return Value: None --*/ { if (PathIsUNC(lpstrPath)) { m_nPathType = RADIO_NETDIRECTORY; m_radio_Dir.SetCheck(0); m_radio_Unc.SetCheck(1); } else { m_nPathType = RADIO_DIRECTORY; m_radio_Unc.SetCheck(0); m_radio_Dir.SetCheck(1); } } BOOL CW3DirectoryPage::BrowseUser() /*++ Routine Description: Browse for username/password Arguments: None Return Value: TRUE if one was selected, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { CUserAccountDlg dlg( QueryServerName(), m_strUserName, m_strPassword, this ); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { m_strUserName = dlg.m_strUserName; m_strPassword = dlg.m_strPassword; OnItemChanged(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // // Message Handlers // // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< void CW3DirectoryPage::OnItemChanged() /*++ Routine Description: Handle change in data on the item Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { if (m_fRecordChanges) { SetModified(TRUE); } } static int CALLBACK FileChooserCallback(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lpData) { CW3DirectoryPage * pThis = (CW3DirectoryPage *)lpData; ASSERT(pThis != NULL); return pThis->BrowseForFolderCallback(hwnd, uMsg, lParam); } int CW3DirectoryPage::BrowseForFolderCallback(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case BFFM_INITIALIZED: ASSERT(m_pPathTemp != NULL); if (::PathIsNetworkPath(m_pPathTemp)) return 0; while (!::PathIsDirectory(m_pPathTemp)) { if (0 == ::PathRemoveFileSpec(m_pPathTemp) && !::PathIsRoot(m_pPathTemp)) { return 0; } DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes(m_pPathTemp); if ((attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) == 0) break; } ::SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, TRUE, (LPARAM)m_pPathTemp); break; case BFFM_SELCHANGED: { LPITEMIDLIST pidl = (LPITEMIDLIST)lParam; TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; if (SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, path)) { ::SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, !PathIsNetworkPath(path)); } } break; case BFFM_VALIDATEFAILED: break; } return 0; } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnButtonBrowse() /*++ Routine Description: "Browse" button handler Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { ASSERT(IsLocal()); BOOL bRes = FALSE; HRESULT hr; CString str; m_edit_Path.GetWindowText(str); if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CoInitialize(NULL))) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_DRIVES, NULL, 0, &pidl))) { LPITEMIDLIST pidList = NULL; BROWSEINFO bi; TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory(&bi, sizeof(bi)); int drive = PathGetDriveNumber(str); if (GetDriveType(PathBuildRoot(buf, drive)) == DRIVE_FIXED) { StrCpy(buf, str); } else { buf[0] = 0; } m_strBrowseTitle.LoadString(IsHome() ? IDS_TAB_HOME_DIRECTORY : IDS_TAB_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY); bi.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; bi.pidlRoot = pidl; bi.pszDisplayName = m_pPathTemp = buf; bi.lpszTitle = m_strBrowseTitle; bi.ulFlags |= BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE | BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS/* | BIF_EDITBOX*/; bi.lpfn = FileChooserCallback; bi.lParam = (LPARAM)this; pidList = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi); if ( pidList != NULL && SHGetPathFromIDList(pidList, buf) ) { str = buf; bRes = TRUE; } IMalloc * pMalloc; VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&pMalloc))); if (pidl != NULL) pMalloc->Free(pidl); pMalloc->Release(); } CoUninitialize(); } if (bRes) { m_edit_Path.SetWindowText(str); m_strPath = str; SetPathType(); OnItemChanged(); } } BOOL CW3DirectoryPage::OnSetActive() /*++ Routine Description: Page has become active. Dismiss if we're in an inconsistent state Arguments: None Return Value: TRUE to proceed, FALSE to dismiss. --*/ { if (m_pApplication == NULL) { return FALSE; } return CInetPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); } BOOL CW3DirectoryPage::OnInitDialog() { CInetPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); m_fCompatibilityMode = ((CW3Sheet *)GetSheet())->InCompatibilityMode(); CString str; VERIFY(str.LoadString(IDS_RADIO_VDIR)); m_radio_Dir.SetWindowText(str); // // Fill permissions combo box. // AddStringToComboBox(m_combo_Permissions, IDS_PERMISSIONS_NONE); AddStringToComboBox(m_combo_Permissions, IDS_PERMISSIONS_SCRIPT); AddStringToComboBox(m_combo_Permissions, IDS_PERMISSIONS_EXECUTE); m_combo_Permissions.SetCurSel(m_nPermissions); if (m_fCompatibilityMode) { m_nSelInProc = AddStringToComboBox(m_combo_Process, IDS_COMBO_INPROC); if (m_pApplication->SupportsPooledProc()) { m_nSelPooledProc = AddStringToComboBox(m_combo_Process, IDS_COMBO_POOLEDPROC); } else { m_nSelPooledProc = -1; // N/A } m_nSelOutOfProc = AddStringToComboBox(m_combo_Process, IDS_COMBO_OUTPROC); } else { CString buf; buf.LoadString(IDS_APPLICATION_POOL); m_static_ProtectionPrompt.SetWindowText(buf); CMapStringToString pools; CError err = ((CW3Sheet *)GetSheet())->EnumAppPools(pools); int idx_sel = CB_ERR; int idx_def = CB_ERR; err = ((CW3Sheet *)GetSheet())->QueryDefaultPoolId(buf); if (err.Succeeded()) { ASSERT(pools.GetCount() > 0); POSITION pos = pools.GetStartPosition(); CString pool_id, pool_name; while (pos != NULL) { pools.GetNextAssoc(pos, pool_name, pool_id); int idx = m_combo_Process.AddString(pool_name); m_combo_Process.SetItemDataPtr(idx, StrDup(pool_id)); if (0 == m_pApplication->m_strAppPoolId.CompareNoCase(pool_id)) { idx_sel = idx; } if (0 == buf.CompareNoCase(pool_id)) { idx_def = idx; } } } // select the app pool which has an id the same as in current application // It could be new app created in compatibility mode, no app pool is default app pool if (CB_ERR == idx_sel) { idx_sel = idx_def; } m_combo_Process.SetCurSel(idx_sel); } // // Selection will be set later... // SetPathType(); SetStateByType(); SetAuthoringState(FALSE); TRACEEOLID(m_strMetaRoot); // // Some items not available on master instance, or if no admin // access exists // BOOL fOkToDIR = TRUE; BOOL fOkToUNC = TRUE; if (!HasAdminAccess()) { // // If not an admin, operator cannot change // the path, he can only cancel a redirect // by going back to the path it had before. // fOkToDIR = !PathIsRelative(m_strPath) || IsDevicePath(m_strPath); fOkToUNC = PathIsUNC(m_strPath); } GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_PATH_TYPE)->EnableWindow(!IsMasterInstance()); GetDlgItem(IDC_RADIO_DIR)->EnableWindow(!IsMasterInstance() && fOkToDIR); GetDlgItem(IDC_RADIO_UNC)->EnableWindow(!IsMasterInstance() && fOkToUNC); GetDlgItem(IDC_RADIO_REDIRECT)->EnableWindow(!IsMasterInstance()); GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_PATH_PROMPT)->EnableWindow(!IsMasterInstance()); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_PATH)->EnableWindow(!IsMasterInstance() && HasAdminAccess()); // GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_EDIT_PATH_TYPE)->EnableWindow(!IsMasterInstance()); //SetApplicationState(); m_fOriginallyUNC = (m_nPathType == RADIO_NETDIRECTORY); // // All changes from here on out need to be reflected. // m_fRecordChanges = TRUE; return TRUE; } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnDestroy() { int count = m_combo_Process.GetCount(); if (count != CB_ERR) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { void * p = m_combo_Process.GetItemDataPtr(i); LocalFree(p); m_combo_Process.SetItemDataPtr(i, NULL); } } } /* virtual */ HRESULT CW3DirectoryPage::FetchLoadedValues() /*++ Routine Description: Move configuration data from sheet to dialog controls Arguments: None Return Value: HRESULT --*/ { CError err; m_strMetaRoot = QueryMetaPath(); BEGIN_META_DIR_READ(CW3Sheet) // // Use m_ notation because the message crackers require it // BOOL m_fDontLog; FETCH_DIR_DATA_FROM_SHEET(m_strAlias); FETCH_DIR_DATA_FROM_SHEET(m_strUserName); FETCH_DIR_DATA_FROM_SHEET(m_strPassword); FETCH_DIR_DATA_FROM_SHEET(m_strPath); FETCH_DIR_DATA_FROM_SHEET(m_strRedirectPath); FETCH_DIR_DATA_FROM_SHEET(m_dwAccessPerms); FETCH_DIR_DATA_FROM_SHEET(m_dwDirBrowsing); FETCH_DIR_DATA_FROM_SHEET(m_fDontLog); FETCH_DIR_DATA_FROM_SHEET(m_fIndexed); FETCH_DIR_DATA_FROM_SHEET(m_fExact); FETCH_DIR_DATA_FROM_SHEET(m_fChild); FETCH_DIR_DATA_FROM_SHEET(m_fPermanent); m_fBrowsingAllowed = IS_FLAG_SET(m_dwDirBrowsing, MD_DIRBROW_ENABLED); m_fRead = IS_FLAG_SET(m_dwAccessPerms, MD_ACCESS_READ); m_fWrite = IS_FLAG_SET(m_dwAccessPerms, MD_ACCESS_WRITE); m_fAuthor = IS_FLAG_SET(m_dwAccessPerms, MD_ACCESS_SOURCE); m_fLogAccess = !m_fDontLog; SaveAuthoringState(); if (!m_fIsAppRoot) { m_dwAppState = APPSTATUS_NOTDEFINED; } END_META_DIR_READ(err) m_nPermissions = IS_FLAG_SET(m_dwAccessPerms, MD_ACCESS_EXECUTE) ? COMBO_EXECUTE : IS_FLAG_SET(m_dwAccessPerms, MD_ACCESS_SCRIPT) ? COMBO_SCRIPT : COMBO_NONE; // // Make sure we were passed the right home directory // flag // ASSERT(IsMasterInstance() || (m_fHome && !::lstrcmp(m_strAlias, g_cszRoot)) || (!m_fHome && ::lstrcmp(m_strAlias, g_cszRoot)) ); TRACEEOLID(QueryMetaPath()); BeginWaitCursor(); m_pApplication = new CIISApplication(QueryAuthInfo(), QueryMetaPath()); err = m_pApplication != NULL ? m_pApplication->QueryResult() : ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; if (err.Win32Error() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { // // No app information; that's ok in cases of file system directories // that don't exist in the metabase yet. // err.Reset(); } EndWaitCursor(); if (err.Succeeded()) { // // CODEWORK: RefreshAppState should be split up into two // different methods: one that fetches the data, and one // that moves the data to the UI controls on this page. // RefreshAppState(); } return err; } /* virtual */ HRESULT CW3DirectoryPage::SaveInfo() /*++ Routine Description: Save the information on this property page Arguments: None Return Value: Error return code --*/ { ASSERT(IsDirty()); TRACEEOLID("Saving W3 virtual directory page now..."); CError err; SET_FLAG_IF(m_fBrowsingAllowed, m_dwDirBrowsing, MD_DIRBROW_ENABLED); SET_FLAG_IF(m_fRead, m_dwAccessPerms, MD_ACCESS_READ); SET_FLAG_IF(m_fWrite, m_dwAccessPerms, MD_ACCESS_WRITE); SET_FLAG_IF(m_fAuthor, m_dwAccessPerms, MD_ACCESS_SOURCE); SET_FLAG_IF((m_nPermissions == COMBO_EXECUTE), m_dwAccessPerms, MD_ACCESS_EXECUTE); // // script is set on EXECUTE as well "Execute (including script)" // SET_FLAG_IF(((m_nPermissions == COMBO_SCRIPT) || (m_nPermissions == COMBO_EXECUTE)), m_dwAccessPerms, MD_ACCESS_SCRIPT); BOOL