[info] drivername=UL symbolfile=ulctrs.h [languages] 009=English 000=Neutral [text] UL_COUNTER_OBJECT_009_NAME=HTTP Config Groups UL_COUNTER_OBJECT_009_HELP=The HTTP Config Groups object includes counters specific to the http driver (ul.sys). UL_BYTES_SENT_COUNTER_009_NAME=Bytes Sent/sec UL_BYTES_SENT_COUNTER_009_HELP=Bytes Sent/sec is the rate that data bytes are sent by this Config Group. UL_BYTES_RECEIVED_COUNTER_009_NAME=Bytes Received/sec UL_BYTES_RECEIVED_COUNTER_009_HELP=Bytes Received/sec is the rate that data bytes are received by this Config Group. UL_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS_NUMBER_009_NAME=Current Connections UL_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS_NUMBER_009_HELP=Current Connections is the total number of http connections made to this machine. UL_CURRENT_REQUESTS_NUMBER_009_NAME=Current Requests UL_CURRENT_REQUESTS_NUMBER_009_HELP=Current Requests is the total number of requests outstanding with this Config Group. UL_QUEUED_REQUESTS_NUMBER_009_NAME=Queued Requests UL_QUEUED_REQUESTS_NUMBER_009_HELP=Queued Requests is the total number of requests not yet delivered to any App Pools on this machine. UL_ATTACHED_PROCESSES_NUMBER_009_NAME=Attached Processes UL_ATTACHED_PROCESSES_NUMBER_009_HELP=Attached Processes is the total number of processes that are servicing the App Pool hosting this Config Group. UL_COUNTER_OBJECT_000_NAME=HTTP Config Groups UL_COUNTER_OBJECT_000_HELP=The HTTP Config Groups object includes counters specific to the http driver (ul.sys). UL_BYTES_RECEIVED_COUNTER_000_NAME=Bytes Received/sec UL_BYTES_RECEIVED_COUNTER_000_HELP=Bytes Received/sec is the rate that data bytes are received by this Config Group. UL_BYTES_SENT_COUNTER_000_NAME=Bytes Sent/sec UL_BYTES_SENT_COUNTER_000_HELP=Bytes Sent/sec is the rate that data bytes are sent by this Config Group. UL_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS_NUMBER_000_NAME=Current Connections UL_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS_NUMBER_000_HELP=Current Connections is the total number of http connections made to this machine. UL_CURRENT_REQUESTS_NUMBER_000_NAME=Current Requests UL_CURRENT_REQUESTS_NUMBER_000_HELP=Current Requests is the total number of requests outstanding with this Config Group. UL_QUEUED_REQUESTS_NUMBER_000_NAME=Queued Requests UL_QUEUED_REQUESTS_NUMBER_000_HELP=Queued Requests is the total number of requests not yet delivered to any App Pools on this machine. UL_ATTACHED_PROCESSES_NUMBER_000_NAME=Attached Processes UL_ATTACHED_PROCESSES_NUMBER_000_HELP=Attached Processes is the total number of processes that are servicing the App Pool hosting this Config Group.