m_fDontLog = !m_fLogAccess; BOOL fUNC = (m_nPathType == RADIO_NETDIRECTORY); if (m_fCompatibilityMode) { DWORD dwAppProtection = GetAppStateFromComboSelection(); if (dwAppProtection != m_dwAppProtection && m_fAppEnabled) { // // Isolation state has changed; recreate the application // CError err2(m_pApplication->RefreshAppState()); if (err2.Succeeded()) { err2 = m_pApplication->Create(m_strAppFriendlyName, dwAppProtection); // // Remember the new state, so we don't do this again // the next time the guy hits "apply" // if (err2.Succeeded()) { m_dwAppProtection = dwAppProtection; } } err2.MessageBoxOnFailure(); } } BOOL fUserNameWritten = FALSE; BeginWaitCursor(); BEGIN_META_DIR_WRITE(CW3Sheet) INIT_DIR_DATA_MASK(m_dwAccessPerms, m_dwBitRangePermissions) INIT_DIR_DATA_MASK(m_dwDirBrowsing, m_dwBitRangeDirBrowsing) if (fUNC) { STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(m_strUserName); STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(m_strPassword); } else { if (m_fOriginallyUNC) { FLAG_DIR_DATA_FOR_DELETION(MD_VR_USERNAME) FLAG_DIR_DATA_FOR_DELETION(MD_VR_PASSWORD) } } STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(m_strPath) STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(m_fDontLog) STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(m_fIndexed) STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(m_fChild); STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(m_fExact); STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(m_fPermanent); // // CODEWORK: Not an elegant solution // if (m_nPathType == RADIO_REDIRECT) { pSheet->GetDirectoryProperties().MarkRedirAsInherit(!m_fChild); STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(m_strRedirectPath) } else { CString buf = m_strRedirectPath; m_strRedirectPath.Empty(); STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(m_strRedirectPath) m_strRedirectPath = buf; } STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(m_dwAccessPerms) STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(m_dwDirBrowsing) END_META_DIR_WRITE(err) if (err.Succeeded() && m_pApplication->IsEnabledApplication()) { err = m_pApplication->WriteFriendlyName(m_strAppFriendlyName); if (!m_fCompatibilityMode) { // get app pool id from the combo, // check if it was changed and reassign to application CString id; int idx = m_combo_Process.GetCurSel(); ASSERT(idx != CB_ERR); id = (LPCTSTR)m_combo_Process.GetItemDataPtr(idx); m_pApplication->WritePoolId(id); } } if (err.Succeeded()) { // // Save Defaults // SaveAuthoringState(); err = ((CW3Sheet *)GetSheet())->SetKeyType(); NotifyMMC(); } EndWaitCursor(); return err; } BOOL CW3DirectoryPage::CheckWriteAndExecWarning() { if (m_nPermissions == COMBO_EXECUTE && m_fWrite) { if (::AfxMessageBox(IDS_WRN_WRITE_EXEC, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) != IDYES) { return FALSE; } } OnItemChanged(); return TRUE; } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnCheckRead() { m_fRead = !m_fRead; SetAuthoringState(FALSE); OnItemChanged(); } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnCheckWrite() { m_fWrite = !m_fWrite; if (!CheckWriteAndExecWarning()) { // // Undo // m_fWrite = FALSE; m_check_Write.SetCheck(m_fWrite); } else { SetAuthoringState(FALSE); OnItemChanged(); } } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnCheckAuthor() { m_fAuthor = !m_fAuthor; SetAuthoringState(FALSE); if (!CheckWriteAndExecWarning()) { // // Undo -- set script instead // m_combo_Permissions.SetCurSel(m_nPermissions = COMBO_SCRIPT); } OnItemChanged(); } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnSelchangeComboPermissions() { m_nPermissions = m_combo_Permissions.GetCurSel(); ASSERT(m_nPermissions >= COMBO_NONE && m_nPermissions <= COMBO_EXECUTE); if (!CheckWriteAndExecWarning()) { // // Undo -- set script instead // m_combo_Permissions.SetCurSel(m_nPermissions = COMBO_SCRIPT); } OnItemChanged(); } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnButtonConnectAs() { BrowseUser(); } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnRadioDir() { ChangeTypeTo(RADIO_DIRECTORY); } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnRadioUnc() { ChangeTypeTo(RADIO_NETDIRECTORY); } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnRadioRedirect() { ChangeTypeTo(RADIO_REDIRECT); } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnButtonCreateRemoveApp() { BeginWaitCursor(); CError err(m_pApplication->RefreshAppState()); if (m_fAppEnabled) { // // App currently exists -- delete it // err = m_pApplication->Delete(); } else { // // Create new app in-proc // CString strAppName; if (m_fHome) { // // Use default name for application name // VERIFY(strAppName.LoadString(IDS_DEF_APP)); } else { // // Use name of the virtual directory for the // application name // strAppName = m_strAlias; } // // Attempt to create a pooled-proc by default; failing // that if it's not supported, create it in proc // DWORD dwAppProtState = m_pApplication->SupportsPooledProc() ? CWamInterface::APP_POOLEDPROC : CWamInterface::APP_INPROC; err = m_pApplication->Create(strAppName, dwAppProtState); } if (err.Succeeded()) { RefreshAppState(); NotifyMMC(); } // // Move app data to the controls // UpdateData(FALSE); EndWaitCursor(); err.MessageBoxOnFailure(); SetApplicationState(); } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnButtonUnloadApp() { ASSERT(m_dwAppState == APPSTATUS_RUNNING); BeginWaitCursor(); CError err(m_pApplication->RefreshAppState()); if (err.Succeeded()) { if (m_dwAppProtection == CWamInterface::APP_POOLEDPROC) { // // Warn that everything in its process will get unloaded // if (!NoYesMessageBox(IDS_WRN_UNLOAD_POOP)) { // // Chickened out // return; } } err = m_pApplication->Unload(); } err.MessageBoxOnFailure(); RefreshAppState(); EndWaitCursor(); // // Ensure that an enabled button will have focus. // m_button_CreateRemove.SetFocus(); SetApplicationState(); } #include "..\AppConfig\AppConfig.h" extern CInetmgrApp theApp; void CW3DirectoryPage::OnButtonConfiguration() { IIISAppConfig * pAppConfig = NULL; CLSID clsID; HRESULT hr; if ( SUCCEEDED(hr = CLSIDFromProgID(OLESTR("AppConfig.IISAppConfig"), &clsID)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = ::CoCreateInstance(clsID, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IIISAppConfig), (void **)&pAppConfig))) { CComAuthInfo * pAuth = QueryAuthInfo(); ASSERT(pAuth != NULL); pAppConfig->put_ComputerName(pAuth->QueryServerName()); pAppConfig->put_MetaPath((LPTSTR)QueryMetaPath()); pAppConfig->put_HelpPath((LPTSTR)theApp.m_pszHelpFilePath); pAppConfig->put_UserName(pAuth->QueryUserName()); pAppConfig->put_UserPassword(pAuth->QueryPassword()); DWORD version = MAKELONG( GetSheet()->QueryMajorVersion(), GetSheet()->QueryMinorVersion()); pAppConfig->put_ServiceVersion(version); BOOL mode = ((CW3Sheet *)GetSheet())->InCompatibilityMode(); pAppConfig->put_ServiceCompatMode(mode); pAppConfig->Run(); pAppConfig->Release(); } } void CW3DirectoryPage::OnSelchangeComboProcess() { OnItemChanged(); }